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Dashie The Foalsitter

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:26:19
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:20:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were having a sleepover at Rainbow Dash’s house. Scootaloo was supposed to join, but got sick at the last minute. It was contagious, so having the sleepover at her aunts’ place was out of the question.
  3. The two fillies were given cloud walking enchantments and had a good time.
  4. That was, until they got into Dash’s training room.
  5. Playing with weights and other such training tools was dangerous for little fillies. They probably should have taken the locked door as a sign that it was off limits.
  7. It turns out Rainbow Dash was surprisingly good at giving out stern lectures. Even Miss Cheerilee would have been proud. Pretty surprising coming from a mare like her.
  8. She must have picked it up from Spitfire.
  9. ”And that’s why you should always be careful with these things!”
  10. ”Sorry Rainbow Dash!” Apologized the two fillies, who couldn’t bring themselves to look at the pegasus.
  12. Dash, after looking over two, gave them a much kinder look.
  13. ”I forgive you.”
  14. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle sighed in relief.
  15. ”Buuut I’m still gonna punish you.”
  16. They looked at her, surprised.
  18. ”We really are sorry Rainbow Dash!”
  19. ”Yea, we’ll never do it again!”
  20. ”Sorry squirts, but I’m pretty sure your families wouldn’t just let you off with a lecture. At least Applejack and Rarity wouldn’t.”
  21. Both fillies gulped, knowing she was right.
  23. While they wondered just what Dash had in store for them, the mare in question was also thinking of something.
  24. ”Hey, uh, if I punish you now, will your families punish you at home?”
  25. ”At home?” Asked Apple Bloom.
  26. ”Yea, cuz I’m thinking of spanking you.” Dash continued, ignoring their fearful gazes. “But I won’t do it if your just gonna get another one.”
  28. Sweetie Belle was quick to answer. “Yep, they totally will, so no need to spank us!”
  29. Apple Bloom gave a quick nod in agreement.
  30. Dash frowned. “Are you sure? I’m gonna tell them either way.”
  31. The fillies looked at each other and, after a silent conversation turned back to Dash with their head down, barely looking at her.
  33. ”Ah don’t think big sis or granny will if you do it hard enough.”
  34. ”Same with Rarity and my parents.”
  35. Dash smirked. “Heh, thought so. Wait here, I’ll go get my brush.”
  36. The fillies cringed as Dash flew off to her room. No hoofspanking for them.
  38. ”You think she’ll spank hard?” Asked Sweetie Belle.
  39. Apple Bloom was about to answer when Dash, true to her claim as the fastest pegasus, made it back to them with a wooden brush in her mouth. It had her cutie mark painted on it. Probably custom made to suit her ego.
  40. She dropped it onto the floor.
  42. ”Alright, who wants to go first?”
  43. Neither filly answered.
  44. Dash facehooved, of course they won’t answer.
  45. ”Sorry, dumb question.”
  47. She put a hoof on her chin. What would be the best way to do this?
  48. ”M-maybe you can punish us in another way?” Suggested Sweetie Belle.
  49. ”Or maybe not spank us?” Came Apple Blooms unhelpful suggestion.
  50. ”Nah, spanking’s the best here, and trust me, it’s better to get it out of the way then to have to wait till’ you get home.”
  51. The fillies couldn’t argue with that.
  53. ”Oh, I know!”
  54. Rainbow Dash grabbed a piece of cloud in the corner of the room that she was using as small desk and started shaping it. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched as she formed the oddly square shaped cloud into an oval one, amazed at the flexibility at which she could manipulate it.
  56. ”There!” She had the newly reformed cloud float in the middle of the room.
  57. After a bit of inspection, she made its sides swing upwards.
  58. It kind of looked like a minotaur’s horn now.
  60. ”Can you two take a spanking without having to be held down?” Dash asked.
  61. Both fillies were always held down when they got spanked.
  62. ”Ahm not sure.” Admitted Apple Bloom awkwardly.
  63. ”Me neither.” Said a blushing Sweetie Belle.
  64. ”Cuz’ it would be over a lot faster if you did.”
  65. They looked at each other again, having another silent conversation.
  67. ”In that case I might.” Said Sweetie Belle, uncertainly.
  68. ”Same.” Said an equally uncertain Apple Bloom.
  69. ”Alright then.” Rainbow Dash flew above the two and picked the fillies up with her hooves, carried them to the cloud and deposited them on it.
  71. They were now laying on it stomach first with all four hooves dangling in the air. It was a tight fit, but not uncomfortable.
  72. ”Perfect!”
  73. She tucked their tails between their bodies.
  74. ”Keep these here and try not to move to much! The better you hold still the faster it’ll be over.”
  76. Neither filly said anything. As Dash picked up the brush they shifted their gaze to each other, unable to turn their heads inwards. It was obvious that Dash was about to spank both of them at the same time, and they both knew that a longer spanking for either of them meant a longer spanking for the other, so they both silently vowed to stay as still as possible, even in this new, unusual position.
  78. Dash took aim, and gave two loud smack in rapid succession to each fillies’ inner facing butt cheek, then two to the outer facing ones. She was so fast, that it was almost like she was truly hitting both of them the same time.
  79. Sweetie Belle let out a yelp, and Apple Bloom a grunt. They both squirmed, but kept their position.
  81. They were given a short respite before getting four similar spanks to their bottoms. Dash figured they weren’t used to having this kind of freedom during a fanny tanning, so she opted to start off a bit slow.
  83. Not too slow though, as the second break she gave them was considerably shorter than the one after the first four smacks.
  84. ’CRACK!’ ‘TAP!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SWAT!’
  85. Both fillies gave small bucks with their back legs in response to this new round of pain in their butts. Sweetie Belle was already squealing.
  87. Dash decided to give them one more very short break before the next four.
  88. ’TAP!’ ‘SWAT!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘SMACK!’
  89. This time, Apple Bloom joined in on the squealing as both fillies started tearing up.
  91. Dash gave them no more breaks and went with a steady pace of two quick, alternating spanks to each pair of butt cheeks.
  92. Apple Bloom was the first to start sobbing, followed shortly by Sweetie Belle. Both of them were noticing the increased pace.
  94. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  95. Besides the “OW!”s and “AH!”s there were attempts to beg Rainbow Dash to stop. This was futile, of course, and Dash said nothing back to them, knowing that this was just typical spanked filly behavior.
  97. ’SWAT!’ ‘SWAT!’ ‘SWAT!’ ‘SWAT!’
  98. As the flanks got redder and redder, the crying got harder and harder and the squirming got more and more intense.
  100. ’TAP!’ ‘TAP!’ ‘TAP!’ ‘TAP!’
  101. Rainbow Dash was getting at bit worried that the fillies would jump off the cloud.
  102. ”Come on you two, your tough kids, you can take this!” She tried to encourage them.
  103. She didn’t know whether or not it was successful.
  105. ’SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’ ‘SMACK!’
  106. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom could feel each other’s body reacting to the pain. They could also occasionally see the other’s teary eyes and hear the others sounds of pain uncomfortably well. They would later remember this as one of their weirdest spanking experiences.
  108. Dash was satisfied with the way the rumps now looked, so she decided to end this with one last, painful round of swings.
  109. ’SMACK!’ ‘SWAT!’ ‘TAP!’ ‘CRACK!’
  110. And with that, the deed was done. Had the butt brushing went on any longer the fillies might not have been able to keep themselves on the cloud any more.
  112. The pegasus helped the unicorn and earth pony get off the cloud onto the bigger cloud. She then looked over their crying forms, and, after a bit of contemplation and some hesitation let out loud groan gave them both a hug. She rolled her eyes as her charges buried their faces into her chest.
  113. Rainbow Dash was never a big fan of sappiness. The two did earn this, though. They held up pretty well.
  115. After a while, the hug was broken up.
  116. ”You two okay?” Asked Dash.
  117. Both of them nodded.
  119. ”Geeze Dash, you sure pack a wallop.” Said Apple Bloom, rubbing her butt.
  120. ”Yea, where did you learn to spank like that?”
  121. Dash smirked. “I sometimes foalsit Scootaloo.”
  122. They looked up at the older pony in surprise.
  123. ”She never told us that.” Said Apple Bloom.
  124. ”You spanked her to?” Asked Sweetie Belle.
  125. ”Plenty of times. Don’t tell her I told you though, wouldn’t wanna embarrass her.”
  126. The three giggled.
  128. The remainder of the sleepover went well. Thankfully, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom received no further punishments from their families, whom originally had a few reservations of letting the fillies have their sleepover at Rainbow Dash’s house. Their fears were unwarranted, however and they thanked the mare for taking such good care of the kids.

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