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By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:43:48
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:24:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Having a teacher as a caretaker really wasn't all that bad. Sure, Cheerilee might have been stingy with schoolwork and trying to hide any sort of misbehaviour in school may have been next to impossible, but she was also very kind and understanding. That's why despite not being a model student, Scootaloo enjoyed living with her schoolteacher.
  3. At this moment, however she was cursing the fact that her caretaker knew almost everything she did at school.
  5. She was currently in trouble for playing with her friends in the schools storage basement which while large and had many things to play with, was old and in dire need of repairs which was something Cheerilee was working on getting funds for which was now even more difficult due to some of the school supplies down there now being wrecked. This was not the first time this had happened and Cheerilee warned her students many times not to play in there.
  7. Her classmates have already reciefed firm scoldings and their parents have been called with many punishments promised. Cheerilee privately gave Scootaloo another firm scolding and promised her that they would talk more about this as soon as they got home so Scootaloo knew that she would personally be facing the consequences of her actions as soon as she and Cheerilee got home.
  9. Upon arriving at Cheerilee's house, Scootaloo was quickly led upstairs to her bedroom and streight to her bed. Few words were exchanged before Cheerilee left after warning Scootaloo not to move from her bed.
  11. She soon returned with a long, thick wooden yardstick. It looked almost the same as the one she used for teaching in the classroom (this one was a spare that she had). It durable piece of wood thanks to magical enchantments which was something any teacher could appreciate.
  13. While Cheerilee did spank occasionally spank Scootaloo it was surprisingly rare. Most of the time when Scootaloo did something wrong she would get a scolding, some chores or even the occasional extra homework (curtosy of having a teacher as a guardian). Only larger offences warrented spankings, which Cheerilee preferred to groundings because she did not like forcing a filly like Scootaloo to be cooped up in the house all day.
  15. Scootaloo always seamed to know when Cheerilee was about to spank her and even now, she had no delusions of getting out of it, but upon seeing that yardsitck in Cheerilee's mouth, she panicked.
  17. "Please just use your hoof, Cheerilee! I won't do it again, I promise!"
  18. "I warned you many times not to go in the school basement with or without your friends, Scootaloo! Did I not?"
  19. "Y-yea but-"
  20. "And how many times were you warned?"
  21. "Umm, two?"
  22. "Five times. And what did I tell you the fifth time?"
  23. "Th-that I would be let off with another warning?"
  24. "... Nice try, but no. I explicitly said that I would be using my yardstick on your bottom. Did I not?"
  25. Scootaloo looked down "Y-yes Cheerilee."
  26. Cheerilee nodded.
  27. "Now, I believe I've already explained to you multiple times why what you did wrong so please, bend over the bed so we can get this over with."
  29. Scootaloo just sat there, still looking down.
  30. "Wouldn't it be a lot better if we just got this over with?"
  31. Scootaloo knew she was right so with a disgruntled sigh, she obeyed and ss soon as Scootaloo got into position and shifted her tail out of the way Cheerilee rested the yardstick on the filly's bottom.
  33. "I Don't think I need to remind you not to get in the way, do I?"
  34. "N-no."
  35. "Good, ready?"
  36. "'gulp' Mhm."
  38. The yardstick soon left Scootaloos butt before quickly coming back with a loud 'TAP!' and a good sting. Scootaloo yelped as a bright red line was now inprinted onto her flank.
  40. Soon another hit landed a bit lower but still just as painful followed by a third spank slightly above the first one. Scootaloo was already squirming.
  42. 'Whack!' after 'Whack!' the yarstick kept crashing down on the poor filly's bottom as tears now flew freely from her eyes. This was the first time Cheerilee used the yardstick for spanking purposes and Scootaloo did not like it one bit. As her spanking went on, Scootaloo grabbed her pillow and bury her face in it. Something she would always try to do when she was getting spanked.
  44. 'Whack!' 'Tap!' 'Smack!' 'Crack!'
  45. Scootaloo's hindhooves were lightly kicking up and down as she sobbed into the pillow.
  47. 'Slap!' 'Crack!' 'Tap!' 'Whack!'
  48. Her squirming got a bit harder. her pillow was getting more and more soaked.
  50. Cheerilee paused and with a sad sigh raised the yardstick for the last few licks.
  52. 'Whack!' This one landed on the sitspots causing Scootaloo to let out a squeel.
  53. 'Whack!' This one was particularily hard which did not go unnoticed by the chastised filly.
  54. 'WHACK!' The final, hardest hit. Scootaloo' crying got a bit louder at this point. She would think twice about not heeding Cheerilee's warnings in the future.
  56. Cheerilee put the yardstick down and was soon next to her charge, stroking her back.
  57. "It's over, please don't do that again."
  58. "Yes 'sniff' Cheerilee."
  60. Cheerilee stayed like this with Scootaloo for a while before getting up.
  62. "I'm going to go make dinner, will you be alright?"
  63. Scootaloo nodded.
  64. "Alright then, I'll call you when it's ready."
  65. And with that, she left leaving the filly alone in her room with a sore, red butt which her classmates would surely notice next school day.
  67. And notice they did as the red stripes from the yardstick faded oddly little. Scootaloo wasn't alone with her reddened flank, however as most of her friends who had joined her in her basement venture got very similar punishments from their parents. Needless to say such an event made comparing stories far less embarrassing then if only one or two of them had gotten spanked.

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