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/emo/ Kocking your door down

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 15:45:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >You finish the captcha and post the message.
  2. >Leaning back, you stretch a little.
  3. “Fuck it, I’ll check another thread in the meantime.”
  4. >Just as you’re about to move your mouse, you hear a knock from the front door.
  5. >Odd, considering how late it is.
  6. “Please don’t be the damn police, last thing I need.”
  7. >You get up from your chair and head down the hallway.
  8. >Hearing another knock, this time louder.
  9. “Impatient fucker, I’ll be right there!”
  10. >Just before you reach the door a loud bang echos out and the door shudders a second.
  11. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck?!”
  12. >Must be some asshole to rob you.
  13. >Grabbing a nearby baseball bat, you prepare yourself.
  14. “Hey fuck face! You better fuck right off, I’ll call the police!”
  15. >The banging doesn’t stop, if anything, it gets louder.
  16. >Heart is pumping hard from the adrenaline.
  17. >Just as you’re about to lose it the banging stops.
  18. >It’s silent now, with the exception of the pounding of your heart.
  19. >You breath a sigh of relief.
  20. “Thank fuck...”
  21. >Just as your about to lower your bat, another loud bang echos and the door cracks.
  23. >Well, this is it.
  24. >Some drug head is going to break in and you will have to fight him.
  25. >The door splinters apart and a large phallic shaped object pierces through.
  26. >You totally don’t let out a womanly scream.
  28. >It pierces through again with another bang.
  29. >This time you can clearly make out a massive dick.
  30. >You knew you should’ve listened to dad about looking at weird porn.
  31. >Now there is some kinda giant monster dick trying to break it’s way into your home.
  32. >You grip the bat tighter.
  33. “Fuck this, I’m not gonna let you rape me without a fight goddammit!”
  34. >The door finally gives way into various pieces.
  35. >Just as your about to start swinging.
  36. >A little pony mare trots in.
  37. “What?”
  39. >She has a dark gray coat, black and purple mane, with red eyes.
  40. >She looks to you with a smile.
  41. >”Hi Anon.”
  42. >Why is she so casual about this?
  43. >You’re stunned for a second.
  44. >It hits you who she is.
  45. “Deep Rest?”
  46. >She nods and smiles with a slight tilt of her head.
  47. >God that’s cute.
  48. >Shaking your head to break free of this stupor.
  49. “Hold the fuck on, you broke my door down?”
  50. >Without missing a beat.
  51. >”Yep, saw your post and knew you needed me.”
  52. >You’re not quite sure how to respond to that.
  53. “What a minute, that means it’s all real? Actually, how the fuck are you even here?”
  54. >Rest looks around casually for a moment before answering you.
  55. >”Magic.”
  56. >That’s bullshit, but you believe it.
  57. >How is she so damn calm?
  58. “Alright fair enough, so you showed up by ‘magic’ after reading my post?”
  59. >She gives you a big grin.
  60. >”That’s right.”
  61. >Finally you drop your bat, and sit down.
  62. “I need a moment.”
  63. >Rest nods and starts to trot around your home.
  64. >So many questions.
  65. >Too many questions.
  66. >As you wrack your mind, you hear Rest approach you again.
  67. >”You’re thinking way too hard about all this Anon.”
  68. “Do you blame me?”
  69. >She comes around to face you and places her hoof under your chin.
  70. >Slowly she raises it to look her in face.
  71. >”It will be okay, we are together now.”
  72. >You’re not sure what to say.
  73. >She wraps her legs around you in a hug.
  74. >You’re stunned still.
  75. >”Now we can spend all the time together. You can pet my mane, hold me close, hear how dark and depressing the world is.”
  76. >What?
  77. “What was that last part?”
  78. >She giggles and pulls back to look you in the eyes.
  79. >”This is what you wanted right? A sad little wreck of a pony to cherish and love.”
  80. >Don’t wake me if this is a dream, please.
  81. “Ye-yeah, yeah I do.”
  82. >Another question needs answering first.
  83. “Where did that giant dick come from anyway?”
  84. >Rest lets go and points to a large dick shaped battering ram outside the remains of your door.
  85. “Oh.”

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