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Spike Spanked

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:46:44
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:26:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight Sparkle and her assistent and charge: Spike had very recently moved to Ponyville and Twilight still needed a few books from her old place in Canterlot, so she and Spike went to get them. Twilight also figured that this would also be a great opportunity to visit her parents as well so they went their house first.
  3. They soon arrived only to find out that Night Light was out on a long work related trip leaving Twilight Valvet alone. This didn't stop them from happily giving her Hugs and kisses.
  5. After some drinks, snacks and a pleasent conversation, Twilight left to gather the books leaving Spike, who wasn't really needed with this alone with her mother with neither of them objecting.
  7. For the most part, Valvet and Spike had a good time. They talked about things that happened in Ponyville, made jokes and told stories. This didn't last, unfortunately as Spike, in an attempt to show off some of his newly learned cooking skills accidently burned Valvets favourite cooking book and ruined much of the ingredients he was about to use.
  9. Normally, Valvet would be forgiving of accidents even if they were as damaging as this one, but Spike's mess was a result of lazyness, carelessness, ignoring warnings and even going behind Valvet's back by trying something he wasn't supposed to when she was answering a door-to-door salespony. Because of these reasons, Valvet was now in a disciplinary mood which was something that didn't happen very often.
  11. After scolding Spike, levitating him on the living room couch and telling him to stay put, she went upstairs to fetch something leaving Spike to nervously ponder what was going to happen.
  13. That something turned out to be a big wooden hairbrush held in Valvet's mouth much to Spike's dismay. He was smart enough to know what was coming.
  15. He tried pleading his way out, but to no avail as he was slowly dragged onto Valvet's lap and had his tail pinned to his back for the ideal position to get spanked in.
  17. Valvet was never one to waste much time and this was evident in how she quickly and wordlessly began spanking Spike with the hairbrush. He got it good, Valvet was no slouch when it came to phisical activities. Her aptitude for even extreme sports made her very physically fit for a unicorn living in Canterlot and this translated surprisingly well into swinging a haribrush.
  19. She spanked on for about two minutes during which Spike tried to wiggle and beg his way out of his predicament only to be firmly held down and ignored. By the end, his bottom was a nice shade of red. It wasn't the worst spanking ever but it was enough to make him think twice when it came to kitchen safety in the near future.
  21. Valvet stopped and looked at the dragon's butt finding it sufficiently paddled. She then levitated the brush onto the table in front of the couch and gave Spike a comforting hug.
  23. Just as Spike thought he was out of the water, Valvet broke the hug and marched him to the only empty corner in the living room. She had him stand there with his nose touching the meeting point of the two walls and made him hold his tail up with both of his claws behind his back exposing his red rump. He was made to stay in this position in fear of getting another spanking.
  25. Corner time lasted until Twilight Sparkle came back with her books in tow. She quickly spotted Spike sniffling in the corner and asked for an explanation which Valvet was all to happy to give. Twilight gave Spike a somewhat awkward scolding as he stood in the corner before he was let out.
  27. The three talked for some time and Spike apologized to Valvet who immedietly forgave him. At least this last part of the visit went well. Soon, Twilight decided that it was time to leave.
  29. Spike rode on Twilight's back on the way to the train station despite the uncomfortable pressure it put on his butt. He didn't want other ponies to see the results of his session with Valvet's hairbrush. Twilight rolled her eyes at this as it was already obvious to everypony that he had been spanked due to his constant squirming.
  31. The train ride was also pretty uncomfortable for the poor dragon as Twilight insistent on getting the cheaper, less comfortable seats for such a short journey and so was getting back to the library as Spike still wanted to ride on Twilight's back on the way home.
  33. Twilight gave Spike no more scoldings or punishments. She felt sorry for the young dragon and figured that he was punished more then enough for his crime. She remembered getting spanked a couple of times herself by her mother's hairbrush.
  35. She would tease him about it later, though.

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