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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 5

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 15:34:44
Expiry: Never

  1. >Where are you?
  2. >Looking around, you observe your surroundings..
  3. >Wood floor, a backdrop, some red curtains.
  4. >No.
  5. >You remember this stage.
  6. >There is no audience this time though.
  7. >You’re alone, though you attempt to call out anyways.
  8. “Hello? Is anypony there?”
  9. >Silence.
  10. >It’s then, that you hear something.
  11. >The sound of insects crawling.
  12. >Not again, not again, not again!
  13. >You look around in hopes of finding an exit, but only darkness surrounds this place.
  14. >Your heart starts to race as the whispers join the crawling.
  15. >Unlike last time, you can move.
  16. >To hell with this, you have to run.
  17. >You jump off stage and start to sprint forward only to freeze.
  18. >Familiar pale eyes stare back at you.
  19. >You start to move back slowly, the eyes follow.
  20. >From the darkness, the monster takes its familiar form of a pony.
  21. >It starts to lumber forth from the darkness.
  22. >Eri.
  23. “No!”
  24. >Eri.
  25. >Turning, you sprint back to the stage, and stop.
  26. >Quickly looking back behind you, you see it has stopped moving.
  27. >You face it, you have to do something.
  28. “I’m not afraid of you.”
  29. >It starts to grow in size, becoming more disfigured.
  30. >You can’t escape, not forever.
  31. “I can fight, I can-, I, I can’t! Somepony save me, please!”
  32. >You shrink down before the monster.
  33. >It surges forth, maw agape.
  34. >Suddenly, you’re shoved off to the side.
  35. >As you land you land safely nearby, you see Rest standing by you.
  36. >She smiles before facing the monster. “Stay away from her you fuck.”
  37. >It roars and charges again.
  38. >However, you jolt awake.
  39. >Looking around, you see that Rest is holding you close.
  40. >”Bad dream?” She says in a hushed voice.
  41. >Your heart is racing, but you start to calm down knowing she is there with you.
  42. “Yeah, same nightmare, this time though. You saved me, and were trying to fight it.”
  43. >She looks surprised for a moment, and smiles.
  44. >”Well that’s good to know I can fight this thing in your dreams.”
  46. “Would be nice to finally kill it at last.”
  47. >”Yeah, I bet it would.” She yawns. “It’s really early though, how about you try to go back to sleep?”
  48. >You’re pretty tired still, and as long as she is here, sure.
  49. “Okay, I’ll try. Goodnight Rest.”
  50. >”Goodnight Eri.”
  51. >Sleep takes you once more, though this time, you are dreamless.
  52. >Warm light bathes your face as you reawaken once more.
  53. >You notice Rest is gone and you are alone in bed.
  54. >She probably is downstairs, waiting for you to get up.
  55. >You go through your usual routine of washing and stop after drying off.
  56. >The stitches are still on your foreleg, but you don’t have to wear the bandages anymore.
  57. >The thought from before rises to the surface.
  58. >’Bleed away the sorrow’
  59. >You shake your head and go downstairs.
  60. “Good morning Rest.”
  61. >Silence.
  62. “Rest?”
  63. >You start to look around, and can find her nowhere.
  64. “Rest, where are you?”
  65. >Your heart begins to race.
  66. >’She left you, just I like said she would.’
  67. “No! She probably just stepped outside.”
  68. >’And what? Went to the store for smokes?’
  69. “You don’t know that. She wouldn’t leave me.”
  70. >’Look around Eri, she isn’t here. Oh wait, you already did that.’
  71. >You try to calm down, but the thoughts aren’t helping.
  72. >’Face it, she’s gone, you’re alone. You know what that means?’
  73. >Your eyes dart quickly to your leg and away.
  74. “No, I won’t do it, I said I would stop.”
  75. >’Fight all you want, but in the end, you’re hurting. You can bleed away the sadness.’
  76. “I’m better than this, I finally forgave Connie and Rest has been helping me.”
  77. >’She isn’t here either.’
  78. >The words hit you, the clock nearby shows it’s after 11.
  79. >Sitting down, you start to hyperventilate.
  80. “She, she’s just late that’s all. Rest will be coming any minute now too.”
  81. >You look to the door.
  82. >’Ticktock Eri, ticktock. How long will you wait?’
  83. >Time feels like it flies by.
  85. “I’ll just walk around the house, write some poetry, kill time. They will be here. They have to be here.”
  86. >’You’re alone.’
  87. “NO!”
  88. >As your chest heaves, your eyes dart around.
  89. >You start to pace, but eventually, you find yourself in the bathroom.
  90. >’You know why you’re here.’
  91. >You try to rationalize.
  92. “I just happened to end up here, that’s all.”
  93. >’You know where to look, under the sink, in the usual box.’
  94. >Your heart pounds harder, and in a zombie like fashion, you search.
  95. >However, the box is gone.
  96. >You keep searching, but it’s still not there.
  97. >Rest must’ve found it and moved it.
  98. >Feeling a bit of relief, you start to regain control.
  99. >Looking back in the mirror, you see that you’re a bit of a mess.
  100. >’You’re pathetic.’
  101. “I’m not. I’m the best I’ve ever been.”
  102. >’Then why did you just look for the box?’
  103. “I, I just needed to find it.”
  104. >’You know why you did, don’t lie to yourself.’
  105. “I’m not, I’m” You take a moment to breath. “I was just making sure is all.”
  106. >’To think you hit a new low, lying to yourself.’
  107. “Shut up.”
  108. >Your pulse starts to race.
  109. >’You’re alone, your box of razors is gone, and now-”
  110. “I SAID SHUT UP!”
  111. >You smash the mirror with your hoof.
  112. “Ow, fuck!”
  113. >Pulling back, you see your hoof is bleeding and your mirror is broken.
  114. >As you look over your hoof, a gleam of broken mirror catches your eye.
  115. >’Bleed away the sorrow Eri.’
  116. >Your heartbeat thunders in your ears.
  117. >It’s only one cut.
  118. >Slowly, you reach for a broken shard.
  119. >From down stairs you hear the front door open and shut.
  120. >A familiar voice calls out.
  121. >”Eri, I’m back. Are you up?”
  122. >You freeze and slam the bathroom door shut.
  123. >”Is everything alright?”
  124. >Hearing Rest’s hoof steps approach, you start to panic.
  125. >Shit, shit, shit.
  126. >I let myself get out of control, how the hell am I supposed to explain this?
  127. >A knocking on the door breaks you out of your thoughts.
  129. >”What’s going on? Why’d you slam the door? Are you okay?”
  130. >You’re trying to get your breathing under control.
  131. >She starts to knock on the door again.
  132. >”Eri?! I don’t what you’re doing in there, but you’re worrying me. Please answer me!”
  133. >Fuck it, you have no way out of this one.
  134. >’She’s going to leave you for this.’
  135. >Fuck off, this is your fault.
  136. >’You’re arguing with yourself dumb ass.’
  137. >You reach out and open the door.
  138. >Backing away, you sit on the edge of the tub and look down.
  139. >”Eri, what the hell happened?!”
  140. >Rest approaches you, but you’re still looking down.
  141. >”Please tell me you didn’t-”
  142. “No, I didn’t cut myself.”
  143. >”Thank Celestia, can you tell me what happened?”
  144. >You sigh.
  145. “You weren’t here when I got up, I started to panic, so I tried to calm down by walking around. I found myself in here. I did try to find my box of razors, but I couldn’t find them. As I started to calm down, something inside me snapped, so I punched the mirror. Where were you?”
  146. >”I went out to get some groceries for the house. I didn’t think I’d be gone long, but I ran into Connie. I told her what I was doing and that I would be heading back soon. I shouldn’t have let myself get distracted in the market, but I thought you would be alright for a little bit.”
  147. >Your eyes shoot up to face.
  148. >Her eyes are looking at you with one emotion, pity.
  149. >’I told you.’
  150. “After everything, everything I have been through. You thought I’d be alright?”
  151. >”Eri, I get that I wasn’t here when you got up, but do you really think I’d abandon you?”
  152. >Yes
  153. “Yes.”
  154. >Her eyes shrink and she takes a step back with a look of hurt.
  155. >You feel shame overcome you.
  156. “I didn’t, I didn’t mean to say that.”
  157. >’Of course you did, it’s about time you spoke your mind.’
  158. >Leave me alone!
  159. >Rest looks away a moment before looking back to you, her face has shifted to that of anger.
  161. >”Everything I have done for you. I put my job on the line for you, I have practically moved in with you, I took care of you, I was there for you for when Connie came back. I have done so much for you Eri!”
  162. >’See? She is now sick of you.’
  163. “Rest I-”
  164. >She starts to cry.
  165. >”You know why I care so much about you? Do you? Because I was there once.”
  166. >What?
  167. >She pulls off her purple wristband and shows you her fetlock.
  168. >Your jaw drops.
  169. >It has multiple scars.
  170. >”When I was first assigned to you, I didn’t know the full details. It’s very rare to find another pony who self harms, let alone, tries to kill themselves. When I saw the marks, I knew.” She squeezes her eyes shut. “You have any idea how much it hurts to work in a hospital? I have to watch patients die all the time. When one of my patients die, I usually drink to forget.”
  171. >You wondered why you smelled liquor on her before.
  172. >”Sometimes, I let myself go too far, and end up cutting myself. I only stopped cutting recently when I met you.”
  173. “Rest-”
  174. >”I’m not done, you need to understand. I admit I still drink every now and then, but I have been trying to stop. It’s so damn hard, I can’t lose you Eri. You can be difficult at times, but I push through. That’s why I care so damn much about you. I don’t want you to die!”
  175. >Before you can react, she pulls you into a hug and starts to sob.
  176. >You’re not certain how to act.
  177. >No, wait, you do.
  178. >You wrap your legs around Rest, and gently rub her back.
  179. >She shudders a moment, but continues to cry.
  180. >Well, now you feel like absolute shit.
  181. >Is this what it’s like to deal with you when you breakdown?
  182. >Feeling your own tears coming, you join her in crying.
  183. >Time seems to slow, and you just keep holding each other.
  184. >Slowly Rest calms down, her cries now just sniffles.
  185. >She pulls back from you, her red eyes now pink and puffy.
  187. >”I should’ve told you sooner, I know. I wasn’t sure how to tell you though. I kept thinking you’d think I was a poser or something.” She shakes her head. “Clearly I was being dumb.”
  188. >She lets out a little laugh, and you smile.
  189. “You’re not dumb. If anything, I’m the dumb one here. I know you do so much for me, more than anypony I’ve ever met, I’m sorry that I don’t show my appreciation more.”
  190. >She rubs your wither.
  191. >”It’s okay Eri, it will all be okay, you’re just going through tough times. I forgive you.”
  192. >You share one final hug before she stands back up.
  193. >”I should start to clean this up.”
  194. “No, I’ll do it, I made this mess, I should be the one to clean it.”
  195. >”You’re sure?”
  196. >You nod.
  197. “Yeah, it’s the least I can do.”
  198. >”Alright then, but first, let me see your hoof.”
  199. >She reaches out and you place your hoof into hers.
  200. >Carefully, she examines it.
  201. >”Thankfully its a minor cut, just need to clean it up.”
  202. >You nod, you’re lucky that she is around.
  203. “I’ll take care of things, I promise.”
  204. >She nods back.
  205. >”I’ll go put the food away, I figured you were sick of soup and sandwiches.” She says with a wink.
  206. >You smile.
  207. >In truth, you don’t care, it’s better to share a meal with another than alone.
  208. >Rest picks up her wristband and leaves you to the mess.
  209. >You clean up your wound and start to pick up the broken mirror pieces.
  210. >Placing it in a towel, you head down stairs to dispose of it.
  211. >Upon reaching the living room, you see Connie and Rest talking.
  212. >Setting down the towel, you turn to Connie.
  213. >She looks at you with a smile.
  214. >>”Hello Eri, I was just stopping by for a moment.”
  215. “Oh? You’re not going to stay?”
  216. >She shakes her head.
  217. >>”I’m afraid not, I wanted to let you know that I have been busy planning. I figured I’d give you a day to breath from yesterday. I know that we both went through a lot.”
  219. >She’s not wrong there.
  220. “Oh, okay.”
  221. >You’re feeling a little down.
  222. >Connie, noticing your sadness, tries to reassure you.
  223. >>”Hey, please don’t be sad about this. I came because I’m trying to be more open with you. I promise tomorrow we can start to work on rebuilding our friendship.”
  224. >She’s trying, you’ll give her that.
  225. “Yeah, thank you for coming by. I’m looking forward to what you have planned.”
  226. >Connie’s smile grows.
  227. >>”You’re welcome, I’m certain you will like it. Take care you two.”
  228. >As she leaves, you tend to the garbage before coming back to talk to Rest.
  229. >You find her sitting on the couch, in a bit of a daze.
  230. “Rest?”
  231. >She jolts before looking to you with a smile.
  232. >”Hm? Oh sorry, was thinking.”
  233. >Funny how things have switched, even if it is for now.
  234. “We should probably talk.” You offer up.
  235. >She looks at you curiously.
  236. >”Oh? What do you want to talk about?”
  237. >Joining her on the couch, you take a moment to think.
  238. “When I tried to kill myself, all those weeks ago, I was at my lowest point in my life.”
  239. >Rest stops you.
  240. >”Eri, are you sure you want to talk about this? You already have been through a lot this past week. I don’t want overwhelm you with what happened today.”
  241. >You nod.
  242. “Yeah, I am. It’s about time we talk about it. No point in hiding anymore.”
  243. >You take a breath and continue.
  244. “I had no friends, no family, no one to love me or love them back. I’d just go through the motions each day, but finally I got sick it. If it wasn’t for that passerby who heard my scream, I’d be dead. I hated them for saving me, hated the hospital for keeping me alive.”
  245. >Pausing to take another breath, you see that Rest hasn’t taken her eyes off of you.
  246. “When I met you, I hated you too. I thought you were just another pony trying to ‘help me’, but as time went on, we spent time together in my stay.”
  247. >She smiles.
  249. “Slowly, I let you in. You were the first pony in a long time that I finally let into my life. I was scared, kept thinking you would betray me. That changed each day you visited when I was released. I couldn’t believe it. I finally met one pony who cared. A part of me was convinced you would leave, but you never did. Even with everything that has happened, you are the best friend a pony could ask for.”
  250. >As your eyes start to fill with tears, so do hers.
  251. >”I’m glad that we are friends Eri.”
  252. >She offers up a hug that you eagerly accept.
  253. >”I’m so happy to hear you open up to me, you have no idea.”
  254. >You let out a choked sob, but try to keep it under control.
  255. “Me too”
  256. >Your stomach complains loudly.
  257. >Way to kill the mood.
  258. >You both pull away, and share a laugh.
  259. >You could get used to that, laughing with a friend.
  260. >”So I did grab some food to go from the Cafe Hay. It’s probably a little cold now.”
  261. “I don’t care, it’s better than nothing.”
  262. >Sharing a smile, you both head to the kitchen.
  263. >For once, you’re looking forward to tomorrow.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

by NHanon

/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

by NHanon

/emo/ Hearth's Warming Eve with the emo ponies

by NHanon

/emo/ Eri's week, chp 1

by NHanon

/emo/ Eri's week, chp 2

by NHanon