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Marks and Recreation

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 11:05:28
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:29:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Marks and Recreation
  3. ”What are you doing?! Lemme go!” Demanded Rumble.
  4. Thunderlane ignored his little brother as he dragged him towards one of the benches in the campgrounds.
  6. The other foals watched on as the colt was taken to a bench. Some of them had a good guess as to what was about to happen.
  8. As Thunderlane sat down, Rumble’s eyes widened. There was only one reason his big brother would ever sit like that.
  9. ”Now then.” Said Thunderlane, who had a casual demeanor despite what he was about to do.
  10. ”W-wait, Thunderlane, let’s talk this out!”
  11. ”Oh, like how I tried to talk to you earlier?”
  13. Thunderlane had tried to talk some sense into Rumble when he found out what his little brother was doing in the Cutie Mark Crusader’s camp only for the colt to essentially throw a tantrum and fly away. Later on, just as Rumble started causing trouble once again it was Thunderlane who stopped it by quickly grabbing the colt leading to this moment.
  15. Rumble opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when Thunderlane grabbed him and placed him over his knee. Now everypony knew what Rumble was about to get and a crowd of foals formed around the two pegesi.
  17. Before Rumble could speak again, Thunderlane gave his butt a stinging slap.
  18. ”OW!” Shouted Rumble as he swished his tail to cover the stricken part of his butt only for Thunderlane to hit another, uncovered part of it.
  20. ”C’mon Thunderlane, stop it!”
  21. ”No can do little bro, you definitely had this coming.”
  22. Another slap came down. Rumble tried to use his tail to cover as much of his butt as possible, but he couldn’t cover everything.
  23. ’SLAP!’ “OUCH!”
  25. ”Should we say something?” Asked Sweetie Belle who, along with the other foals were watching this unfold.
  26. ”Nah, I’d say he had it coming.” Said Scootaloo.
  27. ”Scootaloo!” Applebloom almost shouted.
  28. ”What? He tried to ruin our camp when he could have just talked things out with us or not come at all. Don’t tell me this isn’t the least bit satisfying to you?”
  29. Scootaloo’s two friends couldn’t deny this.
  31. Meanwhile, Thunderlane was still not letting up. Rumble tried his best to block his brother’s hoof with his tail, but the fast Wonderbolt kept spanking around it.
  32. ”I learned my lesson, I’m sorry just stop!” Begged Rumble.
  33. Thunderlane paused for a bit, put a hoof on his chin and made a thoughtful expression. “Hmm.”
  34. Rumble actually thought for a moment that he would finally stop.
  35. ”Nope!” Thunderlane declared before continuing to spank the colt.
  37. ”Did he actually think that would make him stop?” Asked one of the spectating colts.
  38. ”My folks would never give me a spanking that short.” Said a filly.
  40. It was then that Rumble finally noticed the crowd watching.
  41. ”C-OW! Can we do this somewhere else?!”
  42. ”No can do, little bro.” Thunderlane said as he kept spanking around Rumble’s still moving tail. “You almost ruined their camp so I think they deserve to see this.”
  43. Rumble kept begging for either mercy or privacy while doing his best to block the spanks and escape, all to no avail.
  45. ”He is not taking this very well.” Observed one of the foals.
  46. ”Even I could take a spanking like that.” Declared Pipsqueak.
  48. Indeed, Rumble was apparently not very good at taking a spanking as he was already starting to tear up slightly despite Thunderlane’s relatively light slaps.
  49. ”You know.” Started the stallion as he slapped another unprotected part of Rumble’s rump eliciting a small shriek and a movement of the colt’s tail to try and block the next one. “I’m never going to stop if you keep trying to block me like that.”
  50. Rumble didn’t listen as he still kept trying to worm his way out of his punishment.
  52. ”Now that he mentions it, why isn’t Thunderlane pinning Rumble’s tail?” Asked Sweetie Belle.
  53. ”He obviously wants Rumble to move it out of the way himself.” Said Applebloom.
  54. ”I mean, it seems pretty obvious. I’m not sure why he’s not doing it.” Said Scootaloo.
  55. Suddenly, one of the youngest filly’s there shouted: “Just move your tail, silly!”
  56. Rumble squeaked in embarrassment.
  58. ”She’s right, you know?” Said Thunderlane. “I put you over my knee so many times, you really should know how this goes by now.”
  59. ”But-“ Rumble tried to say something only to be interrupted by another stinging slap.
  60. ”The only butt that matters right now is yours and I don’t think you’re in any position to argue about against this.” Scolded Thunderlane.
  62. Meanwhile, some of the foals couldn’t help but snicker at Rumble’s misfortune, something the spanked colt couldn’t help but notice.
  63. ”I wonder how often he gets spanked by his big brother?”
  64. ”Probably a lot. I mean, look at how easygoing Thunderlane is about it!”
  66. Rumble kept struggling.
  67. ”You know, I would have stopped a while ago had you just calmed down and moved your tail to the side.”
  68. Rumble was still trying to block the slaps.
  69. Thunderlane snickered. “I got an early leave from the Wonderbolt’s today, so I got all day to tan your hide.”
  70. ”Pleeease stop!” Whined Rumble.
  72. ”Why does he think that’ll work?”
  73. ”Gosh, he could have saved himself a lot of pain and embarrassment had he just moved his tail.”
  74. ”I can’t believe I actually listened to that silly colt.”
  76. Hearing his pears make fun of him like that, Rumble blushed hard. The spanks still kept coming and the colt’s butt was getting redder with every one of them. By now, its redness was almost matching the redness of his face.
  78. ”I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t being so dumb.”
  79. ”Yea, at this point he kinda deserves it.”
  81. ”Come on, Rumble. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d never stop till’ you moved that tail.” Said Thunderlane.
  82. Rumble shut his eyes, tears falling even harder now before finally giving up and moving his tail to the side.
  83. ”Finally!” Said Thunderlane before squeezing down with his hoof that held his little brother, causing the now reddened grey butt to rise slightly.
  85. ”Took him long enough.”
  86. ”Quiet! I wanna listen to this.”
  88. Thunderlane unleashed a barrage of rapid-fire slaps all over Rumble’s bottom leaving no part of it un-spanked. Rumble squealed and shrieked at the impacts, but managed to keep his tail away this time. He knew from experience that Thunderlane would start over if he interrupted.
  90. ”For a colt, he sure can squeal.”
  91. ”Yea, it’s almost like listening to a filly.”
  92. ”A very fussy filly.”
  94. Thankfully for Rumble, it didn’t take long for Thunderlane to stop and finally let him off his lap. Upon reaching the ground, Rumble started jumping around and rubbing his bottom causing Thunderlane and some of the foals to chuckle at his expense. He would certainly be teased for a while after this.
  96. When Rumble finally stopped upon noticing that he was still being watched, Thunderlane addressed him again:
  97. ”Now, I want you to turn around and apologize to them for what you did.”
  98. ”B-but-“
  99. ”Unless you want to go for round two.”
  100. Rumble winced and Shakely turned to face his fellow campers.
  102. ”I, uhm.” He tried to say something.
  103. ”Start with saying you’re sorry.” Thunderlane whispered into his ear.
  104. ”I’m s-sorry!” Rumble shouted. He was never good at apologizing.
  105. ”What are you sorry for?” Asked Scootaloo.
  106. ”For… almost ruining your camp.” Said Rumble dejectedly. He was actually feeling guilty about the whole thing.
  107. ”Think you can forgive my little brother for this mess?” Asked Thunderlane.
  109. The Crusaders gave each other quick nods before truning to Rumble.
  110. ”Well, I guess.” Said Sweetie Belle before turning to the others. “What do you ponies think?”
  111. There were some murmurs and declarations of agreement to which Rumble awkwardly thanked them.
  112. ”Don’t mention it!” Said Applebloom. “Besides, if something like this happens again we can just call your brother to tan your hide again.”
  113. Rumble looked down in utter humiliation as the assorted ponies let out another laugh at his expense.
  115. The camp went on as normal, except Thunderlane stayed to cook the foals some soup and make sure that Rumble wouldn’t try anything silly again. Rumble actually took interest in his cooking and joined him and found it quite fun andThunderlane ended up giving him the lesson that cutie marks don’t define your life and a pony can pursue other interests besides it.
  117. Looking back, Rumble realizes how dumb he was and actually started to think that he deserved that spanking (not that he’d ever admit it).
  119. The camp overall, turned out to be quite fun after that. Rumble would have more positive than negative memories about it in the future.

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