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Learning How To Spank

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:36:49
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:23:08
Expiry: Never

  1. A certain mother wants her daughter to be able to properly discipline any possible future child she might have so she decides to teach her daughter how to give spankings.
  3. She has no other children and no other kids to call for help so she makes herself the test dummy.
  5. The mother, in her infinate wisodom ends up using it as a punishment.
  7. Whenever her filly makes a lighter offence (which is frequent frequent) its time for spanking practice.
  9. The young filly has to sit on couch as her mom bends over her lap (she barely fits). The filly then has to spank her mom hard enough for her to sufficiently feel it and has to keep trying until she gets it right. If she can't get it right in an hour or so she's grounded for the day (if it's nighttime then for tomorrow).
  11. Unfortunately for her, she is just a little filly so she just can't hit hard enough.
  13. An hour is spent desperately trying to spank her mom who just lay's there, berates her attempts, tries to encourage her and gives spanking tips.
  15. Its horrible.
  17. Mom is heavy and the filly's hind legs hurt, her shoulders and hoof is tired from trying to hit mom's butt for as hard as she can for so long, its boring and frustrating, mom is condescending and annoying and because she can't get it right, she has a boring day to look forward to. This is how it always goes.
  19. The filly wishes that her mother would just give her a quick spanking instead.
  21. Dad doesn't care.
  23. One night, its the same thing.
  25. The filly broke a teacup on accident and now finds herself sitting on the couch with her mother over her knee.
  27. It's not fair.
  29. Mom never shuts up.
  30. "Is that all?"
  31. "Try hitting my under curves."
  32. "How do you expect your future son or daughter to respect you if you can't even spank
  33. properly?"
  34. The filly isn't even planning on using spanking onany possible future children.
  35. "I don't want my grandkids to be spoiled brats!"
  36. And of course its all about her mother despite her saying its for her daughter's benefit.
  38. The young filly has been at it for half an hour now and she is tired and sore.
  40. Why couldn't mom just punish her like other moms would?
  42. She would often see her friends with pink bottoms and they would not understand why she was jealous of them. How could they? They have normal parents.
  44. Its going to be a nice day tomorrow and the filly had been looking forward to playing outside with her friends, but noooo, she was going to spend the day inside her boring house because mom wasn't satisfied with how hard she's hitting her.
  46. Speaking of mom, she's still talking, but the filly already stopped listening. She is instead focusing on trying to hit as hard as she can. It makes her sweat now.
  48. She hates this and can't stop thinking about how stupid this is.
  50. The little filly keeps hitting harder and harder, trying to release her pent up anger.
  52. This wasn't fair.
  53. This isn't fair.
  54. "It's not fair!"
  55. 'Smack!'
  56. "Yelp!"
  57. ...
  58. Mom had definitely felt that.
  61. She finally did it.
  62. "Ouch, that hurt."
  63. That felt good.
  64. "Great job honey, you finally did it!"
  65. No thanks to mom.
  66. "I knew it was worth teaching you how to spank."
  67. Not for the filly.
  68. "Now you can properly punish my future grandchildren!"
  69. Somepony else needs to be punished in the present.
  70. "Well, were done now. No grounding for you."
  71. Despite everything, the filly doesn't feel like she's "done".
  73. Mom tries to get up, but somehow her daughter manages to hold her down.
  74. "Umm, honey? You can let me go now."
  76. ...
  78. She was not done.
  80. "Honey?"
  81. 'Smack!'
  82. "Ouch! You don't need to spank anymore dear."
  83. 'Smack!'
  84. "Eep! I said you don't need to-"
  85. 'Smack!'
  86. "Oof! Stop this instant, young lady!"
  88. The filly doesn't want to stop.
  90. 'Smack!'
  91. "Ow! This is your last warning!"
  93. All that time wasted due to her mother's shenanigans really got to her and despite how tired she is she wants to practice her newfound strength.
  95. 'Smack!'
  96. "Ah! Alright that's enough! Your grounded!"
  97. She doesn't care at this point. She is going to teach her mother a lesson.
  99. 'Smack!'
  100. "Youch! And now you've also earned a spanking as well!"
  101. This made her even angrier. If anypony deserved a spanking its her mom.
  103. 'Smack!'
  104. This one was even harder. Mom tries getting up with all her might but somehow her daughter, who's lap she barely fits on is managing to hold her down, impossible as it may be. There is no escape.
  106. 'Smack!'
  107. "Ow! Your father will hear about this!"
  108. The filly couldn't care less.
  110. 'Smack!'
  111. "Stop it!"
  112. This feels so satisfying.
  113. 'Smack!'
  114. "I'll unground you just stop!"
  115. Oh no, not yet.
  117. 'Smack!'
  118. "Aieee! Stop it! This hurts too much!"
  119. Isn't that what mom wanted?
  120. 'Smack!'
  121. She's getting what she wanted in the first place.
  122. 'Smack!'
  123. "Ahaou!"
  124. You reap what you sow.
  126. 'Smack!'
  127. The mother feels like a filly again in the worst possible way.
  130. 'Smack!'
  131. How is her daughter this strong?!
  132. 'Smack!' 'Smack!' 'Smack!'
  133. "Ooooooow!"
  135. "Are you gonna stop with these stupid punishments?!" 'Smack!'
  136. "Ah!" Yes, I don't want you spanking me again!"
  137. "Can I go outside tomorrow?!" 'Smack!'
  138. "Ouch! Yes, you're ungrounded just stop!"
  139. "Are you gonna stop pestering me about my future kids?!" 'Smack!'
  140. "Owie! Yes, I will! I will!"
  141. "Good!" 'SMACK!'
  142. "Aaaahow!"
  144. And so, the filly finally lets her mother go and as soon as she's let off, she does something she hasn't done since her naughtiest day's as a filly: She hopps around the room rubbing her bottom. The sight of this spanking dance is extremely satisfying to her daughter.
  146. An awkward silence soon follows (at least for the mother).
  149. "I sh-should ground you anyway you know. It's not nice to h-hurt your m-mother like that.
  150. The filly just stares at her for a bit.
  153. "Mom."
  154. "Y-yes?"
  155. "I'm pretty tired right now, but I think my hoof still has some energy left in it. Would you like me to use it up?"
  156. Mom's eyes went wide.
  157. "Th-that w-won't be nessesarry dear. Why don't you g-go to bed now? It's pretty late and tomorrow will be a great weekend day. You don't want to sleep in, do you?"
  158. The filly smirked and loudly yawned.
  159. "I guess your right mom, I am pretty tired from all this spanking business. Good night!"
  161. And so, the filly goes for her room, now quite cheerful. She ends up having a good night's sleep with good dreams.
  163. As for her mother, she has to sleep on her stomach and has a hard time falling asleep due to her sore red bum. She had no idea how she'll explain her butt to her colleagues at work.
  165. Dad still doesn't care.

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