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Twilight Time

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:32:50
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:21:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight time.
  3. The foals are all in the library, gawking over Twilight while Spike is in the kitchen, making snacks. Twilight is at her wits end.
  5. The colts and fillies are being quite naughty and some of them start damaging books.
  7. Twilights eyes twitch.
  8. "Enough!"
  9. All the foals stare at the princess as her horn glows, her magic encompassing the entire library.
  10. "The way your all acting is unacceptable! This is a library!"
  11. The foals dared not speak.
  12. "Your all getting a spanking!"
  14. The young ponies react quickly with some trying to beg their way out and others trying to escape only to realize that Twilight has magically closed off and reinforced the entire library leaving them all trapped there.
  16. Twilight grabs a wooden stool and sits on it then her horn glows as three of the oldest foals get levitated to her. She places one on her lap and keeps the other in levitating in front of her, butts in full view. She then teleports and wields three manebrushes with her magic.
  18. A hard spanking commences with the three troublemakers making a lot of noise. The other foals watch in terror, some try to resume their attempts at escaping, but to no avail.
  20. Spike, who is now stuck in the kitchen has to just stay there for the time being.
  22. Soon, Twilight finishes with the three crying, red bottomed foals and puts all three of them in a corner and uses her magic to prevent them from leaving. The spell also forces their tails to be raised and prevents their bottoms being rubbed.
  24. Twilight then grabs three more foals and does the same thing. And then she does so again.
  26. The kids quickly realize that Twilight does indeed intend to spank all of them.
  28. Escape attempts continue (futile) and begging intensifies. Twilight ignores them and continues to spank. Any foal who gets close in an attempt to talk her out of it gets levitated away.
  30. She goes from oldest to youngest. The older ponies get there spankings over with faster, but get a longer corner time while younger ponies get to watch in terror and anticipation for their turn.
  32. The library quickly runs out of corners so Twilight puts the foals in front of the walls wherever she can.
  34. Some foals get more and more desperate to get out, but still to no avail. A few of them still try begging and negotiating even thoough they know deep down that it's pointless. Many start crying before their turn.
  36. Meanwhile, the already spanked foals are sniffling in their place wishing they could rub there sore red bottoms. Some of the younger kids ask them what they have to look forward to and the answers make them even more nervous.
  38. Soon Twilight gets to the littlest ponies there. They get spanked like the rest, albeit with slightly fewer swats then there older compatriots.
  40. Twilight finishes punishing three more ponies and only a teary eyed Pipsqueak is left. He tries to beg for mercy, more out of reflex then anything, but gets the same as the rest.
  42. Twilight sighs, dispelling the library. Ponyville’s entire foal population (minus infants) cover the library.
  44. It is quite the sight.
  46. Now that the kitchen door can be opened, Spike finally comes in.
  47. "Oh wow." Is all he can say.
  48. Twilight sniffs the air.
  49. "Spike, did you burn something?"
  50. Spike smiles nervously. He got careless in the kitchen during the spankings and accidently caused some minor burn damages.
  51. "Umm, nope!" He lied
  52. ...
  54. Spike soon joins the rest of the foals, being put between Sweetie Belle and Rumble, his own butt just as red as the rest.
  56. Twilight gave them all a long lecture on proper behavior in a library (and in general) and a short lecture on kitchen safety for Spike. She then let everypony (and dragon) go and watched as the bottom rubbing commenced.
  58. Then, they had a proper Twilight time.
  60. The snacks Spike made were good, but the parents reactions weren't.

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