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/emo/ Unstable Symphony, chp 2

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 15:47:58
Expiry: Never

  1. “Such a lovely day, can’t wait for the concerts.”
  2. >You’re making your way to the Manehattan Orchestra Hall, and it’s a beautiful day.
  3. >Oddly enough, you didn’t sleep much last night.
  4. >Only three hours, but you don’t feel tired at all.
  5. >Nor have you been eating much.
  6. >Everything still feels fantastic.
  7. >As you’re approaching the hall, you see a bit of light reflecting off something on the sidewalk.
  8. >Its a bit!
  9. “Well now! Today really is my lucky day.”
  10. >Whatever cosmic force, or Celestia for that matter, did this to you.
  11. >Never let it end.
  12. >You can see some other members are showing up early as expected
  13. >And you join them entering the hall.
  14. >The other members chat amongst themselves and head to the main seating area.
  15. >Along the way, you chat up some of the newer members.
  16. “Hope you’re all excited for today’s rehearsal.”
  17. >They’re still clearly nervous, especially to have you a senior member, talking to them.
  18. >Not surprising, they still expect a hazing.
  19. >The mare from yesterday speaks up.
  20. >”Yeah, it’s going to be good to practice with the others.”
  21. >Though she is anxious, you can tell she is trying to appear more confident.
  22. “Agreed, the more we play together, the better.”
  23. >Good, that seemed to relax them a bit.
  24. >You never were one for hazing the new members.
  25. >It always annoyed you when the seniors did it.
  26. >Especially when you first joined.
  27. >That memory doesn’t upset you as much as it used to though.
  28. >A little reassurance is all they need to succeed.
  29. “Just remember to do your best, that’s what I’ve always done.”
  30. >She smiles and nods.
  31. >”Thank you Ms. Amore.”
  32. >No surprise she tries to be formal, but you won’t have that.
  33. “Please, call me Connie.”
  34. >”Oh okay, Connie. I do appreciate you trying to help us out.”
  35. “You’re welcome, let’s go prepare.”
  36. >All of you head off to your respective sections.
  37. >You take your seat and start to tune your violin.
  39. >Not that you really need to, but it never hurts to be safe.
  40. >Doesn’t take long for the maestro to take her place.
  41. >She clears her throat and awaits the rest of the symphony to get ready.
  42. >Everything starts off beautifully.
  43. >One thing that always caught your eye, was how she used her wing tips as the baton.
  44. >Probably why she is one of the best in all of Equestria.
  45. >The music continues to flow in near perfect harmony.
  46. >Each piece, a true wonder.
  47. >Slowly, the music winds down, and you feel excited.
  48. >At the rate these rehearsals are going, you’d say the concerts will be a success.
  49. >You take the time to talk to the other members.
  50. >If only to give them encouragement.
  51. “That was wonderful, but of course we have another day of rehearsal. Nothing to worry about in the slightest.”
  52. >Some give respective nods, murmurs of agreement, or the occasional eye roll.
  53. >Would be nice if they all shared the kind of energy you have.
  54. >As you start to gather your things, Friedrich approaches you.
  55. >”Connie if you have a moment, could we talk?”
  56. >This should be interesting.
  57. “Of course, what is it Friedrich?”
  58. >He gives a false smile, of course.
  59. >”You’re doing a great job, but don’t you think you should address the individual members?”
  60. >You feel some anger, is he really trying to tell you what to do?
  61. “I have no reason to unless it becomes a problem.”
  62. >A slight twitch in his eye, but he keeps on his mask.
  63. >”Yes, but they should be addressed regardless. We can’t make mistakes.”
  64. >One thing that always annoyed you about Friedrich.
  65. >He always acted like he knew what was best.
  66. >You shoot him a glare and lower your voice.
  67. “As I said, I will deal with it if it’s a problem.”
  68. >He tenses up for a split second, before nodding.
  69. >”Fair enough, just trying to help.”
  70. >Friedrich goes off to tend to his things, while you put on your bags and pickup your case.
  72. >Maybe that was a little harsh, he might be right after all.
  73. >No, you just have to show them better is all.
  74. >You’re one of the best, and can set the best example.
  75. >Taking a moment to look around, you see the mare from earlier.
  76. >Might be the perfect time to make a new friend.
  77. >You approach her with a smile.
  78. “Hello again, how are you fairing?”
  79. >She looks a little more at ease.
  80. >”Pretty good, I think everything went well.”
  81. “I agree, so, how would you like to hang out?”
  82. >She looks surprised, but continues.
  83. >”Um, hang out? As in today?”
  84. >She’s silly, still nervous of course.
  85. “Yes, we could practice together.”
  86. >Her face clears up.
  87. >”Oh, of course, I wouldn’t mind. Though I won’t be able to stay long.”
  88. “Of course. I know this is rude of me, but what is your name?”
  89. >She smiles and is far more relaxed from earlier.
  90. >”It’s alright, my name is Feathered Strings, you can call me Feather.”
  91. >She gets her things together and the two of you head out of the hall.
  92. >So much to do, so much to plan.
  93. >Plenty of time in the world and you will get it all done.
  94. >You talk with her as you hail a taxi.
  95. “How long have you lived here in?”
  96. >”A few months, I moved here from Trottingham.”
  97. “I’ve never been there, my family moved here from Ponyville when I was young.”
  98. >The taxi pulls up, you both climb in and give him the address.
  99. >”Think I’ve heard of it, small town near the Everfree forest?”
  100. >It delights you to hear somepony actually know about it.
  101. “That’s right. You can see Canterlot in the distance on a clear day.”
  102. >”Wow, have you ever been there?”
  103. >The memories come back briefly.
  104. >Such a beautiful place, a part of you misses it.
  105. “I lived there once, though I don’t remember much of it, because I was very little. What I do remember it being quite breath taking.”
  106. >Feather’s eyes widen.
  107. >”Really? If you don’t mind me asking, why did you move?”
  109. “I don’t mind. My father had a contract in Ponyville, and mother didn’t mind because she could work from home.”
  110. >That’s the reason you moved here as well.
  111. >Thankfully your family stopped moving after you got enrolled in the academy.
  112. >”Oh, you move around a lot then?”
  113. “Not too often, we ended up staying here of course.”
  114. >Before the conversation continues, the taxi stops.
  115. >”Here we are ladies.”
  116. >You pay him and head upstairs to your apartment.
  117. >Upon entry she gawks at everything.
  118. >”This is really something else.”
  119. >You beam at her with pride.
  120. “I agree, I was so lucky to get this place. Now then, shall we begin?”
  121. >Feather nods enthusiastically and you both take a seat in your living room.
  122. >It’s not often you get a friend to play alongside.
  123. >Most of the members are busy, not that you blame them.
  124. >You both pull out your violins and prepare.
  125. “How about we play this one, and see where it goes from there?”
  126. >She nods, and you both begin.
  127. >The song ends, and she looks to you expectantly.
  128. “That was fantastic!”
  129. >She looks unsure.
  130. >”Really? I’m not so confident still.”
  131. >This is exactly why you have to bring others up.
  132. “I’m am one hundred percent sure. How about we do some more?”
  133. >Her eyes fill with hope and she nods.
  134. >This goes on for a while, and before long, she has to leave.
  135. >”This was great Connie, we should do it again sometime.”
  136. >You don’t want her to go, but she clearly is busy.
  137. “Agreed, how about tomorrow?”
  138. >”Well, sure. Would probably help to get in as much as I can from somepony like yourself.”
  139. >Hearing this makes you overjoyed.
  140. “Wonderful, see you later Feather.”
  141. >”You too Connie.”
  142. >She leaves and you’re alone now.
  143. >Doesn’t matter, you have so much to do.
  144. “I should plan out that party, but I could practice more. I should visit my parents! Wait, it’s late, I’ll do it tomorrow.”
  146. >You sit down and start to play out a few more songs.
  147. >As you’re playing, the unexpected happens.
  148. >A string breaks.
  149. >To say you’re shocked is an understatement.
  150. >You try to rationalize what happened.
  151. “I have been playing an awful lot, but I should’ve replaced it sooner.”
  152. >Just as you’re getting up to remedy this, you hear a knock on the door.
  153. “Now who could that be?”
  154. >Upon answering it, see it’s your neighbor.
  155. >”Hello Connie, it’s a bit late, so could you keep it down?”
  156. >You’re about to get angry, when you realize he is right.
  157. “Oh, sorry. Won’t happen again.”
  158. >”Thank you.”
  159. >You close the door and head back to tending to your violin.
  160. >Careful examination reveals the string snapped in half.
  161. “Should’ve expected this I suppose. Oh well, I can replace it.”
  162. >Normally you would go to the shop to take care of this.
  163. >But you’ve learned to fix it yourself sometimes.
  164. >The only problem, it’s a pain.
  165. >Needless to say, it takes a while and you will have to fully test it tomorrow.
  166. >Rather not upset your neighbors again.
  167. “I should get something to eat and probably head to bed.
  168. >As you’re eating, you still feel great.
  169. >Rehearsal went well, made a new friend, found a bit.
  170. >Only bad parts were breaking a string and upsetting your neighbor.
  171. >That doesn’t bother you still.
  172. >You shake your head as you head off to sleep.
  173. “Nothing to worry about, just a few small problems today is all.”

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