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/emo/ Dream flight, chp 3

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 18:38:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >You’re soaring high above the clouds and can see landscape far below.
  2. >Letting out a cheer, you dive through a cloud.
  3. “Woohoo!”
  4. >Looping back up, you somersault a couple of times.
  5. >The wind blowing through your mane and the freedom of flight, wraps you in a joyous blanket.
  6. “I never want this to end!”
  7. >You let out a giggle and gently glide through the air.
  8. >The sun shines brightly, and its warm rays bathe you its magnificent glow.
  9. >As you’re gliding, you notice you’re starting to fall.
  10. “What?!”
  11. >You panic, and try to flap your wings.
  12. “What’s happening?!”
  13. >You fall further and further.
  14. >Looking back, you can see your wings disintegrate and you plummet.
  15. >You start to scream as your end approaches.
  16. >The ground rushes to meet you and you jolt awake.
  17. >Looking around, you see you woken up in a cold sweat.
  18. “...It was just a d-dream...”
  19. >As you get out of bed, you wipe away the fresh tears adorning your face.
  20. >It’s almost always the same.
  21. >You never learn from it and you always wake up.
  22. “...Someday...Maybe...”
  23. >You quickly go through your morning routine and bring a cup of coffee with you into the living room.
  24. >Setting down the cup, you start to warm up by drawing the basic shapes.
  25. “...Circle, Square, triangle...”
  26. >Moving onto more advanced shapes after you cover one sheet.
  27. >Mostly three dimensional shapes, it helps to keep you sharp.
  28. >Finishing up, you look at the time.
  29. “...Thirty minutes...Need to be fa-faster...”
  30. >Rather than doing another warm up, you settle on sketching the book you got the other day.
  31. >Bringing the nearby coffee table closer, you set the book on it and start to sketch.
  32. >Helps to challenge yourself with perspective.
  33. >As you finish up the final touches, you pause to look at the time.
  34. >You didn’t tell Anon what time to come over.
  35. “...Does-doesn’t matter...Not like I intend on leaving home today...”
  37. >Looking over the sketch, you try to find the imperfections.
  38. >Don’t see any yet, but that doesn’t mean anything.
  39. >You take a drink of coffee before looking again.
  40. “...The shading isn’t right...”
  41. >Marking it and setting aside like the rest, you prepare another sheet.
  42. >Before you settle on another object to sketch, you hear a knocking that causes you to jump.
  43. “...Must be A-anon...”
  44. >You make your way to the front door and start to undo all the locks.
  45. >Your fear rises slowly and try to quell it.
  46. >Eventually you finish off the last lock and open it slowly.
  47. >Can’t be too safe.
  48. >As you peak out, you see Anon standing there like yesterday.
  49. >He smiles as he looks at you.
  50. >”Hello Addie.”
  51. “...Um, hi...”
  52. >He stands there waiting.
  53. >Oh right, you should let him in.
  54. >Backing away from the door, you head over to your easel.
  55. >As you hear him close the door, he starts to talk.
  56. >”So, do you want me to do anything different today?”
  57. >Immediately you know what to sketch.
  58. >Picking up the book that you drew, you bring it over to him.
  59. “...Ju-just hold this...And look like you’re re-reading it...”
  60. >He opens it up and looks exactly the way you want.
  61. >”Like this?”
  62. >You nod and head back to the easel to prepare a sheet.
  63. >Picking up your pencil, you start to sketch.
  64. >The way the light plays with his form is interesting.
  65. >You’ve always enjoyed drawing three dimensional living things.
  66. >It’s bit more challenging, but you embrace it.
  67. >All the more to improve your skills.
  68. >Time creeps by, you notice Anon is trying to stay still.
  69. >You finish up and set down the pencil.
  70. >As your eyes shift between the two to see the mistakes, Anon starts to talk again.
  71. >”Is it done? Because my arm is starting to get tired.”
  72. “...Yeah...”
  73. >Before you can pick up the picture, he sets down the book and comes over to look at it.
  74. >As he stares at the picture, he nods.
  76. >”Your work is amazing Addie, I’m not sure how you do it.”
  77. “...Not really...I need to be bet-better...”
  78. >”Nonsense, this is far better than anything I’ve seen. I can’t draw if my life depended on it.”
  79. “...Anypony can draw...I bet you can too...”
  80. >He shakes his head.
  81. >”Nah, nothing like this, I probably could manage a stick figure right now.”
  82. >Why is he being so nice to me?
  83. “...Most of my work is gar-garbage anyways...”
  84. >Anon laughs and turns to you.
  85. >”I seriously doubt that.”
  86. >Heading over to your reject stack, you pull out several to show him.
  87. “...Look...These are awful...”
  88. >He looks them over one at a time, before looking back to you.
  89. >”You call this garbage? You could probably sell them for quite a bit. The quality on them is really superb.”
  90. >Your heart starts to race again.
  91. “...I do sell them sometimes...At the mar-market usually...”
  92. >”I figured as much, these could easily be in a art museum.”
  93. >Could they really?
  94. >No, you know for certain they are not good enough.
  95. >Not by a long shot, no matter what he says.
  96. >There is one question on your mind.
  98. >As you look at the drawings she showed you again.
  99. >Addie mumbles something out.
  100. “Sorry?”
  101. >”...I’ve never seen anything like you before...So, what are you..?”
  102. >A part of you was wondering when she would ask that.
  103. >Several thoughts run through your mind, but you settle for a short answer.
  104. “I’m a human, and well, I come from another world. No one is sure how I got here either.”
  105. >She stares at you with wide eyes again.
  106. >Addie remains silent for a while, and you’re starting to worry if you broke her.
  107. “Addie?”
  108. >Shaking her head, she rubs one hoof over the other looks around the room.
  109. >”...So-sorry...Just a lot to take in...”
  110. >Yeah, no surprise there.
  111. “Been here a few weeks now. Your Princess was kind enough to help me out. So, I’m still getting used to this place.”
  112. >”...I-I see...”
  114. >Now is as good time as any to ask.
  115. “So, what do you do? Other than drawing of course.”
  116. >Addie freezes up.
  117. >Well shit, didn’t think that would bother her.
  118. >She snaps out of it and looks at the floor.
  119. >”...Um...I don’t go outside, except for supplies...And to sell some sketches...”
  120. >Considering how she is, you’re not shocked in the slightest.
  121. “You don’t have any friends to hang out with?”
  122. >She mumbles something out.
  123. “What was that?”
  124. >Addie looks up at you, though her eyes don’t quite settle on you.
  125. >”...I-I don’t have friends...”
  126. >Well good going jackass, you made her feel bad.
  127. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
  128. >She shakes her head, her bangs bounce a little.
  129. >”...It’s fine, I’m okay without anypony...”
  130. >That’s pretty depressing, but you remember how some people are loners, guess it’s the same for ponies.
  131. >Maybe you can change that, but seeing how she is, it’s probably going to be difficult.
  132. >Handing back the drawings, you figure you can try to chat with her to open up.
  133. “Other than drawing, what are your other hobbies?”
  134. >She sets the pictures back and stares at them.
  135. >”...I-I really don’t...I just sketch...”
  136. >Alright, this is really going to be a pain in the ass.
  137. >Don’t get frustrated, just try something else.
  138. “How about I show you my drawing skills.”
  139. >She perks up and turns around to face you with a surprised look on her face.
  140. >Before she says anything, you pull out the grocery list you left in your pocket.
  141. >On the back of it, you quickly doodle a pony and show her.
  142. >Addie takes one look and lets out a little laugh before covering her mouth with her hoof.
  143. >”...Sorry...I didn’t mean to laugh...”
  144. >There we go, laughing always seems to be the best way to break the ice.
  145. “Nah it’s fine, I know it’s nothing like you draw. But now you see what I mean?”
  146. >She nods and uncovers her mouth, a small smile is there now.
  148. >”...I guess so...All you need to do is practice to make it better...”
  149. “Of course, though I doubt I could ever reach your level.”
  150. >Addie shakes her head.
  151. >”...N-no, mine still need a lot of work...I’m sure anypony could do better..”
  152. >As you’re about to say something she continues.
  153. >”...How about another sketch..?”
  154. >Looking over to the clock, you still have some time to kill.
  155. “Yeah sure, anything in particular?”
  156. >She reaches her easel and starts to set up.
  157. >”...Um...What ever you think is f-fine...”
  158. >You sit cross legged on the ground, least this will be a bit more comfortable.
  159. >She gets to work right away, with her pencil flying across the canvas.
  160. >The minutes pass and she finishes.
  161. >Before you can ask, she brings the picture over to you.
  162. >It’s insane how detailed these drawings are.
  163. “Wonderful work Addie.”
  164. >She blushes and mumbles something out before giving you the drawing.
  165. >You look it over once more, really soaking it in and hand it back.
  166. >However, she shakes her head, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
  167. “Is something the matter?”
  168. >”...N-no...You can keep it...”
  169. >It’s hard to say something, but you manage.
  170. “Thank you for this drawing Addie, it’s really wonderful.”
  171. >She nods, and looks around the room again.
  172. >Unfortunately, you see it’s getting late.
  173. >Letting out a sigh, you stand up.
  174. “I’ll be back tomorrow if that’s okay with you? Around noon-ish.”
  175. >”...O-okay...Bye Anon...”
  176. “Bye Addie.”
  177. >With that, you take the picture and leave her home.
  178. >On the walk back, you have high hopes this is the beginning of a new friendship.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

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/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

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