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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 3

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 15:33:01
Expiry: Never

  1. “Why are you doing this?!”
  2. >You struggle against your binds in dire hope of escape.
  3. >”It’s to help you, remember? This is for your own good.” Rest says with a malicious smile.
  4. “No! You said you were my friend! This isn’t helping me!” You cry out.
  5. >”But Eri, I am your friend, and you listen to everything else I say. You haven’t rejected me yet.”
  6. “This is different, you have my strapped to fucking a table you psycho!”
  7. >>”What a drama queen, I can see why you asked for my help.”
  8. >Not her too.
  9. >Connie steps around into your view, with the same smile as Rest.
  10. >>”Come on Eri, we both want to help you. Your old friend, and your new one.”
  11. “Please! Stop this! I don’t want this!” Pleading desperately now.
  12. >”It’s going to be alright, It will be quick and painless. Just like you want.”
  13. >You thrash again.
  14. “NO! I don’t want to die!”
  15. >”Hold her still, can’t make too many mistakes, can we?” Rest looks to Connie.
  16. >>”Of course, she could mess up your work.” She places her hooves on your body and presses firmly.
  17. “Rest please! No!”
  18. >She just smiles at you before turning to a small table with tools on it.
  19. >As her eyes scan it, she picks up a scalpel.
  20. >”Let’s see now, this one will do fine.”
  21. >”Now, you may feel a bit of pressure and some pain.”
  22. >She leans down to your stomach
  23. >You try in vain to move, but Connie holds you tightly.
  24. >>”Don’t fight it Eri, just accept our help.” She coos.
  25. >It feels like your heart is about to burst from your chest.
  26. >Your eyes zero in as she brings the blade closer once more.
  28. >”Could you gag the patient please?” Rest says lazily at Connie.
  29. >>”Of course, she is so loud. Don’t want to interrupt the operation.”
  30. >With one hoof still on you, Connie grabs a rag and stuffs it into your mouth.
  31. “NO-Mmff!”
  32. >”That’s much better, thank you.”
  33. >>”You’re welcome.”
  35. >You watch helplessly, as the steel slowly cuts into your flesh.
  36. >Feeling a white hot blind pain, you muffle out a scream.
  37. >With practiced ease, Rest brings the blade from one side to the other.
  38. >Your vital essence follows it, and the end draws closer.
  39. >Whatever is listening, please, save me!
  40. >Eri.
  41. >However, Rest doesn’t stop. She takes another slice and another.
  42. >She’s carving you up.
  43. >Your body shakes violently.
  44. >”Have to cut the bad out, only way to fix broken ones like this.” Rest says in an even voice.
  45. >>”How interesting, you should teach me so I can help her out when she gets like this again.”
  46. >”We have all the time in the world, how about you give it a shot?” She says hoofing over the scalpel.
  47. >Rest holds you down, and now Connie starts.
  48. >>”Like this?”
  49. >Another bolt of pain joins as she slashes.
  50. >Eri?
  51. >”That’s good. Again.”
  52. >Why can’t you just die?
  53. >She eventually stops to peel back your flesh, and you can see your insides.
  54. >>”So that’s what a broken pony looks like.”
  55. >Death won’t claim you.
  56. >Something black slowly bleeds out from inside of you.
  57. >”See? There‘s the problem.”
  58. >>”How fascinating.”
  59. >Eri!
  60. >The mass starts to take shape.
  61. >From the pool, a black blob like pony head forms.
  62. >”Just had to let it out, like I tell her all the time, she just doesn’t do it right.”
  63. >They offer no resistance as it reaches out with tendrils and drags them to it.
  64. >You can’t escape.
  65. >”It will all be alright Eri.” They both say in unison.
  66. >Eri!!
  67. >They become apart of the monster, their disfigured faces the only remaining feature.
  68. >It leans in closer, the same pale eyes as before staring at you.
  69. >’Time to join us, Miss Eri.’ it says as it slowly opens its gaping maw.
  70. >Jumping into the air in a full spasm, you awaken.
  71. >You’re hyperventilating, drenched in sweat, and crying.
  73. >Your eyes shoot around the room and fall on Rest standing next to your bed.
  74. >She looks terrified and immediately you grab onto her, bawling your eyes out.
  75. >She rocks you gently and tries to calm you down.
  76. >”Shh, it’s alright, I’m here now. Nothing is going to hurt you. It was a nightmare, the same nightmare, wasn’t it?”
  77. “It was horrible.” You sob. “This time you and Connie were there and were torturing me. You cut me open and let it out. It swallowed you both, and wanted me too.”
  78. >She tries to reassure you.
  79. >”It’s over now, I’m here for you. I would never hurt you.”
  80. >You know she’s right, but it hurts never the less.
  81. >She plants a small kiss on your head, it makes you cry harder. You’re not used to this much affection, it’s been too long.
  82. >How she is so patient with you might never know, but you don’t question it.
  83. >Minutes pass, and you calm down enough for her to talk to you.
  84. >”Are you ready to continue with the day?”
  85. >No.
  86. “Yeah, yeah, I can do this.” You sniffle.
  87. >Once more, Rest helps you out with getting through your morning routine.
  88. >As you finish up your bath, you look into the mirror.
  89. >Unlike last time, you feel like something is different.
  90. >Your eyes still have bags, your coat is the still the same, so what is it?
  91. >”Eri? Is everything alright in there? Do you need help?” Rest says from behind the door.
  92. “I’m fine, just got out of the tub, I’ll join you shortly.”
  93. >”Okay then.”
  94. >You snap out of it and finish up.
  95. >Joining her at breakfast, with her trying to prepare you for the coming storm.
  96. >”Like I said yesterday, if it gets too much, she can leave and never see you again.”
  97. >You just want her out of your life now.
  98. “Yeah, I guess. I hope she doesn’t try anything.”
  99. >”I’ll deal with it, don’t worry about that.”
  100. >You have a feeling it won’t be that easy.
  102. >After cleaning up, she helps you to the couch to wait it out.
  103. >Time drags on and feels like it’s been hours.
  104. >You’re starting to wonder whether she is showing up.
  105. >The awkward silence and fear inside are not doing you any favors.
  106. “Um Rest?”
  107. >”Yes, what is it?”
  108. “Not to sound rude, but did you tell her when to come over?”
  109. >Her brow furrows.
  110. >”Of cour-oh, well shit. Guess I forgot.”
  111. >Is she serious?
  112. “You forgot?”
  113. >”I did, but I just wanted to get her out of here for you.”
  114. >That’s true.
  115. “Oh. Right, sorry.”
  116. >She looks a little down.
  117. >”It’s alright, but now I see that I screwed this up.”
  118. >You’re feeling confused, where did that come from?
  119. “Uh, I know I usually don’t say this, but are you okay?”
  120. >She sits a little straighter, and wears the usual smile she has.
  121. >”What? Oh, sorry, I’m just a little stressed from all this. You have nothing to worry about.”
  122. >Well that certainly doesn’t help you. Now you’re even more worried.
  123. >’She is getting sick of dealing with your shit.’
  124. >She is here with me, so no.
  125. >’We’ll see about that after your reunion.’
  126. >Die in a fire.
  127. >Time rolls by and still no Connie.
  128. >”Maybe she isn’t coming?” Offers up Rest.
  129. >You’re not that lucky.
  130. “Maybe.”
  131. >The tell tale knock says otherwise.
  132. >”Okay, that was convenient.”
  133. >Yeah, it was.
  134. >Rest leaves you on the couch, you don’t bother to watch her.
  135. >Looking to the floor instead, you gather yourself.
  136. >”Hello again, Connie.”
  137. >>”Hello, I wasn’t sure when I should come over. I didn’t catch your name last time.”
  138. >”That’s my fault, my name is Deep Rest.”
  139. >>”Alright then, Ms. Rest, so what did she say?”
  140. >”She will talk to you, but I will be here to mediate this.”
  141. >>”What I have to talk to her about is private.”
  142. >Of course you do, you just want to lie to me again.
  143. >”Look, either you talk with me here, or you just leave. You can’t expect me to trust you.”
  145. >>”I don’t have to like this, but fine. If those are the terms, I’ll accept this.”
  146. >The sound of hooves approach, and you keep your eyes down.
  147. >Rest sits next to you on the couch and Connie sits on the chair next to Rest.
  148. >>”Hello Eri.”
  149. >Closing your eyes shut, you slowly reopen them and look over to your former friend.
  150. >She really hasn’t changed. Same blonde mane, same pink coat, still prim and proper. In a word, perfection.
  151. >Her eyes slowly look over you, and stop when they see your bandages.
  152. >She pales, and looks back up to your eyes.
  153. >>”I, are you okay?”
  154. >Fucking really?
  155. >You scoff.
  156. >>”I know you’re upset with me, I get that, but I really want to reconnect with you.”
  157. >Fury begins to fill you.
  158. “Are you fucking serious right now?”
  159. >She looks a little hurt.
  160. >>”Yes, I am.”
  161. “You choose now? After all this time to reach me, and you think you can just come back into my life?”
  162. >Her face switches from hurt to confusion.
  163. >>”I have tried to reach you before, many times in fact. I wrote you letters, but you never responded. So I thought the next best thing was to come in person.”
  164. “What letters? I never received any letters, and when? Years ago? You think I’m stupid don’t you?”
  165. >>”No I don’t think you’re stupid. I tripled checked the address, and no, I have done it for years.”
  166. >You cut her off.
  167. “Cut the bullshit, this isn’t another one of your pranks. Rest is my friend, so you have no pony to back you up this time.”
  168. >Connie glares at you.
  169. >>”You think this is a prank? I don’t need back up, I’m here alone to talk to you.”
  170. >Feeling the anger, you press on.
  171. “Yeah, it’s just like the old days, or did you think I wouldn’t remember? Did you really think after all this time I would forgive you for what you did to me!”
  172. >Connie stands up out of the chair and slowly moves towards you with a scowl on her face.
  174. >Rest, seeing what is unfolding, gets between the two of you.
  175. >”I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you need to calm down.”
  176. >Connie locks eyes with Rest.
  177. >>”Calm down? Who the hell do you think you are? Are you her marefriend or something?”
  178. >”What the fuck did you just say to me you bitch?”
  179. >>”You’re fighting her battles for her I see, so what does it look like?”
  180. >”You better back the fuck off right now, or else.”
  181. >The tension has built to a near boil, and you’re afraid they will fight.
  182. >>”You heard me, or are you deaf?”
  183. >”I’m going to give you one last chance before I throw you out on your flank.”
  184. >You can’t risk Rest getting hurt, not for you.
  185. “ENOUGH!”
  186. >They both jump and look back at you.
  187. >Connie’s face immediately looks remorseful and she sits down.
  188. >>”I’m sorry, I let myself get out of control again.”
  189. >”Look, I don’t know what you’re problem is, but this doesn’t look like it will work out.”
  190. >Connie looks back to Rest in horror.
  191. >>”I know this looks bad, but I can explain.”
  192. >Rest looks pissed, but she takes a breath.
  193. >”If it was me, I’d just throw you out. However, that’s not for me to decide.” Rest says as she turns to you.
  194. >She should go, but a part of you wants her to finish her peace and be out of your life for good.
  195. “Let her explain, then I’ll decide.”
  196. >Rest rejoins you.
  197. >Connie looks down before she starts.
  198. >>”I’ll just come out with it. For a long time now, I have been having trouble, not just the stress of being a musician either. I have difficulty getting much rest and it can affect my playing. Usually it’s not a problem, but it came to a head months ago during a rehearsal. A fellow member of the orchestra got annoyed with my repeated bad performances. He made a comment about me being a ‘mudpony’, so I snapped. Before I knew it, I had beaten him within an inch of his life.”
  199. >If that’s true, then holy shit.
  201. >>”The only reason I’m not in jail is because of my lawyer. He convinced them that I was mentally unsound. As a result, I see a therapist and had to pay for the expenses of the stallion I had hurt. I lost my place on the symphony, and it drove me into the ground. I have had many nights where I thought about ending it, but I couldn’t go through with it.” Her voice quivers. “In the aftermath, I learned I had no real friends. Everypony I knew in Manehattan just were sycophants. My family stopped talking to me after the scandal, so I had no pony to turn to.”
  202. >Connie stops, and gathers herself once more before continuing.
  203. >>”I get these episodes, where I get really happy, sad, or angry. I lose control, like before. My therapist has been prescribing medication to help, it messes with my performance, so I have trouble taking it. I know I’m asking a lot, but, you’re last real friend I ever had Eri. So I want to try to fix this. That’s why I came here to Ponyville.”
  204. >She looks back to you with hope in her eyes.
  205. >And you thought you were fucked up, she has her own demons.
  206. >You look to Rest, she always has an answer.
  207. >”Eri, this is up to you, I’m sorry.”
  208. >Great, put it all on you.
  209. >Should you really risk this?
  210. >You might regret this, but you decide finally.
  211. “Okay, one chance, you get one chance, period.”
  212. >Connie looks a bit teary eyed, but hopeful.
  213. >>”Thank you, I promise you won’t regret this Eri.”
  214. “Just one chance Connie, that is all. I’m fucking serious.”
  215. >>”I understand, shall we get started then?”
  216. >”It’s getting a bit late actually. Eri has been through a lot today, can we do this tomorrow after breakfast?”
  217. >Looking to the nearby clock, you notice its after 7. Holy shit where did the time go?
  218. >Connie gets up and turns to you “You’re right, Thank you again Eri, and goodnight.”
  220. >The doors shuts, and you’re both left alone again.
  221. >”That was very brave of you. I’m surprised you decided to give her a chance.”
  222. “I did it, because I thought of you, but that doesn’t mean I forgive her yet, you said you would be with me through this, so she can’t pull anything.”
  223. >Rest smiles.
  224. >”I promised you I would, and if you can get passed this, it will help. Who knows, you two might become friends again.”
  225. >In truth, you are putting everything on the line for this.
  226. >Could you two really be friends again?
  227. ”Yeah, maybe it will help. I just want it to be over already.”
  228. >Tomorrow, you will finally relive it again. If Rest wasn’t here, you already know what would’ve happened.
  229. >Sensing your thoughts, Rest places her hoof on your wither.
  230. >”So how about soup for dinner?”

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

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/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

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/emo/ Hearth's Warming Eve with the emo ponies

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 1

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 2

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