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/emo/ Miss Eri in Manehattan, chp 2

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 18:50:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >The smell of something delicious awakens you from your slumber.
  2. >Thankfully you didn’t sleep in, maybe you got enough sleep for once.
  3. >You get up to go see what the other two are up to.
  4. >As you approach the kitchen, you can hear them talking.
  5. >”It’s really not that hard.”
  6. >>”Really? I think taking that all in would be difficult.”
  7. >What the actual fuck?
  8. >Rounding the corner, you see Connie cooking and Rest is eating.
  9. >”No I-Oh, good morning Eri. Sleep well?”
  10. “Yeah I guess, but what the fuck were you two talking about?”
  11. >Rest furrows her eyebrows and looks confused.
  12. >”Just how to take a shot of liquor, that’s all, why?”
  13. >Of course they were you pervert, not like they were talking about anything lewd.
  14. >Letting your eyes wander, you try not to look her in the eyes.
  15. “I-uh...Was curious is all.”
  16. >”Oh, okay.”
  17. >>”I already made you a plate Eri, just making my own at the moment.”
  18. >You look over to the table and see a plate of eggs with some veggies.
  19. >The moment you look at it, your stomach cries out.
  20. >You hear Rest giggle and you shoot her a dirty look.
  21. >She smirks and continues to eat.
  22. >Taking a seat, you dig in and by Celestia, it is damn good.
  23. >As you’re eating, Connie joins the two of you and starts to talk.
  24. >>”So I have some plans on where we all can go while you two are here. I figure we can visit some of the landmarks, go to the museum, watch a movie at the cinema, maybe even go shopping. Of course I’d like for your input, because I’d rather not just decide for you.”
  25. >”I’m up for anything, but personally I think we should let Eri pick.”
  26. >Looking up from your plate, you see them both looking at you.
  27. >Taking a quick drink, you feel a little cornered.
  28. >As you try to think, you feel an all too familiar feeling of anxiety starting to rise.
  29. >In truth, you don’t really want to go out, but that defeats the whole purpose.
  31. >’You shouldn’t have come in the first place Eri.’
  32. >Not right now, I’m trying to think.
  33. >’I’m apart of you dumbass.’
  34. >I don’t fucking need this right now.
  35. >’How about you lie, like you always do. Bet they will eat it up.’
  36. >No, I won’t have that.
  37. >Fuck it, only one of those ideas sounds slightly appealing.
  38. “Um...How about we go to the movies? I haven’t done that in a long time.”
  39. >Not since you were a foal, not since you lived with your parents.
  40. >And now you feel like shit, just like usual.
  41. >”Sounds good to me.”
  42. >>”Alright, then it’s settled.”
  43. >As you look at your plate, you’ve lost your appetite.
  44. >You feel yourself slump a little, why did you have to think about that?
  45. >’Because you’re a horrible pony.’
  46. >Yeah I am, aren’t I?
  47. >Before you slump further, Rest gets your attention.
  48. >”Something the matter?”
  49. >You sit up and put on a fake face for her.
  50. “I’m fine, just not as hungry. I’m going to go get a bath.”
  51. >She raises an eyebrow, but smiles.
  52. >”Oh alright.”
  53. >As you excuse yourself from the table, you feel a little worse.
  54. >It sucks that you’re letting Connie’s cooking go to waste, you really are a bad pony.
  55. >You reach the bedroom and open up your suitcase to search for something in particular.
  56. >’Told you that you would give in.’
  57. “...I know.”
  58. >You grab a razor, some bandages, and a hoodie.
  59. >Just need to pull through for them.
  60. >The bathroom is nice, better than your shitty excuse for a bathroom.
  61. >Much cleaner and larger.
  62. >You start to fill up the tub and let your eyes linger on the blade.
  63. >Funny how something so simple can do so much.
  64. >You sit down, your eyes trailing along your foreleg.
  65. >So many scars, you’ve taken to wearing socks or a hoodie to hide them.
  66. >Gripping the steel in your teeth, like many times before, you cut.
  67. >You wince and feel your eyes moisten.
  68. “...F-fuck...”
  69. >It slowly bleeds, you’ve learned from countless times to not cut deep.
  71. >Setting down the razor, you look back over to the tub, it’s almost filled.
  72. “Good, can kill two birds with one stone.”
  73. >…
  74. >Poor choice of words.
  75. >You turn off the facet and climb in.
  76. >The water makes your leg sting, causing you wince.
  77. “It’s always like this.”
  78. >Hopefully you won’t have to do it again while you’re here.
  79. >’Unlikely Eri, you have more days ahead of you to deal with.’
  80. >Closing your eyes, you let out slow breath.
  81. “...I know.”
  82. >Usually you let yourself soak, but this isn’t home, so you clean up instead.
  83. >As you finish up, you see the wound has stopped bleeding, but is still visible.
  84. “Figures.”
  85. >You get out and wrap it up, Rest would probably do a better job, but can’t have her know.
  86. >Would probably be worse if Connie knew.
  87. >Slipping into the hoodie, you look at yourself in the mirror.
  88. >Still look ugly and pathetic.
  89. >You let out a sigh, picking up your stuff.
  90. >As you enter the hallway, you can hear them still talking out there.
  91. >Should you join them?
  92. >’Why bother? Not like you have anything good to contribute.’
  93. >We could still talk.
  94. >’About what? Your pain and suffering? That’s real rich, bet they would love to feel like shit.’
  95. >I…
  96. >Fuck it.
  97. >You head back into the bedroom to put away evidence.
  98. >This room is cleaner than yours.
  99. >Everything here is better than yours.
  100. >Of course it is, your home and everything in it is shit.
  101. >Shaking your head, you look out the nearby window.
  102. >The city is bustling with life, so many ponies out and many carts are on the streets.
  103. “Nothing like Ponyville.”
  104. >Funny how this makes you homesick.
  105. >The ponies here probably care very little about others, unlike home.
  106. >Then again, only two ponies care about you at all.
  107. >You let out a slow sigh.
  108. >This is going to be a nightmare to deal with.
  109. “I can’t do this everyday.”
  110. >You grab your head with your hooves and bump it against the window sill.
  112. >A dull pain forms, but helps distract you.
  113. >At least back home you could hide from it all.
  114. >Maybe not from yourself, but the outside world at least.
  115. >You stopping hitting your head and start to head back to the other room.
  116. >’Where do you think you’re going?’
  117. “Out there with them.”
  118. >’Didn’t you just come in here to be away from them?’
  119. “I’d rather be with them, than sitting here wallowing.”
  120. >’How long will that last? How long until you break down again? How long until-’
  121. “Fuck off.”
  122. >You head into the hallway and can hear music coming from the living room.
  123. >Trotting to the source, you see Rest sitting on the couch while Connie is playing her violin.
  124. >Connie smiles when she sees you, but says nothing.
  125. >”Welcome back, feeling better?”
  126. >If anything, you feel worse.
  127. “Yeah, the bath did me some good.”
  128. >You join her on the couch to enjoy the music.
  129. >It’s amazing how well Connie plays, guess that’s what real talent looks like.
  130. >She gently moves with the music, her emerald eyes are locked onto you both.
  131. “I’m guessing she is practicing?”
  132. >”Mhm, she said she needs to keep her skills up. Figured I’d watch, it’s kinda a free show.”
  133. >You’ve never heard Connie play badly, not even when you were fillies.
  134. >Even back then she sounded amazing.
  135. >She finishes off the song, and pulls the violin away.
  136. >Both you and Rest clop your hooves in applause.
  137. >>”Thank you, thank you. You’re such a lovely audience.”
  138. >She starts to look over some sheets, so you ask her a question.
  139. “How often do you practice?”
  140. >Connie looks a bit surprised, but gives a warm smile.
  141. >>”Everyday, usually two or three hours, sometimes more. Of course there are times when I get sick, but that’s different. Have to stay sharp for the orchestra after all.”
  142. >Figures, can’t imagine the stress of having to play in front of so many ponies.
  144. >Plus she probably has to deal with other shit as well.
  145. “Wow, no wonder you’re so good.”
  146. >’Suck up much?’
  147. >Go away.
  148. >>”There are other ponies out there who can play better. So I have to push myself to be better as well, it’s just another reason to practice.”
  149. >That surprises you, you haven’t heard any other pony play as well.
  150. >Then again, you never go out so there’s that.
  151. >You nod regardless.
  152. >Connie sets aside the sheets and puts away her violin.
  153. >>”However, it’s probably best if we get going now to get good seats for the movie. We also have to decide what movie to even watch.”
  154. >You almost forgot about that.
  155. >Seriously, what is wrong with you?
  156. >…
  157. >Poor question.
  158. “Y-yeah, that’s true.”
  159. >Rest stands up and stretches before putting her two cents in.
  160. >”How about we just decide when we get there? No point on debating right now.”
  161. >>”Sounds good to me, how about you Eri?”
  162. >Once again, you feel all the attention on you.
  163. >’Isn’t that what you wanted?’
  164. >No, not like this.
  165. “Sure, sounds like a plan.”
  166. >’Going along with the herd, like the sheep that you are.’
  167. >For fucks sake.
  168. >>”I’ll be right back, going to grab a few things before we head out.”
  169. >You nod and pull on the ends of your sleeves a moment before looking around.
  170. >Rest catches your eyes and gives a look of sympathy.
  171. >”How are you feeling? Think you can do this?”
  172. >Honestly no, but she doesn’t need to know that.
  173. “Yeah, I can.”
  174. >It’s not like this will end in disaster, you have your two friends here to help you.
  175. >Rather dwell on that, you stand up and give Rest a smile.
  176. “I’m looking forward to this, haven’t been to the movies in a long time.”
  177. >”Me too, I’m usually caught up in work.”
  178. >’She forgot to mention how she has to foalsit you all the time.’
  179. >Shoving aside that thought, you try to think of something else to say.
  180. >Before you do, Connie rejoins you two.
  181. >>”Alright, now with that out of the way, shall we?”
  183. >”I’m ready when you are.”
  184. >You nod along, you rather just get going.
  185. >The three of you leave the apartment building and into the streets of Manehattan.
  186. >Like earlier, there are many ponies out and about, some pegasus ponies even fly over head.
  187. >Place seems to be overflowing with life.
  188. >>”I’ll get us a taxi, just wait a moment.”
  189. >As Connie tries to flag one of them down, you feel uncertain.
  190. >On one hoof, you’re actually out of the house and in another town.
  191. >On the other, the feelings from earlier remind you that you could breakdown.
  192. >Not gonna happen, you can make it through this.
  193. >”Eri?”
  194. >Shaking your head, you see Rest nodding her head to the taxi.
  195. >Gotta stop doing that, they will notice this shit sooner or later.
  196. “S-sorry, got distracted.”
  197. >You climb in with the others and try to stay focused, but it’s hard.
  198. >”As I was saying earlier, you just have to relax your throat, that’s the key.”
  199. >>”I guess, but I don’t drink much, just wine.”
  200. >”You really need to try out the harder stuff, I’m telling you, hard cider is the best.”
  201. >You tune them out and let your mind wander.
  202. >How can everypony be so casual?
  203. >They let themselves be so vulnerable, but you keep it bottled up.
  204. >It’s better this way, at least that’s what you tell yourself.
  205. >Before long, you see that you have arrived at the theater.
  206. >You climb out and feel your anxiety rise once more.
  207. >>”Alright, let’s head in and figure this out.”
  208. >Saying nothing, you follow the other two.
  209. >This place is pretty fancy, nice carpets and is quite colorful.
  210. >As you’re looking around, you notice the other two trying to get your attention.
  211. >”What do you think Eri?”
  212. >Shaking your head, you look at the nearby posters they have up.
  213. >Almost immediately your attention focuses on the scariest looking one and you point to it.
  214. “How about that one?”
  215. >They both look at the poster and look back with different expressions.
  217. >Rest looks pretty neutral, Connie looks nervous though.
  218. >”Looks pretty cool, what do you think Connie?”
  219. >>”Oh...Well, if that’s what you picked, then sure.”
  220. >Is she actually afraid?
  221. “You don’t want to watch it?”
  222. >>”It’s fine, it’s fine...Just wasn’t expecting that is all.”
  223. >Though she says that, her eyes say no.
  224. >That’s...That’s actually kinda funny.
  225. >No wait, don’t laugh at her, she puts up with a lot of your bullshit.
  226. >Before you can say anything, Connie goes and pays for some tickets.
  227. >Well now you feel like shit again.
  228. >”We should get some snacks too, no movie is complete without snacks after all.”
  229. >You’re not hungry, but you’ll go along with it, for them.
  230. >Connie rejoins you both and the three of you head over to the snack bar.
  231. >Just remember, do this for them.
  232. >They already do so much for you, so just remember that.
  233. >”What about you Eri?”
  234. >Wait, what?
  235. >Looking up you see that Rest is referring to snacks.
  236. >Shit, shit, shit, what do I pick?
  237. “Uh-I-um...popcorn?”
  238. >Rest nods and turns back to order.
  239. >Not like you’ll eat it, but that doesn’t matter right now.
  240. >You’re given a bucket of popcorn, and the three of you head into one of the rooms.
  241. >”We should get front row seats, that’s the best spot.”
  242. >>”The acoustics are best in the middle, trust me.”
  243. >Before they can ask you, you opt to sit in the back.
  244. >It’s closer to the exit and if need be, you’ll use it.
  245. >”Looks like Eri choose for us.”
  246. >>”Fair enough...”
  247. >They both sit on either side of you and you wait around for the movie to start.
  248. >As the lights dim, your anxiety finally starts to settle.
  249. >Your excitement starts to rise. Not often that you feel that.
  250. >The movie starts and with it, your eyes widen.
  251. >Sure it’s in monochrome, but it looks fucking awesome.
  252. >Even better, there is plenty of gore with the monster and the ponies.
  254. >The whole time your eyes never leave the screen and eventually, you even start to eat the popcorn.
  255. >What’s even stranger than all that, you actually are enjoying this.
  256. >Sadly the movie ends, with a monster being killed and a small group of survivors watching on.
  257. >The lights go back up and you jolt.
  258. >Looking back to both Connie and Rest, you see different expressions again.
  259. >Rest is smiling, and looks pretty happy. As for Connie, she actually looks scared.
  260. >You however, can’t contain your enthusiasm.
  261. “...That was...AWESOME!”
  262. >Rest gets a big grin on her face and Connie is seemingly knocked from her fear.
  263. >”Yeah it was alright, though it was pretty cheesy. I mean, when a limb is ripped off like that, it doesn’t squirt so much.”
  264. >>”I-it was pretty good. Glad you two enjoyed it.”
  265. >Kinda sucks that Connie was scared, but at least Rest enjoyed it.
  266. >Standing up, you stretch out the stiffness that overcame you.
  267. >>”Well then, let’s get going back to the apartment.”
  268. >You nod and follow the two back outside.
  269. >Connie hails a taxi for the three of you.
  270. >On the ride back you can’t help but talk for once.
  271. “That was still great. Even with the monster dying.”
  272. >”That’s what normally happens, but they could’ve put more time into doing their research.”
  273. “Who cares? Did you see how that one mare got covered in blood?”
  274. >You hear Connie giggle, causing you to turn to face her.
  275. “What is it?”
  276. >She shakes her head and smiles.
  277. >>”Just happy to see that you’re happy.”
  278. >As you go back to talking with Rest, you feel a little more ease.
  279. >If the rest of this trip goes this way, you can definitely make it through.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

by NHanon

/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

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/emo/ Hearth's Warming Eve with the emo ponies

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 1

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 2

by NHanon