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Spike's First Spanking

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:26:40
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:20:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Teenage Twilight Sparkle was at home with Spike, her parents out shopping and Shiny in cadet school. Naturally, all she wanted to do was to read books, she had to study for Princess Celestia after all and reading was so much fun!
  3. Unfortunately, her precious time with her precious book was constantly being interrupted by a certain annoying dragon.
  4. ”Twilight, let’s pay hide and seek!”
  5. ”No!”
  7. Spike was undeterred, even as the unicorn kept rejecting him. Twilight simply couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t just sit down and read the books she had specifically picked out for him. At his age, that’s what she’d always do. It almost felt like teaching him to read was a wasted effort.
  9. Many rejections later, the young dragon pouted.
  10. ”Well, fine! I’ll just play by myself, and you can’t join me!”
  11. ”That’s nice.” Said Twilight absent mindedly, nose in her book.
  12. Spike marched out of the room only giving one sad glance at his hatcher along the way.
  14. Finally, Twilight could enjoy her book, except that she couldn’t. She had promised the princess to take care of Spike so it was practically an assignment to her and she took Celestia’s assignments very seriously and Spike was quite the troublemaker when left to his own devices. Twilight groaned, burying her face into the book. Why wouldn’t that dumb kindergarten accept dragons?
  16. She had to make sure he was alright so, with a sigh, she reluctantly got up, gave her book a silent vow that she’d be back and went to check up on her annoying charge.
  18. She went to the living room first, which was a good thing, because he was just about to stick his claw into an electrical outlet. ”Spike!” She let out a panicked shout, using her magic to pull the little dragons arm away and, startling him.
  20. ”What do you think you’re doing?!”
  21. Spike frowned. “Playing, duh!”
  22. ”I told you not to touch the outlet!”
  23. ”I dun’ care.”
  25. Twilight’s eye twitched. It was then that Spike got an idea, one that would surely make Twilight pay attention to him. He slowly reached for the outlet.
  27. ”Stop that!”
  28. ”Make me!”
  30. Twilight knew exactly what to do. She lifted him up with her magic and placed him face-first into the corner.
  31. ”If you’re going to act like that then you’re getting a time out!”
  32. Twilight smirked, there was no way this wouldn’t stop his antics. A book suggested this punishment so it was bound to work. Books were always right, after all.
  34. The now punished dragon stared at the corner for half a minute before turning around and stepping out of it making Twilight gasp. How was this possible?
  36. Wait, the book also said that she should be persistent, so she lifted him back into the corner.
  37. And after a few moments Spike walked out of it.
  38. And Twilight put him back.
  39. This went on for a while, with Twilight getting increasingly frustrated and Spike starting to find it fun. It was almost like a game to him.
  41. Eventually, it seemed like Spike had finally learned to stay put and Twilight gave a long sigh of relief, unintentionally giving the dragon the opening he needed.
  42. With a mischievous grin, Spike darted towards the outlet before Twilight could react. Twilight panicked, grabbing him just moments before he could reach it.
  44. It was then that the panic, frustration and realization of what almost happened caught up to her.
  45. ”That’s it!” She shouted.
  47. ”Whoa!” Spike felt himself being levitated in front of the purple unicorn, who glared at him before letting out an angered snarl and turning him around (much to his brief relief). And then, without even thinking Twilight raised her hoof and started smacking his bum.
  49. A dragon’s butt was around the same spot as one would expect from a bipedal creature, it just lacked the signature butt crack of a pony, something Twilight found out in an unfortunate accident on his first night home. She gave him quite a few swats, and while they weren’t particularly hard, they did come rapidly. Spike was certainly squirming from them. After almost a minute Twilight stopped. Her eyes widened at the realization of what she had done.
  51. ”Omygosh, I’m so sorry!”
  52. She turned the dragon around to see tears in his eyes.
  53. ”That hurt.” Spike said, almost in a whisper.
  55. ”I-I don’t know what came over me, I was just scared and angry and-“
  56. Spike had stopped crying and just stared at the panicking Twilight as she was still levitating him.
  57. ”The book n-never mentioned-“
  58. Spike felt good that Twilight felt bad about hitting him so he allowed himself a small smile.
  59. ”What’s mom and dad gonna say? What is Princess Celestia going to say?!”
  60. Spike frowned, now it was getting annoying.
  61. ”I f-failed the princess!”
  62. ”Twi?”
  63. ”She’s gonna expel me as her student!”
  64. ”Twilight?”
  65. ”And from the school entirely!”
  66. ”Twilight.”
  67. ”I’m an abject failure!”
  68. ”Twilight!”
  70. Twilight paused, finally listening to the dragon. “Huh?”
  71. ”I’m alright, sheesh.”
  72. ”A-are you sure?” She looked like she was on the verge of tears.
  73. ”Yes, can you please put me down?”
  74. ”Oh!” She gently put him down.
  75. ”D-don’t try touching the outlet again!” Twilight ordered.
  76. ”Alright-alright” Said Spike, rubbing his bottom.
  78. Silence hung between the two.
  80. ”Sooo, can we play now?”
  81. Twilight frowned, then rolled her eyes.
  82. ”Oh, fine!”

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