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Pound And Pumpkin Attempt To Get Out Of Trouble

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:46:22
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:25:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Pound and Pumpin stared at the broken vase, a victim of their careless playing. Both of them were very nervous as they would surely get be in trouble for this.
  3. "This is all your fault!" Shouted Pound.
  4. "What?! How is it my fault?!" Shouted back Pumpkin.
  5. "You threw the ball!"
  6. "Well you flew outside our room and told me to throw it!"
  7. "You threw it so it's your fault! I'm not the boss of you!"
  8. "You got me to throw it! I didn't know the vase was there!"
  10. The two stopped their bickering and just stared at each other angrily as if the other would eventually relent under their gaze and finally realize that they were the ones at fault. Neither of them relented and soon the look of anger in their eyes shifted into one of fear.
  12. "Mommy really liked this vase." Said Pumpkin.
  13. "Y-yeah, what do you think she'll do when she finds we broke it?"
  14. "I dunno... D-do you think she would... You know." Pumpkin gulped "S-spank us?"
  15. Pound thought for a moment before coming to a horrible conclusion "Probably."
  17. A spanking: a punishment usually delivered by their mother, Cup Cake. It was a something both of them received multiple times (sometimes at the same time) and they both hated it due to the horrible pain it caused.
  19. In reality the spankings Cup (or on rare occasions Carrot) gave weren't actually all that bad. She generally gave light and somewhat slow spanks with her hoof (It still stung a tiny bit, of course), but the twins were terrified of the prospect of getting one.
  21. "It's not fair! I don't wanna get spanked!" Cried Pound.
  22. "Me neither!"
  23. "We gotta do something." Said Pound who had managed to calm down a bit.
  24. "But what can we do?"
  25. That was a question they both found themselves thinking very hard on. They went through numerous ideas but nothing feasible.
  27. "Hey Pumpkin."
  28. "Yes Pound?"
  29. "Do you think mom would spank if we were spanked beforehand?"
  30. "Umm" Pumpkin paused for a bit before realizing what Pound was thinking. "Probably not."
  31. "So if we were to convince her we already got spanked before she finds out what we did-"
  32. "-She wouldn't spank us! Pound! That's genius!"
  33. Pound was rather pleased with himself to have come up with this idea but soon found himself with another problem.
  35. "How are we gonna convince her that we were spanked?" He asked his sister.
  36. "Well duh! All we gotta do is spank each till our buts look like we were spanked by mommy. Then she'll have to believe us!"
  37. "What?! B-but then we would be spanked anyways!"
  38. "Well it's not like we have to make it hurt. Only make it look like our butts were properly spanked."
  39. Pound frowned, before brightening up. "That makes perfect sense, lets do it!"
  40. And so, the twins hurried back to their room and shut the door leaving the broken vase and the ball that broke it on the floor, unmoved.
  42. "So, how are we gonna do this?" Asked Pound.
  43. "Well, what if we just take turns spanking each other?"
  44. "Kay! That works, which one of us goes first?"
  45. That made both twins pause as they were both suddenly very nervous of what was about to happen, even if it was from each other.
  47. "Dad says fillies should usually be first so you gotta get spanked first!"
  48. "B-but I don't wanna go first!"
  49. "Well too bad! Your a filly so you have to start!"
  50. "No fair!"
  51. "Your a filly so you have to start!" Pound repeated.
  52. Pumpkin had an idea. "Well if daddy said that fillies should always go first shouldn't I be the one who gets to spank first?"
  53. Pound looked away "No..."
  54. "Please Pound. Were both gonna have to spank each other eventually"
  55. "Grrr, fine! You can start!" Shouted Pound and turned around. "Just make it quick."
  56. Pumpkin raised her hoof, ready to strike her brother's bottom, but stopped when she noticed something was amiss.
  58. "Hey Pound."
  59. "What?"
  60. "I'm supposed to keep going till your bummy is pink kinda like Pinkie's coat, right?"
  61. "Well, duh! But only in the middle of both sides."
  62. "Well, I don't think I can tell how pink it is if your tail is in the way."
  63. Pound looked behind him and saw that his tail would indeed obscure her sisters' vision.
  64. "Oh, right." He shifted his tail to the side. "Is this good?"
  65. "Mhm."
  67. Pumpkin raised her hoof once again, aimed at Pound's butt and brought it down in constant light taps, hoping to "paint" it pink. This went on for a bit and Pound was quickly getting bored.
  69. "Is it pink yet?"
  70. "No."
  71. "Well hurry up! It's already been like, an hour!" It had only been about thirty seconds.
  72. Pumpkin frowned.
  73. "Pound, I don't think this is working."
  74. "How? your clearly spanking me, it should be at least a little bit pink by now."
  76. "I think I need to hit harder."
  77. "But that'll hurt!"
  78. "It won't get pink if I don't!"
  79. "Well what's the point if it hurts?!"
  80. "It won't hurt as much as mommy's spankings, obviously!"
  81. Pound thought about this for a moment before coming to the conclusion that Pumpkin was right so, with a whine he told her to keep going.
  83. And she did. Her slaps became harder and while she was still a very young filly, her brother was equally young so even her weak hoofspanks caused a bit of a sting. Not so much as to deter Pound, but just enough to have the colt squirming.
  85. "P-Pumpkin how does it look?"
  86. "Nothing yet."
  87. "Aw come on! How much longer till' your done?!"
  88. "Hmm" Pumpkin thought that question over.
  90. "I don't think this is gonna work."
  91. "What?! Why?
  92. "Well mommy's hooves are a lot bigger and stronger than mine, so I think we need something to counter that."
  93. "I guess that makes sense. But what can we get?"
  94. "I don't know... Wait! I got it!"
  95. "Got what?" Asked Pound as he turned to his sister.
  97. Pumpkin went over to the small nightstand next to her bed and used her magic to pick up her manebrush she kept there (instead of the bathroom for reasons that completely alluded her brother).
  99. "Let's use this!"
  100. Pound looked nervous "I don't know, Pumpkin. Wouldn't that hurt more?"
  101. "Yea, but it should also make this whole thing faster." Pumpkin walked up to Pound "Now, turn around and let's test it out!"
  102. "Ok" Said Pound as he turned around, got his tail out of the way and braced himself.
  104. Pumpkin raised the brush, took aim and swung.
  105. "Ouch!" Pound leaned forward. "That hurt!"
  107. Pumpkin ignored him and inspected her brother's butt. She saw a very light pink blob on it.
  108. "It's working, Just gotta do this a couple more times and itl be perfect."
  109. "But it huuuurts!" Whined Pound.
  110. "Well suck it up! Remember why we're doing this."
  111. "F-fine, just remember those words when it's my turn to use that thing!"
  113. Pumpkin huffed and rolled her eyes then spanked away, opting to alternate between her brother's butt cheeks just like her mother would. Pound squirmed and whimpered.
  115. "Pumpkin." he asked "How much longer?"
  116. "Just a few more I think."
  117. "You think?!"
  118. "Oh quit being such a crybaby Pound! Getting spanked from mommy would be a lot worse!"
  119. "I am not a crybaby!"
  120. "Thats not what I see, or hear."
  121. "W-well atleast I stopped calling mom and dad "mommy" and "daddy"!"
  122. "Hey! I'm gonna call them whatever I want!"
  123. "Of course you will- Youch!" Pumpkin had hit him while he was talking.
  124. "Be quiet and let me finish!"
  126. Pound obeyed, but only because of the knowledge that he would be getting his payback once she was done. He squirmed as the final spanks rained down on his bottom.
  128. "There, done! Was that so bad?"
  129. "Yes it was! And I'm gonna prove it cuz it's your turn now!"
  131. Pumpkin's eyes widened. Somehow, she had forgotten that she had to be spanked as well and seeing how upset her brother looked she doubted that he would go easy on her.
  133. "Oh, right, um" She looked sideways, nervously "Is it too late to back out?"
  134. Pound smirked "Not unless you want mom to spank you."
  135. Pumpkin winced and whined.
  136. "Oh quit being such a crybaby Pumpkin!" Mocked Pound "Getting spanked from mom would be a lot worse."
  137. Pumpkin gulped, now regretting how mean she was to her brother.
  139. "Look Pound, I'm sorry I was so mean to you. I was just a bit mad. can you forgive me?"
  140. Pound put a hoof on his chin.
  141. "Hmm... Only after I finished with you. Now give me that brush and turn around!"
  142. "This is my brush, go get your own!"
  143. "Its in the bathroom!"
  144. "Well go there and get it! Don't use mine!"
  145. "Mom says we're supposed to share our things if we need them and it's not like I'm gonna be combing my mane with it!"
  146. "Oh fine, be lazy!" Said Pumpkin as she handed him the brush. She then turned around and moved her tail out of the way just like her brother did beforehand.
  148. "I bet I could take it a lot better than you did!" Despite her words Pumpkin was probably more nervous than Pound was before his turn.
  149. "We'll see about that." Said Pound as he raised his hoof to swing.
  151. "Ayee!" Yelled Pumpkin while leaning forward and raising a leg as the first swing landed. "You don't have to hit that hard!" Pound had hit her with almost the exact same force she had hit him with.
  152. "Yes I do, unless you want me to spank you for forever!"
  153. Two more hits landed, Pumpkin squealed and whined at both of them. She was taking it worse then Pound did.
  155. As the brushing went on, Pumpkin was constantly squirming, her tushie slowly reaching the right shade of pink. Pound actually started to feel bad for her.
  157. "Pound are we done yet?" Pumpking whimpered.
  158. "Almost, just hold on a bit longer!"
  159. Pumpkin nodded and three more hits landed. Pound then finally stopped.
  161. "There, done! What was that about you taking it a lot better than I did?"
  162. "Oh, be quiet!" Shouted Pumpkin much to her brothers amusement.
  164. "I hope this was worth it."
  165. "Yea, me too."
  167. Pumpkin then thought of something.
  168. "Hey Pound."
  169. "Hm?"
  170. "Doesn't mommy and daddy always keep telling us not to hit each other?"
  171. Pound realized this as well and panicked.
  172. "You think were gonna get in trouble for this?" he asked.
  173. "Maybe... B-but we still got spanked so its not like were gonna get punished for it."
  174. "Do you really think so?"
  175. "I hope."
  176. The wait for their mother had begun.
  178. The twins soon got bored of waiting and started playing with their toys. It was a bit later when Cup Cake came in with a frown plastered on her face.
  180. "Oh, hi, mommy!" Said Pumpkin nervously.
  181. "How are you today?" Asked Pound, just as nervous.
  183. The frown did not leave Cup's face "Did you two break that vase? And don't lie! I will find out the truth eventually."
  185. The twins looked down.
  186. "Yes mom."
  187. "Yes mommy."
  189. Cup sighed and gave them a firm scolding on playing safely and not using the ball indoors.
  190. "Since you two were so careless, I'm going to have to punish you."
  192. Pound and Pumpkin gulped and got ready to show off their (now somewhat faded) butts and convince Cup that they were sufficiently punished.
  194. "As punishment." Cup began "I will confiscate your ball for the weak. That means no playing with it even outside! I hope you'll think about where you'll play with it in the future."
  196. Pound and Pumkin's jaws dropped.
  197. "Thats it?" Asked Pound causing Pumkin to quickly frown at him.
  198. "Yes. Unless you think you deserve more?"
  199. "N-no!"
  200. "Were fine!"
  201. "Good, please be more careful in the future." And with that, she left.
  203. Silence filled the room as the twins listened to their mothers hoofsteps. Once they couldn't hear them anymore Pound finally spoke up.
  204. "Well that was pointless!"
  205. "Yea, all that for nothing!"
  207. ...
  209. "This is your fault!"
  210. "How is it my fault?!"
  211. "It was your idea to do the spanking!"
  212. "Well it was your idea to use your brush!"
  213. They kept bickering.

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