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Reformation Part 2

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:48:40
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:26:58
Expiry: Never

  1. The Sun rose, symbolizing a new day for a certain snoring filly who was now staying in Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle. The name of this filly was Cozy Glow, who recently came disturbingly close to draining magic from Equestria. Cozy Glow wasn't staying in the castle voluntarily. In fact, she was forced to stay there as a form of punishment and an attempt at reformation by Twilight and her friends.
  3. After her painful spanking session with a hairbrush on Twilight's lap last night she didn't move too much from the position she was left in with her eventually falling asleep on her belly with her freshly roasted crimson butt pointing upwards. She didn't even bother (or perhaps didn't think of) using her new blanket to cover herself.
  5. The magically locked door of her room opened and in came Twilight Sparkle carrying a small tray behind her with her magic. on the tray were two hey sandwiches and a glass of water. Twilight set the tray down on the only desk in the room and walked up to the bed. she put a hoof on her side and gently shook her (suppressing an urge to chuckle Cozy's sleeping position).
  7. "Wake up, Cozy Glow its the first day of your stay here and we have a lot of things to attend to."
  9. The filly groaned, slowly opening her eyes as she groggily turned to her back to sit up. She winced slightly upon sitting up on the bed as she felt the still present after effects of last night's spanking. It was then she realized the place she was still in as she looked up at the princess with a frown.
  11. "What do you want?!" she asked, not happy with Twilight's presence.
  12. "It's morning, Cozy Glow, I brought you some breakfast! Its the start of a very busy day for you. We have a lot of work to do to get you ready to rejoin your old classmates." Said Twilight, cheerfully.
  13. "Well I don't want anything to do with your stupid classes and I don't wanna spend any more time with those freaks and idiots! Go away!"
  15. Twilight frowned. "You shouldn't speak about your classmates in such a way and this isn't up for debate. I'll leave you to eat your breakfast and then I'll escort you to the bathroom to clean yourself up before we meet with the others." Said Twilight before leaving Cozy alone once again.
  17. Cozy Glow wanted nothing more then toss the food tray to the wall or perhaps on Twilights face when she came back, but her botched plan and the following incarceration in the dungeons of Canterlot Castle left left her very hungry so Cozy begrudgingly made her way to the desk and sat down on the hard wooden chair. She cried out, the pain she felt from her spanking resurfacing as her buttocks made contact with the wood. She jumped off the chair and into the air, rubbing her butt.
  19. Cozy whimpered, choosing to eat on the bed instead and shortly after she finished Twilight came in and led her to the bathroom next door which was quite simple containing everything a bathroom would need. Just like her room. The object in there besides was a toothbrush which Cozy assumed was supposed to be hers and (much to her annoyance) the same hairbrush Twilight had tenderized her tush with.
  21. Cozy Glow always wanted to look good in front of others so she made the best use out of what she had to make herself look presentable. She thought about taking a bath or a shower (both were available) but doubted that Twilight would give her the time for one. Once she was satisfied with her looks she went outside, knowing that there was no point in stalling this any longer.
  23. "Let's just get this over with." Muttered a very grumpy Cozy Glow.
  25. Twilight sighed "You know ,it won't be that bad. For now all were going to do is get you set up for your time spent here and Starlight will give you your first counseling session. As long as you behave yourself there shouldn't have any problems."
  27. "You mean I have to suffer through more sessions with that annoying counselor?! No way, I spent more then enough time forcing myself to listen to her idiotic "counciling" sessions!"
  29. "She volunteered to give you counseling despite what you did to her, you should be grateful-"
  30. "As if I care about about that imbecile's naive attempts at-"
  31. "This is not up for debate Cozy!" Interrupted Twilight. "Or do you want another spanking?"
  33. Cozy's eyes widened. She instinctively raised her left foreleg to caress her rump, but stopped herself and with a blush looked down to the floor. "N-no, I don't."
  35. "Then I suggest you acknowledge her efforts and let her help you!" Twilight said, giving the filly a stern gaze before closing her eyes, inhaling and speaking in a much calmer tome: "You know, If you would just work her instead of manipulating her you might actually come to enjoy her sessions."
  37. "Hmph, as if" Saud Cozy, still not looking up from the floor.
  39. Twilight rubbed her forehead in tired frustration. "Come on, the others are waiting." She led her away to the council room.
  41. They soon got to the room where Twilight's fellow element bearers and Starlight Glimmer were sat on the thrones around a circular table.
  43. Applejack nodded approvingly, Fluttershy looked sympathetic, Rainbow Dash barely suppressed a chuckle at the sight of Cozy's well-spanked hindquarters, Pinkie Pie had an extra large smile plastered on her face, Rarity gave the filly an analyzing gaze and Starlight Glimmer sat quietly, looking determined
  45. None of them made any vocal comments about Cozy's spanking as they didn't want to add to her obvious embarrassment.
  47. Applejack was the first to speak: "Good morning Cozy Glow, ah hope you slept well."
  49. Cozy rolled her eyes "Great, I was hoping Twilight wasn't thinking of all of you when she mentioned the "others" but I suppose it was pointless hope for such a thing. As if the forced counseling sessions weren't bad enough, I'm going to have to put up with you lot as well." Cozy complained, obviously not wanting to be there.
  51. Twilight shook her head in disappointment "As you can see, she has a long way to go. I'm hoping we can make some progress together."
  53. "I'm sure we will get through to her eventually." Said Starlight. "I'll be doing everything I can to help." She adressed Cozy: "You know, I was once in a place not too different from the one your in right now, but I allowed these ponies to help me change my ways. I know it's hard to believe
  55. Cozy grinned. "I know all about your time travel shenanigans. A solid plan, I admit. Perhaps if you stuck to your old way's rather then let these ponies change you to suite them I might have had a bit of respect for you, but as you are now your a pathetic excuse for a pony. While I do admit you are strong in magic you're a weak minded fool. Frankly, I dunno why you were chosen to be a school couciler when you're clearly unsuited it. I bet you were 'persuaded' into it by your teacher after being indoctrinated to her inferior ideas of friendship like the sucker you are."
  57. Cozy's words shocked and angered the gathered ponies and the filly was proud to have come up with a speach that got to them so easily. With visible anger, Twilight spoke up: "Cozy Glow that was uncalled for! Starlight is doing her best to help you and you treat her like this?! Apologize this instant or I swear I will-"
  59. "Don't worry about it, Twilight." Sarlight calmly interrupted, looking undeterred by the filly's words (much to Cozy's irritation) "Cozy Glow is a stubborn filly and we can't expect her change on a dime. Outbursts like this should be expected. At least she's showing her true self now rather than trying to manipulate us with a fake persona like before. I'm sure she will change for the better as time goes on."
  61. Twilight considered Starlight's words and ultimately agreed. "I guess your right." She then teleported a large scroll containing a list of everything they had to talk about. "Anyways, let's address everything Cozy needs to know for now."
  63. Cozy was given a breakdown of everything she had to know about her reformation and the rules she was expected to follow during her stay in the castle the most notable of which was that the filly was to remain in her room unless Twilight or anypony taking part in the reformation program let her out and served and escorted her. They also talked about the various details about what they called her "private friendship classes" and her counseling sessions with Starlight.
  65. Once everything important was explained and talked about most of the ponies went to leave as they all had things to do. The only ones that remained were Twilight and Rarity, whose boutique was closed on the weekends.
  67. "I guess it's time for me to start connecting Cozy's room and the bathroom next to it. Are you sure you can handle her on your own?" Twilight said. She wanted to make sure that Cozy had easy access to the bathroom but didn't have to time to make it happen until now. Rarity offered to watch Cozy beforehand.
  69. "Of course I can, darling. You just leave it to me" Answered Rarity.
  70. "Good. If she misbehaves, you have my permission to punish her in any way you see fit."
  71. Rarity chuckled. "Considering the state of her hindquarters, I doubt I will need to resort to such measures"
  72. The two chuckled and Twilight left as well, leaving Rarity and Cozy Glow alone together.
  74. Rarity adressed the filly: "Well, Cozy Glow it looks like it's just you and me for a while."
  75. "Oh, joy" said a very grumpy Cozy, looking away from the larger pony.
  76. "Hmm." Rarity thought about what to do. "Perhaps I should show you where you will be getting your classes here."
  77. "Whatever" Said Cozy before being led away by Rarity.
  79. The room Cozy was led to was essentially a private classroom. It was a medium sized room with a desk and two chairs, some shelves stacked with books and a blackboard along with a few school accesories.
  81. "Well, here we are, this is where you'll be getting your lessons until you are ready to rejoin the other students." Said Rarity.
  83. Cozy laughed dryly "Hmph, of course, that study obsessed mare would have a private classroom in her own home."
  85. "It is a rather recent addition." exclaimed Rarity "Twilight had it refernished and prepared just for you." She paused for a bit. "Although, she has expressed a desire to have one a while ago. I guess this was just a good excuse to finally get it."
  87. "Wasting time and space on something so pointless, how very typical of her."
  89. Rarity frowned "It's not as if this room had any particular use anyway, after all, having only two ponies, a young dragon and an owl living in such a large castle leaves plenty of rooms unused."
  91. "Still, pointless." Said Cozy.
  93. "Only to you, darling." Rarity said. "Besides the textbooks we have also picked out some books for your personal enjoyment and I doubt you have much in the way of occupying yourself within your room at the moment." She levitated a small stack of books in front of Cozy. "These were some of my favorites at your age, I'm sure you would find atleast some of them interesting."
  95. Cozy scoffed "As if I could care less about what you would like. Most of these are probably some boring, sappy romance novels. I don't wanna waste my time with them."
  97. "Now now, Cozy, I merely wish recommand you some books for you, not force you to read something you wouldn't enjoy. Perhaps if you'd actually check one of them out you might find that they are not as "boring" and "sappy" as you think."
  99. Cozy looked at the books, picked one of them up and grinned. "Here's what I think of your stupid books." She said before throwing the book right at Rarity with all her might who, despite being surprised barely managed to catch it with her magic before it could connect with her face.
  101. "How uncouth!" Shouted Rarity before staring down Cozy directly. "I expected better from you young lady. For your own sake, I demand that you apologize this instant!"
  102. "Make me!" Challenged Cozy.
  104. Rarity was unamused. Her horn lit up and a few seconds later, Cozy yelped as she felt a sharp stinging pain on her backside. She looked behind her to see a levitating wooden ruler surrounded by Rarity's magical aura. Most likely an accessory of the classroom.
  106. "I did not think I would have to discipline you in such a matter but the behavior you are exhibiting right now is absolutely unacceptable. If you want to avoid any further damage to your tush then I suggest you apologize right now." Said Rarity calmly, but sternly.
  108. "Screw you, you flankhole! I will not apologize over one of your stupid books you dumb bimbo! Yelled the defiant filly (much to Rarity's shock at her language). She sat down on the floor, blocking access to her flank and looking up defiantly at Rarity only for her ears to get pulled by Rarity's magic making her cry out pain as she was forced to stand up.
  110. Rarity dragged Cozy towards one of the chairs as the filly let out a constant stream of swears and grunts of pain. Then she forced Cozy to bend ober the with all four of her hooves dangling barely above the air. Realizing what was about to happen, Cozy tried to cover her bottom but Rarity put a hoof over her back, blocking her from doing so. Rarity's other hoof held onto her tail as she levitated the ruler dangerously close to the Cozy's butt.
  112. "Now then." Rarity began as she slapped Cozy's butt with the ruler which impacted loudly on it and caused the filly's eyes to widen and her hind hooves to kick slightly.
  114. "I believe "SMACK!" I have asked "TAP!" for an apology "CLAP!" for your "WHACK!" behavior!" Rarity shouted as she landed the four hard spanks to Cozy Glow's butt which was still sore from its last night's spanking while the filly thrashed about fruitlessly trying to escape Rarity's hold.
  116. "Like hay I-'SLAP!'-AH!"
  117. "Try again, Cozy Glow!" Rarity commanded, hitting the filly's bottom again. "A simple apology, if you will."
  118. "I will not!" Shouted Cozy earning her two more spanks from the ruler.
  120. "I can keep this up all day, darling. There is no need to drag this out any longer than it needs to be."
  121. Cozy remained silent.
  123. "I will not 'CLAP!' stop until you apologize 'WHAP!' so I suggest you do so now!" Said Rarity, giving Cozy a small break so she could collect herself.
  125. Cozy Glow still stubbornly refused to heed Rarity's demand opting instead to further insult the mare earning her two more spanks from the ruler and an appropriate reaction from the filly. This exchange was repeated two more times before Cozy started sobbing. She knew it would be better to just apologize but her pride got in the way of her doing so.
  127. "Are you 'SMACK!' ready to apologize, young lady?" asked Rarity.
  128. "F-fine, I'm sorry, just stop already!" Screamed Cozy Glow.
  130. "That's a good start dear but why exactly are you apologizing?" asked Rarity levitating the ruler close to the Cozy's bottom ready to strike if she didn't like her answer.
  132. "For throwing that stupi-'SLAP!'-EEP!"
  133. "Try again, darling, why are you apologizing?"
  134. "F-for throwing that book at you!" yelled Cozy, the blush on her face almost as red as her tush.
  136. "And?" Rarity asked.
  137. "And what?!" Asked Cozy earning yet another smack to her behind electing another pained cry from her.
  138. "Your language, Cozy! It was absolutely unacceptable!" Answered Rarity
  139. "Grrrrr fine ,I'm sorry for saying things that you don't like!" Shouted the teary eyed Cozy Glow.
  140. "... I suppose that will have to do" Rarity said with a sigh, putting down the ruler and letting Cozy off the chair.
  142. Cozy got to work rubbing her bottom as soon as she was let off but stopped herself once she realized that Rarity was watching so instead she just quietly stood there, looking away while trying to suppress her tears (and failing miserably).
  144. Rarity looked at her sympathetically and tried to put a hoof on her shoulder only for Cozy to recoil and swat it away. "Don't touch me!" she shouted.
  146. Rarity could only shake her head at this. "You do realize this could have been avoided if you had just apologized from the start?"
  147. Cozy said nothing as she just stood there.
  148. "Would you like a-"
  149. "No, just leave me alone!"
  151. Rarity stared analytically Cozy. Clearly the filly did not want to do anything that would show any kind of "weakness" in front of her. She couldn't just leave her alone in the classroom so instead she sat down on a chair with her back facing the filly and grabbed a book to read. Cozy, seeing that Rarity was not looking at her anymore finally allowed herself to rub her bottom, although she was still trying her best at suppressing her tears.
  153. After a while, Cozy finally stopped crying and awkwardly stood there, not sure what to do. Not hearing the Cozy cry anymore, Rarity turned around and tried talking to her again:
  154. "Are you alright, darling?"
  155. "Of course I am." Muttered Cozy.
  157. "Starlight should be arriving soon. It's time for your first session with her. You will be having the sessions here, by the way."
  158. Cozy groaned "Oh joy." She said sarcastically.
  159. "Oh, come now, I'm sure it won't be that bad."
  160. "Not for you. Your not the one forced to attend it."
  161. Rarity rolled her eyes, but said nothing as they waited for Starlight to arrive.
  163. True to Rarity's words, Starlight soon made her way into the room. A quick glance at Cozy it made obvious what had happened. "Hello Rarity, Cozy I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long."
  165. "Not at all, darling. Unfortunately, Cozy Glow saw fit to act up during our stay necessitating the need for a bit of disciplinary action on her hindquarters so she may be a bit more reserved now than she would be otherwise."
  167. Cozy blushed, looking away from the older ponies.
  169. "I'm sorry to hear that." Starlight said, feeling a bit awkward. "I guess I'll take her from here"
  171. "Of course, darling. good luck! And goodbye Cozy, I hope the next time we spend together will end better than today." Rarity said and made her way out leaving the filly alone with the counselor.
  173. Starlight turned to Cozy "Well, let us begin, I'm guessing you don't want to take a seat so I won't make you."
  175. The counseling session was unsuccessful, to put it lightly. Despite Starlight's best efforts, Cozy Glow refused to work with her. The filly barely talked to Starlight and when she did, they were all half hearted words and unintelligible mumbles. Eventually, their time was up.
  177. "Well, I guess our time is up." Announced Starlight. "I wish you would talk to me more Cozy, I just want to help you. Maybe we can make more progress in our next session."
  179. "I don't want your help."
  180. "I can see that, but I'm not giving up on you. Maybe you would feel better if you'd actually work with me rather than against me."
  181. Cozy stayed silent. She didn't want to talk to Starlight any more.
  183. "Do you want to go back to your room Cozy?" asked Starlight. "Or if you want we can stay here and have some fun! I have a few board games we can play."
  184. "I wanna be left alone"
  186. Starlight looked at her sadly. "If you insist." She brought Cozy back to her room which now contained an extra door leading to the bathroom. Starlight left shortly thereafter only returning once to give Cozy her lunch. She offered the filly various activities they could do, but Cozy refused them all and so, she was left alone till' nighttime.
  188. Her self imposed isolation ended when Twilight came in levitating a tray of food and some books behind her. She set the tray and books down on the desk and looked at Cozy who was sitting on the bed.
  190. "Hello, Cozy, I brought you dinner.""
  191. "Yea, sure." Mumbled the filly.
  193. "I heard from Starlight about the session. You should really work with her you know. You'll only benefit from it."
  194. "I fail to see how what benefit I can gain from wasting my time with that fool."
  196. "Don't talk about her like that Cozy!" Commanded Twilight now looking stern "I'm going to let you eat but first there's something we need to take care of. Come with me!"
  198. Cozy Glow suddenly found herself lifted up by Twilight's magic and dragged through the air into the bathroom and placed in front of the sink.
  200. "I will not tolerate the kind of language you used on Rarity today!" Twilight teleported a soap bar next to her. "Perhaps a good mouth washing will help you remember that!"
  202. "What the hey are-" Cozy started, but was cut off when Twilight used her magic to open her mouth wide and force her tongue to stick out as far as it could.
  204. What followed was a furious scrubbing of every inch of Cozy Glow's toungue with the soap bar. As Twilight she did that she forced Cozy to sit on the floor using her hooves and wings to hold her body in place while her magic kept kept mouth open, tongue out and head still. Cozy Glow couldn't get away from the tongue washing no matter how hard she tried. This was the first time Cozy had experienced a mouth soaping and she did not like it one bit as evident by her muffled wines and protests.
  206. After a very thorough scrubbing, Twilight let Cozy go. As soon as she was free the filly coughed and gagged. A few bubbles came out of her mouth.
  208. Once she finished Twilight spoke to her again: "I left the food on the desk and I also brought the books Rarity recommended for you. You should give them a shot. I think you would enjoy some of them."
  210. "Just go away!" Demanded Cozy Glow.
  211. Twilight sighed and Acquiesced, wishing Cozy a good night as she left.
  212. Cozy Glow ate her food slowly and methodically in an attempt to cancel out the taste of the soap.
  214. She found herself unable to sleep so eventually out of sheer boredom, she begrudgingly decided to check out the books Rarity had sent her. She picked one out at random and found herself actually enjoying it quite a bit (much to her grievence) although she would never admit it to anypony, especially Rarity.
  216. She still hated being here and the fact that she would soon be having actual classes made her more then a little displeased. She soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

Changeling and Colt

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Crazy Colt Idea's

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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