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By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:06:08
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:17:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Today was the day.
  2. The first day of the attempted reformation of the Legion of Doom.
  3. More specifically, Cozy Glow.
  4. Twilight had talked to her friends about this. They decided that they would only attempt to reform Cozy for now.
  5. They still had no idea how to safely do it with Chrysalis and Tirek given their abilities.
  7. First things first, they had to get her out of the statue.
  8. For this, they used a sledgehammer.
  9. The stone acted as a sort of coating that kept its occupants in a sort of magical stasis.
  10. Breaking it would mean freeing the occupant.
  12. The first task was to awaken the filly within the statue.
  13. The reason for this was because Twilight and some other magical experts believed that it was safer to release Cozy while she was awake.
  14. So they cast a spell that would wake her up.
  15. And a strong dragon guard swung the hammer.
  16. Specifically at the filly’s stony backside.
  18. Twilight and some others smirked, there was another reason for waking Cozy first.
  19. She could feel the pain of the hammer.
  20. Of course, it was a heavily muted pain.
  21. Twilight’s student, Luster Dawn took it upon herself beforehand to test it out.
  22. She had her hoof turned to stone with the same spell used on the trio and had it broken off with the same hammer.
  23. It hurt like crazy, but not as much as one would expect from a sledgehammer and there were no injuries.
  24. It was about as painful as if her hoof had been struck with some kind of hard wooden object.
  25. For Cozy, this meant she was getting a very hard, but very fitting spanking.
  27. As the metal hammer kept loudly impacting on the statue cracks were beginning to form.
  28. It looked a bit morbid, but everycreature watching knew that it was safe.
  29. The only one who felt any sort of sympathy for the little filly was Luster Dawn.
  30. She knew from her mentor’s stories what Cozy was like, but she still couldn’t help but feel bad for her.
  32. The cracks, while still mostly concentrated on the flank, were spreading throughout the entire stone structure.
  33. From her own little test, Luster knew Cozy Glow must have been in a great deal of pain right now.
  34. The cracks were getting bigger and more were appearing.
  35. She was imagining how hard the filly must have been crying inside there.
  36. The guard was getting tired, but kept going.
  37. And not being able to move an inch probably made it even worse.
  38. The entire garden was filled with the sounds of the hammer’s impact and the cracks of the stone.
  39. At least it would be over soon.
  40. With one last swing, the stone around the filly crumbled like a shell.
  42. Cozy fell to the ground, shaking and bawling her eyes out, not even noticing those around her.
  43. There were no marks on her butt, or anywhere else on her body.
  44. Success!
  46. Twilight nodded to a pair of guards who carried Cozy to a temporary holding cell.
  47. That particular cell was made a bit more comfortable as the filly would be spending her first unstoned night there.
  48. Luster let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
  50. ”Why don’t you introduce yourself to her?” Asked Twilight.
  51. ”Huh?”
  52. ”I’m sure she could use some company.”
  53. ”Oh, is it alright?”
  54. ”Of course, the guards will let you in.”
  55. ”Okay, anything I should expect?”
  56. ”From my experiences with her, expect the unexpected.”
  57. ”Alright...”
  59. Luster nervously followed the guards into the castle.
  62. Cozy’s POV.
  64. Be Cozy Glow.
  66. You have just woken up from a long slumber.
  68. Can’t see anything.
  69. Can’t move.
  70. You have no idea what's going on.
  71. The last thing you remember is getting hit by some beam, then electricity and then…
  73. Oh golly no!
  74. You must be trapped in stone!
  75. You start panicking.
  76. You can’t see! You can’t move!
  77. You try to scream, call for help, beg for forgiveness, but you can’t even do that.
  78. Suddenly you feel something touch your flank.
  80. It hurts!
  81. You feel it again.
  82. It really hurts.
  83. And again.
  84. It really, really hurts!
  85. It keeps coming.
  86. You can’t handle this!
  87. But you have no choice.
  89. You try desperately to escape, but you can’t move an inch.
  90. There is nothing to look at that could provide a distraction.
  91. You cry, but tears can’t come out.
  92. You can’t even use your signature charms to beg your way out.
  93. It’s not fair!
  94. You want it to stop, but it doesn’t.
  95. It hurts so much!
  97. They probably want to keep you like this forever!
  98. This will never end!
  100. No!
  101. Nonononononono!
  103. Your panicking.
  104. Your stuck here forever.
  105. With this pain.
  106. It won’t stop!
  108. You try to promise many things.
  109. Your never gonna be a villain ever again.
  110. You’ll be more honest.
  111. You’ll apologize.
  112. Just make it stop!
  114. Suddenly, there is light
  115. It blinds you.
  116. You feel yourself falling to the ground.
  117. The impact hurts.
  118. But not as much as your butt.
  120. You don’t know what is going on, but you don’t care.
  121. All you can do right now is cry and shake.
  122. You feel yourself lifted and presumably taken somewhere.
  123. You don’t care.
  124. Your just glad that you can see, move and not feel any more pf whatever it was that was torturing you.
  125. Your flank still hurts like crazy though.
  127. Golly…

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