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An Unusual Spanker

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:06:36
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:17:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Be a mother of two kids.
  2. An eleven-year-old colt and a six-year-old filly.
  4. Your husband is out on a long business trip.
  5. Your six-year-old has decided that (after many warnings not to) she would play in the basement, Where you keep some old heavy machinery unsafe for little fillies.
  6. You have already sent your daughter to her room and cleaned up the mess she made.
  7. Now it was time to take care of her punishment.
  9. As you make your way to her room your son blocks your way.
  10. ”Mom?”
  11. ”Yes?”
  12. ”Are you gonna spank sis?”
  13. You nod.
  14. He looks away, raises a foreleg and keeps opening and closing his mouth as to say something. You know from experience that this means he’s about to say or admit something he’s nervous about.
  15. He might be wanting to protect her sister, or you may have to spank both your kids.
  17. ”Is something wrong?”
  18. ”Umm.”
  19. ”If it’s something bad you know I’ll find out eventually.”
  20. You put a hoof to his shoulder.
  21. ”Come on, tell me and we can quickly take care of it.”
  22. ”It’s actually nothing bad per say…”
  23. ”Oh?”
  24. ”I actually wanna ask you a favor.”
  25. You nod and wait for him to speak.
  27. ”It’s about sis.”
  28. ”What about her?”
  29. ”So your about to spank her.”
  30. You raise an eyebrow.
  31. ”Yes, I am."
  32. ”About that…”
  33. You wonder if he was going to try and convince you not to punish her (not that he could).
  34. ”What I wanted to ask was…”
  35. ”Hmm?”
  36. ”A favor…”
  37. ”Yes?”
  38. He swallows, takes a deep breath and looks up at you dead in the eye.
  39. ”Can I do it?”
  41. You blink.
  42. ”…What?”
  43. ”C-can I please do it?”
  44. Did your son just ask you to let him spank his sister?
  45. No, that’s ridiculous he must have meant something else.
  47. ”Do what?”
  48. ”You know, handle sis’s spanking.”
  49. ”Mom?”
  50. ”…You want to spank your litlle sister?”
  51. He nods.
  52. Well this is unexpected.
  54. ”So can I do it?”
  55. ”Absolutely not.” There was no way you’re going to let him do this. This was probably just some dumb joke anyways.
  56. He pouts.
  57. ”But why?!”
  58. ”Your just a colt and she’s your sister, now stop joking around and let me get to her!”
  59. He doesn’t move.
  61. ”Mom, I’m serious.”
  62. Hearing the determination in his voice and looking into his eyes you can indeed tell that he is serious. Your first thought is that he probably wants to “save her” by giving her a lighter spanking himself.
  63. ”Look, I know you don’t want her getting punished, but-“
  64. ”I never said that.”
  65. Okay, so that wasn’t the case.
  67. ”I’d spank her just as hard as you would!”
  68. With that declaration you frantically think of why would he want to do this.
  69. ”So mom, please let me do this!”
  70. As he looks at you pleadingly a horrifying thought pops into your mind.
  71. What if he developed a fetish of some sort?
  73. You have to get to the bottom of this.
  75. ”I’m going to ask you a few questions now, okay?”
  76. ”Um, okay?”
  77. ”First off, do you have any adult magazines?
  78. ”No, you said I’m not supposed to, remember?”
  79. ”You won’t be in trouble if you admit it, I promise.”
  80. ”I really don’t have any.”
  81. Okay, so no magazines to corrupt his mind.
  83. ”Did you talk to anypony else about this?”
  84. ”No mom.”
  85. So no outside influence, great.
  87. ”When did you get this idea into your head?”
  88. He blushes. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about it a while now.”
  89. So this wasn’t a recent thing.
  91. It’s time to get to the uncomfortable part.
  92. ”This may sound weird, but when you think of spanking your sister, do you feel anything weird?”
  93. ”Like what?”
  94. You can’t believe you’re asking him this.
  95. ”Like a strange tingling sensation in your…”
  96. ”In my?”
  97. ”In your penis!”
  98. You just blurted that out…
  99. ”No? Why would I feel anything like that there, am I sick or something?”
  100. ”No! Just… One more question.”
  101. ”Kay…”
  103. You take a deep breath, your son is clearly weirded out by this, but you have to know.
  104. ”When thinking of spanking your sister, do you feel the need to… play with your penis?”
  105. Your pretty sure your face is as red as a tomato by now.
  106. ”Why would I feel the need to-“
  107. ”Just answer the question!”
  108. ”N-no, that sounds gross! Don’t I pee from there?!”
  109. You stare at him for a moment. Not being able to tell any signs of him lying you give a loud sigh and ask him what you should have asked him from the start.
  111. ”Why do you want to spank her?”
  112. ”Two reasons!”
  113. ”Go on…”
  115. ”First off, I’m curious.”
  116. ”Curious…”
  117. ”Yep! I wanna know what it feels like.”
  118. ”To spank your sister.”
  119. ”Uh-huh!”
  120. Simple curiosity, unusual for a kid to be curious about something like this, but at least it’s not a fetish (you think).
  122. Still, you’re not going to let him discipline your daughter just to satiate his curiosity.
  123. ”Well I’m sorry, but it’s still no.”
  124. ”Why not?”
  125. ”As I said before, you’re just a colt and she’s your sister. It wouldn’t be right.”
  126. ”But-“
  127. ”Not up for debate.”
  128. You walk past him and make your way to your daughter’s room to finally deal with her.
  130. ”Wait!”
  131. You sigh and turn around.
  132. ”What is it?”
  133. ”I haven’t told you my second reason!”
  134. You roll your eyes, but decide to humor him.
  136. ”Alright what is it?”
  137. ”I wanna take more responsibility.”
  138. ”More responsibility…”
  139. ”Yes!”
  140. ”By spanking your sister…”
  141. ”Yep!”
  142. ”Why?”
  143. ”Well wouldn’t only a responsible pony get to discipline other ponies?”
  145. He wasn’t wrong, but…
  146. ”Why this?”
  147. ”Well, we don’t have a pet, the house is pretty clean and I couldn’t find a job anywhere!”
  148. He was looking for a job? Your impressed.
  150. ”Trust me mom, I can handle it.”
  151. It’s not that you don’t trust him, it’s just that it wouldn’t feel right to let him, plus there’s a tiny chance that he still might have a fetish, although at this point you kind of doubt that.
  153. ”Look, if you want responsibilities I can find you something else to do.”
  154. ”Mom, there aren’t any as big as this.”
  155. He’s very persistent you give him that.
  157. ”Trust me mom, I can handle it just like you would.”
  158. This is ridiculous, you bet your parents never had to deal with this.
  160. ”I can do it mom, I swear!”
  161. He’s still pleading.
  163. You still don’t want him handling your daughter’s punishment, but looking at how determined he is you can’t help but feel bad turning him down. You then get a stupid, but amusing idea.
  165. ”Mom?”
  166. Should you do it?
  167. ”Please mom!”
  168. It might be a bit embarrassing for your daughter, but it could also prove to be amusing for both of you.
  169. ”Pleeease!”
  170. ”Alright.”
  171. He gasps.
  172. ”Really?! Thanks mom!”
  173. He rushes forward to hug you, but you stop him.
  174. ”I’ll let you spank your sister on one condition.”
  176. ”Huh?”
  177. ”If you can convince her to let you spank her instead of me.”
  178. There is no way she ever will, even for a six-year-old that would be too awkward.
  180. He’s not looking so confident anymore.
  181. ”And you can’t lie to her, bribe her or promise her anything other then a proper spanking, the same kind I would give.”
  182. He looks down to think before looking back up.
  183. ”Okay.”
  184. He’s still looking unsure, but wants to go through with it.
  185. ”You got 20 minutes, starting now.”
  186. He rushes to his sister’s bedroom.
  188. You decide use this time to set up dinner.
  189. Oh Celestia this was a horrible idea. But kind of a funny one.
  191. As you start preparing dinner, you wonder how the conversation between your kids is going.
  192. You almost want to listen in on it.
  193. You can just imagine your son trying to convince your daughter to let him do the deed only to be firmly rejected.
  194. Despite yourself, you can’t help but laugh at the thought.
  196. As you put the food in the oven, you realize only 10 minutes have passed.
  197. Dinner would take an hour to properly bake.
  198. So you sit down and have a cup of tea.
  200. You start to feel guilty.
  201. Your poor filly knew what she was about to get.
  202. And now you not only delayed her punishment, which would have been long over by now, but also subject her through her brother's attempts at getting her to grant him his strange request.
  204. You think of just going there, stopping your son and finally spanking her, but decide against it.
  205. You told your son he had 20 minutes and you hate going back on your word with any of your kids.
  206. That would set a bad example
  208. Maybe you can make it up to her by baking something nice.
  209. You haven’t done that in a while.
  211. You also think about whether or not you should actually let your son spank your daughter should she choose to let him.
  212. Probably shouldn’t, but again, you hate going back on your word.
  213. Besides, there’s no way she’ll accept.
  214. She’s even terrified of him seeing her bathe (which is a bit silly).
  215. There’s no way she would agree to this.
  217. You just hope she will find her brother’s pleading more amusing then humiliating.
  218. Just thinking of whatever excuses and reasons he could come up with makes you chuckle.
  220. As you finish your tea, you realize that it’s time.
  221. So you make your way to your kids.
  222. As you open the door to your daughter’s room both foals turn their attention to you.
  223. ”Alright, let’s get this over with.”
  225. Your daughter greets you with a nervous “hi mommy.”
  226. She only greets you like this when she’s in trouble.
  227. Like now.
  228. She looks scared, as a filly her age would when faced with an impending tushy tanning.
  230. Your about to send your son outside as he was obviously rejected.
  231. Then you notice his expression.
  233. He doesn’t look dejected like you’d expect.
  234. No way…
  235. In fact, he looks a bit eager, if not nervous.
  236. There is no way…
  237. You look at your daughter and notice her blushing.
  238. Impossible…
  240. ”Did-did you agree?”
  241. She nods.
  242. Oh shit.
  244. You have to try and fix this.
  245. ”You do realize I won’t let him go easy on you?”
  246. ”Mhm.”
  247. ”And he can’t give you anything nice in exchange for this!”
  248. ”I know.”
  249. ”I will make him do it as I would!”
  250. She gulps. “I still want him to do it.”
  252. You rest your plot on the floor, shocked.
  253. ”Mom, are you okay?” Your son asks.
  254. This is absurd.
  255. You have to know.
  256. ”H-how did he convince you?”
  258. ”H-he was super persistent and it kinda makes sense to let him.”
  259. You gesture for her to elaborate.
  261. Your son blushes.
  262. Despite her situation, your daughter smiles.
  264. ”Well, he came in here he was like: “Hey sis, you know I love you very much.” And then he was like: “Can you do me a favor?” And then I was like: “What?” And then he kept talking ‘bout how I should let him spank me instead of you.
  265. ”So you just said yes?”
  266. ”Of course not! At least not at first.”
  267. Seems about right so far.
  269. ”Then what did he say to make you agree?”
  270. ”Well, it’s less about what he said and more about how he said it.”
  271. Oh, this should be good.
  273. ”I mean, no amount of embarrassment I would get from letting him do it could compare to how embarrassing his begging was.”
  274. Your son’s face is as red as an Apple family apple.
  276. ”Like, he came in here all nice and stuff and was trying to sound all smart and wise, but every time I said no he kept getting more desperate. Like, he was bowing down to me and crying like a baby by the end of it.
  277. ”I-i-it wasn’t like that!”
  278. ”Yes it was! You were literally on the floor calling yourself things like unworthy and pathetic and that you had to do this to prove yourself for some reason.”
  279. Damn, he is desperate.
  281. ”It got to the point where I actually felt bad for him and just had to say yes.”
  282. ”It wasn’t that bad…”
  283. ”Yes it was, and when I said yes he hugged me for like, a whole minute. It would have been creepy if it weren’t so sad.”
  284. Oh Celestia you wish you had spied on them.
  286. ”So you took pity on him.”
  287. ”Kinda” She stopped smiling. “I also accepted cuz it would hurt less.”
  288. ”I’m not letting him go easy on you.”
  289. ”He also said that, but there’s no way he could hit hard.”
  290. ”Yes I can!”
  291. ”I mean, a colt like him would have to be super weak so I’d get off easily no matter how hard he tries.”
  292. ”Hey, I can totally be strong!”
  293. ”After you just told me how you wish you were as brave and strong as me while hugging my leg and crying? Yea, right!”
  294. ”… It wasn’t like that…”
  295. ”It totally was, you should have seen him mom!”
  296. You can’t help but feel bad for your son, but he knew what he was getting into.
  298. ”So yea, I’d get off easily with him.”
  299. ”Oh I’ll show you easy.” He mutters.
  300. Well, it happened. Your son has managed to convince his sister to let him spank her by begging hard enough.
  301. Should you still let this happen?
  303. ”She said yes so I get to spank her, right?”
  304. You really don’t want to let him.
  306. ”I don’t know…”
  307. ”Mom, you sad I could!”
  308. He’s right, you did say you could. This is technically your fault.
  309. ”Or you could say that I already suffered enough and don’t need a spanking.” Your daughter unhelpfully suggests.
  310. ”You said that I could mom and you always say that-“
  311. ”Fine!”
  312. Screw it.
  314. ”Sit down on the bed and pull your legs out!”
  315. Your son smiles smugly and excitedly does so.
  316. ”And you, over his knee!”
  317. Your daughter gulps.
  318. ”Umm, mom I-“
  319. ”Now!”
  320. She obeys and climbs onto the bed next to his brother, who’s smug expression now turns to one of slight nervousness. He shifts his eyes away from her.
  321. She sits on the bed, facing him and looking at his legs while he looks the other way.
  322. This is Hilariously awkward.
  324. ”Go on.”
  325. She puts a hoof on his leg, he blushes and looks at you.
  326. ”Like I do with you?”
  327. ”Yes.”
  329. She gulps again as she slowly slides the hoof on her brother’s leg forward until it slides off to the bed, she then puts her other hoof next to it. Her cheeks were red before, but now her entire face looks like a tomato.
  330. She’s still supporting her weight in an almost standing position, her sides on your son’s chest.
  331. He looks at you pleadingly.
  333. ”You should know what to do. You’re the one about to spank her.”
  334. He looks down at her.
  335. ”Sis?”
  336. ”Yea?”
  337. ”G-get ready for a fall.”
  338. ”Huh?”
  339. He suddenly swipes both his fore hoofs under all 4 of her legs, this makes her fall onto his lap in a perfect position.
  341. ”You could have warned me!”
  342. ”I did!”
  343. He looks at you.
  344. ”Is this good?”
  345. You nod.
  347. He shakily puts a leg on his sister’s back.
  348. ”Please don’t hit hard.” Your daughter whispers.
  350. ”He reluctantly puts a hoof on her butt, electing a squeal from her.”
  351. ”S-so I just hit her?”
  352. You roll your eyes.
  353. ”What do you think?”
  354. He looks at her sister’s head, then her flank and then at his hoof.
  356. He raises it to strike, it’s shaking.
  357. You can almost taste the nervousness from both of them.
  358. He takes a deep breath and lets it out.
  359. She squirms in her place slightly.
  360. ”Sorry sis.”
  361. He swings.
  363. His hoof lands on the left side of her fanny with a light clap.
  364. She grunts and shudders, her eyes wide.
  365. Her brother blinks and keeps his hoof on the same spot for about 3 seconds.
  366. His sister tries to swish her tail to the now lightly stinging part of her rump, but the hoof that struck it blocks it.
  368. Your son looks at you.
  369. ”How much do I have to hit her?”
  370. ”Keep going and I’ll tell you when to stop.”
  371. ”Okay...”
  372. He stays still.
  373. You sigh.
  374. ”Go on, she’s not gonna spank herself.”
  375. ”R-right.”
  377. He slowly raises his hoof again before bringing it down to the other butt cheek. Her reaction is the same as the last one, albeit with a bit more squirming.
  378. And again, he keeps his hoof on her butt for a few seconds before raising it up, and (after a pause) brings it back down.
  379. He repeats this process 4 times, his sister tries to plant her tail to where she thinks he’ll hit next, but he always manages to hit around it.
  380. Until the 7th slap where she finally manages to intercept his hoof with her tail, negating any pain that it would bring.
  381. He frowns and gives a quick slap to an unprotected part of her rump electing a surprised shriek from her.
  383. They play this slow cat and mouse game for at least half a minute. At first, you find it amusing, but it quickly becomes annoying. At this rate he'll be spanking her forever.
  384. ”Faster!”
  385. ”Huh?”
  386. ”Go faster, stop wasting time.”
  387. Your daughter tries to protest, but she is ignored.
  388. ”How much faster?”
  389. ”If you take more than 3 seconds to get your next hit in then you’re wasting time.”
  390. At least that's how you usually do it.
  391. ”Alright.”
  393. He shifts in his seat, most likely to get in a more comfortable position.
  394. He then continues his assault on his little sister’s bottom, this time, it’s a lot faster.
  396. Your daughter’s movements increase in intensity.
  397. Your son seems to be getting the hang of it.
  398. There’s just one problem, her tail.
  400. As he kept clapping on your daughter’s butt (that sounds weird just thinking about it) her tail doesn’t stop trying to block him, in fact, it’s getting worse.
  401. For the most part, your colt's still landing most swats, but his little sister manages to predict, thus intercept the landing point of his hoof more and more frequently.
  402. You can tell that he’s getting frustrated.
  404. He stops and looks up at you.
  405. ”Yes?” Your amusement hopefully well hidden.
  406. ”Am I allowed to hold her tail down?”
  407. ”No!”
  408. ”Of course you are.”
  410. And so, (with a bit of hesitation) he slides his hoof under the filly’s tail, electing a shriek from her.
  411. ”Mom, make him stop!”
  412. ”No can do!”
  413. ”B-but he’s-“
  414. ”You were the one who accepted. He probably wouldn’t have to do this had you took your spanking like a good little filly now would he?”
  415. ”Nooo!”
  416. ”Precisely.” You say, even though your daughter most likely wasn’t answering your question.
  418. Your son is slightly startled by that last scream, but is undeterred and plants the tail on your daughter’s lap. He then briefly raises the leg that was on her back to hold her tail down on it.
  419. she bucks, squirms and complains. Her embarrassment seemingly increasing by at least two fold.
  420. You’re not sure why she finds this so humiliating. Ponies are usually naked and she hates any sort of clothing.
  421. Such a silly filly that daughter of yours is.
  423. Your son takes a good look at her now completely unprotected hiney, most likely just realizing the pink marks he’s caused.
  424. Your just about to tell his to keep going when he finally continues.
  425. He now has a noticeably easier time hitting where he wants to and takes full advantage of it.
  426. Your surprised he didn’t pin her tail earlier, surely he must have remembered you doing it from his own spankings, or the small glimpses of his sister’s.
  428. Your son uses his newfound freedom to spank all over your daughter’s bottom.
  429. The colt mostly sticks to giving a single smack to a single butt cheek and then another to the other one, but he sometimes hits the same spot multiple times, other times he focuses on one cheek for a bit before going to the other one.
  430. This is something you do as well.
  431. He even gets some good slaps to her under curves.
  432. She hates getting it there the most.
  434. Of course, this comes with a new problem.
  435. She’s kicking, squirming and shifting around all around his lap and he’s clearly struggling to keep her down.
  436. He does barely manage though.
  437. It seems your daughter was wrong about her assessment on your son’s ability to hit hard.
  439. The session is going pretty well all things considered.
  440. Nothing inappropriate has happened so far (not counting the age of the spanker) and both of you kids seem to fit into their current roles.
  441. Your son being the one to give his sister a well-deserved spanking and your daughter being the one to take it.
  443. You have to say, that colt’s doing a pretty good job considering his circumstances (although you would still prefer to do it yourself). It’s not perfect, of course. Some of his spanks land in spots that he clearly didn’t aim for due to your daughter’s constant squirming. Speaking of your daughter, she is trying to escape harder than when she’s over your knee, most likely due to feeling humiliated.
  445. You can’t say you blame her, but you can say that she brought this onto herself.
  446. Had she simply rejected her brother she’d be getting it from you instead.
  447. Besides that, her demeanor is the same as it would be with you.
  449. ”Mom, he touched my filly bits!”
  450. Almost.
  451. Your son pauses.
  452. ”No, I didn’t!”
  453. ”Yes, you did!”
  454. ”No, I didn’t”
  455. ”Yes, you-“
  456. ”He really didn’t.”
  457. ”But mooom!”
  458. ”I was watching and he’s only touching your little bum.”
  459. You’re telling the truth, you’re watching them like a hawk and the lowest your son has gotten was the sit spots. Nowhere near the naughty area. Had he actually touched that place you would have stopped the spanking immediately.
  460. ”But-but-but-“
  461. ”No buts! If you keep lying, I’ll have him give you extra!”
  462. She whines while he lets out a smug smile.
  463. ”And what are you waiting for? I didn’t say you could stop.”
  464. His smile vanishes as he quickly continues spanking, much to his sister’s dismay.
  466. You sigh; on hindsight it’s not like he could reach her privates without squeezing his hoof between her kicking back legs.
  467. He’s too busy tenderizing her butt for that.
  469. Your son is doing pretty well now.
  470. He just finisshed giving a good round of slaps to the upper areas of your filly’s behind.
  471. Now he shifts to the under curves, which in turn further increases the volume of her squealing, which in turn, causes him to wince slightly, but he continues on.
  473. As you watch this go on you can’t help but take a few glances to his legs.
  474. You still can’t help but feel a bit paranoid about any potential jizzing that might occur.
  475. Your fears are unfounded, and it’s not like you can see anything there anyways since his legs aren’t spread. Maybe your just being silly.
  477. Like your daughter, who is now begging you to make him stop.
  478. ”Mom, please I had enough!”
  479. She should know by now that only the spanker (or in this special case, you) gets to decide when the spankee has had enough.
  481. Your son is now sweating.
  482. He is smaller then you, and your daughter is trying to escape harder than ever so this is not too much of a surprise.
  483. If nothing else this is good exercise for him.
  485. Your daughter has stopped begging you for mercy.
  486. Now she’s trying to persuade her brother.
  487. ”I’m sorry, I’ll clean your room just stop!”
  488. Plenty of apologies, pleads and promises come out of her mouth. They even make your son stop for a bit.
  489. ”Ignore her!”
  490. You get him back on track though.
  492. And so he lays down spank after spank, wearing down the naughty little filly tushy.
  493. Your daughter seems to realize that she can’t escape as she’s not begging anymore. In fact, she’s only squirming slightly in response to the hoof landings.
  495. Your son keeps looking up at you as he is spanking. He’s probably waiting for your to tell him to stop.
  496. Thinking about it, she seems to have had enough.
  497. You lean to the side to check her bottom.
  499. It looks decently cooked, filled to the brim with bright red circle shaped hoofmarks overlapping each other, some of them being a bit darker than the rest and the remainder of her fanny being painted pink. You also see a small hoof slamming on the fattest part of her left butt cheek, flattening it and sending out a few small ripples followed by that side of the buttock launching forward in reaction.
  501. You would typically end a spanking with round of slaps on the under curves, but this is not you.
  502. ”You can stop now.”
  503. He immediately does so, his hoof now resting on the place on the butt where he gave the last swat.
  505. With his “job” done and his sister laying on his lap, crying he looks at his “work”, and winces.
  506. He did pretty well.
  508. He soon starts shifting his gaze as your daughter lays still on his lap with her face buried in the bed sheet. You can still see the redness on the barely visible part of her cheek.
  510. Your son looks at you pleadingly. You chuckle at his expression.
  511. On the admittedly rarer occasions when your son earns a spanking (your daughter has a far larger naughty streak) he always wants some time alone afterwards.
  512. Unlike your daughter.
  513. You’re not worried about anything inappropriate happening anymore, so you decide to have a bit of fun with them.
  515. ”Aren’t you going to hug your sister?”
  516. ”Huh?”
  517. ”She looks like she could use one.”
  518. Both of your kids look at you confused.
  519. ”Well?”
  520. Your son looks down and back up to you.
  521. ”Can you do it?”
  522. Your daughter nods and gives you a longing look.
  523. ”You’re the discipliner here, you do it!”
  524. ”Err…” He looks to the side.
  525. ”Just sit her up on your lap and give her a big hug!”
  526. ”Do I have to?”
  527. ”No, you don’t.” Says your daughter quietly.
  528. ”Of course you do, she needs one after every spanking.”
  530. He looks uncertain, but finally (and very slowly) sits her up. (His eyes widening, most likely at the warmth of her freshly spanked butt.) and throws his forelegs around her, letting her head rest on his right shoulder.
  531. She’s as stiff as a board.
  532. Oh Celestia, this is adorable.
  533. ”Rub her back!”
  534. He hesitates, but eventually sighs and complies.
  535. She shudders as his hoof slowly slides up and down on her back.
  536. This must feel incredibly awkward for them.
  538. You put a hoof on your mouth, trying to suppress your mirth.
  539. Your son frowns at you.
  540. ”Don’t give me that look! You asked for this and now you’re getting the full experience.”
  541. He rolls his eyes and mutters something unintelligible while smile smugly at him.
  543. Eventually your daughter groans and relaxes, taking what she can get. She squirms slightly, probably due to her sore bum flattening on her big brother’s lap.
  545. You must say, this turned out far better than you’d expected; nothing sexual has happened and your daughter got her butt warmed as much as you wanted.
  546. A bit harsh, but the basement is a dangerous place for her right now and she has been warned many times not to play there before this so she really had this coming.
  548. You now wonder how your son will handle her corner time.
  550. Your son notices your sisters squirming.
  551. ”You wanna rub, sis?”
  552. She nods.
  553. He releases his hold and helps her sit beside him.
  554. Your daughter’s about to reach for her bum.
  555. You stop her before she can touch it.
  557. ”No rubbing!”
  558. ”But why?!
  559. ”You need a time out first.”
  560. Indeed, the spanking was for messing around in the basement, but the time out was for ignoring many warnings not to.
  562. ”Nooo!”
  563. ”You’ve earned one.”
  564. Your son looks at her sympathetically, but says nothing.
  566. ”And since your handling her punishment, you’ll be watching her.”
  567. ”But mooom, I don’t want him to!”
  568. You roll your eyes.
  569. ”You’d be getting one if I had spanked you, except it would probably be longer.”
  570. ”But he-“
  571. ”Has already had a good look at your bottom just now, so stop being such a foal about it!”
  572. She reals back, almost her entire face red with embarrassment before looking down in shame. That filly… The only thing she should be ashamed of is her behavior.
  574. ”Do I have to mom?” Your son asks.
  575. ”You’re the one punishing her, so yes, you do.”
  576. ”Oh…”
  577. ”You did ask for thi- Get that hoof off your butt, missy!”
  578. Your daughter yelps and immediately stops her rubbing attempt.
  579. You stare at her, then turn to her brother.
  581. ”Do you think she needs any more smacks to her butt for this?”
  582. ”I don’t, I don’t!”
  583. ”I wasn’t asking you!”
  584. Your daughter goes quiet, but looks at your son pleadingly.
  586. ”Well?”
  587. "Umm, n-no.”
  588. ”Alright, you got off lucky, I would have certainly put you back over my knee.”
  589. She gulps, hopefully this will make her a bit more comfortable with her brother watching her.
  591. You address your son again.
  592. ”Now, you have to decide how she’ll stay in the corner.”
  593. May as well let him choose this as well.
  594. ”I get to choose that?”
  595. ”Yes, do you want her to stand there normally, or only on two legs? Or would you prefer that she sit?”
  596. On the uncommon occasion where you “sentence” her to a timeout you always pick a different way to for her “serve” it (typically based on the severity of her “crime”).
  598. He thinks for a bit and looks at her sister.
  599. ”Don’t ask her, you decide!”
  600. He bites his lower lip and thinks.
  602. Your daughter is looking at him anxiously.
  603. ”If I were to say she should stand normally, would she have to raise her tail?”
  604. ”Of course!”
  605. She squeaks.
  607. He stares at his sister as she shakes her head at him.
  608. ”You know, you shouldn’t let her influence your decision, she’s the one being punished, after all.”
  609. ”I know, but…”
  610. He looks guilty.
  611. ”I think she should stand on just her hinds.”
  613. Funny thing is; this is a more uncomfortable way to stand then on four legs. It seems your filly’s sense of modesty is about to give her a small bite on the flank.
  614. ”You sure?”
  615. ”Mhm.”
  616. ”Alright.” You turn to your daughter. “You heard him, to the corner, forelegs on your head!”
  618. She looks like she wants to protest, but wisely decides against it and slowly walks across the room towards the only empty corner with her head hung low.
  619. She plants her fore hooves on the wall and tries to stand up.
  620. You sigh, walk over to her and gently help her into the intended timeout position.
  621. ”Just stay like this till’ your time is up and it’ll all be over, okay?”
  622. ”Kay…”
  623. You walk back to the bed and sit down next to your son.
  624. Together you watch the well-spanked filly.
  626. She’s still sniffling, but her crying is obviously about to stop. She stands close to the corner, leaning forward slightly to rest her snotty little nose between the two walls (You will have to clean that up later). Her forelegs rest on the back of her head connected by her two hooves touching each other and squeezing her mane down. Her red tush, even with her tail, is still clearly visible. She shifts around awkwardly, either because she's not used to (and being uncomfortable with) standing like this, or due to the pain in her butt, but most likely both.
  628. You look at your son. He did a surprisingly good job You have to admit, your fears thankfully not coming true.
  629. ”I’m going to leave you two alone now, can you watch her?”
  630. ”Yes mom.”
  631. Your about to say more, but notice your daughter swishing her tail around.
  632. ”Tail stay’s still, you know that!”
  633. She immediately stops.
  634. ”S-sorry mom!”
  636. You address your son again.
  637. ”If she disobeys her timeout, you have my blessing to put her back over your knee for another round.”
  638. Your daughter audibly gulps.
  639. ”I trust you won’t abuse this power?”
  640. ”No mom, I promise!”
  641. ”Good.”
  642. With that, you get up.
  644. ”Keep her there till’ dinners ready, I’ll call you.”
  645. ”Yes, mom.”
  646. Before you head out the door you talk to your daughter one more time.
  647. ”And you should use this time to think about what you did, you could have gotten hurt in ways far worse than a simple spanking down there.”
  648. You leave for the kitchen, shutting the door behind you.
  650. As soon as you get to the kitchen you check the oven.
  651. Dinner’s still got a way to go.
  653. You check the time and see that not as much has passed as you expected. This was a deceptively short spanking, the situation which it had happened in made it seem longer then it really was.
  655. It seems your daughter will have to suffer corner time a bit longer then intended.
  656. Aw well, she could use it.
  658. You make yourself another cup of tea.
  659. As you drink it, you wonder if your daughter will act up to your son.
  660. You won’t begrudge him for going easy on her in the case that she does, although you do sort of hope that he won’t. Mostly because you wouldn’t.
  662. You also wonder if you did the right thing.
  663. On one hand, you’d say no, and most parents would agree. Who in their right mind would just let their 11-year-old son spank their 9-year-old daughter?
  664. On the other hand, nothing really bad happened. The spanking was administered in a satisfactory way, there was no sign of lewdness and the overall results are pretty much the same as if you were the spanker.
  665. Either way, it happened, so there’s nothing that can be done about it now.
  667. Some time passes and dinner is ready.
  668. You set the food on the table and call your kids down for supper.
  670. Your kids come to the dining table.
  672. Your daughter is carrying a thick pillow in her mouth. She puts it on the chair and sits on it.
  673. You don’t deny her this small comfort. She has suffered enough as it is.
  675. The 3 of you eat in silence.
  676. Things still look awkward between the kids, but you don’t see any embarrassment between them.
  678. Despite the thick, puffy pillow under her butt, your daughter still shifts in her seat slightly as she eats.
  679. Honestly, you think she’s just being a drama queen.
  680. You wonder how she’d handle an implement like a brush or a wooden spoon.
  681. Maybe When she’s older.
  683. Your son, meanwhile eats slowly, with a glum expression.
  684. He must be feeling guilty.
  686. Your daughter, being the fast eater that she is finishes first and scampers off to her room leaving only you and your son.
  688. ”Well, how did it go?”
  689. ”We talked for a bit.”
  690. ”You know you’re not supposed to talk during a time out.”
  691. He shifts his gaze downwards.
  692. ”Sorry mom.”
  693. You sigh, you would have done it differently, but it’s not that big of a deal.
  695. ”It’s alright, what did you talk about?”
  696. ”Well, at first she just kinda started asking me stuff like how her butt looked and if I was staring at it.”
  697. Predictable questions.
  698. ”I pretty much answered all of them.” He blushed. “I wasn’t staring at her butt, I mean, I saw it, butIwasn’tspecifically-“
  699. ”Yes, I get it. What else?”
  701. ”Then she started complaining about how humiliating this was and how much it stung and stuff.”
  702. ”You let her?”
  703. ”Yea.”
  704. You shake your head.
  706. ”Then she asked if she could sit instead.”
  707. ”And?”
  708. ”I, umm gave her that small stool she keeps around.”
  709. You frown at him.
  710. "I know I wasn’t supposed to, sorry.”
  712. You groan. ”How long did she last?”
  713. ”About a minute, then she was begging me to let her stand again, so I did.”
  714. You can’t help but let out a small chuckle.
  716. ”She was pretty quiet after that.”
  717. ”I’d imagine.”
  719. ”The last thing she said to me was ask if she could bring that pillow.”
  720. Your surprised she asked his permission for that.
  722. The two of you soon finish eating as well.
  724. ”What was it like?”
  725. ”Hm?”
  726. ”You said you were curious.”
  727. ”Oh.”
  728. He puts a hoof on his chin.
  729. ”Weird, awkward and… not very good.”
  730. That's the answer you were hoping for.
  732. ”Well, responsibilities aren’t always pleasant.”
  733. ”Yea…”
  734. ”I have to admit, you did a lot better than I expected.”
  735. ”I did?”
  736. ”Mhm.”
  737. It was true, he handled it really well. Maybe well enough to warrant letting him do it again next time if he wants to.
  738. Maybe.
  740. ”Do you want to do this again sometime?”
  741. ”Again?!”
  742. ”I mean, knowing your sister it’s only a matter of time before she gets into trouble again. If you were to want to handle her punishment again, I suppose… I would be a bit more open to it.”
  743. ”I dunno mom, I didn’t exactly enjoy this.”
  744. ”I know, and I’m not forcing you, plus I’m not sure if your sister would want you do it again.”
  745. ”...Yea...”
  747. Your both silent. You put the dirty dishes in the sink.
  748. ”I think I should talk to her.”
  749. ”Alright.”
  750. He gets up and is about to leave.
  752. ”Wait!”
  753. ”Yes?”
  754. ”Take the pillow with you, please.”
  755. Your daughter had left the pillow she brought down with her on the chair.
  756. ”Oh, sure thing, mom!”
  758. ”And one more thing.”
  759. ”Hm?”
  760. ”I don’t want either you or your sister telling anypony else about this.”
  761. Despite everything, you’re not exactly comfortable with other parents knowing that you let you’re this happen, and you don’t want either of your kids to be ridiculed for it.
  762. He nods. “I’ll tell her that.”
  763. ”Good.”
  765. With that, he finally leaves and you do the dishes.
  766. Looking back, this was certainly one strange experience for all three of you. You can’t wait to tell your husband. Being the laid back stallion that he is he’d probably find it funny. You wonder if you’ll ever get a repeat of this in the future.

Changeling and Colt

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Crazy Colt Idea's

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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Hurts You And Me

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Boast Busters alternate ending

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