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Reformation Part 5

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:51:51
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:27:56
Expiry: Never

  1. A full week had passed since Pinkie Pie spanked Cozy Glow with her spatula and the filly's behavior in class (and in general) has gradually improved. Cozy still wanted to make any attempts at reforming her as difficult as possible but the spankings hurt and Twilight and her friends were too determined to reform her. She also actually found herself actually enjoying a few of her classes.
  3. Cozy was still getting offers from Twilight and her friends to spend some time with them outside of her classes and she was getting tempted to accept some of these. She was disgusted with herself from having these feelings and was getting more and more frustrated at those ponies stubbornness and her own perceived "weakness".
  5. Cozy Glow was having her second daily lecture this time with Fluttershy. At first, Cozy had to force herself to pay attention but eventually started to unknowingly enjoy it and was surprised when Fluttershy announced that it was over.
  7. As Fluttershy led her back to her room, Cozy thought about how short her session with Fluttershy seemed to be and came to the realization that she had actually enjoyed it. This was frustrating to her as she didn't want to work with these mares and yet, she was unintentionally doing just that.
  9. Once they reached Cozy's room, Fluttershy offered to keep the filly company for a bit and perhaps have some fun. Cozy was about to refuse but stopped herself. Her teachers constant attempts to reform her and the fact that she actually found herself changing ever so slightly was disturbing to her. perhaps whatever Fluttershy wanted to do for fun could prove to be a good distraction from those things so, much to Fluttershy's surprise she answered with a grumpy "Fine".
  11. "Oh, um, alright then. I know a good board game we can play. Unless, of course, you have something else in mind?"
  12. "What could I possibly have in mind if the only place I stay in is this stupid room?!" Cozy Glow shouted.
  13. "Eep!" Fluttershy took a step back. "A-alright, I'll g-go get that board game." She meekly turned around and walked out.
  15. She soon returned carrying a box that had various drawings of animals on it. "Of course you would bring something animal related." Cozy muttered.
  17. Fluttershy looked at Cozy sadly. "Do you want to play something else?"
  18. "I don't know anything else so what do you think?!"
  19. "N-no... How about we get s-started then?"
  20. "Thats what I'm waiting for." Cozy growled.
  22. They (mostly Fluttershy) quickly set the game up and it didn't take long for Cozy to grasp the rules. They played for about an hour. Cozy found the game reletively simple but surprisingly enjoyable. She was even smiling (much to Fluttershy's silent delight).
  24. The game ended when Twilight entered the room with Cozy's lunch.
  26. "Hello, Cozy Glow I brought your lunch!" She stopped when she noticed Fluttershy and Cozy with their game and beamed at them. "Oh, I see you two are having fun. That's great!"
  28. "Oh yes, I haven't got to play this game in a long while and Cozy Glow is already so good at it." Said Fluttershy.
  30. "Oh, Really? Then maybe I could join in sometime!" Said Twilight. She then addressed Cozy: "I'm so glad you finally decided to spend some time with one of us rather than sulking alone in here."
  32. ...
  33. "Cozy?" asked Twilight.
  35. Cozy Glow wasn't listening to her. Twilight entering the room and distracting her and Fluttershy from the game made her realize just how much she was actually enjoying herself. That made her angry. "I can't believe it!" She thought. "I shouldn't be playing with them! I should be getting them to give up on me already! How can I be so weak?! They must be doing this on purpose!"
  37. As Cozy's mind was in turmoil she started shaking much to the concern of Twilight and Fluttershy.
  38. "Are, are you alright?" asked Fluttershy
  40. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Cozy Glow let out a rage filled scream. She swung at the board game making it fall down to the floor and startling Fluttershy and Twilight.
  42. Twilight was the first to recover. "Cozy Glow, what's gotten into you?!"
  43. "You think I'm weak?!" The filly shouted. "Well I'm not, I won't fall for any more of your stupid tricks!"
  45. Both Twilight and Fluttershy were confused. "What are you talking about?" Asked Twilight.
  46. Cozy pointed an accusatory hoof at Twilight. "Don't pretend you don't know! You planned this out from the beginning! I bet you're even trying to mind control me! Well news flash: it won't work!"
  48. Fluttershy grabbed Cozy's shoulders and turned the filly around to face her. "Watever is bothering you you can tell us. Let us help you and we can-"
  49. Cozy Glow slapped Fluttershy in the face making her reel back, holding a hoof to her cheek, which now had a bright red mark on it.
  51. Twilight gasped.
  52. "Cozy Glow how dare-"
  53. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" screamed Cozy. "Your plan won't work I'll-"
  55. Cozy stopped when Fluttershy quickly grabbed the filly and gave her butt a light but firm smack with her hoof.
  56. Fluttershy's hoof was shaking and she looked guilty. "Oh my, I'm sorry b-but you were s-screaming so l-loud and-"
  57. She was interrupted when Cozy let out a torrent of curses and threats.
  59. Fluttershy just sat there absorbing it all in. She looked at Twilight and the two stared at each other having a silent conversation.
  60. Twilight nodded and Fluttershy gave a sad look and tried talking to Cozy but wouldn't stop her tantrum to.
  62. Fluttershy shared one last look with Twilight before looking down at the thrashing, cursing filly. She placed Cozy on her lap, raised her hoof and (after a bit of hesitation) brought it down.
  64. It took six smacks to finally get Cozy's attention and another four for Cozy to start yelping. Fluttershy swung down four more times before stopping.
  66. "Are you ready to talk now?" She asked.
  67. "Screw you!" shouted Cozy. She then bit into Fluttershy's thigh causing her to wince in pain.
  69. This angered Twilight. "Cozy Glow, stop that now!" she teleported the hairbrush from the bathroom, levitated it close to Cozy and slammed it down of her tush causing the filly to open her mouth and finally let go.
  71. "Stop it this instant, young lady Or you will be get-" Cozy started cursing and thrashing once again. Seeing Fluttershy try to control the filly, Twilight calmed herself down and levitated the brush into Fluttershy's hoof. Fluttershy looked at her sadly.
  73. "Can you think of anything else that will get through to her?" Asked Twilight.
  75. Fluttershy shook her head. She tapped the brush a couple of times on Cozy's bum. Getting no reaction she gave Cozy's back a brief rub and raised her hoof once again. "I'm sorry." She said before swinging.
  77. This time, it only took one hit to elect a yelp from Cozy and another to get her attention. Fluttershy kept going.
  79. Cozy Glow's struggles doubled as the brush was brought down upon her fanny. She tried squirming out of Fluttershy's hold, pounding whatevershe could with her hooves, shifting her bottom and tried reaching her butt with her forelegs but to no avail. She even tried biting again but all that accomplished was causing Fluttershy to hit even harder and faster causing her to once again let go.
  81. 'WHACK!' 'SACK!' 'CRACK!' Went the hairbrush. Cozy Glow's buttocks were slowly reddening with each hit.
  83. Fluttershy's experience in dealing with large animals gave her a surprising amount of strength and she was now demonstrating said strength by bringing the brush down on every part of Cozy's butt.
  85. It was at the sixteenth spank that Cozy started crying. She blushed which got more visible when she noticed that Twilight was watching the whole thing.
  87. Twilight was sad that Cozy had to get yet another spanking especially after seemingly having actual fun with Fluttershy but she knew that the filly deserved it. She was also thinking of giving Cozy a good mouth washing before dinner.
  89. Fluttershy continued her onslaught on Cozy's butt and even picking the pace up a bit. Cozy was now desperately trying to relieve her bum in any way she could but nothing worked. She could have tried apologizing, which might have actually worked but only sounds such as "AH!" and "OW!" and "DAMN YOU!" were what came out of her mouth.
  91. The spanking finally ended after two final hairbrush landings the both centers of Cozy's buttcheeks. Cozy now layed limp, sobbing into the bed and still blushing hard. Her bottom had a nice but painful looking cozy red glow to it.
  93. Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief and placed the brush down. She looked at Twilight and the two exchanged sad and tired smiles. Fluttershy then gently sat the filly up and gave her a sideways hug, careful to not put any pressure on her sore butt.
  95. After some apologies and soothing words from Fluttershy, Twilight gently scolded Cozy. Once Twilight's scolding stopped, Fluttershy started gently questioning her about what got her so worked up.
  97. The two mares couldn't get much out of the filly before she jumped out of Fluttershy's hooves into the air where she floated looking down with a rageful, teary stained red face.
  99. Cozy then let out a torrent of insults like she did before the spanking but now they seemed almost tired, desperate and empty. She soon stopped and just hung her head and sobbed.
  101. Fluttershy flew up and gently got her down to the floor. "Please, let us help you."
  103. Cozy backed off and looked at the her and glared at Twilight.
  105. "Y-you t-t-think you've won?" She sniffed. "Well j-just you wait! I'll make you realize that you can't reform me then you'll have to s-send me to Tartarus!" She grinned. "Then I'll meet Tirek and then we'll escape together and then you'll know true fear!" Cozy cackled.
  107. "You want to meet with Tirek?" Asked both mares at once.
  109. Cozy stopped laughing. Her eyes slowly widened at the realization of what she just said. Now they would try even harder to keep her here!
  111. "Cozy Glow, why would you want to go to Tartarus?" Asked Twilight.
  112. Cozy started shaking, everything was now ruined.
  113. "Are you alright?" asked a concerned Fluttershy.
  114. Her breathing hastened and hardened as she put a hoof on her forehead.
  115. "Cozy, we need to talk" Said Twilight, gently.
  117. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Cozy screamed once again and started banging her head on the edge of the bed "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" She kept yelling. Twilight used her magic to pull Cozy away from the bed by her tail before she could hurt herself. The filly then started wailing as she stood there. Cozy was now crying harder than she ever did during her spankings.
  119. Twilight and Fluttershy watched her sadly before Twilight went up to her and hugged Cozy while Fluttershy went behind her and stroked her mane.
  121. Cozy's loud cry's soon turned to sobs. Twilight and Fluttershy tried talking but she didn't seem to register their presence.
  123. "Twilight, I think we should cancel her classes for today."
  124. "Yea and maybe for the rest of the week. Lets tell the others. I'll get Spike to tell them. Can you watch her in the meantime?"
  125. "Of course."
  127. Twilight left leaving Fluttershy alone with the now silent filly. Fluttershy tried to talk with Cozy but she was stubberny unresponsive. After failing to start a conversation of any sorts, Fluttershy brought Cozy to the bed to more comfortably hold her.
  129. A few hours later, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Starlight came into the room and were greeted by fluttershy shushing them. Cozy Glow laid on the bed face down with Fluttershy gently stroking her back as she slept.
  131. "Wow, Fluttershy you really did a number her." Remarked Rainbow Dash.
  132. "Thats for sure" Said Applejack
  133. "Considering what I've heard from Twilight, I'd say she deserved it." Said Rarity
  135. Before any of them could say anything else, Twilight quietly addressed them all: "Let's let her sleep for now and talk about this outside."
  137. Later, Cozy Glow awoke and found herself alone in her room. She ended up laying sideways on the bed facing the door (she didn't want to sit on her rump for obvious reasons) thinking about just how much she screwed up when Twilight entered the room carrying a food tray with her magic.
  139. "Oh! You're awake! I brought you some warm food since you didn't eat your lunch." She then sighed. "And we need to talk."
  141. Twilight sat down next to Cozy. "Tartarus is not a place you can escape from, Cozy. It took Tirek a thousend years to do so. I wouldn't suggest trying to get yourself locked up in there."
  142. ...
  143. "You may be pleased to note that your last class session is canceled for the week."
  144. This made Cozy smile a little.
  146. "That being said, the way you acted towards Fluttershy is unacceptable and the others were quite miffed about it as well. It's a good thing we've all seen Fluttershy's hoofywork otherwise you might have gotten more." Twilight said sternly.
  148. Cozy blushed, quickly figuring out that everypony must have seen her while she was sleeping.
  150. "Also, I believe I have already told you after your first day here that the kind of language you used today is unaccaptable."
  152. Cozy was worried now as she recalled the soaping she got after she badmouthed Rarity.
  154. "I'll let you off for now but expect a thorough tongue cleaning if I ever catch you or hear from you speaking like that again."
  156. Cozy said nothing so Twilight continued: "I'm going to leave you alone as I have important work to do. Starlight will soon come to keep you company and I expect you to let her do so. Try to remember how much fun you had with Fluttershy before you decided to end it with that tantrum." She then got up and made her way out. "Also, you should think about working with us more from now on. I can promise you it will be better for all of us, including you if you do." And with that, she finally left.
  158. Cosy Glow was once again left to her own thoughts "She's right, there's no way I can escape Tartarus. Maybe I should just give up. It's not like I'll get far by trying to take over Equestria anymore and maybe they can help me find something else to strive for." Despite being disgusted by such thoughts she couldn't stop having them.
  160. Starlight eventually arrived and Cozy took Twilight's suggestion. Fluttershy had apparently asked Starlight to apologize to her in her name for what happened. Cozy only said "Watever" at this much to Starlights displeasure but besides that they had a surprising amount of fun playing board and card games. Despite everything this might have been the most overall fun day Cozy had since she got here.

Changeling and Colt

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Crazy Colt Idea's

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Cozy And Her "Parents"

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Hurts You And Me

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Boast Busters alternate ending

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