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By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 11:00:20
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:29:34
Expiry: Never

  1. There exists many different creatures in the world, many which could be considered mythical, unreal or non-existent. The Bogeypony is one of these creatures.
  3. Over the many years of Equestria’s existence, tired parents have scared naughty children with tales of this beast.
  5. ”You better be good, or the Bogeypony will get you!”
  7. Sometimes these threats worked and sometimes they didn’t. Either way, it was just a story told to kids, similar to Santa, a fictional being that a pony would grow out of believing in. The difference from the Bogeypony and similarly talked about creatures was that the Bogeypony actually existed.
  9. An eight-year-old colt slept soundly in his bead with a content smile plastered on his face. It got a bit chilly in his room, which was odd, considering that his windows were closed and it was a warm summer night. Still, it was not enough to wake him up.
  11. What did wake him up, however, was a short, strange, unexplainable and sudden sense of dread. As if for a brief moment, he felt his very life being in danger. He groggily sat up, awoken by the strange feeling and instinctively looked around the room only to find it exactly how it was before he fell asleep.
  13. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. It was as if someone was loudly groaning mixed with crackling fire. The sound startled the poor colt out of his grogginess.
  15. Then, he noticed that his room was covered in some sort of black mist. ”Wh-what?” He asked himself.
  17. He then heard the noise again and this time, the mist reacted to it by quickly spreading out to the walls, floor and ceiling in the room, making it look like he was trapped in some misty prison.
  19. Then, a blood red circle opened up from the floor, and the now terrified colt could only look at what slowly came out of it.
  21. Its head was shaped like a pony’s but had two large curved, sharp looking horns. Weather it was covered in purple flames or made out of them, the colt couldn't tell. As it rose up, it quickly started dwarfing the colt. He could now see its similarly flame-covered body, which again, was shaped exactly like a ponies, but with no extra features. As its fiery, bare legs finally got out of the portal, the colt could now see just how massive this thing was. It was as big as Princess Luna!
  23. The colt was paralyzed, shaking in fear and even wet his bed as the beast stared at him with its featureless face. He somehow felt like this thing was staring deep into his soul despite it having no eyes to speak of.
  25. Then, it spoke with a terrifying demonic voice that would unnerve even the bravest individuals:
  26. ”Sup, little dude!”
  27. The young colt stared at the thing for around three seconds before letting out a bloodcurdling scream.
  29. The demon winced and covered his nonexistent ears with his hooves, the fires on them expanding slightly outwards as they touched his head.
  30. ”Ugh, damn it kid, I didn’t even do anything yet!” It complained.
  31. ”MOOOMYYYYY, DAAADDYYYYYY!” The colt kept crying.
  32. ”Seriously, stop it!” The thing ordered, glad that the black mist kept any noise from leaving the room.
  34. The colt did not head its order and kept screaming. The creature groaned and continued to cover his ear while waiting for the kid to quiet down. It hated when this happened and wished that more colts and fillies would just stay paralyzed with fear instead of this annoying shrieking.
  36. And so after a while, the colt finally started screaming and, after seemingly coming to some sort of realization, he jumped out of his bed and tried escaping through the door. Unfortunately, his hoof could not penetrate the mist that still covered it. That was the mists other function.
  38. ”Yea, that’s my dark mist. Pretty cool, isn’t it?” Asked the monster.
  39. The colt turned around and looked jp at the beast with utter terror in his teary eyes.
  40. ”So, anyways.” Began the thing. “I’m the Bogeypony and yes, I exist.”
  42. The Bogeypony paused for any potential questions. The colt only started shaking as he tried backing up further away from the demon, so it continued on:
  43. ”And you were like, a pretty bad kid and stuff so I’m gonna punish you.” Bogeypony said while slowly walking closer to the colt, who’s breathing increased as it approached. ”Like, seriously dude, you said some pretty nasty stuff to your mom and I mean NASTY.” It scolded while booping the once again paralyzed colt on the snout. “Not to mention all the other stuff you did like-” It paused for a moment. “Bullying, shoplifting from that general store thats name I can't pronounce and many other very naughty things.”
  45. ”P-p-plea-‘sniff’-eas, I’m s-s-s-sorry, I’ll b-be ‘huff’ good.” Whined the colt.
  46. Bogeypony would have rolled its eyes if it had any and proceded to pace around the room.
  48. ”Now, how to do this?” It asked itself.
  49. Then it noticed the colt’s wet bedsheets.
  50. ”You wet your bed?” Bogeypony asked the colt.
  51. The colt still just sat there, shaking, unable to even look at Bogeypony.
  52. ”Oh, my gosh, you did! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bogeypony laughed. “Oh, I got just the thing for you.”
  54. Bogeypony stomped his hoof on the ground and suddenly another portal appeared and from it arose a cross shaped stone table covered in creepy demonic symbols. Its shorter sides had straps on it that seemed to be positioned perfectly to tie down a pony of the colt’s size.
  56. ”Baby behavior gets you baby treatment.” Bogeypony remarked. “Get it? Cuz’ you wet the bed like a baby and so…” It stopped when he noticed that its sole audience wasn’t really listening. “Oh, whatever, come here!”
  58. Suddenly, the colt found himself entangled in a fiery tentacle that seemed to come out of Bogeypony’s back. The flames did not hurt him, but they did carry him onto the table.
  60. Bogeypony watched as the wildly struggling colt was laid down on his back. It then walked up to him and strapped his two forelegs onto the side of the desk. His struggles were fruitless against his might.
  62. With an exaggerated pose, it then summoned a ring of fire which extended, flew to the colt’s kicking hind legs, encircled and closed on them, trapping them and stopping the kicking. It then flew up into the air in a way that them point directly upwards. Bogeypony could have held his legs himself, but found the flaming circle a lot cooler and far more practical.
  64. ”Heh, nice. Now, to get to business.” Bogeypony said. “You got any shape you wanna get it with?”
  65. ”M-mercy, I’ll be good, just please spare me!” The colt begged.
  66. ”Pretty sure that’s not a shape.” Bogeypony said, ignoring the colt’s pleadings.
  68. Then, he got an idea.
  69. ”Hey, your name is Spoonful, right?” It asked.
  70. Spoonful kept on begging.
  71. ”Of course it is! That’s perfect.” Bogeypony raised his hoof which mutated into the shape of a typical wooden cooking spoon. “This should do it!”
  73. ”Wh-what are you g-gonna do?” Asked Spoonful, probably expecting something deadly.
  74. ”Huh?” Bogeypony was surprised by the question. “Oh, just a spanking.”
  75. ”A wha-AH!” Spoonful couldn’t say anything else as Bogeypony begun hitting his rump with its newly shapeshifted hoof.
  77. As Spoonful started letting out typical spanked colt sounds, Bogeypony started humming, doing its best to drown out the annoying cries of its victim. It always thought of bringing its headset for these parts to listen to some music, but being a demon did not bring many opportunities to get one and the only headset it owned was colored neon pink which would have totally clashed with its creepy demon look.
  79. It didn’t take long for Spoonful to start bawling like a baby. Bogeypony only visited very naughty and unpunished kids so it never went easy on its victims.
  81. Soon, Spoonful’s butt took on a dark red color under the rapid “spoon” smacks. Bogeypony had plenty of experience when it came to spanking children, so it was an expert in tanning a pony’s flank.
  83. Because of the efficient, rapid fire hits, the spanking didn’t need to last two long all things considered. Only for about two minutes.
  85. Bogeypony stopped, shapeshifted his hoof back to normal, dispelled the fire circle and opened a portal under the table which slowly sank into it, unstrapping Spoonful as it disappeared.
  87. Bogeypony creepily stared at the colt as he writhed on the floor, rubbing his bottom before letting out a demonic sigh and looking around the room.
  89. ”Hey, is that a ponystation?” Bogeypony asked upon noticing the console.
  90. Spoonful was too busy trying to deal with the pain of the spanking to answer.
  91. ”It is! Mind if I try it out?” Bogeypony asked.
  92. Spoonful still didn’t answer.
  93. ”Thanks!” It went to turn on the device. It took Bogeypony a bit of time to figure out how the console worked, but it eventually managed to start playing some kind of a fighting game. He was pretty bad at it.
  95. After a while of this, Spoonful finally managed to stop focusing on his butt pain enough to focus on the demon in the room. He watched it play as he continued to rub his butt.
  97. ”P-press x to block.” Spoonful suddenly suggested for reasons beyond him.
  98. Bogeypony listened and tried it. “Thanks!” He said.
  100. The demon kept on playing while the colt kept watching.
  101. ”M-mister demon-“
  102. ”Bogeypony.”
  103. ”Uh, Bogeypony?”
  104. ”Yes?”
  105. ”Why are you still here?” Spoonful couldn’t believe he just asked that.
  106. ”Can’t open another portal for a few hours so I’m kind of stuck here.”
  107. “Oh.”
  109. Awkward silence followed. Spoonful couldn’t help but wonder what Bogeypony did when there wasn’t a console to play with.
  110. ”You wanna play two player?” He eventually asked, nervously.
  112. Bogeypony twisted his head around with many sickening cracks to face the colt, scaring him once again. “Sure!” He said.

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