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/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 15:23:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >Taking a walk to a very special mare’s house, you are Anon.
  2. >Approaching her home, you see the ashen coated pony sitting on her porch.
  3. >She hasn’t noticed you yet, must be spacing out.
  4. “Hey there Eri.”
  5. >The little mare jolts out of her thoughts before turning to you.
  6. >”Oh hey there Anon.” A little smile forming on her face fills your heart with joy.
  7. >It’s a rare sight, but it’s becoming more common now that you two are together.
  8. >You can’t help but smile back.
  9. >She scoots over a bit as you take a seat next to her before looking back towards the sunset.
  10. >Sitting in silence for a little while, you notice she is lost in thought again.
  11. “Something on your mind?”
  12. >”It’s nothing.” Shaking her head and still watching the sunset.
  13. “Hey come on now. I thought we were past this? You know you can tell me anything.”
  14. >Closing her eyes, she sighs for a moment to gather her courage before opening them again.
  15. >”Sorry, it’s hard to be open, and difficult to break old habits. It’s just that I keep thinking this is all a dream, and that I will wake up from it all eventually to go back to the real world of being alone.”
  16. >You exaggerate looking around and patting yourself, to which she looks at you curiously.
  17. “Looks pretty real to me, and I’m here with you. I could pinch you if you want to be sure.”
  18. >A small chuckle escapes out of her mouth.
  19. >”Pain is often just as real in a dream as it in the waking world, you know that.”
  20. “Yeah that is true.” Shrugging a bit. “If that’s the case, then how about we just enjoy this dream then?”
  21. >”Suppose we could, doesn’t change things though.” Another sigh escapes her lips as she looks down.
  22. >Nope, can’t have none of that sadness, not here.
  23. “Hey Eri, look.”
  24. >”What is it Anon?” Looking back to you now.
  25. >Bringing your arm up and extending your hand, you reach out with your index finger before placing it on her muzzle.
  26. “Boop.” Making the noise and watching as her eyes cross.
  27. >”Hey! I thought I told you to not do that.” Rubbing her muzzle, giving you a little glare.
  28. “If it breaks you out of those thoughts, then it’s worth it.”
  29. >”Jerk.” She says as she lightly punches your arm with a smirk.
  30. “Ow my poor arm, you’re such a brute!” Dramatically falling onto your back.
  31. >”Uh-huh, yeah sure I am.” Rolling her eyes and a little smile at your antics.
  32. >Sitting back up, you look at her.
  33. >She is looking back to the setting sun before turning back to you.
  34. >“Hey Anon, can I ask you a question?”
  35. “You just did.” Grinning at her.
  36. >”Smartass, you know what I meant.”
  37. “Of course you can, you know you can ask me anything. Might not be the answer you want, but I will always answer what I can.”
  38. >She looks down a moment before beginning.
  39. >”There are so many other ponies in this world, ponies that are better than me. So why did you choose to be with me? Especially with all my problems.”
  40. >You had hoped she wouldn’t ask this question again, but you know that she has trouble believing it after all this time.
  41. >Turning to her fully to give her your undivided attention, you take a moment to gather your thoughts.
  42. “I know I am not the greatest with words, but you are the most special pony I have ever met here. You might not think so, but I do.” Her eyes widen a little. “Other ponies are carefree, outgoing, energetic. You’re not, but neither am I. Even after being here for so long, I don’t fit in here. I still stand out when I’m in town. But you stand out amongst them as well, because you don’t fit in either like me.”
  43. >”Anon..”
  44. “I’m not finished. Whether it was fate or random chance, I don’t care. Running into you was the best thing to ever happen to me since I got here. I was still broken up over being ripped from my world. Yet we found eachother somehow, and managed to help one another along the way with our problems. Even with the highs and lows, we are still here after everything. So that’s why I am with you, and I am sure I made the right choice.”
  45. >You both lock eyes and you can feel your heart beat a little faster.
  46. >She leans towards you, and you to her. Planting a kiss on each others lips. It lasts for a moment, but feels like an eternity.
  47. >Pulling back now with both of you with smiles on your faces.
  48. >”Thank you, for everything. I love you Anon.” She nuzzles you gently.
  49. “And I love you too Eri.” As you return the gesture.
  50. >Wrapping your arm around her and pulling her close. She leans her head on your shoulder.
  51. >”If this is really a dream, then I never want to wake up.”
  52. “I can’t agree more.”
  53. >Both of you turn your attention to the sun as the final rays of light bathe the land.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

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