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His First Patrol

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:34:44
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:22:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight Velvet and young Shining Armour were alone in the house with Night Light at work. This was before Twilight Sparkle was born.
  3. Velvet was about to open door to cellar forgetting the fact that there was a leakage there due to a weather accident. The leakage got so bad that if she were to open the door, water would pour into the halls, potentialy causing much damage. She and her husband couldn't get any ponies to fix it yet due to other similar problems all throughout Canterlot.
  5. Her hoof was already on the handle when she herd a young colt shout: "Halt!"
  7. Surprised, she turned around to see her son, Shining Armour in his royal guard costume (he often liked to pretend that he was a rolyal guard) looking up at her as sternly as he could.
  8. "What is it dear?"
  9. "You have violated the no celler law!"
  10. "No celler law? Oh!" Valve quickly got her hoof away from the handle.
  11. The "No celler law" was a rule Shining had come up with until celler could be unflooded.
  12. "Oh right, silly me, thank you for reminding me, brave guard."
  14. Velvet then turned to leave but was stopped by another "Halt!" from her son.
  15. "Is there anything you need?"
  16. "I'm afraid I'm required to punish you for your transgressions against the law ma'm!"
  17. Valvet raised an eyebrow. Amused, she descided to play along.
  18. "Oh dear! And what would that punishment be, sir guard?"
  20. Shining blushed, looked to the floor.
  21. "Umm its..."
  22. "Is something wrong officer?"
  23. "N-no! Umm... Your punishment is" His face was almost completely red now, he gulped.
  24. "A, umm is a spanking" He whispered
  25. "My apologies officer, but I cannot hear you, could you speak up please?"
  26. "It's a s-spanking!"
  28. Velvet's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at her son who was desperatly trying (and failing) to look like a proper, professional guard. She shrugged.
  29. "Oh dear! Well I guess theres nothing I can do now but take it"
  31. "Wait what?"
  32. "I can't go against the authority of the royal guard after all"
  33. "Shining just stood there, flabbergasted, he didn't know what he was thinking when he called his mother out but after he stammered out her punishment he expected to get in trouble, not that his mother would actually cooperate.
  35. "Well?"
  36. Shining jumped slightly at mom's question.
  37. "Are you going to carry out the sentence?"
  39. "Oh! umm" He looked over his mom, he thought about letting her off, but rules were rules, no exceptions so he had to steel himself. First, he had to get his mom in a position where he comfortably reach her flank.
  40. "Right, off to the living room!"
  41. Shining soon made his way to the living room, his mother in tow who was struggling not to giggle in amusement.
  43. The young colt looked over the room, trying to figure out how to do this, he then spotted the large couch infront of the fireplace.
  44. "Over there, citizen!" He ordered, pointing at the couch.
  46. Valvet made her way to the couch.
  47. "What now?"
  48. "Umm, I will now make preperations for the punishment!"
  50. After a bit of thinking he got a bunch of pillows together and placed them on the long couch in front of its left arm.
  51. "Bend over that!"
  52. Velvet rolled her eyes and did as she was told. there were enough pillows to hold up her body all the way to her butt alowing Shining Armour easy access to it by sitting at the other side, she rested her head of a hoof as she patiently waited for her son to start spanking her.
  54. "Probalby shouldn't be letting him do this, but this is way too funny to pass up." She thought.
  56. Shining, now sitting on the opposite side of the couch had full access to his mothers bottom, he was glad she didn't see him right now as he was blushing quite furiously.
  57. "Well officer, arent you going to start?"
  58. Shining jumped, but steeled himself. It was now or never. He raised his little hoof high up in the air and swung.
  59. 'slap'
  61. Shining paused, he had just hit his mother, something he never did before. He desperatly wanted to end the punishment right then and there, but he had a job to do and a sentence to carry out. So, with a sollem heart he soldered on.
  62. 'slap' 'slap' 'slap' 'slap'
  64. Velvet, for her part was still resting her head on her hoof, thoroughly amused. A tiny colt like Shining didn't have the means to really hurt her mother with his bare hoof, as much as he believed he could.
  66. The punishment continued on, Shining decided that it would have to be truly effective so he wouldn't have to spank his mother ever again so, after a pause and a deep breath he started raining down spanks on his mother's defenceless bottom with full force.
  67. 'slap' 'slap' 'slap' 'slap'
  69. Velvet actually winced very slightly at a few af the spanks as they did carry a very tiny sting, which did come as a bit of a surprise. She thought about how strong he'd in the future.
  71. The spanking continued as Velvet had to endure the young colt's hoof as he swung it down all over her bottom leaving not even the sitspots free from the punishment. He could only hope that mom would someday forgive him for this, required as it may be.
  73. Soon, Shining stopped, his hoof shaking.
  74. "Are we done, officer?"
  76. Shining desperately wanted to say yes to spare his mother from any more suffering, but he knew he had to finish this in a big way So once again, he gathered his courage.
  77. "Almost ma-m, I will have to finish your sentence with... 'gulp' The manebrush."
  79. As Shining scampered off to get said manebrush, Velvet considered stopping him, but figured she would play along till the end.
  81. Soon the colt returned and made his way back to his previous position behind his mother on the couch.
  82. "You will be recieving six strikes mo-ma-m then it will be over, I promise."
  84. He then raised the brush high into the air, and swung it down.
  85. 'crack'
  87. Shining waited for a few seconds, letting his mother rest a bit before he swung again, while she did not show it she must have been in a great deal of pain. After waiting for what he deemed a sufficiant amount of time, he continued on.
  88. 'crack' 'crack' 'crack' 'crack'
  90. And finally, it was over.
  91. "The punishment has been carried out ma-m, you are free to go." Said Shining, now on the verge of tears.
  93. "Are you sure about that, officer?"
  94. W-what?"
  95. "You said I was to recieve six strikes, you only gave me five."
  96. "Oh, right! Apologies ma-m"
  98. With a shaky hoof, shining raised the brush one last time, took a very deep breath and, with some hasitation swung the brush down with all his might and with a mighty 'crack' the brush landed on Velvets bottom, briefly flattening it very-very slightly.
  100. "Th-the punishment has bean carried out, you are free to g-go ma-m!.
  102. Velvet just barely sat up straight when her son crashed into, hugging her tightly and bawling his eyes out.
  103. "I'm sorry mommy!"
  104. Velvet rolled her eyes and giggled.
  105. "It's alright dear, you were just doing your duty after all."
  106. The two stayed like this for a while.
  108. Shining Armour still felt extremely guilty for the intense pain he must have caused for his mother so for a while he was on his best behaviour and even offered to help her out whenever he could in whatever way he could. It was the least he could do.

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