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By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:28:51
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:21:18
Expiry: Never

  1. Ever since Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich got married they started hosting parties together and today was no exception with all of Ponyville being invited to their newest party. Of course, a party from theses two party ponies wasn’t unusual or unexpected, and they were often thrown for many different, sometimes silly and ridiculous reasons but this was a new and truly unexpected one.
  3. Sugarcube Corner was filled with strangely themed decorations and ponies of all ages.
  5. Many of them were eating the treats Pinkie had baked, although The shapes were a bit odd with some being shaped like what seemed to be paddles used for spankings, with a few of them even having “holes” which were filled with chocolate, some were shaped like thin sticks with salt sprinkled on them and some looked like manebrushes with even the bristles somehow being represented while others were simply shaped like circles in what the guests assumed was supposed to be the flat part of a hoof. Pinkie did a great job forming them and they were delicious.
  7. Some of the adults (mostly parents) were happily chatting about when, how and why they spank their foals and were even telling stories about such occasions. Of course, the children found this incredibly embarrassing and opted to stay away from the adults and group together though a few of them talked about their own spanking experiences, but usually in hushed whispers and only to their most trusted friends.
  9. Many of the guests went to play some of the games Cheese had set up.
  11. One game was a high striker, except the hammer was shaped like a large paddle and the area that had to be hit was shaped like a pony’s butt and was placed sideways. How Cheese constructed this was unknown, but it did garner a lot of players, half of which were adults.
  13. Another game was a quiz game that had a booth which showed a picture of a spanked butt that looked weirdly similar to Cheese’s and Pinkies with some objects that could be used as spanking implements lined up in front of it. The participants had to guess which implement caused the marks on the shown butt. What was mostly striking about this game was just the sheer amount of pictures and objects on display.
  15. Another had a few machines that a pony could be strapped in and had two mechanical “arms” wielding paddles that could smack the trapped pony right on their butt. The guests could volunteer to be strapped down on the machine and compete in who can last the longest on it with the winner receiving a free hand-made paddle with his or her cutie mark painted on it, curtasy of Pinkie. Among the adults, it was mostly the parents (who really wanted those paddles for some reason) who were the ones to test the strength of their flanks with only a few children willing to try it out (the machine was modified to give weaker hits for them). Whether or not they won, all contestants received ice packs after their session.
  17. And another was a modified version of “Pin The Tail On the Pony” where the tail was replaced with a cutout of a drawing of a colt (who looked exactly the same as Li’l Cheese) with an obviously spanked bottom and the tailless pony was replace by a corner of some room. The objective was to pin the colt onto the corner as accurately as possible.
  19. The last game was a game of tag, but with the players wearing thick clothing and goggles for protection with only the backside being uncovered. There were three chasers, who wielded canes with red balls attached to them (when asked about the balls Pinkie said something about penetration which kids couldn’t understand). The chasers had to hit a chasee on the butt to switch places with them. This turned out to be an interesting twist on the classic game as the chasers had to work together to get that whack in, but they all needed to be the ones doing the hitting to switch places making them compete against each other. This was played at a designated area behind the building.
  21. Despite some initial reluctance to try them out, the games proved to be a lot of fun for the guests which made Cheese very proud of himself.
  23. The party was going very well, with one exception: the star of the party, Li’l Cheese was nowhere to be found and that was a big no-no.
  25. Pinkie and Cheese went to look for their colt and quickly found him hiding upstairs. He begged his parents to let him stay in his hiding place, but they would have none of it and carried him downstairs to the party. He was then quickly brought up to the stage which had a large banner above it that read: “Li’l CHEESE’S FIRST EVER SPANKING!” in large, bold red letters. Pinkie then cheerfully told the guests about his first spanking yesterday and the reasons for it. The poor colt couldn’t even look at the crowd. This was the first time his classmates had seen him embarrassed.
  27. At first, Li’l Cheese got teased by the guests, but the teases quickly became reassurances and even some thanks for the party and soon he himself was joining in the festivities and having the time of his life.
  29. It was an odd, but fun and memorable party.

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