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Reformation Part 3

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:49:44
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:27:17
Expiry: Never

  1. A full week had gone by since Princess Twilight Sparkle brought Cozy Glow to her castle in order to reform the young filly.
  3. A part of her reformation program consisted daily "friendship classes" with Twilight and her friends. These consisted of one on one lessons three times a day with the teacher constantly shifting between the element bearers. There was only one time where she got a session from two ponies at once (Rainbow Dash and Applejack).
  5. The classes generally consisted of things taught in the Frienship School (a combination of things she missed in her absence and some repeats of her old lessons) along with various "friendship lessons" (this included many things from Twilight's old letters to Celestia to all sorts of friendship related stories, Cozy despised these).
  7. Cozy barely paid attention during her classes and when she did it was mostly give her teachers snarky remarks and mocked their teachings. The element bearers (her teachers) tried everything they could to coax the filly to take the classes more seriously, but to no avail.
  9. This morning began just like the previous five with Cozy being woken up and given breakfest in the room she was forced to stay in. This time it was Spike who brought the food. She has Spike on occasion but barely even acknowledged him despite a few attempts being made from the young dragon to befriend her. Spike put the food tray on the table and left, knowing that any attempts at starting a conversation with Cozy would be a waste of time.
  11. After finishing her meal and preparing for the day, Cozy was expecting one of her teachers to arrive soon and take her to the small classroom within the castle for her first class of the day, as per usual. She was surprised, however when no one came. Enough time went by without Twilight or the others coming in that Cozy was certain she would be skipping her first class (not that she minded).
  13. The wait did not last forever as the door to her room finally opened (Startling Cozy Glow) and in came Twilight, who looked sad for some reason. The alicorn looked at Cozy with a small smile.
  15. "Good morning, Cozy Glow! I'm sorry to say that your first class of the day had to be canceled beacuse we had an important discussion involving you. Come with me were going to the classroom." Twilight said nothing more as she led the visibly confused filly out of the room.
  17. "So have you ponies finally decided to stop trying to reform me?" Asked Cozy on the way to the classroom. "Its about time that you did."
  18. "No, we didn't." Twilight said.
  20. Cozy was disappointed but said nothing more. They soon reached their destination where the rest of the bearers were all waiting. It looked slightly crowded but they managed to fit into the room comfortably.
  22. "What's going on here?" Asked Cozy, feeling uneasy about stern the looks the adults were giving her.
  24. "Well, darling" started Rarity. "We were discussing your classes."
  25. "More specifically." Twilight continued. "Your behavior during them."
  26. "We really put a lot of effort into trying to teach you the things you gotta know to get you back to school!" said Pinkie Pie.
  27. "Buuuut you make it super difficult." said Rainbow Dash.
  28. "We tried our best to make them interesting" Fluttershy almost whispered.
  29. "But nothin' we tried was working." finished Applejack.
  31. Cozy rolled her eyes "I don't need your stupid classes. There a waste of my time anyway."
  33. The mares in front of her had expressions ranging from anger to dissapointment and even sadness. Twilight turned to Applejack "Well, it was your idea so I'll let you handle it from here."
  35. Applejack nodded and turned to the filly "Well, sugercube we were discussing what to do about your classroom behavior and came up with this." Applejack picked up a wooden cane that Cozy didn't notice before. "I'm gonna whoop your backside with this."
  37. Cozy Glow's eyes widened. "What?!" She asked.
  39. "You had this coming all week with the way you've been actin' up and being lazy and uncooperative during class." Applejack said.
  41. "W-well, maybe you should just take a hint and accept the fact that I want nothing to do with your stupid classes!" Cozy rebuked, stepping back from the farmpony.
  43. "And we already told you that you a ain't got a choice in the matter. Younguns' like you need to go to school, whether it be private or public." Said Applejack. She then took a step forward "Now turn around."
  45. Cozy just stood there, looking up defiantly at Applejack.
  47. "It's only gonna be worse for you if I have to make you turn around sugercube. For your sake you should just turn around."
  49. Cozy refused to do so. She had no intention of obeying Applejack. In fact, she was currently busy thinking of insults she could toss at her however (and fortunately for her sake) Applejack spoke up once again before she could say anything: "If I have to hold you down its gonna be a worse for you and I'm sure you know that any of us can hold you in place if we have to."
  51. Cozy blushed, remembering the spankings she got from Twilight and Rarity. She still wanted to defy Applejack but a more rational part of her mind was starting to creep up that told her that she should obey the farm pony.
  53. "I'm gonna count to three. If you don't turn around by the time I'm done your punishment will be worse." And with that, she started slowly counting.
  55. Cozy's was inwardly panicking. In her mind was one question: obay or disobey? By the time Applejack got to the third count she had quickly gone through the memories of her previous two spankings and reached the conclusion that there was no way out of this. She wanted to disobey Applejack but also didn't want to endure a harsher caning as she was sure this was going to hurt quite a bit already.
  57. Just before Applejack reached the dreaded 'three' the rational part of her mind won and so with a groan, Cozy Glow slowly turned around.
  59. Applejack walked up next to Cozy. She then lightly tapped her forelegs below her knees with the cane. "Bend those hooves!" she commanded and Cozy (after barely holding back the urge to lash out at her) obeyed. Applejack then walked behind her and commanded Cozy to raise her tail which she once again (begrudgingly) obeyed.
  61. Cozy Glow was left facing the wall opposite to her teachers, kneeling down with her forehooves making her body in a angle slightly downwards while her buttocks were pointing up and her tail raised up and out of the way leaving her butt exposed in a perfect position for the coming caning. She blushed and shook with rage thinking of how smug the mares must have looked, she couldn't believe that she was doing this.
  63. In reality, Twilight and her friends were sad that it had come to this. They genuinely wanted to help the filly and have tried their best with various other methods to get her to listen during her lessons but nothing worked leaving them with only this.
  65. After looking over the filly and exchanging a quick nod with her friends, Applejack started talking: "Now, I'll swingin' slowly but I expect you to stay like that position till' I say you you can get up. As I already said, if I ha-"
  66. "Just get it over with!" Moaned Cozy Glow.
  68. Applejack sighed and said nothing else. She gave the Cozy's flank a few taps with the cane (causing the filly to shiver) to help adjust her aim and then she raised her hoof holding the implement and swung it down.
  70. The cane whistled as it flew to its target and with a loud 'TAP!' landed on Cozy's fanny covering both buttcheeks equally. This caused Cozy lean forward a bit as her eyes widened at the pain. She managed to keep herself from making any noise as she would never live it down if she started crying with so many of her enemies watching.
  72. The second hit landed a bit lower and mostly covered Cozy Glow's right buttcheek. The filly squirmed a bit but kept her composure. Applejack kept the cane on Cozy's bum for a few seconds before slowly raising it up and once again and bringing it down.
  74. 'THWACK!' The cane landed in much the same way it did last time except it was mostly on Cozy's left buttcheek. Cozy gritted her teeth. She had expected this to hurt but not this much. Just as the initial sting faded away and a more smarting pain was starting to settle in, Applejack pulled the cane away from Cozy's backside and was soon ready to strike.
  76. 'TAP!' The cane landed once again. Cozy had to close her eyes and grit her teeth harder as the pain set in. She hoped this wouldn't take much longer.
  78. 'THWACK!' This time, Applejack hit Cozy's bottom slightly higher than the last four. The filly's butt was now adorned with five red stripes with a bit of pink between them.
  80. 'TAP!' Cozy's breathing became faster and harder as she tried her best to hold back any tears. To her dismay, Applejack showed no signs of stopping as she once again raised her cane-holding hoof.
  82. 'THWACK!' Her attempts to not cry failed as tears slowly started coming out of her eys. Her breathing became a bit ragged as she desperately tried to compose herself. At the very least she would try to keep herself from making any noise.
  84. 'TAP!' "Ah!" Cozy failed to keep herself from making any noise and now she actively sobbing not just because of the pain but also out of embarrassment. While Applejack did indeed go slowly on her the individual cane strokes were very painful.
  86. 'THWACK!' Cozy started squirming and shifting her butt slightly in an attempt to deal with the pain (fruitlessly).
  88. 'TAP!' The tenth hit landed causing Cozy to let out a pained "EEP!". This time however as Applejack lifted the cane she seemed to hesitate. Was it finally over?
  90. Applejack looked over the filly once again. Her bum was covered with thin red stripe. The individual stripes were getting a bit hard to distinguish due to the area around them getting redder and redder. After quietly nodding to herself, Applejack she announced: "halfway done."
  92. Cozy unknowingly gasped. She could barely hold herself together after what she just got and now she had to endure it again?! Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a familiar sting as the cane once again cut into her bottom eliciting a surprised yelp.
  94. Cozy started crying harder as Applejack raised her hoof once again and swung down the cane for the twelfth time. Applejack continued on at the same pace she did the first ten spanks. Leaving the cane on the filly's bum for a bit before slowly raising her hoof and swinging it down.
  96. And so the thirteenth hit came with the familiar whistle followed by a loud 'THWACK!'. Cozy started shaking. It was getting hard to stay still.
  98. 'TAP!' She started squirming harder. Her tail was twitching and her bottom was constantly shifting.
  100. 'THWACK!' Her hind legs seemed to be slightly moving about on their own while her head was pointing upwards with her eyes tightly shut.
  102. 'TAP!' "Stop it!" Cozy Glow demanded. The filly was clearly showing signs of approaching her limit. Applejack seemed to ignore her and continued on.
  104. 'THWACK!' The seventeenth spank caused her to almost cover her butt with her tail which only stopped by Applejacks hoof. "Just a little longer, shugercube." she tried to reassure. "Were almost done."
  106. 'TAP!' Cozy was squirming hard now. Her entire body was shaking including her tail and tears and snot were streaming down her face. Her hooves were also getting more and more restless.
  108. 'THWACK!' Cozy screamed in pain as the penultimate hit landed. She couldn't take any more of this.
  110. 'TAP!' The twentieth and last spank was extra hard causing Cozy Glow to finally loose control and cover her tush with her tail and hooves. She started frantically rubbing it. After she regained some self control she froze thinking that her punishment was going to be longer now.
  112. "Don't worry, sugercube." Said Applejack, causing Cozy to turn to her. "that was the last one." She softly reassured.
  114. Cozy blushed and looked away from Applejack while trying to hide her bottom which was almost completely red with some darker red lines still visible. Cozy couldn't help but stroke it as she stood there, sobbing.
  116. Applejack quietly put a hoof under Cozy's chin and raised it up. Cozy shifted her eyes away as the apple farmer stared at her. Applejack asked for a tissue, which was given to her by Twilight via her magic. She then wiped off some of the filly's tears and snot.
  118. "Alright, Cozy Glow. I want you to put your nose in that corner while we discuss some things." Said Applejack, pointing to an empty corner in the room. Cozy was too tired to object as she obeyed and made her way to the desired corner sticking her still running nose into it.
  120. "And no rub... Actually, go ahead and rub if you want." Said Applejack. She didn't feel the need to add any more to Cozy's punishment.
  122. While the six mares were discussing some things Cozy didn't quite hear or care about she jusr stood there silently sobbing and stroking her butt while thinking of how humiliating this was and how her dignity was ruined.
  124. This went on for a few more minutes before she was finally called out of the corner and made to stand in front of her teachers who proceeded to lecture her about listening during class and those kinds of things while her eyes were cast down with a frown. She was once again addressed by Applejack "I'm sorry I had to do this, Cozy Glow but I hope that this got through you."
  126. Rainbow Dash picked it up from there: "And don't think we're not willing to give you any more spankings cause we totally are!"
  128. "Were going to start giving you spankings if you don't behave or listen during class and if those stop working we will come back to the cane." Twilight finished." You don't want that, do you?
  130. Cozy flinched. "N-no"
  132. "Good. Now let's get you back to your room so you can get ready for your class with Rarity later" Twilight said as she gently led the filly back to her room.
  134. The rest of the day continued on as normal. Cozy paid more attention during her studying sessions even if half of that attention was on her very sore bottom as she was forced to sit on a hard wooden chair. Her teachers for the day (Rarity and Pinkie) didn't mind the only half focused attention for now as this was still a vast improvement.
  136. Her counseling session with Sarlight was still mostly unsuccessful although she did answer a few more questions and worked with Starlight a tiny bit more. Starlight for her part felt sorry for Cozy but figured that her friends knew what they were doing and was happy for the added attention Cozy was giving during the session.
  138. By the end of the day, Cozy laid down on her bed still angry at the indignity of her punishment and hoping that her teachers weren't serious about giving her more spankings but knowing deep down that they were. Taking one last scorning glance at the cane (the same one she was spanked with) that now hung on the wall of her room as a reminder she finally dozed off.

Changeling and Colt

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Crazy Colt Idea's

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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