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Reformation Part 4

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:51:28
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:27:31
Expiry: Never

  1. "Cozy."
  2. The filly in question stared down at the the textbook on desk she was sitting at looking awfully bored.
  3. "Cozy."
  4. Cozy Glow was pretending to be engrossed in the textbook, ignoring her teacher.
  5. "Cozy!" Yelled Twilight Sparkle.
  7. Twilight's shout startled Cozy Glow who looked up to find the princess looking at her with a stern expression. She was suddenly a bit nervous.
  9. "Oh, I'm sorry. This book is just so interesting that I couldn't help but get invested in it." Cozy lied.
  10. "You mean the textbook we aren't even using right now?"
  11. "... I got curious."
  12. Twilight frowned. "I doubt that."
  14. "Well, I gotta keep myself from falling asleep somehow." Said Cozy Glow in a mocking tone.
  16. "Maybe I can help you with that." Said Twilight. she shifted herself in the chair she was sitting on and started to sit like a biped. "Come here." She ordered.
  18. Cozy frowned "Its not my fault these classes are so boring."
  20. "I try to make them as interesting as possible. Maybe if you actually tried paying attention you might find them more interesting but you're not even trying." Twilight lectured. "Now come here so we can get this over with."
  22. ...
  23. "Do you want me to get the cane?"
  24. ...
  26. Twilight got up and made her way out the door. Cozy had a good idea as to why.
  27. "Wait!" Cozy called. "I'll... come over, " she mumbled.
  28. Twilight sat back down on her seat and patted her lap "Come on then."
  30. Cozy groaned, got up, walked next to Twilight and stood there waiting for her teacher to inevitably pull her up. After a few seconds of waiting she looked up and saw the princess looking down at her expectingly. Cozy groaned again as she climbed ober the purple pony's knee while blushing. Twilight then pinned Cozy's tail to her back with one forehoof and gave her butt a few pats with the other.
  32. Twilight said nothing more as she delivered the first hit eliciting a grunt from the filly. She kept hitting Cozy's bottom alternating between left and right buttcheeks and making sure that her hoof landed on most of its surface with only few strikes hitting the same spot.
  34. During this reletively light spanking, Cozy let out a few grunts and whines and even squirmed a bit but she managed to keep herself from crying. By the time Twilight was done the filly's bum was neetly painted pink. The Princess gave Cozy a minute after finishing before she finally let her off.
  36. "Now sit back down and pay attention this time!" Commanded Twilight. "This is the fourth time you were spanked in class so if I have to spank you again, I will be using the cane."
  38. Cozy mumbled something unintelligible and made her way back to her seat, rubbing her fanny in the process. She winced slightly as the hard wooden chair made contact with her freshly spanked tush.
  40. The lesson continued on without interruption with Cozy (not wanting to risk another spanking) finally paying attention to her teacher as she continued the lecture. She had no issues paying attention when she actually put in some effort (and with the help of a sore bottom).
  42. This wasn't the first time that Cozy has gotten spanked like this since her fateful "talk" with Applejack. She has already been spanked twice (now three times) by Twilight and once by Applejack. They've all played out similarly to the one she just got which was actually pretty bad for her as she had been promised another session with the cane should she earn five spankings during her classes with the fifth one being the caning.
  44. After class, Twilight led Cozy back to her room and the rest of the day went on as usual with the filly staying alone in her room (turning down Twilight's offers to keep her company) until her second class (with Rainbow Dash) followed by more waiting in her room for her third class with Pinkie Pie.
  46. The class with Pinkie started off as normal with the pink pony enthusiastically giving Cozy Glow her lecture. After a while though, Cozy lost focus and eventually stopped listening altogether. She wasn't worried about getting punished for this as she was sure that Pinkie Pie was the last pony (besides Fluttershy) who would ever think of spanking her.
  48. She didn't even notice when Pinkie stopped. The pink party pony walked up to her and gently tapped Cozy on the shoulder startling her. Cozy looked at Pinkie who looked back at her with an oddly sad smile. They stared at each other for a full minute and it was starting to creep Cozy out.
  50. Pinkie eventually let out a loud sigh of disappointment. "Come on, Cozy we'll continue this in your room." She said and led Cozy out of the classroom (after picking up the books they were using and carrying them on her back).
  52. Cozy was confused as to why Pinkie was taking her to her room. Her immediate guess was for a spanking but she quickly dismissed that thought. If it was somepony like Twilight and Applejack in Pinkie's position right now she'd actually be worried but this was Pinkie Pie. Cozy would sooner expect Fluttershy to spank her than Pinkie Pie. In the end, Cozy deduced that this was simply some sort of dumb new teaching method Pinkie was trying out.
  54. On their way to Cozy's room they ran into Twilight.
  55. "Pinkie? What are you doing? Shouldn't you two be in class?"
  56. "Hiya Twilight!" Pinkie greeted and turned to Cozy. "Can you get to your room on your own?"
  57. "Yea." Replied Cozy.
  58. "Then go on and wait for me there, I gotta talk to Twilight."
  59. "Suuure" Said Cozy uneasily and did as she was told. She thought about attempting to escape but she figured that Twilight probably set up some kind of security system and doubted she would get far.
  61. "So what's going on?" Twilight asked.
  62. "She wasn't listening." Said Pinkie, looking uncharacteristically sad.
  63. "Oh, horseapples, I thought so. Do you want me to handle it?"
  64. Pinkie shook her head. "Its my class so she's my responsibility right now."
  66. Twilight was caught a bit off guard. "Are you sure, Pinkie? You do realize what you would have to do, right?"
  67. "Mhm!"
  68. "Your willing to to spank her?"
  69. "Mhm!"
  70. "With the cane?"
  71. "Mhm!"
  73. Twilight looked unsure. "Well, her reformation is supposed to be a group effort so I should trust you. Do you need any help?"
  74. "Nope!" Said Pinkie, now back to her usual cheerful demeanor. "Buuut can I use something else besides the cane?"
  75. "Pinkie this is the fifth time she's earned spanking during class. We talked about this."
  76. "Pleeease!" Begged Pinkie, giving Twilight puppy dog eyes.
  78. Twilight quickly relented. "Alright, Pinkie but you can't go easy on her. I don't like it any more then you do but we need to get through to her somehow."
  79. "Don't worry, Twilight I got just the thing, also, can I continue her lesson in her room?"
  80. "Alright, just be sure to bring her back to the classroom for Starlight's session once you're done."
  81. "Okie Dokie!" And with that, she bounced off.
  83. Cozy Glow was silently sitting on her bed when Pinkie finally entered.
  84. "Hia, Cozy!"
  85. Cozy ignored Pinkie who didn't seem bothered by the lack of response.
  87. Suddenly, a pair of hooves wrapped around Cozy from behind surprising her. She quickly realized that Pinkie was sitting behind her and hugging her.
  89. "W-what are you doing?! Lemme go!" Cozy demanded as she tried squirming her way out of the hug. She quickly realized that she couldn't escape- "What do you want?" She grumpily asked after ceasing her escape attempts.
  91. "We had a talk after your last spanking from Twilight" Pinkie somberly answered. "And we decided that you would get spanked with that." she pointed at the cane on the wall. "If you earn more then four spanking during class." Cozy's eyes widened, her hoof unconsciously trying to touch her bottom even in the tight hug. "And since you just earned your fifth spanking under my watch, I guess I gotta do it."
  93. "B-but y-y-you" The filly stammered.
  94. "Yep, me!" Pinkie exclaimed.
  96. Cozy was scared now as she still vividly remembered how much that cane hurt despite a full week passing since she got spanked with it by Applejack.
  98. "If it makes you feel any better, I convinced Twilight to let me use something else." Pinkie said before Cozy could say anything.
  99. "And what would that be?" Cozy asked, trying to keep her nervousness from showing.
  101. Pinkie put a hoof in her mane and started rummaging through it until she pulled out a spatula (much to Cozy's disgust) "This!"
  102. "... Don't tell me you cook with that"
  103. "Hmmm... I dunno! Maybe? Now, let's get started!"
  104. "W-wait! N-now?"
  106. Pinkie rubbed Cozy's head. "Of course ,silly! Dragging it on will only make it worse." She explained. "Now, how to do this." She loudly pondered before coming up with the solution.
  108. Without warning, she quickly laid the surprised filly on her back then used her right hoof to hold Cozy's hind hooves upwards much like she would Pound or Pumpkin when they needed a change. She held on to the spatula with her left hoof.
  110. "What are you-"
  111. "Shhhh" interrupted Pinkie. "Try to stay still and it will all be over soon" She said reassuringly.
  113. Before Cozy could say anything she heard a sharp 'CRACK!' at the same time as a she felt a painfull sting on her bottom. Pinkie wasted no time and getting right into the spanking with the spatula alternating between her buttcheeks as they bounced each time the culinary tool landed.
  115. Cozy, for her part did not take to the spatula very well as evidenced by the noises she was making:
  116. "OUCH!" 'SLAP!' "OW!' CRACK!' "STOP! 'YOUCH!'
  118. "Stop it!" Cozy demanded as she squirmed around trying to escape the pink mares grasp. Pinkie seemingly ignored her and focused on delivering blow after blow to the filly's rump which was quickly reddening.
  120. Cozy's squirming worsened. She tried sitting up only to have Pinkie lay a hindleg on her stomach, forcing her to take her punishment lying down. The spanking continued on in this weird position.
  122. 'TWACK!' 'TAP!' 'SWAT!' Cozy desperately tried to escape. She cried as she pounded Pinkie's hoof on her stomacke and failing to dislodge it. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't escape. Cozy Glow could not believe how painful this was and coming from Pinkie no less.
  124. Pinkie paused to take a deep breath before picking up the pace, swinging both faster and harder causing Cozy to struggle even harder and cry louder. Each hit was now almost as bad as the cane while also being a lot faster.
  126. Thankfully this seemed to be the last flurry of spanks as Pinkie soon stopped. Cozy still struggled for a bit afterwards and blushed when she realized that it was over.
  128. Cozy then saw only pink as Pinkie quickly gave her a big hug while rubbing her bottom and back. She stayed still for a bit before she came to her senses and tried pulling away. "Let me go!" She demanded.
  130. "Nope!" Pinkie replied, holding her tight. "Your just gonna have to take this as well!"
  132. Cozy grumbled. She was unable to escape and feared what might happen if she tried biting Pinkie so after realizing that she had no other chaice. Cozy just allowed herself to relax. "This actually feels pretty good." She thought as They stayed like this for a while.
  134. "Are you ready to continue class?" Asked Pinkie. Cozy wasn't and she wanted to stay like this for longer but she was also felt embarrassed so she nodded.
  136. Pinkie said nothing more as she turned Cozy while still hugging her. She then grabbed one of the books she had bought with her, held it in front of the filly and continued her lecture. Cozy felt awkward but gave no protest and actually listened this time.
  138. After Pinkie was done she set the books aside. "It's time for your session with Starlight!" She announced as she led the suddenly grumpy filly back to the classroom where the purple unicorn was already waiting.
  140. "I have brought the filly!" Said Pinkie with a salute.
  141. "Where were you two?" Asked Starlight
  143. "Oh, I just had the class Cozy's room because we had to take care of a something." Answered Pinkie causing Cozy to blush. "Well, I'll just leave her to you. good luck!" She bounced off, shutting the door behind her.
  145. Starlight and Cozy stood there awkwardly. The counselor had a good idea what Pinkie meant when she mentioned "taking care of something." but had a hard time believing it.
  147. "Did she-?"
  148. "Yes, yes, she did."
  150. Starlight snickered which madeCozy blush harder. She walked behind Cozy and winced upon seeing her backside. "I didn't think she had it in her" she remarked.
  152. "Neither did I" Muttered Cozy.
  153. "Well, I hope you learned your lesson."
  154. "Oh, spare me the lecture."
  155. Starlight sighed and shook her head "Let's get started then."
  157. The session went well all things considered. Starlight managed to get a bit of information from Cozy's past and the two talked about some of Cozy's feelings (mostly frustration). Soon they were done for the day and Starlight, like always took Cozy back to her room after the filly rejected her further company.
  159. Twilight later gave Cozy her dinner and once the filly done she sat down with her on the bed and scolded her about how she should pay attention during class and how she wasn't above getting something similar to what Pinkie gave her should she earn it again. Throughout this, Cozy just looked down with a defiant frown.
  161. "I'm guessing you want to be left alone now, do you?" Asked Twilight after finishing her long scolding.
  162. Cozy nodded.
  163. "Are you sure? We could think of something fun to do before bed."
  164. "Just go away already!"
  165. Twilight looked at Cozy sadly. "Alright Cozy, good night." She then left.
  167. Cozy went to the bathroom, took a shower (after having trouble sitting down in the bathtub) and went to bed. She had some trouble falling asleep. "Kinda wish I accepted Twilights offer" The filly thought before shaking her head, slightly disgusted by herself for that thought. She would not be getting friendly with her former headmare! It took a while before she finally managed to fall asleep.

Changeling and Colt

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Crazy Colt Idea's

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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Hurts You And Me

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Boast Busters alternate ending

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