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The Foalsitter Who Couldn't Sit

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:37:30
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:23:20
Expiry: Never

  1. The unedited parts of this story with > at the beginning are writton by other anons. They will be seperated.
  3. A young colt's parents had a long business trip to attend to, so a foalsitter was needed and a teenage mare who had foalsat the colt many times before was called.
  5. When the foalsitter arrived she seemed embarrassed by something. The colt soon found out why: her flanks were glowing red, an obvious sighn that she had been spanked quite harshly.
  7. He couldn't hold his laughter for long. He excused himself to the bathroom and ran upstairs where he spent a good minute laughing his flank off.
  9. Meanwhile his parents interrogated the foalsitter in what was a rather It was an embarrassing conversation.
  10. "Well, I'm sure you won't be doing that again." The colt's father said.
  12. After some reassurances that this was normal and it would help her keep herself out of trouble the mother told the foalsitter everything she needed to know (rules, food, spanking permissions, what to do in case of an emergancy, bedtime, etc.). Then the parents called down the colt again, told him to behave, said their goodbye's and left.
  14. Now left to their own devices the colt immediately asked her foalsitter what happened.
  16. The foalsitter sighed, he was going to pester her about it all day if she didn't tell him at least something.
  17. "Let's just say I was in a place I wasn't supposed to be at a time I wasn't supposed to be outside and doing something I wasn't supposed to do."
  18. "Must have been pretty bad, your rump is as red as a cherry!"
  19. "Sh-shut up!" She blushed. "Look, just don't bring it up okay? I've already suffered enough as it is."
  20. "No promises!"
  21. "Grrr."
  23. From that point on the colt gave the foalsitter nothing but trouble. He thought he didn't have to behave for an "Apple butt filly", as he liked to tease her. His mom told him beforehand that she had spanking privileges, but he doubted that such a well-spanked teenager would actually do it, so he used every opportunity he could to make fun of her red rump in some way.
  25. "Stop staring at my butt you little pervert!"
  26. "Whats a pervert?"
  27. "...Never mind, just stop looking at it!"
  28. "But it's so nice and red."
  29. "Grrr."
  30. This went on for a few hours.
  32. Eventually, the foalsitter had enough. She knew that her charge wouldn't behave unless she took drastic measures so she grabbed the colt by his ear, dragged him to the kitchen/dining room and grabbed the big wooden hairbrush the colt's mom had neatly left on the kitchen counter.
  34. It was at that point; the colt knew he fucked up.
  35. "Look, I'm sorry can we start over?"
  36. "Of course we can!"
  37. "Oh good! Again, I'm really sorry about- "
  38. "After I make sure your rump matches mine."
  39. "W-wait, you can't do this!"
  40. "Your mom said I can."
  41. "But-but" He franticly tried thinking of a way out. "you shouldn't!"
  42. She smirked. "And why not?"
  43. "Cuz you know how it feels! You wouldn't wanna put somepony else through what you had to go through, right?"
  44. She put a hoof on her chin, looking like she was thinking hard on the subject
  46. "Getting that spanked like that sure was horrible. It hurt like crazy and I'm not too ashamed to admit that I was bawling like a newborn foal by the end of it."
  47. A hopeful smile appeared on the colt's muzzle.
  48. The foalsitter smiled back at him.
  49. "And knowing exactly what a good spanking feels like." She ruffled his mane. "I think you deserve one now more than ever."
  50. His smile quickly vanished.
  52. Wasting no more time, she grabbed her charge, turned a chair around, sat down on it and placed the colt over her knee.
  54. She yelped as her spanked rump made contact with the hard wood. Despite his predicament, the colt couldn't help but giggle at this.
  56. The foalsitter frowned, raised the brush and began spanking making his giggling turn into crying.
  57. 'SWAT!' 'SWAT!' 'SWAT!'
  58. "Ow, ouch, stop!"
  60. Despite the fact that she was by no means a grown mare, the foalsitter still managed to hold the colt down for his well-deserved spanking.
  61. 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!' 'SMACK!'
  62. "Ow, I'm sorry!"
  64. The colt was already thrashing as the brush warmed his bottom, he was really regreting pushing her this far.
  65. 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!' 'CRACK!'
  66. "AH, NO, NOOO!"
  68. As the colt was thrashing, the foalsitter was squirming. Her last night's tanning was still felt as she sat on the wooden chair and the colt's frantic movements pushed her butt down further making it worse.
  72. As she was getting to his sensitive under curves the foalsitter thought of how she didn't even want to be here today, but she promised the colt's parents that she would foalsit him a week prior to this and her mother insisted that she keep her promise.
  73. 'SMACK!' 'CRACK!'
  74. "AWOO!"
  76. Sitting was painful and the foalsitter thought of moving the spanking to the couch or something, but decided to just bear it.
  77. 'THWACK!' 'SWAT!'
  78. "EEK!"
  80. She needed her charge to respect her authority if she wanted to get through the day with her sanity intact and stopping the spanking to move somewhere else because her rump hurt would seriously undermine that authority.
  81. 'CRACK!' 'SMACK!'
  82. "WAAAH!"
  84. At least he was feeling it more than she was.
  85. 'THWACK!' 'SWAT!'
  86. The colt was bawling now.
  87. 'SMACK!' 'THWACK!'
  88. "NHOOU!"
  90. It was time to end this.
  91. 'SWAT!' 'SMACK!' 'CRACK!' 'THWACK!'
  92. "WAAHAHAAA!"
  93. And with that, she was finally done.
  95. The foalsitter waited for her charge to stop thrashing before she let him off.
  96. She then practically jumped off the chair.
  98. She watched as the colt did his post spanking dance, slightly rubbing her own bottom in both remembrance and pain.
  100. "I bet my rump is still less red then yours." He said once he finished "dancing".
  101. She smiled and took a step foreward. "Your right, I did say that your rump should match mine."
  102. His eyes widened. "On second thought I'm pretty sure they look the same now!"
  103. She looked thoughtfull for a second "Then again, since your younger than me, I think we can compare our rumps quite equally now." She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Don't you agree?"
  104. "Y-Yea, totally!"
  105. "So from now on, whenever you make fun of my so called "apple butt" rump I get to make fun of your little tomato butt as well.
  106. The colt groaned.
  108. She didn't have much problems with him after this. Sure, he would occasionally try teasing her by calling her apple butt again, but she knew how to respond.
  109. "Oh, does tomato butt need another spanking?"
  110. That shut him up.
  112. They didn't talk about their rumps for the rest of the day and ended up sitting on large pillows during lunch and dinner (the business trip was all day long).
  114. When the colt's parents arrived, they asked the foalsitter how the day went and were very amused when she told them what had happened.
  116. She was paid handsomely for a job well-done.
  118. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. >Foalsitter gets done with her job
  121. >Paid handsomely for a job well-done
  122. >Mom ordered "Come straight home after you're done. You're still grounded."
  123. >But foalsitter has a purse full of bits
  124. >And SugarCube Corner is right on the way home
  125. >Couldn't hurt to pop in and see her friends for a few minutes, right?
  126. >Sure, having a red rump is embarrassing
  127. >But all her friends get an occasional spanking too
  128. >Some sympathy will be nice, and they'll find the story of the colt she watched amusing
  129. >Okay, just 5 minutes
  130. >Mom won't know the difference
  131. >5 minutes turns into 10
  132. >Can't leave now...Mrs. Cake has a batch of fresh muffins coming out of the oven
  133. >Okay, 15 minutes couldn't hurt
  134. >Maybe 20...
  136. >It's 30 minutes before the foalsitter finally leaves for home
  137. >No phones in Ponytown so no worries about Mom calling the family to check when she left
  138. >Almost home...
  139. *gulp*
  140. >Mom is waiting on the front porch with an angry look
  141. >Tapping her hoof impatiently
  142. >Busted
  143. >This filly is going to wear the varnish off Mom's hairbrush at the rate she's going.
  145. >Filly's mom drag her daughter inside by the ear
  146. "No, mom please, my rump is already so sore from yesterday!"
  147. >Mother isn't in the mood
  148. "You should have thought about that before you disobeyed."
  149. >Dad comes to the rescue
  150. "Honey, you really gave her a sound spanking yesterday. Her rear end really can't take another."
  151. >Mom grumbles but agrees
  152. >Foalsitter filly is relieved
  153. >Sentence of execution commuted
  154. "Oh thankyouthankyouthankyou daddy!"
  155. >Not so fast...
  156. "You're not off the hook, young filly."
  157. >Uh-ho
  158. >This might be worse
  159. "You disobeyed your mother while you were already grounded for the same thing."
  160. "Yoy're still getting another spanking but it is delayed."
  161. >oh no, that is worse
  162. "In a week, when your grounding is over I will spank you myself."
  163. >Yikes! From dad!
  164. "With my strap."
  165. >So much worse!
  166. >Now she has a whole week to wait and worry about the strapping she's gonna get from daddy
  167. >At least once a day she tearfully begs him for mercy
  168. >Request denied every time
  169. >Every day brings her doom closer
  171. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. The fated day finally arrives and the filly was a nervous wreck. She tried avoiding her dad in the hopes that he would forget, but it was all in vain.
  175. Dinner was relatively quiet, but the teenager knew what was about to happen once it was finished. Whenever she had a non-immediate spanking, or an interrogation of some past misdeed coming it always came right after lunch or dinner.
  177. She did what any rational filly in her situation would do: she rapidly gobbled up her food, excused herself to the bathroom and locked the bathroom door, sitting on the toilet for the better part of an hour.
  179. Soon, she heard a knock on the door.
  180. "Alright come on out!"
  181. It was dad.
  182. "You know you can't stay in there forever."
  183. She remained silent.
  184. "You do realize that I have the means to open this door?"
  186. He was right. Once when she was six, she tried the same thing. Dad eventually managed to open the door despite it being locked and the filly had to stand in the corner for an hour after her spanking, then she got another spanking and had to sit on a wooden stool in the corner for another hour.
  188. "If I have to open this door it will be a lot worse for you."
  189. The filly knew he wasn't bluffing, so she got up, slowly walked to the door and shakily unlocked it before opening it.
  190. "Um, h-hi dad."
  191. Her dad said nothing as he grabbed filly by the ear and dragged her to her doom.
  193. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. >Filly is dragged to her room.
  197. >She sees the strap and a big pillow placed neatly on her bed.
  198. >Looks like dad had already set things up.
  200. >With his hold still firmly on her daughter's ear, dad drags her to the bed.
  201. >Ignores the pleading.
  203. >Makes her lean on its edge and uses the pillow to raise her flank.
  204. >Drags tail onto her back and holds her in place with a foreleg on her back just atop the flank.
  205. >Filly tries to resist, but dad is a very strong pony.
  206. >He puts a hind leg in front of filly's hind legs to somewhat reduce kicking.
  207. >It's a weird position, but dad prefers it this way for whatever reason.
  208. >Maybe his own father spanked him this way.
  210. >Filly doesn't care as she tries begging and squirming her way out of this even as dad gives her a pre-spanking lecture.
  211. >She's already in tears.
  213. >Dad ignores her; the lecture is mostly for the sake of giving his daughter time brace herself for what's to come.
  214. >If she chooses to use that time on wasting her energy it's her own choice.
  216. >Dad grabs the strap, and gives a few practice swings with it.
  217. >He doesn't have much experience using it, so he'd rather be careful.
  218. >He doesn't want to cause any injuries due to a missed swing.
  220. >After he is satisfied, he takes aim.
  221. >"No-no-no-no-no dad, please!"
  223. >The strap whistled loudly as it traveled through the air to its defenseless target.
  225. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. 'CRACK!'
  228. The strap landed on its target with a sound not too dissimilar from a thunder strike. The filly's eyes went wide as an explosion of pain erupted on her bottom. She gasped and was left breathless for a second before letting out pained shriek.
  229. "AIEEE!"
  230. The strap was already proving too much for her and it was only the first lick. This filly was in for a painful time, that much was certain.
  232. Her father let the pain sink in before readying himself for the second strike. He was going to be taking this slowly.
  233. 'CRACK!'
  234. This one was just as loud and painful as the first one and it would stay that way for the rest of this session. The shock of the pain was still there, but the filly managed to get a hold of herself to start begging.
  236. As you would expect, this was about as successful as her pre-strapping pleading, which is to say, not very much. Dad simply ignored her as he once again raised his spanking hoof.
  238. 'CRACK!'
  239. "NOOOOO!"
  240. The filly was already desperate for this to end and was trying to escape with all her might, but dad was having none of it. He kept a steady hold over his wildly thrashing daughter. He would be making sure that she would never ignore a grounding ever again.
  242. 'CRACK!'
  244. Filly's begging was getting hard to interpret, which really said something about the strength of dads swings as this was only the fourth lick from that horrible strap, although this was not too surprising as dad had a job that required some seriously strong hooves and when you combine that with the fact that he used to practice boxing for a bit in his younger years and still visits the gym from time to time for a work out you get one strong stallion, much to his daughter's current misfortune.
  246. 'CRACK!'
  247. This was the first hit to the sit-spots, the most sensitive area to spank on a naughty fanny, and in this case it showed as filly let out the loudest shriek since the first hit.
  249. Dad winced, his daughter's high pitched shriek was actually making his ears hurt. He thought that she reached the limit of how loud she could be by now, but he was surprised to find out just how wrong he was. He knew that the neighbors would most likely be hearing his filly's cries especially since her window was left open on this summer night, but this might just be a bit too loud. He decided to keep sit spot spanks to the minimum as he didn't want to disturb the neighbors too much. At least none of them had younger kids with earlier bedtimes.
  251. 'CRACK!'
  252. At this point, it was pointless to describe the sounds filly made as it only consisted of loud screams and almost completely incoherent blubbering. She was also kicking and thrashing about like a madpony, so much so that even her strong dad was struggling to keep her still. She was never very good at taking her spankings.
  254. 'CRACK!'
  255. Despite her mad, desperate struggles dad still managed to keep her still enough to safely land the necessary strap strikes. He wasn't taking any pleasure in doing his, but disobeying or ignoring a punishment was a big no-no for him, second only to deliberately getting into life threatening situations or committing a crime. He believed that his daughter should consider herself lucky that she wasn't getting extra for that bathroom stunt she pulled earlier, but he didn't tell her that as she was clearly in no position to listen to any lecturing.
  257. 'CRACK!'
  258. Filly's kicking and struggling was getting weaker due to exhaustion much to dad's relief. Her screams were still quite loud, however. She didn't remember a spanking ever being this painful. If she were in any shape to be thinking clearly, she would correctly assume that it was because dad was going harder on her due to her older age.
  260. 'CRACK!'
  261. The penultimate lick was the second and last one that landed on filly's sit spots and dad noted the increased pitch in her screams just like with the first sit spot swat. She also bucked so hard, it almost pushed his legs out of the way. Dad waited for about three seconds before sighing and raising the strap for the final lick.
  263. 'CRAAACK!'
  264. This one was somehow the hardest and loudest of the bunch as to be expected from the finale. As soon as it landed on the center of filly's flank, covering both cheeks her struggling renewed in intensity. She struggled for a good while even as the spanking was over. Dad was still holding her down to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself.
  266. When she sufficiently calmed down, dad pulled her into a hug making sure that no pressure came to her butt, but also making sure that she couldn't reach it. He didn't want her rubbing it just yet.
  268. She cried her heart out. While she didn't receive too many licks but what she got was especially painful. Dad's strapping was all about quality over quantity.
  270. "Are you alright?" He asked.
  271. "Yea." She wasn't sure if she actually was.
  272. "Alright then." He broke the hug. "I want you to go to that corner." He gestured to the only empty corner in the room. "And I want your nose touching it until I say otherwise."
  274. "Dad?" Filly did not expect this.
  275. "Your on timeout, pumpkin."
  276. "What?"
  277. "You heard me, go stand in the corner!"
  279. "B-but I'm too old for that!" Filly blushed. She hasn't been given a timeout since she was six.
  280. "Consider it punishment for locking yourself in the bathroom." He smiled. "Which was pretty immature, by the way."
  281. Filly's face was almost as red as her fanny. "But dad!"
  283. "No butts, unless you mean your own, which I will give another layer of redness if you don't put your muzzle in that corner right this instant."
  284. She gulped and quickly scampered off to the corner, almost touching it.
  285. "Nose between the walls!"
  286. "Do I have to?"
  287. Dad's only response was swinging the strap in the air. The loud whistling sound it made was the only warning his daughter needed to make her obey and take up a more proper corner time position.
  289. As one would expect from a teenage filly who hasn't had to stand in a corner like this for years this felt utterly humiliating, awkward and uncomfortable for her, especially considering her aching bottom, the sting of which she was now feeling in earnest since she had nothing to distract herself with anymore. She raised a fore hoof and tried reaching back for a good rub.
  291. "Put that hoof right back down, young lady!"
  292. "Huh?"
  293. "No rubbing!"
  294. "But it hurts!"
  295. "And corner time is not the time to relieve that pain. It's for reflecting on what you did to end up there."
  296. "How am I supposed to reflect on it when by butt hurts so much?!"
  297. "It helps you see, or a better way to put it feel the consequence of your behavior."
  298. "Come on dad, let me rub." She pleaded. "I learned my lesson, I swear."
  299. "I still see that hoof in the air. Put it back on the floor or I'll drag you back here for round two!"
  300. Filly winced, and did as she was told.
  302. A few seconds later, she started swishing her tail in front of her flank in an attempt to ease the pain with the wind that it created.
  303. "Put that tail on your back!" He ordered.
  304. "But why?!"
  305. "I think you know why, corner time isn't for pain relief."
  306. The teenager sighed, and stopped swishing.
  307. "I said tail on the back."
  308. "Look dad, I'm not moving it. Can't I just keep it down?"
  309. "No, you cant. Put that tail above your flank and onto your back! This is your last warning."
  310. The filly groaned and did as she was told, her blush increasing twofold. While her dad was the only one who could see her right now, exposing her spanked tush like this was incredibly embarrassing for her.
  312. It only took around twenty second for some more corner time shenanigans to pop up. This time, the pain in her hiney instinctively made the filly shuffle her back legs and step back and forth with them.
  313. "Keep those hooves still and on the ground!"
  314. "But dad, I can't help it!"
  315. "Control those urges and stay still!"
  316. "But-" She wanted to argue more, but then she heard the sound of dads hoof landing on the floor.
  317. "Alright I'll stop!" She quickly said.
  318. To her relief, she heard the sound of her mattress squeaking signaling her dad sitting back down on it.
  320. She sighed. Standing with her nose in the corner with tears still leaking from her eyes, her tail on her back completely exposing her marked, stinging bottom and forced to stay still made her feel like a very naughty well-spanked six-year-old little filly again, although this time her butt had a nice red color with darker strap markings instead of pink with bright red hoof-marks.
  322. Corner time took around half an hour. The filly spent this time standing in the corner, occasionally giving her flank a slight shake. Dad was willing to let her do this up to a point, but he did eventually order his daughter to stop doing that after he thought she was going a little too far with it. The teenage filly could do nothing but stand still, and reflect.
  324. At first, her thoughts were on how unfair this was and more importantly: how much her butt hurt, which it did quite a bit (she would be feeling this for the rest of her punishment, and probably the next day as well if she sat on something hard).
  326. She did eventually feel a bit of guilt, however. Even though (at least to her) she wasn't too late after doing her job, her parents must have been quite worried, especially considering all the crazy stuff that tended to happen in Ponyville.
  328. Later, her legs started to hurt. Standing still like this was certainly tiring them out. She wanted to shuffle them around a little bit, but was afraid of getting an extra lick or two from dad. She assumed that she was already on thin ice after the way she acted at the start of her timeout.
  330. As time went on, standing got annoyingly painful. The filly liked to go on long walks outside so she was surprised by how much this was bothering her. Her grounding did not exactly allow her to go outside too much, so she thought that she was probably out of shape. She also thought about how she had recently gotten hooked on Sugarcube Corner pastries, which could have been making her fat. She thought of taking a break from said pastries, but that thought was quickly dismissed. They were just too good. Then again, getting fat would do horrors to her looks and that would be horrible. She needed to find a way to-
  331. "Pumpkin."
  332. How was she going to get a coltfriend if-
  333. "Dear!"
  334. All of her friends would laugh at her if she looked like a-
  335. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Startled, she quickly looked to the side to find her dad smiling at her.
  336. "Timeouts over."
  337. "...Oh."
  338. "I thought you fell asleep or something."
  340. She blushed, then remembered that her bottom still hurt like crazy, and quickly got to work rubbing it making her dad chuckle and leave the room to get an icepack for his daughter.
  342. He returned a few minutes later with an icepack and mom in tow
  343. "Alright, lay down on the bed." He said.
  344. "Why?" The filly asked nervously.
  345. "Just do it."
  346. She obayed, hoping that her father was just going to use the icepack and nothing more.
  348. She was partially right. Dad indeed use the icepack to sooth her tush while mom gave her a lengthy scolding which took an hour to end.
  350. "We'll leave you alone now." Mom said. "I suggest that you go to sleep now. You'll need plenty of energy for tomorrow."
  351. "Tomorrow? What about tomorrow?" The filly asked, confused.
  352. "Why foalsitting, of course."
  353. "Wait, what?!"
  354. "You promised that you would foalsit last week, remember?"
  355. The filly had promised the parents of the colt she had foalsat last week that she would foalsit this week as well.
  357. "But I don't want to!"
  358. "You promised, dear." Said mom. "So you must."
  359. "But I can't go looking like this!"
  360. "Of course you can." Said dad. "You did so last week."
  361. "But-"
  362. "No buts, your going and that's final!"
  363. "And if that colt acts up because of your red hindquarters I'm sure you'll know how to deal with it." Said dad with a wink.
  365. She tried to argue some more, but to no avail. Soon her parents gave her a quick goodbye and left. She groaned as she lay belly first on the bed. Tomorrow was going to suck.
  367. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  369. >The next day.
  371. >"Mom, dad please."
  372. >"No and that's final!" Said mom.
  374. >Mom, dad and filly were having breakfast (filly had to sit on a pillow).
  376. >"But he'll make fun of me again" Filly said quietly.
  377. >"His parents told me you handled it pretty well last time." Dad reassured. "If he acts up again I'm sure you'll know what to do."
  378. >Filly blushed. "But still..."
  379. >"You'll be fine." Mom said. "Now you better hurry up, you don't want to be late, do you?"
  381. >Filly sighed, went through the rest of her morning routine and left. She had thought about putting some clothes on, but it was hot and ponies would know what had happened if a teenage filly went outside with a covered up backside, so she went out with only a small saddlebag filled with her wallet and other essential things.
  383. >As she walked to her current workplace, she could swear that everypony behind her was staring at her flanks. Whether or not that was true, she couldn't tell.
  384. >She hated the fact that she had to deal with that annoying little colt again.
  385. >To be fair she didn't hate him, he just had a tendency to be annoyingly mischievous at times.
  386. >The filly soon reached the house of her future charge and his parents.
  387. >She knocked.
  388. >The door opened.
  389. >"Oh, you're here. I was getting worried."
  390. >"Sorry ma'am."
  391. >"It's alright, come in."
  392. >"I've just told my son to be good. I'm sure you can handle the rest." Said the father of the now foalsitter's charge.
  393. >"Yea." She was surprised that they didn't bring up her flank, but she assumed that her parents had already talked to them. They quickly went out the door with the foalsitter seeing them off and closing it behind them. She sighed, time to get to work.
  395. >"Well-well-well if it isn't apple butt." Said an annoying voice from behind her.
  396. >She frowned and turned around. Her size difference made her see a bit of his backside, which had red marks of its own. She smirked.
  397. >"Why hello to you to tomato butt."
  399. >The colt blushed and frowned. "Lets not bring them up?" He asked.
  400. >"Deal."
  402. >The day went on pretty smoothly from there, despite the deal they made the colt and his foalsitter did eventually exchange stories. Appearently the colt had got it into his head that he wanted to explore the attic alone, which was forbidden and his parents gave him a few whacks with the carpet beater he found there.
  403. >In a way, he got a similar "quality over quantity" kind of spanking she got.
  405. >Filly didn't really care as long as she wouldn't have any problems with her charge, which thankfully she didn't.
  406. >Frankly, the later she had to deal with anything spanking related, the better.
  408. -----Appendix:-----
  410. [Alternate ending from earlier in the story.]
  412. >Filly knew he wasn't kidding so she got up, slowly walked to the door and shakily unlocked it, put a hoof on the doorknob, twisted and pushed.
  414. >Only for the to not open.
  415. >She tried pushing it again.
  416. >No luck, somehow it was stuck.
  418. >"Stop playing around and open the door, young filly!"
  419. >"I'm trying dad but it's stuck!"
  420. >But dad didn't believe her.
  422. >"I'm going to count to three, and if you don't stop playing around and open the door by the time I get to three I'll spank you twice!"
  423. >Oh crap.
  425. >"One!"
  426. >Filly tries opening the door with all her might, but fails. "Dad, please I swear I can't open it!"
  428. >"Two!"
  429. >She's in hysterics now. She had only gotten about ten licks from dad's strap in her whole life, and even that had left a great impression on her.
  431. >"Two and a half!"
  432. >Filly was begging dad to believer her all the while desperately trying to open the door, but to no success on either action.
  434. >"Last chance, open the door or face the consequences."
  435. >"Dad, I swear I would if I could!"
  437. >Dad sighed. "Three! I hope you realize that your about to get the spanking of your life." He left to get the bathroom key (it had two locks).
  439. >That sounded absolutely terrifying. "Dad wait, please!"
  441. >It took dad three minutes to find the key, all the while his daughter was pounding on the door begging for him to listen.
  442. >He soon returned.
  444. >Filly thought that if she couldn't open the door then the key wouldn't work either, so once dad failed to open it he would believe her.
  445. >Except the key worked.
  446. >"How?" She asked herself.
  448. >She couldn't say much more besides more begging as dad grabbed her ear and dragged her off to her doom.
  450. >She got a repeat of that double spanking all those years ago. This time it was much-much worse, even if you compare her ages.

Changeling and Colt

by asd

Crazy Colt Idea's

by asd

Cozy And Her "Parents"

by asd

Hurts You And Me

by asd

Boast Busters alternate ending

by asd