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Sandbar's punishment.

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:54:23
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:28:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Sandbar was made to lay down face first on one of the matts used for gym class in the School of Friendship with his sister, Coral Currents sitting on his back and pinning his tail down with her flank. She gleefully used both of her forelegs to spank his bottom. It almost looked like she was playing a bongo.
  3. This was the punishment his parents had suggested for breaking a window in school.
  5. Sandbar groaned. Having to endure this with his parents, Professor Dash and Headmare Starlight watching was utterly humiliating. At least this happening in the headmare's office where only him, Dash, Starlight, his sister and his parents currently were.
  7. "Bad bro!" Coral kept shouting.
  9. Sandbar blushed and that blush only deepened with each giggle from the adults supervising his punishment.
  11. The tiny filly was now getting frustrated by her brother's lack of response. She tried hitting harder but Sandbar was still unresponsive.
  13. With an "Ahem!" his mother got his attention. He looked up to see her pointing at the filly on his back expectedly.
  15. With an eyeroll, he let out a deadpanned "Ow."
  17. "Are ya' gonna do somethin' like dis again, bro?!"
  19. Sandbar looked back up at his mother pleadingly only to recieve the same expression she gave him before. He sighed.
  21. "No, I will never ever do something this ever again."
  23. And with that, Coral stopped.
  25. "Do you think your brother's been punished enough?" Asked a very amused Starlight. Sandbar wished that he was buried alive right now.
  27. "Yup, big bro got spankied good!"
  29. "Then as headmare of this establishment, I deem Sandbar's spanking to be an adequate compensation for the broken window!"
  31. Sandbar's dad congradulated his daughter for a job well-done causing the filly to excitedly hop around the room shouting: "I punished big bro, I punished big bro!"
  33. Sandbar sat up and buried his face into his hooves, groaning loudly.
  35. "Well, I'm sure you won't be breaking any windows any time soon eh, Sandbar?" Teased Rainbow Dash.
  37. The poor teenager wanted to just shrivel up and die.

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