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Alicorn Magic

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:38:08
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:23:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Young filly Twilight Sparkle is studying magic with her teacher, Princess Celestia.
  3. Unfortunately, Celestia soon has to leave due to urgent royal business. She tells Twilight not to try casting the spell they were practicing until she gets back.
  5. Twilight wants to impress Celestia so she disobeys her and try's to cast the spell anyway. As expected, the spell goes awray and a big mess is made.
  7. Celestia soon returns, sees the mess and gets mad.
  9. Twilight desperatly tries apologizing, making many excuses, but Celestia hushes her and tells her to turn around. Twilight whimpers, knowing what was about to come, but obeys, knowing that it will be worse if she doesn't.
  11. Celestia removes one of her Golden horseshoes, gathers some alicorn magic in her bare hoof and gives two hard spanks onto Twilight's flank, one on the center of each buttcheek causing Twilight to yell out and try to rub the pain away only for Celestia to stop her from reaching her butt.
  13. The alicorn magic that Celestia gathered in her hoof quickly kicks in. Both the sting of the two spanks and the red marks they made on Twilight's bottom don't fade away.
  15. Celestia puts Twilight in corner, nose first then casts a spell that glues her nose in their and forces her hooves to stay put. She then tells her she'll only be let out when the castle staff finishes cleaning up the mess she made. Celestia then leaves and after a while, some of the staff come to clean the room.
  17. Unfortunately for both the staff and Twilight cleaning up her magical mess takes far longer and is much harder then a normal kind of mess would be. It's a lot of work for the staff, but at least they get to see Twilight's backside while cleaning so they know she's getting punished for it.
  19. Meanwhile, Twilight is forced stand still in her corner, unable to move or do anything besides squirm in place, her reddened flank looking like it's been through quite a spanking session and with a constant, never ending sting from Celestia's hoof to match. All this from just two swats from Celestia's hoof and a bit of her magic.
  21. Needless to say the sniffling, blushing and squirming little filly will not be casting forbidden spells without her teachers consent ever again.
  23. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Worst is yet to come.
  26. Twi's mom & dad are gonna have questions about those two big red marks on her rump.
  27. >"Just what did you do at school, young filly?"
  28. A spanking at school means a spanking at home too.
  29. And it ain't gonna be a little two-smacker.
  30. And of course it is then that Shining comes home, Cadence in tow. Both get to witness the spanking and the corner time following.
  32. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. To make thing even worse, Celestia descides that Cadence (whom still foalsits Twilight) is ready to learn this particular spell and of course, Cadence ends up using it on Twilight on a few occasions. Some of these are in front of the still infant Spike (whom would always giggle at her plight).
  36. Speaking of Spike, he would later get to experience it as well.
  38. When Twilight moves into the library tower Spike ends up staying with her. Since the young dragon is under Twilight's sole care now, Celestia teaches her student how to reproduce the spell. A minor magical item is required to replicate alicorn magic, but Twilight manages to safely use it without any issues (much to Spike's dismay).
  40. She continues to use it as a punishment for her charge in Poniville. Ponyville soon finds out that the resident baby dragon gets punished like any other colt or filly his age which funnily enough gets some of the more sceptical ponies to accept him despite him being a dragon.
  42. Even the CMC got it on couple of occasions when they misbehaved inside the library.
  44. When Starlight became Twilight's personal student she got to know it as well. Cleaning up the mess made from the mind control incident was no fun, especially with a stinging bottom.
  46. Eventually Twilight passed on the knowledge of the spell to Starlight and is now a common method for punishing naughty students in the School of Friendship.

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