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Herry The Camp Disciplinarian

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 11:07:31
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:30:52
Expiry: Never

  1. It took some pleading, but they did it.
  3. The Cutie Mark Crusader's have gotten Fluttershy to convince Herry the bear to act as their camp's disciplinarian with the only catch was that Fluttershy made the crusaders promise to let Herry discipline in any way the bear would see fit. Of course, she also promised that nopony would get injured.
  5. The last thing the three fillies wanted was to discipline their campers, but it turns out that having three fillies run a camp for colts and fillies on their own tends to attract troublemakers. It got so bad that they simply had no choice.
  7. At first, they thought about doing it themselves, but hunting down and effectively disciplining ponies around their age, size and strength was quite a difficult undertaking.
  9. Then they thought of finding some adults to do it, but quickly rejected that as they believed that would ruin the vibe of the camp, plus there weren't many adults available at the time.
  11. It was a random joke from Scootaloo that led them to getting Herry.
  13. "So, Herry." Started Applebloom once they reached the camp. "This is where-" She paused when she noticed that the bear was gone.
  14. "Hey, were did he go?" Asked Scootaloo.
  15. "Well, Fluttershy did mention that he might dissapear at times." Said Sweetie Belle.
  16. "Oh, right! She also said that he'll still be keeping watch, so I guess he will come when he's needed."
  17. "How practical!" Said Scootaloo.
  18. "Yea, lets get back to the others." Said Sweetie Belle.
  19. The other two nodded, understanding the fact that Herry was a wild animal and as such, would be unpredictable.
  21. The camp activities proceeded as normal with the kids having a lot of fun. The Crusaders were starting to think that Herry wasn't needed after all.
  23. That was until one of the foals, a young colt started acting up by causing a few less then friendly pranks, madink a tantrum when called out (he was a younger foal) and having to be taken aside by the Crusaders.
  25. As the Crusaders were trying to calm the young colt down (who once again threw a tantrum) they suddenly noticed the giant bear behind him. Turns out that bears can be extremely stealthy despite their size.
  27. Without warning, the large animal grabbed the colt with its massive paws and then, much the the Crusader's and colt's shock, the paw came down on the foal's bottom. It came down hard for the colt, but reletively light for the bear and not hard enough to injure him.
  29. As the colt cried for help, the Crusader's just watched.
  30. "Should we help him?" Asked Applebloom.
  31. "Fluttershy did say to let Herry punish as he saw fit." Reminded Sweetie Belle.
  32. "I mean, we did need a disciplinarian." Said Scootaloo, wincing at the colt's misfortune.
  34. After a few more smacks, the bear stopped spanking the colt and gently put him down before running off to some unknown place.
  35. "I see you met our new disciplinarian." Said Applebloom.
  36. "Wh-was that Miss Fluttershy's bear?!" Asked the colt.
  37. "Yep, and if you don't want him to spank you again then you better behave at least a little!" Scolded Scootaloo.
  38. "Were not asking for you to be an angel or anything, just don't do anything to disrupt the camp, please." Said Sweetie Belle.
  39. The colt looked away for a moment, clearily thinking hard on his answer. "Fine." He finally said.
  41. As soon as the campers saw the colt's butt, they immedietly started questioning him and eventually, he gave in and told them what happened. They didn't believe him at first but their disbelief was quickly dispelled by the Crusader's confermation.
  43. There were far fewer incidents of naughtyness from that point on and the few that did happen (one of them coming from ironically enough, Scootaloo) were quickly dealt with by Herry.
  45. Despite the occasional spankings the camp did go much better better with the bear's help, and was a lot more fun for everypony as a result.

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