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Culture Shock

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:05:40
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:16:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Princess Twilight made a deal with the counterparts of her fellow elements and Sunset Shimmer.
  2. They would be students at the School of Friendship for a month.
  3. This was received well, the humans were curious about Equestria and Sunset was looking for an opportunity to take a trip back to her homeward, while the ponies wanted to get to know and teach their counterparts.
  4. To make things even better, Princess Twilight figured out a way for the humans to keep their human bodies while in her world. Sunset also wanted this because she thought it would be interesting.
  5. Principle Celestia gave them the month off from school in advance (how she was able to legally do this is unknown).
  6. Everyone (and everypony) was excited.
  8. Upon arrival the humans and ponies got along very well and they talked for hours about their own worlds.
  9. Soon the subject of school rules came up.
  10. The ponies explained everything that the humans needed to know.
  11. ”And remember.” Said P. Twilight. “You have to follow these rules just like everycreature else. As your teachers, we will enforce them and use disciplinary measures if needed.”
  12. ”Fair enough.” Said Sci Twi.
  13. ”Man, this’ll be weird. I mean, your basically us and all and your now our teachers.” Said Human Dash.
  14. ”Just pretend that were typical school teachers and you’ll be fine.” Said pony Applejack.
  16. And so, the schooling began and it only took a week before all seven humans got into trouble at once. Now they were in Princess Twilight's office facing six stern ponies.
  17. ”Needless to say I am very disappointed at you girls.” Scolded P. Twilight.
  18. The humans, for their part were very ashamed and didn’t dare speak out as Twilight gave them a long lecture. They (especially Sci Twi) were quite surprised by how stern P. Twilight could look and sound.
  19. ”Well, I’m sorry to say that you’re going to have to be punished now.”
  20. The humans were expecting P. Twilight to send them back to their world, or if they were lucky, give them a long detention.
  21. ”I didn’t think we would have to use the paddle on you, but I was sadly mistaken.”
  22. The humans were understandably surprised.
  24. ”Wait, what?!” Shouted Human Pinkie.
  25. ”P-paddle? What do you need with a paddle?” Asked human Rarity.
  26. ”Your paddling, duh!” Replied pony Rainbow Dash
  27. ”As in, a s-s-s-s-spanking?” Quietly asked human Fluttershy.
  28. Pony Applejack rolled her eyes. “Obviously.”
  29. ”Wait, you can’t paddle us! Isn’t that illegal or something?!” Asked Human Dash
  30. ”No Rainbow Dash, it is not.” Said Twilight. “And were far more receptive to corporal punishment here than in your world. Didn’t Sunset tell you that?”
  31. Sunset blushed. “I kind of forgot.”
  32. “But with a paddle?” Human Applejack asked.
  33. ”Of course, its standard protocol for older students here. Only the younger ones get switching’s and only the youngest get hoof spankings.”
  34. ”I never got s-spanked before.” Said a shaking human Fluttershy.
  35. ”Oh don’t worry, it may be bad when you get it, but the pain will fade quickly.” Reassured Pony Fluttershy.
  37. ”Now then, we only have one paddle, so I want the seven of you to wait outside and we’ll call in whoever’s turn is next.”
  38. ”Why not just have em’ take their turns in here?” Asked pony Applejack.
  39. ”Well, you see, humans have a sort of taboo when it comes to showing off certain naked body parts in public and that means that wearing clothes is important for their sense of modesty. I think it would be best to expose their flanks to as few witnesses as possible when we get the clothing out of the way.”
  40. Pony Pinkie giggled. “That’s silly.”
  41. “It’s an important part of their culture, Pinkie and there are historical and biological reasons for it.”
  43. ”Wait, you’re going to undress us?!” Shouted human Rarity.
  44. ”Yes, Rarity it’s only fair. The other students don’t wear clothes, so they get spanked right on their bare hindquorters, just like you will be shortly.”
  45. The humans (minus Sunset) blushed heavily.
  46. ”B-but it’s improper!” Complained human Rarity.
  47. ”Don’t be silly.” Said a cheerful pony Pinkie. “It’s just us, it’s not like any other creature will be seeing this.”
  49. The humans tried to argue their way out of this, but had no success as they were practically shoved out the office. They were now forced to wait for the first victim. It was, of course, a very nerve wracking wait.
  50. The door soon opened and a cute pony head popped out, ready to call the first human to her doom.
  52. ”Fluttershy.” Said P. Twilight. “Please come in.”
  53. ”M-me?”
  54. ”Yes, you. You will be first.”
  55. ”Wait, your starting with Fluttershy?” Asked H. Rainbow Dash.
  56. ”Yes, we are.”
  57. ”Why her?! She needs time to prepare!”
  58. ”We have perfectly good reasons for picking Fluttershy and you'll all get your turns eventually anyway.”
  59. ”But-“
  60. ”Stop arguing Rainbow.” Sunset interrupted. “You’ll make it worse.”
  61. ”That’s right Sunset, now come on in Fluttershy.”
  63. H. Fluttershy stood there, shaking.
  64. ”The sooner you come in the sooner it'l be over.”
  65. H. Fluttershy knew her current principle was right, so for her friend’s sake, she steeled herself and made her way to the door to P. Twilights office.
  66. Very slowly.
  67. P. Twilight facehoofed and ignited her horn.
  68. ”Eep!” H. Fluttershy was lifted up by P. Twilights magic and carried into the office, the same magic closing the door behind them.
  69. ”Surprisingly strong for such cute critters.” Muttered H. Applejack.
  71. ”Why did they have to start with poor Fluttershy?” Asked H. Rarity.
  72. ”I think it’s because out of all of us, she was the most scared.” Replied Sunset.
  73. ”And why would that make it any better?” Asked H. Rainbow Dash.
  74. ”Think about it, if she gets it first it’ll be over for her sooner, and she won’t have to suffer the long wait.”
  75. ”That actually makes sense.” Said Sci Twi. “I mean; I’m feeling pretty nervous about this myself. I’m kind of hoping that I’d be next, but I’m also scared of the possibility.”
  76. H. Rainbow looked to the ground. “Yea, I guess you’re right. Must be a lot worse for Flutters.”
  77. ”It was pretty nice of them to let her go first.” Said H. Pinkie, who wore a sad smile.
  79. ”I cannot believe this is happening.“ Whined H. Rarity.
  80. ”Sorry girls.” Apologized Sunset. “I should have warned you about this.”
  81. ”It’s alright Sunset.” Said H. Applejack. “I’m pretty sure we would all-“
  82. ’CRACK!’ “Ayee!”
  84. They all turned their attention to the door.
  85. ’CRACK!’ “Ah!”
  86. They winced.
  87. ”That sounds painful.” Said Sci Twi.
  88. ”D-did you hear the sound that thing made?!” Asked H. Rarity.
  89. ’CRACK!’ “No!”
  90. ”Yes Rarity, yes we did.” Replied H. Applejack.
  92. The six teenagers could do nothing but listen to the sounds of the paddle and H. Fluttershy’s cries from within the room. Dread building up in each of them as the reality of the situation truly kicked in for them. They kept listening to the paddle in silent fascination, wincing at almost every loud ‘CRACK!’, knowing that they would soon have their turn. They continued to nervously listen to Fluttershy’s pleading, which was increasing in volume and decreasing in coherency. Most of them wondered if they would fare any better and hoped that Fluttershy’s reactions were just exaggerations, but deep down, they knew they weren’t.
  94. Inside.
  95. ’CRACK!’ “Waaah!”
  97. H. Fluttershy wasn’t taking this very well. From the second lick on she had to be held in place.
  98. ’CRACK!’
  100. P. Fluttershy was wielding the paddle. The ponies decided that each of the humans would be spanked by their counterpart. Applejack and Rarity thought it was silly and pointless, but Rainbow and Pinkie insisted on it, so Twilight relented.
  101. And so P. Fluttershy found herself wielding the paddle for the first time. Ironically, her counterpart had never been spanked before, so this was a first time for her as well. The ponies couldn’t help but feel bad for the teenage girl. Her cries were truly heartbreaking, and her visible embarrassment when they bent her over P. Twilights cleared desk and lowered her pants and panties made them feel even worse. It didn’t matter though as properly disciplining misbehaving students was part of their job, and they were determined to do their job properly.
  103. The squirming was easy enough to deal with, despite the size difference. P. Dash sat down on Twilights chair behind the desk and held H. Fluttershy’s hands down while P. Twilight used her magic to hold her legs in place. Perhaps a bit overkill, but they didn’t want to needlessly slow down the paddling.
  104. ’CRACK!’ “Plea- ‘CRACK!’ EEEHS!”
  105. P. Fluttershy was a surprisingly good spanker.
  107. ”Nononono, stop!”
  108. Thankfully for H. Fluttershy, her counterpart had already stopped.
  109. ”It’s over.” Said P. Fluttershy, who kindly rubbed the teenager’s back.
  110. A blushing H. Fluttershy rubbed her reddened butt with her now free hand. “That was h-horrible!”
  111. ”It’s supposed to hurt.” Said Rainbow, who flew closer to her, only to get grabbed into a tight hug from the girl.
  112. ”I’m so sorry.” H. Fluttershy whimpered.
  113. ”Y-yea sure, I forgive you Flutters, just let me go!”
  114. ”Oh!” She let her go, remembering the lecture she was given alongside H. Pinkie about respecting personal spaces. She had a tendency to randomly hug her fellow students (and teachers) as she found them all adorable.
  116. ”Alright Fluttershy.” Said P. Twilight, who was magically pulling her pants and panties up (much to her discomfort). “Time to make room for the next student.”
  117. H. Fluttershy was led out the door. Her sorry state made her fellow humans even more nervous than they already were.
  119. P. Twilight looked at the group. “Fluttershy, please stay at the door until we finish with all of you.” She gestured towards her counterpart. “Um, Twilight, please come inside.” She said, awkwardly (addressing her other worldly counterpart like this was wierd.).
  120. Sci Twi gulped. She wanted to run away or protest, but after seeing H. Fluttershy get dragged into the room and hearing her get it she knew there was no getting out of this, so with a loud gulp, she shakily followed her counterpart into the office.
  122. She winced as the door shut behind her. There was no escape.
  124. ”Bend over, please.” Said P. Twilight.
  125. Sci Twi looked around the room and quickly noticed P. Twilights cleared out desk. ”Y-you mean over the desk?”
  126. ”Obviously.” Said P. Dash.
  127. ”Okay.” She gulped as she slowly walked forward.
  129. ”Sheesh, your worse than Fluttershy was.” Said an annoyed P. Dash.
  130. Sci Twi blushed.
  131. ”Leave her alone Rainbow Dash!” Scolded P. Fluttershy. “She’s just a little scared, that’s all.”
  133. The about to be punished teenager finally reached the desk. “So, I should just bend over?”
  134. ”Yep! And stick your flank right out for Twilight.” Said P. Pinkie.
  135. She blushed again and bent forwards. Her hands gripped the front side of the desk squeezing them between it and her stomach. She then closed her eyes, awaiting the horrible pain that was surely coming. She already wanted to cry.
  137. Sci Twi yelped as her hands were grabbed by the purple aura of her counterpart’s magic. She watched as the appendage was dragged from its place and dragged to the far side of the desk, forcing her to lay down flatly on its wooden surface.
  138. ”Like this.” Said P. Twilight.
  139. ”I’m s-so s-s-s-sorry! I-“
  140. ”It’s alright, just try to stay still and it’ll soon be over.”
  142. ”Okay.” Sci Twi meekly muttered. She shut her eyes once again and fearfully awaited the coming pain, but before that happened, she felt the P. Twilights magical aura around her waist (she could never get used to it). She then felt her pants and even panties slide down all the way to her ankles. She gasped and tried to stand up, only for P. Dash to hold her down.
  143. ”Hold it!”
  144. ”But my-“
  145. ”Your clothing is coming off for this.” Said P. Twilight. “I’ll pull them back up once were finished.”
  146. Sci Twi tried to complain, but P. Rarity spoke first. “We did say you’d be getting paddled on your bare hindquarters, did we not?”
  147. That was true, but it didn’t make Sci Twi feel any better.
  149. While she was busy trying to figure out something to say P. Twilight had already grabbed the paddle (using her hoof) and raised it to strike.
  151. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  153. The girls outside cringed at the loud paddle smacks (and Sci Twi’s subsequent cries). H. Fluttershy, who had just stopped nursing her bottom went right back to caressing it, her own session in the office still very much felt. She felt even more sympathetic for Sci Twi and the rest of her friends then before now that she knew firsthand how horrible that paddle was. To think those adorable little ponies could cause so much pain…
  155. ”Fluttershy, darling.” Said H. Rarity.
  156. ”Yes?”
  157. ”Did they really pull down your pants?”
  158. ”Oh my gosh Rarity!” H. Dash interjected. “She already said yes about a thousand times, stop asking that question!”
  159. ”Well excuse me for caring about my modesty!”
  160. ”Oh come on Rarity, it’s not that bad.” Reassured H. Pinkie, who then put a put a hand on her chin. “Okay, maybe it is, buuut at least we only have to show our butts to six ponies.”
  161. ”That does not make me feel any better!”
  162. ”Oh relax, maybe they’ll let us keep our panties on.” Said H. Dash.
  163. ”Um, actually, they pulled mine down, and I'm sure they pulled Twilight’s down as well.” Whispered a red faced H. Fluttershy.
  164. ”WHAT?!” Shouted most of the girls.
  165. ”Well, they did kind of say that they would.” Said H. Applejack.
  166. ”But why?!” H. Rarity whined.
  167. ”Ponies always spank bare, Rarity.” Said Sunset. “Nothing we can do about it now so we may as well get over it.”
  169. There was silence between the teens, only broken up by the loud ‘CRACK!’s from the paddle and Sci Twi’s further crying. Poor girl was not taking it very well. H. Fluttershy wondered if P. Rainbow or one of the other ponies had to hold her down as well.
  171. Well I refuse to accept it!” Shouted H. Rarity, who didn’t notice that the smacking sounds had stopped. “I will not allow them to undress me in so crudely! I will not b-be spanked like a ten-year-old bratty little girl!” That was the age she had gotten spanked by her mother’s brush for the last time. “I will-“
  173. ”Rarity.” Called an unamused P. Twilight as a sniffling Sci Twi came out. “Your next.”
  174. H. Rarity gulped
  176. ”Rarity, come in please.” Said P. Twilight after H. Rarity didn’t move.
  177. H. Rarity, of course, frantically tried to bargain her way out of this to which P. Twilight just rolled her eyes and magically dragged her in just like she did with H. Fluttershy.
  178. ”For her sake hope, I she cooperates.” Said Sunset.
  179. ”You think she will?” Asked H. Twilight.
  180. After a brief pause they all hust shook their head.
  182. Inside.
  184. ”No, I refuse!”
  185. ”Aw come on, not even our Rarity is this much of a drama queen!” Complained P Dash.
  186. ”She would be refusing this as well if her modesty was on the line!”
  187. P. Rarity tried to reassure her. “Darling I’m completely naked. There’s no shame in it, and this is coming from me.”
  188. ”She’s right.” Said P. Pinkie. “You totally don’t have to worry about us pulling those clothes down and seeing your completely naked and defenceless tushy!”
  189. H. Rarity stepped back towards the door.
  190. ”Not helping Pinkie.” Scolded P. Applejack.
  191. ”Come here Rarity!” Ordered P. Twilight. “The sooner we can get this over with the sooner you and your friends can continue on with your day.”
  192. H. Rarity shook her head and looked down, blushing.
  193. P. Rarity had enough.
  195. ”Oh, for the love of-“ She grabbed the human’s left ear with her magic and started pulling it towards the desk. H. Rarity yelped, protested and tried to resist, but was eventually forced to her doom.
  196. ”If one of you would one of you kindly secure her I would be most grateful.”
  197. No amount of struggling or protesting could stop P. Twilight, P. Applejack and P. Dash from bending her over and forcing her to stay bent over on the wooden desk. She was now completely vulnerable.
  199. ”Hmm.” P. Rarity inspected the clothing, ignoring H. Rarity’s complaining and begging. “I suppose I could do it like this.” She raised her skirt all the way up to her back and held it down with her magic.
  200. H. Rarity squealed and whined, the volume of it increased quite a bit once she pulled her panties down all the way to her ankles. H. Rarity couldn’t believe this. Her entire lower body was completely exposed. This was, to her the worst thing ever.
  202. Unfortunately for her, it got even worse when a sudden surge of pain erupted on her bare derrière. She quickly realized that it must have been the paddle and screamed accordingly.
  203. P. Rarity did not go easy on her and H. Rarity did not go easy on the wailing and struggling. Fortunately, the ponies were able to hold her in place with no issues and so, the paddling went on, much to the recipient’s utter dismay.
  205. Her loud shrieking had the unintentional side effect of making her still un-spanked friends waiting outside even more nervous despite them knowing that she was most likely overreacting as she usually does.
  208. The individual swings from the big wooden holed paddle proved to be a very painful experience for poor H. Rarity. It was certainly harder than her mother’s brush at least, although she was a teenager now so this was perhaps to be expected.
  210. Still, there was one small caveat to this.
  211. It distracted the her from the humiliation of having her nude buttocks visible to her current teachers.
  212. Whether or not this distraction made things any better was debatable.
  213. Judging from H. Rarity’s current demeanor, it may have actually made thing worse.
  215. She could really squeal when the situation called for it.
  216. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  218. H. Rarity, even more so then H. Fluttershy had to be held down for the duration of her paddling, but this was expected by pretty much everypony so they were prepared for this.
  220. P. Rarity soon reached the point where she would have stopped had H. Rarity hadn’t made such a fuss about her punishment, but the human did so she raised the paddle for some juicy extra swats.
  221. ’CRACK!’ One on the left cheek.
  222. ’CRACK!’ One on the right. H. Rarity bawled her eyes out.
  223. ’CRACK!’ On the upper part, covering both cheeks. The mascara on her eyes were flowing down alongside her tears.
  224. ’CRACK!’ Right on both sit spots. H. Rarity let out her loudest wail yet. It wasn’t the hardest lick she has gotten, but the drama queen couldn’t help herself.
  225. ’CRACK!’ Perhaps fittingly, the last hit landed right on the center of her butt, the same place the first hit landed.
  227. It took H. Rarity half a minute to recognize that she wasn’t being spanked anymore. The ponies were happy to let her calm down in peace.
  228. ”Come on Rarity.” Said P. Applejack. “It wasn’t that bad.”
  229. H. Rarity, who had just come to her senses turned around to face her (accidently kicking her panties off from her feet). “Easy for you to say!”
  230. ”She’s right you know. You did kind of overreact.” Chided P Dash.
  231. H. Rarity was about to retort, but P. Twilight cut her off. “Don’t talk back to your teachers, Rarity!”
  232. H. Rarity, perhaps afraid of being bent right over that desk for another round with that horrible paddle relented with a silent “Yes ma-am.” Before realizing that that her skirt was still up, allowing the ponies to see her naked front side. She frantically covered her privates with her hands.
  233. ”Why is it still up?!”
  234. ”Oh! Apologies.” P. Rarity let up the spell she was using to keep her counterparts skirt out of the way. She preferred consistent spells over constant telekinesis to hold things up when working.
  235. ”H-how c-c-could you?!”
  236. ”Don’t worry Rarity, we won’t judge. You don’t have to be embarrassed by us seeing you.” Reassured P. Fluttershy.
  238. H. Rarity avoided eye contact as she quickly grabbed her pantie and pulled it up (whincing when it touched her tush) her face was as red as her bottom.
  240. P. Twilight shook her head. “Alright, let’s get to the next one.”
  241. She led H. Rarity outside to the silently waiting humans and called H. Applejack in, who quietly walked inside with a scared, but resigned expression.
  243. ”Alright, bend over there please.” Said P. Twilight gesturing to her desk.
  244. H. Applejack walked towards the desk without saying a word. She knew from experience that disobeying made it worse and she had a feeling the same was true here.
  245. She reached the desk and started to lean forwards, but stopped.
  247. ”Hey, um, I know this is a silly question, but are you actually gonna spank bare?” She had to ask.
  248. ”Fraid so.” Answered her counterpart.
  249. ”Oh.” She couldn’t help but be embarressed. Granny, being the old fashioned women that she was preferred to switch her bare so she was used to this, but having these ponies do the same made her feel understandably awkward about it.
  250. ”Even your embarrassed by this? What’s with you humans and your clothing?” Asked P. Dash.
  251. ”They just have a different society Rainbow. And as I said before, it’s for good reasons.” Lectured Twilight.
  253. “Granny always said that I shouldn’t be undressing in front anyone who’s not a member of the family.” H. Applejack almost whispered.
  254. ”If she’s anything like my granny I’m sure that she’d understand.” Reassured P. Applejack. “I take she sometimes gives you a good whoopin’?”
  255. ”Y-yea.” H. Applejack blushed.
  256. ”Well then I’m sure you know what to do from here.”
  257. ”Just sit tight and wait for you to finish?”
  258. ”Precisely! Now lay down on that desk, try not to move too much and it’ll be over before you know it.”
  260. H. Applejack did as she was told. She bent over the desk, grabbed the far edge of it and was positioned in a 90-degree angle. Perfect for a paddling. She couldn’t help but flinch as she felt the clothing on the lower half of her body being pulled down, but she didn’t resist as she silently awaited her fate.
  262. ’CRACK!’ “WOAH!”
  263. P. Applejack wasted no time and immediately got to work on H. Applejack’s bottom. The teenager was surprised by just how much that paddle hurt. Certainly a lot more than her old grandmothers switching. Then again, she should have seen this coming considering the feats of strength she’s seen the earth pony pull off.
  265. ’CRACK!’ CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  266. H. Applejack cried out as she was ever so harshly paddled by the cute pony behind her, but unlike the others before her she managed to stay in her intended position with relatively little squirming.
  268. Outside.
  270. ”Hey Sunset!” Asked H. Pinkie.
  271. ”Hm?”
  272. ”Do ponies spank in other schools?”
  273. ”Yea, it’s pretty much completely excepted here.”
  275. ”So did you get spanked in school when you were a kid?” Asked H. Dash, who desperately wanted some kind of distraction from the loud noises of the paddle and from what was about to come.
  276. ”Sometimes.”
  277. ”You mean, they do that to the younger ponies as well?” Asked a horrified H. Flutteshy.
  279. ”Of course. Didn’t humans have school spankings in the past?”
  280. ”Pretty sure those much lighter then this.” Said Sci Twi.
  281. ”Well my filly hood school spankings were also a lot lighter then what I assume this will be. Got away with only a bright pink ass.”
  282. ”Right, ponies don’t wear clothes. Must have been embarrassing.” Remarked H Dash.
  283. ”It was a common occurrence, so not as much as you’d think. Princess Celestia’s were a whole different story though.”
  285. Sunset was surprised at everyone’s shocked expressions. “What? I was her personal student and often slept in the castle. Of course she was going to spank me at some point.”
  286. ”Must have been weird when you were first called to our Celestia’s office.” Said H. Pinkie.
  287. Sunset remembered the day’s where she would often get into trouble in CHS. “Yea, really expected her to paddle me or something the first few times I got sent there.” She sighed. “She probably should have.”
  289. Inside.
  291. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  292. H. Applejack squirmed and cried. She crossed her legs in an attempt to deal with the pain. P. Applejack let her do this since it wasn’t getting in her way. She was almost finished anyway.
  294. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  295. ”YEOOOUCH!”
  296. ’CRACK!’ This one was the hardest yet.
  297. ”AAAH!” H. Applejack was hard pressed not to reach back. These ponies certainly didn’t mess around.
  298. The teenager awaited the next smack with shut, tear filled eyes hoping that it was soon over.
  300. Thankfully for her, it was indeed over as her counterpart let her know.
  301. She rubbed her sour bottom, whimpering.
  302. ”Can I pull them up?” She asked.
  303. Pinkie answered with an “Of course!” and she pulled her pants and bloomers back up to where they belonged. Of course, she winced at the sudden rub of the clothing on her freshly paddled butt just like the ones before her.
  305. ”Let’s get you outside, better not keep Rainbow Dash waiting.” Said P. Twilight.
  306. ”Dash’s next?”
  307. "Yes.”
  309. Applejack gave a quick apology to the ponies in the room before heading out with P. Twilight. Once the door opened H. Dash was called in.
  310. ”I knew it.” Was all H. Dash said before taking a deep breath and following her current principle inside, the door closing behind them.
  312. ”So you’re going to do this?”
  313. ”Yea.”
  314. ”And all of us got and will get spanked by our pony selves?”
  315. ”Totally!”
  316. ”That’s… actually a pretty cool idea.”
  317. ”I know, I came up with it.”
  318. ”Heh, that explains why it’s so cool.”
  319. P. Dash had just told H. Dash who was spanking who upon H. Dash’s request, who just wanted some kind of distraction to have more time to prepare for the inevitable.
  321. ”Alright you two, enough talk. Rainbow Dash!” P. Twilight pointed to H. Dash. “Get over here, please.”
  322. ”Yea, right.” She stood there for a few seconds. “Umm.”
  323. ”Miss Rainbow Dash, step forward.” Commanded Rarity.
  324. ”Y-yea, sure.” She did just that. The ponies rolled their eyes.
  325. P. Dash wanted to speak, but was cut off by P. Pinkie.
  326. ”You know, Applejack was bent over the desk by now.”
  327. ”She was?”
  328. ”Mhm! She took it a lot better then-“
  329. H. Dash was already bent over the desk, seemingly ready for whatever was about to come.
  330. ”I can totally take it better than her!”
  331. ”We’ll see!” Said P. Pinkie in a sing-song voice.
  333. ”First things first, stretch those arms out!” Ordered P. Dash.
  334. ”Like this?”
  335. ”Yea.”
  336. ”Anything else?”
  337. "Just stay still.”
  339. H. Dash did as she was told, only gasping slightly when she felt her pants and undergarments being pulled down.
  340. ”You humans sure like your clothes.” Said P. Applejack.
  341. ”L-l-l-let me have them b-back after this.”
  342. ”We will, relax.” Said P. Dash. Who then immediately gave a quick swing to the now unprotected human butt. It jiggled with the fast, stinging hit.
  344. H. Dash leaned forward in shock.
  345. P. Dash kept on going, not giving her counterpart any time to rest. She would mostly give lighter, but faster and more numerous swings and would occasionally throw in a bigger, harder one. H. Dash could never stop himself from loudly crying out at those, no matter how hard she tried not to.
  346. The teenager was squirming quite heavily and her legs were lightly twisting and kicking. She was clearly having trouble keeping herself from getting in the paddles way.
  347. ”Maybe we should hold her down.” Said P. Fluttershy.
  348. ”Nah, she can handle it.” Said P. Dash, not stopping her onslaught. She knew her counterpart would find having to be held down extra shameful, so she was content to let her squirm.
  350. Outside.
  352. ”I think I’m gonna be next.” Said an uncharacteristically sad and quiet H. Pinkie.
  353. ”Could be me you know.” Said Sunset.
  354. ”No, It’s definitely gonna be me, I can feel it.”
  355. ”Whatever you say.”
  357. H. Pinkie looked at the already paddled girls. Some of them were still caressing their butts. “How bad is it?” She asked.
  358. ”Well…” Started Sci Twi.
  359. ”Iiiits…” Continued H. Fluttershy.
  360. ”Pretty bad.” Finished H. Applejack.
  361. ”Oh.” Was all H. Pinkie said before letting out a sad smile. “I guess it goes without saying.”
  363. Inside.
  365. H. Dash didn’t have much of her composure left. She was crying openly now and was barely holding onto the desk. Despite this, P. Dash showed no mercy and just kept going.
  366. She raised the paddle for the final licks.
  367. The next five or so smacks all landed right in the middle of H. Dash’s bottom, each adding their own set of pain to the next, overlapping into a fiery, stinging volcano of pain.
  368. And it was over.
  370. ”Were done!” Announced P. Dash.
  371. ”Did I do better than the others.” She didn’t particularly care about that at this point, but she was hoping that knowing that this knowledge would make her feel a bit better.
  372. ”Well, human me didn’t move about as much.” Said an amused P. Applejack.
  373. ”Aw.”
  374. ”Hey!” Said P Dash. “She probably does sports a lot more than your human, so she’s just more used to moving about, that’s all.”
  375. ”Yea, what she said!”
  376. ”Pf, as if.”
  377. ”She totally-“
  378. ”Girls!” Shouted P. Twilight upon seeing the two’s rivalry resurface again.
  379. They both apologized and told H. Dash that she did equally well to H. Applejack.
  381. ”Alright, pull up your clothes and let’s get to the next one.” Said P. Twilight.
  382. ”It was then that P. Dash notice that she had turned around with her clothes still of. Whit a blush and a quick scream, she pulled them up and hurried after the princess.
  384. ”Pinkie, you’re up.”
  385. ”Knew it.” Said Pinkie while passing H. Dash on her way to the office.
  387. ”Hia human me!” Greeted P. Pinkie.
  388. ”Hey pony me.” Greeted back a much quieter H. Pinkie.
  389. ”Are you nervous?”
  390. ”U-huh.”
  391. ”Then come here quick and it’ll be done sooner.”
  392. H. Pinkie suddenly looked a lot happier. “Okay!” She bounced to the desk, and unlike all the others, took off her lower wear. She didn’t even keep them on her ankles.
  394. ”Can I keep these here?” She asked gesturing to the desk.
  395. ”S-sure thing, Pinkie, just put them at the edge.” Said P. Twilight, who was surprised by how easily this particular human was willing to take her clothes off.
  396. P. Pinkie bent over the desk, just like how the ponies intended.
  397. ”Ready?” Asked P. Pinkie.
  398. ”Nope!”
  400. P. Pinkie waited for ten awkward seconds.
  401. ”Are you ready now?” She asked before anypony could say anything.
  402. ”Mhm!”
  403. P. Pinkie didn’t wait for another second.
  405. 'CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  406. Three hard smacks from the bottom-center of H. Pinkies butt to the top. She was squealing loudly.
  408. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  409. Two to each cheek mirroring each other. H. Pinkie swung herself left and right, yelping like a kicked dog.
  411. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  412. Two on the sit spots. H. Pinkie let out a wail that lasted between both of them.
  415. These ones seemingly landed at random. P. twilight took it upon herself to hold the human teen’s hands down to keep them from getting in the way.
  417. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  418. Two swats on the same spot. P. Pinkie was doing this really quickly.
  420. What followed after this was a barrage of rapid fire spanks, each landing all over the formerly pink human butt. Some of her fellow ponies were about to tell her to slow down.
  421. ”Done!”
  423. ”Pinkie, wasn’t that a little too fast?” Asked P. Applejack.
  424. ”Yea, you gotta give her the same amount as the others.” Said P. Dash.
  425. ”I did!”
  426. ”Seriously?!”
  427. ”No Rainbow Dash, she really did.” Said P. Twilight. “You didn’t need go that fast, Pinkie.” She stroked the crying humans head.
  428. ”Well, I did say that it would be over sooner.”
  429. ”Thanks for that.” Muttered an uncharacteristically low-voiced H. Pinkie.
  431. P. Twilight shook her head and levitated the now standing girls clothes to her. “Put these back on if you want and let’s get Sunset in here.”
  432. H. Pinkie did as she was told and left the room with P. Twilight.
  434. ”Sunset Shimmer, please come inside.”
  435. ”Finally.” Was all Sunset said as she made her way inside for the final paddling of that day.
  437. Sunset wasted no time bending over the table, she even pulled her lower garments down.
  439. ”Got this before?” Asked P. Twilight.
  440. ”You know how Celestia liked to do it.”
  441. ”Ouch...”
  442. ”...Yea...”
  444. Suddenly a purple flash appeared in the room signaling Starlight’s arrival.
  446. ”Sorry I took so long, had counciling to do.”
  447. ”Don’t worry Starlight, your just in time!” Exclaimed P. Twilight.
  448. ”Umm, why do we need Starlight?” Asked Sunset.
  449. ”For you paddling!” Answered P. Dash
  450. ”Since we had no pony counterpart for you we had to get Starlight!” Said P. Pinkie.
  451. ”Yep! It’s my turn to use this thing!” Starlight grabbed the paddle. “Yay…”
  452. ”Oh joy.” Sunset wasn’t too keen on having an extra witness to this, but she knew complaining would just unnecessarily drag this out, so she just kept quiet.
  453. ”Right then, well I don’t want to do this but I-“
  454. ”Starlight?”
  455. ”Yes?”
  456. ”Just get it over with.”
  457. ”Uh, sure.”
  458. And she did.
  460. Outside.
  462. ”What’s taking them- ‘Crack!’ -…So long…”
  463. ”Poor Sunset sure had to wait a while for this”
  464. ”Well at least it will be over soon.”
  465. ”Why do we even have to wait here anyways?”
  466. ”I’d imagine our teachers want to give us another lecture.”
  467. ”As if we weren’t punished enough.”
  468. The girls could do nothing else but listen in on the loud set of paddle smacks.
  470. Inside.
  472. ”Oof, hnng!”
  473. Sunset was definitely feeling this, and it was not a good feeling. Starlight was surprisingly good at swinging that paddle with her hoof. One had to wonder if she did this before.
  474. Still, the pony turned human was taking this better than the six girls before her.
  475. She was still hoping that Starlight was close to finishing.
  476. In reality, she was only halfway done.
  478. Starlight, continued on with her painful assault.
  479. Sunset probably couldn’t tell, but Starlight felt incredibly awkward doing this, she was paddling someone whom she considered a close friend after her little adventure with her in the human world.
  480. She was hoping that this wouldn’t put a damper on their friendship.
  482. This wasn’t the first time she had been put into punishment duty.
  483. Some students have misbehaved at time when no teacher was available before leaving her to do the deed.
  484. So she had some experience with this (this was her first time using the paddle, though).
  485. Said experience was now used to tan Sunset’s rapidly reddening bottom.
  487. Sunset, for her part was still holding of strong, however she was shifting around much more noticeably then before.
  488. Her hands were closed into fists and her eyes were held shut.
  489. She bit her bottom lip and gave out quiet whimpers of pain.
  490. The last time her butt was in such pain was from the last time Celestia had spanked her.
  491. Years ago.
  492. She really wanted this to be over.
  494. Starlight was just about finished.
  495. She gave a few more licks to the lower curves and gave a fast series of whacks to the middle.
  496. And with that…
  497. ”Done.”
  499. ”Finally!”
  500. Sunset pulled her pants and panties back on, wincing as she did so.
  501. She did not rub her bottom, she was still a bit pridefull, after all.
  502. ”You alright?” Asked Starlight.
  503. ”Yea, damn you hit hard.”
  504. Starlight laughed awkwardly. “The paddle makes it easy.”
  505. ”Right, what now?”
  506. ”Now you come inside with us and we can see the seven of you off.” Said P. Twilight.
  508. Seven ponies were looking up to seven humans.
  509. ”Councilor Starlight?” Asked H. Dash. “What are you doing here?”
  510. ”They needed her for me appearenty.”
  511. ”Yep, bit silly, but what can you do?”
  512. ”Oh, that makes sense.”
  513. ”Alright girls.” Started P Twilight. “I hope this had an effect on you.”
  515. Some of the humans rubbed their asses, some winced and a few nodded. They were definitely effected.
  517. ”Now don’t think we enjoyed doing this, so please don’t get into trouble like this again.” Said P. Fluttershy.
  518. ”We’ll totally do this again if you do!” Said P Dash, causing at least two of the humans to gulp loudly.
  519. ”Don’t worry miss Dash, we’ll be good!” Said Sci Twi.
  520. ”We certainly hope so.” Said P. Rarity.
  522. ”Now girls.” Began P. Twilight. “Normally the creatures of this school are typically naked, so the effects of a spanking would be very much noticeable for their peers.”
  523. The humans didn’t like where this was going.
  524. ”Out of respect for your culture, we will not be forcing you to run around naked, however if you do something like this again we might just consider it more fair to have you lose at least your lower wear for a day or two.”
  525. ”Wait! You can’t do this!” Shouted H. Rarity.
  526. ”We aren’t.” Said P. Applejack. “But we might if you mess up.”
  527. ”But-but.”
  528. ”Just behave and it won’t happen.” Said Starlight with an eye roll. Gosh these humans were sensitive.
  529. "It won’t happen again ma-am” Said H. Applejack, who was just as startled by this as her classmates.
  530. ”All right then, your free to go.” Said P. Rarity.
  532. Before the humans could leave P. Pinkie spoke up. “Actually, their about to have class with me!”
  533. ”Oh, right. Follow Pinkie then.”
  534. And so the humans followed a bouncing P. Pinkie to class.
  536. They had an uncomfortable time sitting in class and most of the other students could guess what had happened.

Changeling and Colt

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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