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Reformation Part 1

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:48:15
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:26:39
Expiry: Never

  1. The young filly known as Cozy Glow has just been defeated, her plan foiled and all the hard work that went into it completely wasted. She now residied within a prison cell in the dungeons of Canterlot Castle awaiting judgment from the three princesses of Equestria. She was quite proud of herself to get this kind of attention.
  3. "The princesses will obviously banish me to Tartarus" thought the Cozy "Clearly it is the only place that can contain a pony as smart as me and even then, I'm sure I can easily team up with Tirek to escape in a matter of weeks."
  5. A pair of guards soon came to Cozy's cell and quietly escorted her into the throne room where the the three princesses of Equestria sat on their thrones awaiting her with stern expressions. Most ponies would be nervous wrecks at such a sight compared with such a situation, but not Cozy. She just looked happy, as if nothing bad had ever happened.
  7. Princess Celestia was the first to speek "Cozy Glow, you now stand before us for the crimes of-"
  8. "Blah blah blah, I already know all this stuff so let's just get this over with and send me to Tartarus!"
  10. The princesses were shocked at the audacity of the filly. Never in a thousand years has such a young pony dared interrupt Celestia in such a way.
  12. After a few seconds of silence Princess Luna spoke up:
  13. "You will not be sent you to Tartarus, Cozy Glow".
  14. "As expec- wait, what!?"
  15. "Although considering your current behaviour, I'm starting to regre-"
  16. "What do you mean?!" Shouted a surprised Cozy, this was not what she was expecting.
  18. Princess Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, frowning. "We were planning on sending you to Tartarus, however after much debate we came up with an alternative: You will be placed under my custody where me and my friends will teech you true friendship and-"
  20. "My flank, I will!" Shouted Cozy, interrupting Twilight. "I will not be subjected to any more of your idiotic lectures! I will-"
  22. "Young filly!" Shouted Celestia in her rarely used Royal Canterlot Voice. "You do not interrupt or speak to your elders in such a way! You should consider yourself very lucky to be given this opportunity after your actions against Equestria and it's citizens! Now, you will be silent and let Princess Twilight Sparkle explain your sentence!"
  24. Cozy recoiled and almost cried, thoroughly intimidated by by the Princess of the Sun and finally shutting up, she had finally closed her mouth, not daring to invoke Celestia's wrath any further.
  26. "Ahem, thank you Celestia." Said Twilight. "As I was saying, you will be placed under my custody where you will be learning true friendship and how to be a better pony. Me and my friends will help you make amends for your actions and hopefully rejoin society as a proper and lawfull citizen of Equestria.
  28. Cozy finally found the courage to speek up. "B-but I dont wanna, I-"
  30. "Your crimes have robbed you of your right to choose, little one." Spaid Luna "Tartarus is a place designed to hold Equestria's most terrible foes and dangerous beasts normal prisons cannot hold. You should be exceedingly grateful that you are not sent to suffer in such a place or any other prison."
  32. Cozy Glow was frustrated and wanted to protest, but she couldn't think of anything meeningful to say. The same pair of guards that escorted her to the throne room also led her outside to a carriage with Twilight following closely.
  34. The ride to Ponyville was mostly silent and it was late at night when the carriage stopped at the doors of Twilights castle where Twilight's fellow element bearers, Starlight Glimmer and a Spike awaited Twilight and Cozy Glow. Cozy avoided eye contact as Twilight addressed her friends, not wanting to deal with her former teachers and feeling rather embarrassed by the whole situation.
  36. After some words were exchanged between the adults and young dragon that Cozy didn't care to listen to, five of the ponies left leaving only Twilight, Spike and Starlight. Cozy was into the castle by Twilight and the two split off from Spike and Starlight.
  38. As Cozy walked beside Twilight she thought of trying to escape or even attack Twilight, but she quickly realized how pointless such attempts would be against her. She groaned, frustrated by her lack of control in her predicament.
  40. They soon reached their destination, a door much like the other many doors in the castle. Twilight opened the door and led the younger pony inside.
  42. The room was a simple one: It was mostly plain, furnished by everything a bedroom would need and had a single closed window. Most likely a recently furnished empty room of the castle.
  44. "This is where you'll be staying in for awhile" announced Twilight startling the filly who has not been addressed since before the carriage ride. "As you behave and make progress we will talk about giving you more freedom to go outside, but for now you may only come out under supervision".
  46. "you know this is pointless, right?" Asked Cozy. "Your more of a naive fool then I thought if you think I'm going to change my ways. Frankly, you'd be better of not wasting any more of my time and just send me to Tartarus."
  48. "We'll see about that, Cozy. I believe you can be reformed and I'm not going to give up on you and neither will my friends, but we can talk more about that tomorrow, right now there's something else we need to take care of."
  50. Twilight walked up to Cozy's new bed, sat down in an unusal way for a pony (unless said pony is used to giving out a certain type of punishment) and teleported a small hairbrush next to her, levitating it. "Bend over my knee, please."
  52. Cozy deadpaned, quickly figuring out what Twilight was planning to do. "Seriously?" She asked.
  54. "Yes, seriously. I'm sorry to say but you earned this not only because of your actions, but also because of the way you talked to Celestia and Luna. We can talk more once this is finished".
  56. "Hmph, as this will work on me." Mocked Cozy in an attempt to not look weak infront of mare in any way. She wasn't too scared of getting a spanking. She had read some books and heard stories about other ponies getting spanked and she doupted that a soft naive fool like Twilight would ever dare to hit her hard enough to make it too uncomfortable. She did, however feel humiliated at the prospect of letting Twilight just spank her like this.
  58. Cozy wanted to resist, but was smart enough to tell from Twilight's look and posture that she was not getting out of this so after giving Twilight the most serious insult she could muster (which Twilight chose to ignore), she bent over the bed hoping to get this humiliation over with as soon as possible. "Maybe if she sees how little of an effect this will have on me she'll think twice about trying to reform me." She though, cracking a small smile.
  60. "I said over my knee, Cozy" Said Twilight.
  61. "Whats wrong with doing it like this?" Asked Cozy, angirly. "who cares what position I'm in?""
  62. "I do, now please, do as I asked." said Twilight, patting her lap.
  64. While she was certain she could take a spanking, the prospect of getting it on Twilight's lap was an humiliating one that Cozy Glow refused to endure.
  66. "I'm not going to bend over your lap! You can still use that brush just as easily in thi-hey!"
  68. Twilight picked her up with her magic and gently placed the angry, kicking filly over her knee. Cozy blushed, unable to do anything as Twilight pinned her tail on her back leaving her rump defenceless against the hairbrush that Twilight still held with her magic.
  70. "Now, Cozy." Began Twilight. "I know this isn't the most pleasant way for your time here to begin, but frankly, your actions have earned you a good spanking."
  72. "bah, as if that puny brush of yours wil-AH!"
  74. With a loud 'CRACK!', the first hit landed on center of Cozy's left buttcheek leaving an angry red inprint of the hairbrush's flat part on it. She gasped as the pain registered, it hurt a lot more then she expected!
  76. A second and just as hard hit soon landed on the middle of right buttkcheek causing Cozy to cry out in shock and pain. Around two seconds later, a third hit landed on the very center of hindquarters right between the to cheeks causing the filly to squeal and kick her hind legs.
  78. Two more hits landed alternating between both buttcheeks and landing in a slightly lower area then the last three causing Cozy to start squirming over Twilights lap. She couldn't believe how painful this was! The filly started to panic, squirming harder and starting to wildly kick her hooves in all directions, but she managed to stop herself. She wasn't going to give Twilight the satisfaction of making her look weak!
  80. Twilight kept on spanking constant two second per hit pace. each spank from the mainbrush hit just as hard as the first five while Cozy tried to stay as still and silent as possible. She curled up her body leaving it stiff and shaking. She shut her mouth and gritted her teeth so as to not let any sound get out dispite her lips shaking. Her head was raised slightly upwords, her eyes wide open in a desperate attampt to keep any tears out.
  82. This went on for about ten spanks when Twilight calmly, but sternly spoke up: "You may a swell let it out. Were not even halfway done."
  84. "What?!" Cozy was shocked as she was certain that Twilight was almost finished. This revelation caused her to lose concentration and as soon as the brush touched her flank once again, she couldn't stop herself from closing her eyes and as soon as she did, tears finally started forming and streaming down her cheeks. Soon afterwards, she started squirming, her hooves once again kicking in all directions as Twilight continued to paddle her bottom. More and more sounds came out of her mouth that she couldn't keep shut anymore as the pain in her tush continued to pile up.
  86. The spanking continued as Cozy's struggles were getting more and more desperate. In reality, not much time has passed since she got levitated onto Twilights lap but to her, it felt like a painful eternity.
  88. Soon, Twilight reached her finishing point and four extra hard spanks landed on Cozy Glow's butt: two on fattest part of her buttcheeks and two on both sit spots making the filly cry even harder. With that, the spanking was over leaving Cozy Glow tired, limp and sobbing on Twilight's lap.
  90. Twilight stroked Cozy's back as she gave the filly time to let it out. She herself was quite exhausted due to having to deal with the aftermath of Cozy Glow's scheme, debating with the princesses what to do with her and setting up the the young pony's punishment with her friends not to mention her other duties as Princess of Equestria, headmare and teacher. After about a minute she began to speak:
  92. "Starting tomorrow, you'll be recieving private lessons from me and my friends and counselling sessions from Starlight until you are ready to go back to public classes with your former classmates. This will be your room until we can deem you reformed. There will be, of course be some rules yo-"
  94. "Screw you!" interrupted a now very frustrated Cozy Glow who immedietly earned a hard spank from the mhairbrush from Twilight causing her to jump and cry out in pain.
  96. "As I was saying." Said a now slightly annoyed Twilight. "There will be some rules you'll be expected to follow and they, along with everything else will be addressed tomorrow with the others. I hope you realize that me or my friends won't hasitate to punish you should if you earn it and that includes spankings as well."
  98. Cozy wanted to insult the mare or protest but she was too tired to do so and she wanted to spare her backside from any more pain so she just stayed quiet as she lay on Twilights lap.
  100. Twilight sighed, still stroking Cozy's back as she levitated the hairbrush onto the desk "I know you probably hate me right now, but believe me when I say I want you to have a better future outside of Tartarus or any other prison. I hope that someday you'll realize that me and my friends just want to help you."
  102. "If you want to help so badly then let me let me go!"
  103. "You know I can't do that, Cozy"
  104. "Then go away and leave me alone!"
  106. Twilight gently levitated Cozy off her lap and laid the filly face-first onto the bed. Cozy quickly moved a hoof to rub her butt, but stopped herself when she realized that Twilight was still there. Her pride stopping her from relieving herself. Twilight could only shake her head at this. She hoped that someday Cozy Glow would grow to trust her and become a pony that she could trust as well.
  108. "Get as much sleep as you can, Cozy Glow. Tomorrow will be a long day for you. If you need to go to the bathroom just push the button next to the lightswich and I'll escort you their. I'll connect this room to it tomorrow. Also, the door will be locked along with the window so don't try to escaping."
  110. Twilight waited for Cozy's response but none came.
  111. "Good night, Cozy I'll see you tomorrow."
  113. And with that, she left leaving Cozy Glow alone with her thoughts and finally letting the filly rub her backside.
  115. "As if those imbeciles think they can "help" me" She thought. "Well, I'll just have to prove them wrong! When those idiots see how futile their efforts are at trying to reform me they will definately have me sent to Tartarus!"
  117. Cozy soon fell asleep, not realizing just how determined Twilight and her friends were to reform her.

Changeling and Colt

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Crazy Colt Idea's

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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Hurts You And Me

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Boast Busters alternate ending

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