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Twilight's Punishment in Celestia's Court

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 11:08:54
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:31:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Young Twilight Sparkle crept around the library within Canterlot castle. While she hadn’t snuck into the library per say (she just couldn’t bring herself to not greet the nice librarian) she was doing her absolute best to avoid detection.
  3. Why was she trying so hard to remain unseen? The reason for that was her ultimate destination: The Forbidden Archives. Based on that name alone it should be obvious why such a trip required stealth.
  5. As for the reason as to why Twilight would want or even dare to go to such a place was a rather silly one. Her teacher, Princess Celestia was currently teaching her a rather difficult spell that the young filly was having trouble mastering and despite her teacher’s reassurances that this was normal and that Twilight was meant to have a difficult time learning it, the filly couldn’t help but feel very frustrated by her lack of progress.
  7. But that frustration wouldn’t last as Twilight finally got to the entrance of the forbidden book storage. She smiled gleefully. Soon she would be able to read all these great books and-
  8. “What do you think you’re doing here?”
  9. Twilight whipped her head around to see a pair of guards looking down at her with sterner then usual expressions.
  11. “Well?”
  12. “I, umm…” Twilight couldn’t quite explain herself out of this one.
  13. The two guards looked at each other in silent communication and, after a short while nodded.
  14. “Suspect Attempted break to into the Forbidden Archives.”
  15. “Illegal entry it is.”
  16. Twilight’s eyes widened and they continued to get bigger as the two guards continued to talk as if this was an official case.
  17. “Recommended action?”
  18. “Escort the prisoner to her majesty.”
  19. Bothe guards nodded.
  21. Twilight yelped as she was grabbed by her sides by both of the guards.
  22. “Come with us ma’am.” One of them said.
  23. “Any escape attempts will be reported the princess and will most likely result in further disciplinary actions.” Said the other.
  24. Twilight gulped, she knew they were right.
  26. And so, young Twilight Sparkle who had just been caught red-hoofed was now being escorted to by the two guards to the throne room.
  28. Twilight was hoping that the princess would understand why she did what she did, but deep down she knew that was unlikely. She kept trying to slow down so as to delay the inevitable confrontation with Celestia but the guards forced her to keep an even pace. Needless to say she was quite terrified of facing her mentor.
  30. By the time they reached the suddenly very imposing entrance to the throne room, Twilight was practically hyperventilating. She stood still for a moment, unable to move but a quick tug from one of the guards kept her going.
  32. Celestia was currently hard at work addressing the various problems of the ponies entering her court. Her work was cut short when she noticed a trio of ponies cut in-front of the line (much to many of the waiting ponies annoyance) and looked on with concern as she noticed that it was her faithful student and two royal guards.
  34. One of the guards spoke up. ”Apologies for interrupting your majesty but a situation has occurred with your student.”
  35. Celestia looked over her student and noticed her nervousness. ”Oh, is it a bad one?” Celestia asked.
  36. Both guards nodded.
  37. Celestia frowned. “I see.” She gave Twilight a soft glare. “I shall let my faithful student explain then.”
  38. Twilight gulped but remained silent, unable to bring herself to confess.
  39. ”Whatever punishment you will receive will be worse if I ask these guards to tell me.”
  40. The little filly looked up at the large princess and rubbed one of her forelegs with the other.
  42. ”W-well.” She started. “You s-see.”
  43. Celestia patiently waited for her to start explaining.
  44. ”So we had this lesson with a spell.” Twilight slowly continued. “And I had trouble learning it.”
  45. Twilight stared into her mentor’s stern, unmoving gaze and started shaking.
  46. ”Go on.” Celestia urged.
  47. ”So I…”
  49. Twilight closed her eyes and tried to gather her courage.
  50. She got closer and closer to panicking until she just couldn’t take it anymore.
  53. Celestia had many students over the years who ended up speaking like this when sufficiently nervous so she immediately managed to decipher Twilight’s sentence.
  55. The alicorn gave the little unicorn a stern gaze who shrank under it.
  56. ”Twilight Sparkle.” She finally said in a calm but firm voice. “The forbidden archives are off limits. You already know this.”
  57. ”Yes Princess!” Twilight squeaked.
  58. ”Do you know why they are forbidden?”
  59. ”They contain dangerous magic unsuited for little fillies.” Twilight said, quoting Celestia herself.
  60. ”And you tried to enter it anyway.”
  61. Twilight couldn’t say anything to that.
  63. Celestia continued to stare at Twilight for an uncomfortable amount of time before levitating her up from the ground.
  64. ”P-p-p-princess?” A visibly distressed Twilight asked.
  66. ”I must punish you for this.” Was all Celestia said before levitating Twilight next to her throne, turning her around and raising her bottom to face slightly upwards.
  68. ”I-“ Whatever Twilight was going to say was cut off when a bubble of Celestia’s magic surrounded her. It only cut off sound from the outside of it and allowed everything else to work as normal.
  70. ”That should keep you quiet while I work.” Said Celestia who then teleported a paddle next to Twilight’s bottom.
  72. The plain paddle was a large. Large enough to fully cover the bottom of a little filly like Twilight so not much aiming would be required by Celestia if she were to use it on her. It was also very thin but looked very sturdy. The material was obviously wood, but it was either painted white or was made by some kind of special wood. Its handle was covered in a nice yellow wrapping, something which was currently unused as Celestia was holding it with her similarly colored magic.
  74. Celestia cast a quick spell that made it constantly tap it causing the filly to stiffen in shock in realization at what was coming, then she cast another spell on the paddle that Twilight didn't know the function of.
  76. Celestia sighed and turned back to the guards.
  77. ”Thank you for bringing her to me.”
  78. ”It’s a pleasure to serve, your majesty.”
  79. Celestia nodded. “I now have a task for you.”
  80. Both guards nodded.
  82. Celestia teleported a piece of paper and an inked feather next to her and wrote some things down on it.
  83. ”Please bring this letter to the destination written on it. It is close by and you may end your shift upon its delivery.” The princess said as she gave the guards the letter.
  84. ”As you command.” One of the guards said before both of them saluted and went to do their task.
  86. ”Now then.” Celestia looked at the line of increasingly impatient ponies in front of her, many of whom couldn’t help but stare at the floating filly. Some of them were angry at her while others looked either amused or sympathetic.
  87. Twilight seemed to somewhat notice them as evident by her shaking and blushing.
  89. ”Next!” Celestia called out to the crowd. This was how she’d always signal that the next pony may step forward to talk.
  91. Right as the word left Celestia’s mouth the still tapping paddle quickly flew backwards and swung down on Twilight’s unprotected rump and based on the fillies kicking, mouth opening and head raising it was obviously quite unpleasant. Not that any sounds could be heard from inside the bubble. This was that second spell.
  93. The pony in front of the line looked at the filly with surprise.
  94. ”Excuse me, did you not have an appointment.” Asked a slightly amused Celestia.
  95. The pony snapped his attention to the princess.
  96. ”Oh, um yes!”
  98. Thankfully the paddle only whacked Twilight’s butt once and went back to lightly tapping it as Celestia addressed the pony’s concerns.
  100. Twilight tried to rub the pain of the smack out but was being held in a way that prevented her from reaching her butt. In fact, the magic held her midsection in place with too much rigidness to even turn back to see the many ponies who were most likely staring at the mark on her buttocks that paddle most likely made. Twilight blushed heavily and whimpered at that thought. All those ponies were most likely making fun of her along with the princess.
  102. As she heard the talking stop and the sounds of walking, Twilight decided to take the chance to try and beg for mercy.
  103. ”Princess, I-“
  104. ”Next!”
  105. ’WHACK!’
  106. ”YOUCH!” Twilight shouted. Of course only she could hear the shout.
  108. After getting over the shock of the second lick she begun to try and get Celestia’s attention. Based on the lack of response and the general indifference to her screams plus the bubble, Twilight quickly found out what was happening much to her dismay.
  110. As Celestia was negotiating to some noblepony about opening a parking lot for chariots on top of a foals playground the paddle kept tapping Twilight’s bottom constantly reminding her that the next big lick would soon be coming.
  111. ”At least it’s not constant.” Twilight thought.
  113. This time, the conversation was much shorter as the noblepony’s request was quickly dismissed leaving him outraged as he was made to leave the throne room.
  114. ”Next!”
  115. ’WHACK!’
  116. This third swing was just as hard as the last two much to Twilight’s chagrin.
  118. It appeared that next was the code word for the paddle to swing. Twilight was a smart filly and knew much about magic despite her young age so it only took three more hits for her to figure this out. Not that it did her any good.
  120. Currently, Celestia seemed to have a much longer conversation with a pony who actually brought up some good points about a project that Celestia was skeptical of.
  122. On one hoof, Twilight liked this as this meant that the paddle was content with just tapping her butt rather than beating it but on the other it was incredibly tense as she knew her poor bottom would get another hit soon. She kicked and crossed her hindlegs as much as she could at the anticipation.
  124. Honestly Twilight wasn’t sure if she’d prefer the longer meetings due to the longer breaks or the shorter meeting because that would most like end her-
  125. ’CRACK!’
  126. Despite knowing that it was coming, the hard swing still managed to surprise Twilight prompting her to react in a way that she was sure was quite the spectacle to the other ponies in the room.
  128. Really that was another horrible part of this punishment. While Twilight was facing away from Celestia, the line and even the guards she knew that there were many ponies in the room and that many of them were most likely stare-
  129. ”Next!”
  130. ’CRACK!’
  132. That was a fast talk. Celestia sounded quite angry with that one. Twilight wished that she were-
  133. ”But your majesty-“
  134. ”I am sorry but I cannot condone such a thing. Next!”
  135. ’CRACK!’
  136. ”AH!”
  138. ”But just think of the possibilities!”
  139. ”I have and I do not like them. Next!”
  140. ’WHACK!’
  141. ”NOOOO!”
  142. Why couldn’t this pony just take a hint and leave?!
  144. ”But-“
  145. ”My little pony, this conversation is over. It was over the moment I said next (‘SMACK!’) so please, listen to me when I say next (‘SMACK!’) and let the pony behind you speak his mind. Do I make myself clear?”
  146. The pony sighed. “Yes princess.”
  147. ”Good. Next!”
  148. ’SMACK!’
  150. Twilight huffed in anguish as the dejected pony left. She wanted to rub her bottom so badly after that series of licks. Stupid pony and her stupid ideas.
  151. ”Next!”
  152. ’CRACK!’
  153. Another short one it seemed. Twilight just wanted her suffering to end already.
  155. Thankfully, this next pony seemed to be giving her a break (probably not intentionally) as he seemed to be a slow but smart speaker. Twilight took this opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief even as the paddle was still doing that annoying tapping.
  157. She knew that Celestia would hear ponies out based on pre-arranged appointments so there was really no time limit for her court. All she could do was hope that not that many ponies were left.
  158. ”Next!”
  159. Unfortunately the meeting was not long enough for Twilight’s sore bottom.
  161. The remaining ten meetings went similarly the these. Some ponies kept it short and simple earning quick and painful spanks for Twilight and some drew it out as long as they could making her have to wait in dreadful anticipation.
  163. ”Next!” Celestia called out for what was thankfully the last pony.
  164. Twilight pretty much stopped struggling at this point. This was easily the longest spanking she’s ever gotten. Good thing it was so slow.
  166. ”Princess Celestia.” Called out a familiar voice.
  167. It was Twilight Velvet. Twilight looked to the side to try and see her mother but she couldn’t due to the angle.
  168. ”Ah, Miss Velvet. I hope you did not have to wait too long.”
  169. ”Oh, no I didn’t. When I got the letter I was quite angry, but I see my daughter has been sufficiently punished. She winced upon seeing Twilight’s crimson red bottom. “Perhaps even a bit too well.”
  171. Celestia nodded. “Know that she has committed a serious felony.”
  172. “And she’s definitely got her just desserts for it. I don’t think my little filly has gotten a spanking this long before. That paddle certainly looked like it packed a punch as well.”
  173. “A proper spanking should be hard. I do hope the nature of this punishment wasn’t of concern for you.”
  174. “No, if nothing else it saved me the trouble. It wasn’t like she was getting an overly large amount of licks anyways.”
  176. Celestia switched to a more casual demeanor.
  177. ”I truly hope that you do not mind that I took care of her punishment.”
  178. ”Of course not! Again, it saves me the trouble even if it’s a bit of an unusual way of doing it.”
  179. ”Yes, it was quite long. But it was intended to be slow.”
  181. Velvet smirked. “I noticed. That one pony who just wouldn’t leave though.”
  182. Celestia groaned. “Don’t remind me! I had to draw out one of the meeting after that just to give her a break.”
  183. ”Yes, thank you for that. I’m not sure how her flank would have handled it if you didn’t.”
  185. Twilight could only listen to the two mares talk. She felt embarrassed about them talking about her like that.
  186. ”I suppose I should let my faithful student down now.” Celestia finally said.
  188. Twilight was gently let down and the paddle got teleported away. As soon as she was released she immediately did the classic naughty filly post-spanking dance.
  189. ”Hello, Twilight.” Said Velvet, trying to look as stern as possible despite her mild amusement and lack of any real anger.
  191. ”Hi mom.” Twilight said nervously.
  192. ”Please apologize to Princess Celestia and then we can go home.”
  194. Twilight obediently turned to her mentor.
  195. ”I’m really sorry for entering the Forbidden Archives without your permission, Princess Celesita. Please don't take away my library card.”
  196. Celestia gave her a gentle smile. “I forgive you, Twilight Sparkle and I will not be taking away anything from you, but please do not enter the archives ever again. I may have to find harsher ways to punish you if you do so.”
  197. Twilight gulped.
  198. Velvet just shook her head. “Let’s go, Twilight.”
  200. Unfortunately the road home gave even more opportunities for Twilight to feel embarrassed as many ponies were just going home from their jobs allowing many to witness her rump and draw the obvious conclusion.
  202. At home, Night Light was quite mad at first and wanted to personally punish Twilight but after hearing about her punishment and seeing her bottom himself, he decided that his daughter suffered enough so he just scolded her and made a quick joke about the entire court knowing that even Celestia’s personal student gets her bums occasionally roasted (much to Twilight’s embarrassment).
  204. Now if only Shiny (and unintentionally Spike) would just stop teasing her about it.

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