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Sunset And Her Charge

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:12:39
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:18:40
Expiry: Never

  1. ”How bad is it?”
  2. ”Miss Tiara has a broken arm and any school equipment involved is now unusable.”
  3. Sunset Shimmer groaned and buried her face into her hands.
  5. ”Send any bills to me.”
  6. Principle Celestia raised an eyebrow.
  7. ”Are you certain you have the money for all of this?”
  8. ”I get monetary support from the princess in exchange for handling her.”
  9. ”Like child support?”
  10. ”Yea, it’s not much, but it’s enough.”
  11. ”In that case, I will send the bills to you.”
  12. ”Right, anything else?”
  13. ”One week suspension.”
  15. Sunset sighed.
  17. ”I understand. I assume you already talked to her?”
  18. ”Yes, she knows everything she needs to.”
  19. ”Good, thank you ma-am.”
  20. ”Her final class should be over by now, you should go check on her.”
  21. ”Of course, and I’m sorry, I’ll try to do something about her.”
  22. ”Please do.”
  24. Sunset reached her car where she knew her charge would be waiting.
  26. There stood a pink skinned girl with baby blue curly hair. She looked sad, guilty and nervous. Sunset didn’t by it one bit.
  27. ”Cut the act!”
  28. The girl’s eyes widened, then she smirked, her previous demeanor all but vanished.
  29. ”Your no fun.”
  31. Sunset frowned. “Get in the car!”
  32. Cozy Glow did as she was told with her trademark sickly sweet smile. Its effect had not wavered even as a human. Still, it didn’t work on Sunset, something Cozy found out early into her stay with her, much to her annoyance.
  34. The drive home would have been relatively smooth if not for the tension between the car’s two occupants.
  36. ”Golly Sunset, are you just gonna keep being all mad about a little accident?”
  37. ”That prank was no accident, you broke her arm!”
  38. ”The fool deserved it after peeving me off by insulting my main-hairstyle!”
  39. ”Don’t you think that’s overblowing it just a little bit?!”
  40. ”Of course not, I got my well-deserved vengeance!”
  42. Cozy Glow deserved something other than vengeance, but Sunset opted to continue this conversation at home. Cozy, meanwhile laid back in her seat with a self-satisfied smirk.
  44. Upon entering Sunset’s apartment Cozy immediately went to sit on the couch and turned on the television. She had quickly gotten used to, and started enjoying the wonders of human technology. Much faster than her current guardian had.
  46. Sunset, meanwhile made herself a cup of coffee and sat down at the dining table. Ever since she had accepted the task of reforming Cozy Glow, she had her hands constantly full with her antics.
  48. Sunset thought about what to do with her.
  50. She most certainly did not want to let Cozy off unpunished for this, but was having trouble finding a suitable punishment.
  51. She could ground her, but it’s not like Cozy ever went out on her own and simply not taking her to any parties or gatherings would bar her from the kinds of social interactions Sunset wanted her to have.
  53. Taking away her gaming privilege also came into mind, but Cozy found video games, especially the strategy ones a sort of release/coping mechanism that Sunset did not want to deprive her of.
  55. Many more ideas came into mind, none of them to her liking.
  57. Eventually, she thought of just spanking her.
  58. It didn’t seem like a bad idea, the brat definitely deserved it and it was a fitting punishment for her age, but Sunset was afraid that it might somehow make her even worse.
  59. She was trying to reform her, after all.
  61. Still, Cozy Glow needed to be punished somehow.
  63. Sunset got an idea.
  64. She grabbed a coin from her wallet.
  65. Heads means spanks and tails means… something else.
  66. She tossed the coin and covered it.
  67. Tails.
  68. …Best two out of three.
  70. ”What are you doing?” Asked Cozy, looking up at her from the couch.
  71. ”Deciding what to do with you.” Sunset answered as she threw the coin again.
  72. Heads.
  74. This got Cozy worried that Sunset may be thinking of giving up on her and sending her back to Equestria.
  75. Where she would be…
  76. No, Sunset wouldn’t do that. She’s too much of a stubborn goodie two hoof (shoe?).
  78. The coin was tossed one last time.
  79. Heads.
  81. ”Guess I’m doing this.” Muttered Sunset.
  82. ”Doing what?” Cozy asked suspiciously.
  83. ”You know what a spanking is?”
  84. Cozy tilted her head. “No, should I?”
  86. Sunset blinked, then chuckled (much to Cozy’s annoyance). This kid was one of the top students in her class (impressive as she was actually younger than her current classmates, and an otherworldly alien), knew advanced Equestrian magic and almost took over Equestria twice, but didn’t know one of the most well-known ways to punish a minor.
  88. ”What’s so funny?!”
  89. ”Nothing, it’s just most people in both worlds know about it.”
  90. ”Well maybe you could educate me on it then?!”
  91. ”Oh I will, don’t worry.”
  93. Sunset stared at Cozy (much to the younger girl’s confusion) thinking about how to do this.
  94. Shouldn’t be too difficult. All she had to do was hold her down and hit her ass a bunch of times.
  96. She remembered the occasional spankings she used to get from princess Celestia (or just Celestia now), who had a dedicated paddle for such occasions.
  97. To this day she found the idea of owning such a thing a bit silly, but nevertheless, she had felt it beat her butt plenty of times.
  99. Sunset, of course didn’t own a spanking paddle, but she did want to use something besides her hand.
  100. Perhaps her hairbrush? It had a similar shape and material.
  101. Yea, that could work.
  102. She went upstairs to fetch it.
  104. Cozy noticed this.
  105. ”Uh, what are you looking for?”
  106. ”Hair brush.”
  107. ”Why?”
  108. ”You’ll see.”
  110. Cozy Glow was a smart filly, so she figured that Sunset probably didn’t want to use her brush for its intended purpose, so she was both curious and more than a bit nervous as to what her current caretaker was planning.
  111. At least she didn’t have to worry about THAT happening for now.
  113. Sunset soon grabbed her brush and made her way back downstairs.
  114. Without a word she sat down next to the now highly suspicious Cozy Glow and put the brush down next to her.
  115. Sunset mentally prepared herself, she had never done this before. She finally turned off the television before turning to Cozy.
  117. ”Alright, lay down here on your stomach.” Sunset said, patting her lap.
  118. Cozy did nothing, feeling very awkward about obeying Sunset’s order. “Yea, no.” she shuffled away from the older girl.
  119. Sunset knew it would come to this.
  121. She needed to strike fast.
  122. Suddenly, she lunged towards Cozy and quickly grabbed a hold of her.
  123. Of course, the filly turned human struggled with all her might, but Sunset was both bigger and stronger than her, so there was no escape. It took almost a minute, but eventually Sunset managed to plant a still heavily struggling Cozy Glow on her lap as intended.
  125. She held her down with both hands.
  126. ”Calm down!”
  127. ”No, lemme go!”
  128. Sunset was about to start then and there, but decided against it.
  129. Holding her down with two hands was far easier than with just one, so she simply waited for Cozy to tire herself out before starting.
  130. It took a minute, but eventually, she ceased her struggles.
  132. ”So is this spanking thing some sort of a time out?” She grumpily asked.
  133. ”Nope!” Sunset started pulling her pants and panties down. “Just waiting for you to stop.”
  134. Cozy narrowed her eyes and resumed her escape attempts.
  135. ”You really think you can escape?” Sunset asked amusedly
  136. Her words made Cozy, after a few more seconds of fruitless struggling, groan angrily and finally give up. She was smart and knew there was no way out so she relaxed on Sunset’s lap and mentally prepared herself for what the older girl was planning.
  138. Sunset smiled, finally she could get on with this.
  139. She slid her pants and panties all the way down to her knees. She had hoped that this would lesson any potential kicking.
  141. She then thought back on how Celestia did it.
  142. The former princess would always start with a hoof spanking, then switch to the paddle halfway through. That could work.
  143. Sunset stretched out her shoulders in preparation and, without waiting any longer gave a firm smack to Cozy’s butt.
  145. ”Ouch! What the heck are you doing, Sunset?!”
  146. Sunset didn’t put all her might into that slap, but she made sure to make it a hard one. Cozy certainly seemed to feel it. It did feel a bit weird though, slapping the child’s butt like that. She’d just have to get used to it.
  147. ”Spanking you!” She answered a bit more cheerfully then intended.
  149. ”Wait, is this a-’SMACK!”-AH!”
  150. This was a bit harder than the last one. Judging from Cozy’s reaction and the amount strain it put on her hand and shoulder, Sunset decided that she would try to keep hitting at around this strength level going forward.
  151. 'SMACK!’
  152. ”Youch!”
  153. ’SMACK!’
  154. ”This is torture!”
  155. ”A few steps below it.”
  156. ’SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SLAP!’
  158. Cozy started tearing up. “Pwease stop Sunset I’m sowwy!”
  159. Many people would think that Cozy was being genuine and as such, would feel bad about spanking her any further, but Sunset knew better and could see right through those crocodile tears. Her smile grew into a smug grin.
  160. She wasn’t going to enjoy this per say, but it was nice to give her charge such a fitting and well-deserved punishment.
  161. ’SLAP!’
  163. Cozy’s sad demeanor quickly shifted to a far angrier one.
  164. ”I will ‘SLAP!’ OW have my-‘SMACK!’-IIIII vengeance f-‘SLAP!’-AH this mark my wo-’SMACK!’-OHrds Sunset-‘SLAP!’-THHH Shimmer ‘SLAP!’ HNNG you ‘SMACK!’ OW will pa-‘SMACK!’-EEEH I swear it! ‘SLAP!’ YOUCH!”
  165. ”I’m sure I will.”
  167. Sunset slapped on for a solid minute. All the while Cozy kept throwing out curses, threats and insults next to the typical noises of pain a girl of her age (whether it be pony or human) in this predicament would make. Sunset was happy to let Cozy continue her little mid-spanking tantrum as it didn’t really matter, plus it could tire her out a bit more and give the older girl an easier time holding her down for when she would get to the hair brush.
  168. ’SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’
  170. Sunset was surprised by how well she was doing considering she had never done this before. Then again, all she had to do was hold Cozy while hitting her so it was pretty simple. Or maybe Celestia taught her some things in more ways than one.
  171. With a few final slaps Sunset decided to end the first part of this punishment. Her pause didn’t stop Cozy from struggling. That girl had a lot of energy in her.
  173. Finally, Cozy stopped as well.
  174. “I’m ‘huff’ gonna ‘huff’ get you ‘huff’ for that.”
  175. Sunset rolled her eyes and grabbed the brush which still laid next to her.
  177. ”Would you let me go already?” Cozy asked irritably.
  178. ”Nah.”
  179. ”Why not?!”
  180. ”Only halfway done.”
  181. ”What?! ‘CRACK!’ OW!”
  183. And so, Sunset continued on, the impacts of her hairbrush giving off a distinctly different sound then the clapping of her hand. She did not swing this wooden instrument of hair care any lighter than she did her hand and its effect was almost immediately noticeable. Cozy’s screaming and complaining had sounded mostly angry under Sunset’s hand, but under the brush, they sounded far more pained. Her butt cheeks, which had previously turned pink with a few bright red handprints have now went redder and redder at a surprisingly rapid rate.
  185. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  186. ”Alright, I’m sorry, you can stop now!”
  187. Of course, Sunset didn’t. She didn’t even answer her as she never remembered Celestia answering either.
  188. ’CRACK!’ ‘THWACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  190. One other effect the brush had was further increasing the intensity of Cozy’s thrashing. Her kicking got so bad that her lower wear fell off letting her legs kick about wildly, much to Sunset’s annoyance. Thankfully, she quickly came up with a solution to this problem. That being to simply place a leg above Cozy’s legs and holding them down that way. She didn’t even need to pause the spanking to do this.
  192. ’CRACK!’ ‘THWACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  193. By now, Cozy had mostly ceased struggling and resigned herself to simply wait it out. Sunset wasn’t sure whether this was due to her realizing the futility of her escape attempts or finally getting tired out. Either way it didn’t matter. She still squirmed and cried out at every impact of that hairbrush.
  195. After a good minute or two of solid butt brushing sunset felt that it was time to stop, so she did.
  197. Sunset remembered how her former mentor allowed her to lay on her lap a bit after her own chastisements, and since she was pretty much following her example so far, she did the same, sitting back and letting the well-punished girl cry to her hearts content.
  199. ”W-well ‘sniff’ golly Sunset, how could you-“
  200. ”Stop!”
  201. Cozy realized she wasn’t going to get through to her, so she just slumped down and laid there, not caring if Sunset heard her sobbing.
  203. ”Never do that again!” She demanded after a while.
  204. ”Up to you.”
  205. Cozy grumbled.
  206. Sunset’s smile was not as smug as the one she wore beforehand. She used this opportunity to think about what to do next, then thought of another thing Cozy could use. She patted her back, then gently stood her up and grabbed her by the arm and back with both of her hands and led her to the kitchen.
  208. “What now?” Cozy asked tiredly.
  209. Sunset answered her by making her stand face first in front of an unoccupied wall in the kitchen with her nose touching it. She then made her put both of her hands on the back of her head.
  210. ”Stay like that!”
  211. ”Why?!”
  212. ”Because punishment, and because I said so.”
  213. ”But-“
  214. ”Unless you want to go back to the couch for round two?”
  215. The former filly winced at the thought.
  216. ”Grrr, fine!”
  217. ”And keep your hands here!” Ordered Sunset as she let go of her.
  218. ”But why?” Cozy whined.
  219. ”Cuz I said so.”
  220. Cozy groaned, but said nothing. She was a smart girl, smart enough to know that it would be better to just follow Sunset’s orders for now.
  222. She really wished she could rub her sour bottom.
  224. While Cozy Glow was sulking Sunset Shimmer was busy preparing dinner. She wasn’t a great cook by any means, but she could easily serve something serviceable, and even decent for the two of them.
  226. ”It’s not fair!”
  227. Sunset turned to Cozy, who had just started talking.
  228. ”This is so-“
  229. She went back to her work, letting Cozy rant. As long as her charge stayed put she didn’t care.
  231. As Sunset put the food on the stove she heard knocking. It was then that she remembered that Princess Twilight Sparkle was visiting today as part of her weekly visits to check on Cozy’s progress.
  233. Cozy Glow stiffened, and dared turn to Sunset with a pleading look.
  234. Sunset gave her a comforting smile. “Go ahead, wash yourself up. Don’t forget your clothes.”
  235. Cozy ran to the bathroom, picking up her kicked off clothing along the way.
  237. Sunset opened the door revealing the Princess of Friendship herself in human form
  239. ”Hey Twilight!”
  240. ”Hello Sunset!”
  242. Sunset let Twilight in and the two sat down at the dining table and quickly caught up on the week’s events, including Cozy’s “accident”.
  243. ”Oh no.” Twilight moaned and took a sip of the tea Sunset had made for her. “How long was she suspended for?”
  244. ”Only a week, thankfully.”
  245. ”Good, where is she now?”
  246. ”Cozy, come here!”
  248. The bathroom door opened and out came Cozy Glow, who had managed to wipe off any trace of her tears.
  249. ”Well, golly gee, if it isn’t headmare Twilight! Gosh I’m so happy to see you!” Cozy said with obvious sarcasm.
  250. Twilight frowned. “Sit down Cozy Glow, we need to talk.”
  252. Cozy did, knowing that it was best to get the obviously coming lecture out of the way as soon as possible. She hoped that the princess wouldn’t notice her discomfort upon sitting down on the wooden chair.
  254. Twilight didn’t disappoint. She gave Cozy a very stern, and boring lecture to the obviously uninterested and squirming girl while Sunset just smirked at her misfortune. Mid-way through the lecture, Sunset had to take the food off the stove as it was finished. Cozy was still having an uncomfortable time sitting and pretending she wasn’t in any sort of pain.
  256. ”And that’s why you shouldn’t do such things.” Twilight finally finished.
  257. ”Great, can I go now?”
  258. Twilight sighed. “Yes.”
  259. And so, Cozy left the kitchen and went upstairs leaving only Twilight and Sunset.
  261. ”Did you spank her?” Twilight asked quietly after making sure that Cozy couldn’t hear her. She didn’t want to embarrass the girl.
  262. ”Yea.”
  263. ”Huh, can’t say she doesn’t deserve it, but are you sure it’s a good idea?”
  264. ”No, but I had to punish her somehow.”
  265. ”I guess you’re right, I’ll trust you judgement.”
  266. ”Thanks Twilight.”
  268. The princess stood up. “I should get going.”
  269. ”You could stay for dinner if you want.”
  270. ”No thank you, I got work back at home.”
  271. Sunset saw Twilight out and made her way back inside.
  273. ”Cozy, dinner!”
  275. The two ate in silence, Cozy more noticeably shifting in her seat then before with Twilight.
  277. ”It wasn’t that bad.”
  278. ”Yes, it was!”
  279. Sunset rolled her eyes.
  281. ”You wanna watch a movie?”
  282. …Fine.”
  283. Sunset smirked, Cozy would be fine. She was a tough girl.
  285. Cozy was grumpier with Sunset than usual for a while, but it was still clear to the older girl that she was still slowly changing for the better.

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