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Getting Out Of A Grounding

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:44:12
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:25:23
Expiry: Never

  1. There was a special festival coming up that Scootaloo was greatly looking forward to all year. All of her friends would attend it and there would be many great activities and performances. This was the first time in years that it would be taking place in Ponyville. Unfortunately, Scootaloo couldn't go because she was grounded.
  3. She had recently committed an act of vandalism by painting all over the Town center using a stolen bucket of red paint and a large paintbrush. She wasn't sure what had come over her as she had never even thought of doing something like this before but the damage was done and Cheerilee, her guardian decided on a fittingly harsh punishment hence the grounding.
  5. Cheerilee hated the idea of keeping Scootaloo away from the festival and it pained the her to see the filly so depressed but she knew she had to be harsh. Scootaloo had committed a crime after all.
  7. It was a Friday night when Cheerilee was finishing up some leftover paperwork in her bedroom. Scootaloo had already been sent to bed as it was past her bedtime and Cheerilee was about to do the same when suddenly the door to her room creaked open and the head of a certain orange filly popped in.
  9. "Shouldn't you be in bed, Scootaloo?"
  10. "Can we talk?"
  12. Cheerilee sighed, Scootaloo probably wanted to convince her to let her go to the festival again and like the last ten or so times she tried, she would fail. She would at least let her speak her mind. She had made it a point to always listen to her charge when she wanted to talk.
  14. "What is it?"
  15. "Its about the festival."
  16. "Your grounded and you'll still be grounded when it starts. I'm sorry, but you can't go."
  17. "I did do all my homework."
  18. "I know and I'm very glad that you did what you were supposed to anyway."
  19. "I studied hard."
  20. "I can tell by your performance at school and I'm very proud of you, but I simply cannot let you go, Scootaloo."
  21. "I'll study even harder."
  22. Cheerilee sighed, walked up to Scootaloo and put a hoof to her shoulder.
  23. "You committed a crime. If you were an adult you might even be facing jail time. I'm sorry, but you earned yourself a serious punishment."
  24. Scootaloo didn't say anything as she hung her head down.
  26. "Now, I believe it's past your bedtime."
  27. "Umm, Cheerilee?"
  28. "'sigh' Yes, Scootaloo?"
  29. Scootaloo stood there, clearily having trouble saying whatever she wanted to say.
  30. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
  31. "Yea, um, what if..."
  32. Scootaloo paused, gathering her courage, Cheerilee patiently waited for her to say whatever she wanted to say.
  33. "What if you punished me in a different way?"
  34. This was new. Cheerilee didn't think that Scootaloo could come up with adequate alternative to her grounding, but she played along anyway.
  36. "And what would that be?"
  37. "Do you... Think you could, um."
  38. Scootaloo gulped.
  39. "What if you just spanked me instead?
  41. Cheerilee was surprised. At first she thought that a simple spanking was no substitute for what Scootaloo had earned, but then she thought of how much her charge had wanted to go to the festival and how desperate she was to earn her permission to go there.
  43. Cheerilee also knew that if she were to spank Scootaloo instead of grounding her she would have to make it a very harsh one to fit the crime and that was something she wasn't sure she could stomach.
  45. The last time she had given Scootaloo a harsher spanking was when she spanked her with her spare yardstick and that was something she still regretted doing. She never spanked her students in the classroom (despite having permission to do so in Equestria) and she hated spanking Scootaloo (sometimes it was the only way to get through the filly).
  47. Cheerilee thought for a minute, sighed and looked into Scootaloo's eyes.
  48. "Scootaloo, if I were to spank you instead I would not go easy on you in any way. Do you understand?"
  49. "Uh-huh"
  50. "I'm serious, it would be a very hard spanking."
  51. Scootaloo hesitated, Cheerilee had never warned her about how hard her spankings would be.
  52. "If I take it, can I go to the festival?"
  53. "Probably shouldn't be agreeing to this, but yes."
  54. "Then I'll take it."
  55. "Are you sure?"
  56. "Yes."
  57. "... Alright then, wait for me in your room, please."
  59. Once Scootaloo left, Cheerilee let out a long sigh and began looking for a certain tool she never thought she would ever use. Hopefully it would only be used this one time and never again.
  61. From under her bed, she pulled out a large wooden box containing verious memorabilia from her life: old clothes, notebooks and pictures, but what she pulled out was an old wooden paddle, an old gift from her old school teacher and mentor.
  63. It was large enough to cover both of the butt cheeks of a naughty filly while being thin enough to be wielded with ease for any user. In it were six holes allowing for faster smacks due to less air resistance. It was also enchanted for long term durability. It was designed to give maximum effect from just a few swings as teachers who spanked in classrooms typically only gave their students four to five hits. Cheerilee felt its impact on her flank a couple of times when she was a filly and she, like her classmates would always cry after two or so hits from it. She had never even thought of using it on her students until now let alone on Scootaloo.
  65. Speaking of Scootaloo, all that waiting must have been nerve wracking for the poor filly so Cheerilee gave a few test swings with it (surprised by how natural it felt to swing) and went to the filly's room the door to which was left open.
  67. As Cheerilee entered, Scootaloo shifted her attention towards her then the paddle. She didn't complain despite looking quite shocked at the wooden implement probably because she didn't expect Cheerilee to let her off with a hoofspanking. She did look quite scared, however.
  69. "Alright, Scootaloo are you sure you would rather have this then skip the festival?"
  70. Scootaloo nodded, albeit hesitently.
  71. "Alright then." She grabbed the armless wooden chair in front of Scootaloo's desk (used for homework and studying), turned it around and sat down. "Come here, please."
  72. Scootaloo wasn't sure why she wasn't just made to bend over the bed like always. Cheerilee had stopped using the over the knee position for a while now.
  74. "Cheerilee."
  75. "Yes?"
  76. "Shouldn't I just bend over like always?"
  77. "That won't be needed now."
  78. "W-why?"
  79. "I don't want you getting in the way."
  80. Scootaloo gulped. This was a bad sign.
  82. "Cheerilee."
  83. "'Sigh' Yes, Scootaloo?"
  84. "Do you have to use that thing?" Scootaloo asked, pointing at the paddle.
  85. "Yes, now unless you changed your mind please come over here."
  86. She did, albeit hesitantly. Cheerilee helped her onto her lap, raised her tail and pinned it on her back.
  88. "Last chance, Scootaloo. Are you sure you want to do this?"
  89. "... I wanna go to the festival."
  90. "Alright."
  91. Cheerilee tapped Scootaloo's butt a few times and raised the paddle high, ready to strike.
  93. "Wait!"
  94. Cheerilee stopped.
  95. "Yes?"
  96. "Can I have a pillow, please?"
  97. "... No, Scootaloo you would just drop it."
  98. "I won't just please let me have one!"
  99. Cheerilee frowned shifted on the chair a bit and swished her tail in front of Scootaloo who grabbed a hold of it. She knew was going to be washing out tears, drool and snot by the end of this.
  100. "Thanks."
  101. "Your welcome."
  103. Cheerilee took a deep breath and raised the paddle once again and as she brought it crashing down there was a whistling sound as the air went through the holes followed by a loud 'CRACK!' as it flattanned the target.
  105. Scootaloo gasped as the pain registered her brain. Cheerilee paused, briefly reminiscing of how during her school days seeing and hearing a classmate get his or her butt flattened by this paddle usually got the entire class in line. She quickly snapped out of her little flashback and continued on with her work.
  107. 'CRACK!'
  108. "AAAAAAH!" This was a far more audible reaction and it would most likely be getting louder from here.
  109. 'CRACK!'
  110. "EEEEEEH! I changed my mind, please stop!" Scootaloo begged, but of course it was too late for the filly to change her mind now.
  112. Cheerilee resolved herself to keep going. This was going to be a tiresome ordeal for her, but even more so for Scootaloo ('CRACK!' NAHAHAOU!) but at least (PLEEA-'CRACK!'-EEEE!) she wouldn't need to keep her from the festival (IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY 'CRACK!' IMSOSOREEE!).
  114. Scootaloo was desperately trying to escape now and still begging for release. Cheerilee said nothing. There would be time to talk after ('THWACK!' PLEASE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN I PROMI-'THWACK!'-IIIIII!) the punishment. Speaking of Scootaloo ('THWACK!' OWWWW!), she had let go of Cheerilee's tail and was now trying to reach back to shield her burning flanks, but Cheerilee blocked her. It would be bad if the paddle broke a bone in her hoof after all.
  116. Scootaloo had perhaps realized how futile trying to reach back was ('SMACK! STHOOOHHP IIIIIHT!) and was now trying to grab hold of Cheerilee's tail once again ('SMACK!' WAAAAAA-!) but couldn't quite reach it ('SMACK!' -AAAAAAAAAAH!). Cheerilee, seeing this once again swished her tail in front of her and she quickly grabbed hold of it and buried her face in it ('SMACK!' MMMMMPH!). The rest of her body was still squirming and kicking about all over her lap.
  118. Cheerilee had noticed that Scootaloo was tiring as evident by her lighter squirming and her quieter crying ('CRACK!' Waaahahaaa!). This didn't surprise her as it wasn't easy to keep the filly still enough to efficiantly ('THWACK!' Aaaah-'hic'-aow!) spank her. Cheerilee took no pleasure in this and had hoped that she would never ('SMACK!' Mooaahmm!) have to use the paddle ever again.
  120. Thankfully ('CRACK!') for Scootaloo ('THWACK!'), it was almost ('SMACK!') over.
  122. 'CRACK!'
  123. 'THWACK!'
  124. 'SMACK!'
  126. And they were finally done, Scootaloo was officially ungrounded now. She could go to the festival (Waaaaaah!).
  128. Cheerilee sighed, dropped the paddle and tried to sit Scootaloo up for a hug. She had difficulty doing so as the filly was still clinging on to her tail with all her remaining might, sobbing into it. "Scootaloo." She whispered gently into her ear "It's over now, you can let go."
  130. She did, allowing Cheerilee to pull her up. She made sure to let her sit on her lap in a way that didn't put too much pressure on her freshly reddened bottom. They hugged each other for a while. Looking back, Cheerilee was glad that Scootaloo had suggested the spanking at Friday. It would have broken her heart to see Her charge squirming in her chair during class and Scootaloo didn't need the unwanted attention her cherry red bum would bring at school.
  132. Soon Scootaloo had sufficiently calmed down.
  133. "I hope you won't make me use the paddle on you in the future."
  134. "I'll never commit a crime again." Scootaloo muttered.
  135. Cheerilee smiled "Good, I don't want you ending up in jail."
  137. ...
  138. "Soooo, Can I go?"
  139. "Of course you can."
  140. "Yay!"
  141. ...
  142. "Are you ready to get up?"
  143. "Mhm."
  144. Cheerilee let Scootaloo down and watched her vigorously rub her bottom.
  146. Cheerilee tried coaxing Scootaloo to go to sleep, but she was couldn't so she made her some cocoa and extanded her bedtime a bit. As they went downstairs to the kitchen, Scootaloo tried fanning her fanny with her tail.
  148. They had a pleasant conversation before Scootaloo was ready to sleep. Cheerilee tucked her in.
  150. The next day, Scootaloo would keep getting stares from ponies who saw her grilled bottom and she had to tell the embarrassing story behind it to her friends (and of course, bragging about how well she took it) but it was worth it just to be able to go outside and play again and the festival was great to.

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