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/emo/ Drama Cut, chp 1

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 18:56:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >Focus, you can do this, just remember your lines.
  2. >Don’t forgot the lines and the moves practiced, please...
  3. >”What say you Captain Spark? Will you join me or will you be my enemy?”
  4. >Here we go.
  5. “You ask me to betray the crown? Are you mad Sombra?”
  6. >He gives lets out a grand laugh.
  7. >”Mad? No, of course not. The old crown is no more, I AM the new crown, the new king.”
  8. >Letting out a gasp, you point at him in accusation.
  9. “The only crown around here is Princess Amore, have at thee fiend!”
  10. >Pulling out your prop sword, you assume the stance, just like in practice.
  11. >”Fiend? We’ll see about that you sniveling worm once you’re beneath my hoof!”
  12. >He draw his sword and the two of you exchange blows.
  13. >As the two of you clash, the sound of wood clanking together and grunting echos throughout the room.
  14. >At last, you land the decisive blow and point your sword at his throat.
  15. “You are defeated Sombra, accept your fate and die with honor.”
  16. >He smirks and cackles.
  17. >”You’re such a fool Spark, you could’ve served me, now you will suffer.”
  18. >As you raise your eyebrow, a glow of magic covers you and you freeze up.
  19. “What sort of trickery is this? Have you no honor?”
  20. >Laughing once more, he stands and shakes his head.
  21. >”What good is honor, when you’re dead?”
  22. >A great deal of smoke surrounds you and you fall through the trap door while he laughs.
  23. >Above, you hear the applause as you’re coughing.
  24. *Cough cough* “They need to lay off the special effects...” *Cough*
  25. >You exit the stage and reemerge to see director smiling.
  26. >>”Well done you two, that was perfect.”
  27. >You give a bow and smile.
  28. “Thank you Mr. Town, working with Cliff has helped immensely.”
  29. >He nods and turns to Sombra, well, Cliff.
  30. >>”I knew you two would work well together, now then, lets prepare for the next scene.”
  31. >Nodding, you and Cliff pick up the scripts to go over them.
  32. >It’s amazing how well you’ve improved with his help.
  34. >”Alright, so when I enter the dungeon, you’re supposed to be knocked out.”
  35. “That’s right, you taunt me and the usual stereotypical bad guy stuff.”
  36. >He shakes his head.
  37. >”It’s not all stereotypes Mellow, do remember this is based on actual events.”
  38. “It’s embellished, do you honestly think it went exactly like this?”
  39. >Cliff arches a brow and frowns.
  40. >”Of course not, but we have to treat it exactly as if it was. Remember what I told you.”
  41. >You haven’t forgotten, but you do get sick of hearing it from him, even if he has been acting long before you have.
  42. “I know, I know...Play the role as if you were the character in question.”
  43. >He nods and looks back to script.
  44. >”Good, now then, I taunt and torture you with ‘magic’, trying to get you turn.”
  45. “I resist, you continue to torture me, using illusions against me and the like.”
  46. >Cliff looks over the script some more, likely memorizing his lines.
  47. >As you’re doing the same, you think to how this event actually went.
  48. >In truth, Sombra wouldn’t have given the captain a second chance, he would’ve just killed him outright rather than waste his time.
  49. >Of course, it’s a play, so they have to make it more exciting by having the hero resist the villain rather than dying.
  50. >Giving the script another look, you set it down and head over to the dungeon they have set up.
  51. >Looks great despite being made of wood and having a painted wall with fake chains attached to it.
  52. >One of the makeup artists comes up and quickly gives you a roughed up appearance.
  53. >As they finishing applying it, you rear up and have your hooves placed in the shackles.
  54. >They’re pretty loose though, so you gotta pretend they’re actually holding you.
  55. >So much work has gone into this play, but still…
  56. >It’s not what you really want.
  57. >You’d rather be a real actor, not some small time pony at the local theater.
  59. >Not like you have a choice though.
  60. >Sure, you’ve tried to go big, but that didn’t pan out.
  61. >Doesn’t help that you get super nervous and mess up.
  62. >It’s not a problem most of the time, but it always seems to happen when you’re in the middle of something important.
  63. >”Alright, action!”
  64. >Snapping out of it, you focus on the scene.
  65. >”Mwuahahaha! How the mighty captain has fallen.”
  66. >Lifting your head up, you let out a small groan and slowly raise your head.
  67. “I-I’m still alive?”
  68. >He paces around the room taunting you.
  69. >”Of course, I am a merciful king after all...To let you, a great captain, go to waste...Would be a terrible mistake.”
  70. >Shaking your head, you give your best glare.
  71. “You won’t get away with this! The citizens won’t stand idly by as you try to seize power!”
  72. >Laughing, he gives a large grin.
  73. >”Oh but I already have! The entire empire is under my hoof. Your former comrades are working for me now, it’s only a matter of time before you join them. Just see the light and join me Spark.”
  74. “Never!”
  75. >”I’m afraid you have no choice, let’s see how well you hold up to this!”
  76. >As you’re surrounded by a magic glow again, you struggle, but accidentally slip out of your shackles and fall face flat.
  77. “Ow...”
  78. >”Are you alright Mellow? That looked like it hurt.”
  79. >Only your pride…
  80. >Slowly, you stand back up, rubbing your face.
  81. “Yeah I’m fine.”
  82. >You hear a sigh and turn to see the director frowning.
  83. >>”I think we’ll call it here until tomorrow.”
  84. >You feel awful for screwing up again, and slowly, you slouch.
  85. >>”Alright everypony, lets clean up and remember to practice your lines!”
  86. >As you’re about to go, Cliff stops you.
  87. >He gives you a half smile and nods.
  88. >”Good job today, just keep doing what I told you.”
  89. >You nod and head off to help out on clean up.
  91. >You inspect your latest creation carefully.
  92. >Not that you really need to, you’ve done this so many times, but it never hurts to make sure it’s perfect.
  93. >Letting out a breath, you set it aside with the other crafts.
  94. “Another paper heart. Wonder what I should make next?”
  95. >As you gaze around the park, you see a family of birds in the nearby tree, happily chirping.
  96. >A smile slowly forms on your face, and you nod, knowing what to do.
  97. >Grabbing another sheet of paper, you start to fold.
  98. >Though as you go to flip over the sheet, you accidentally cut yourself.
  99. >Lifting your hoof up, it’s a small cut that bleeds slowly.
  100. >Ignoring the pain, you go back back to folding, cutting yourself again and staining it.
  101. >Doesn’t matter though, it always adds a little more color to your creations.
  102. >Finishing it up, you gently lift it and make the little wings move.
  103. “Not bad, it’s really cute.”
  104. >Setting it with the rest, you look up to see your best friend approaching.
  105. >You give yourself a once over and make sure you’re not a mess.
  106. “Good enough.”
  107. >Nodding, you stand up and wave to him.
  108. “Hi Mellow!”
  109. >He smiles and picks up the pace, you can see he brought his guitar like usual.
  110. >”Hey there Paper.”
  111. >As you beam, you feel your heart beat faster.
  112. >Other than the smiling faces of foals, he is the only other pony to make your day better.
  113. >”Sorry I’m late, rehearsal lasted longer than usual and I had to help clean up of course.”
  114. >Shaking your head, you give him a hug.
  115. “It’s okay, I understand you can busy with the theater. You’re here now anyways, so that’s always good.”
  116. >As you pull back, you see his smile widen.
  117. >”Y-yeah, of course.”
  118. >You sit back down and pick up another sheet to start folding.
  119. “So tell me how it went.”
  120. >Mellow sits down and opens up his case to pull out his guitar.
  121. >”With the exception of a few mistakes, pretty well actually.”
  123. >Though he says that, you know his mistakes often affect him greatly.
  124. >He starts to tune his instrument, and you fold the paper in half again.
  125. >Can’t let him hide it though, so you press on.
  126. “I don’t mind you telling me all about it, you know I enjoy hearing how your plays go.”
  127. >As he tunes, you see him frown from the corner of your eye.
  128. >”Well...Cliff and I did our duel, with me winning of course, but him using magic to capture me. They used too much smoke for effect, didn’t really mess anything up there.”
  129. >You finish up your creation and look over the flower you created.
  130. >Mellow starts to strum his guitar, no song in particular though.
  131. >Something he does when he thinks.
  132. >”In the next scene, I was being tortured. Everything started out great, but I accidentally fell forward onto my face.”
  133. >You wince as you cut yourself again with another sheet.
  134. “Oh, but everything else went alright?”
  135. >His frown is still on his face as he plays a few more chords.
  136. >”I forgot my lines twice. The director wasn’t happy about that.”
  137. >Folding the sheet over again, you stop and touch his wither, giving him a gently squeeze.
  138. “It was a simple mistake, we all forget sometimes.”
  139. >Mellow stops playing and sighs.
  140. >”Yeah, I know you’re right. That doesn’t it from bothering me. I should be able to recite these lines with ease by now.”
  141. >Of course he is still beating himself up, he always does that.
  142. >Not like this is the first time you’ve tried to break him out of this line of thought.
  143. >You look over to your small collection of origami figures, you pick up the paper heart and offer it to him.
  144. “Here, you need this.”
  145. >He turns his head to you and looks down at the heart in your hoof.
  146. >”Oh, you don’t need to do that Paper. I’m sure somepony would love to buy it from your stall.”
  147. >As he tries to push it away, you bring it closer and give him a larger smile.
  149. “I’m sure of it Mellow, you need to not be so hard on yourself. You’re a great actor, and this heart should help you remember that.”
  150. >You can see the conflict on his face.
  151. >He sighs, closes his eyes briefly before reopening them with a smile.
  152. >”Alright, if you insist. But only because it’s from you.”
  153. >He takes it and places it beside his guitar case before going back to playing.
  154. >Nodding, you return to folding.
  155. >The random notes slowly shift into a familiar song he has played before.
  156. >A small group of ponies starts form near you two, listening to his music.
  157. >Mellow pays them no mind, focusing on his music instead.
  158. >You finish up another crane and stop to watch Mellow.
  159. >He is completely immersed into it now, shame he can’t keep that kind of focus up with his acting.
  160. >Someday though, just got to keep reminding him everyday if you have to.
  161. >As he finishes, the group applauds and tosses some bits into his open case.
  162. >”Thanks everypony, I really appreciate the donations.”
  163. >He smiles and plays another song.
  164. >Turning your attention back, you put away your things and sit while he plays.
  165. >Closing your eyes, you enjoy the music while you think.
  166. >Tomorrow should be better, hopefully.
  167. >You have plenty to sell like usual, but that doesn’t quite cover it, because you’re barely making it by.
  168. >The last song finishes with an applause, and you open your eyes.
  169. >”Thanks again everypony, I’m going to pack up.”
  170. >The crowd starts to dissipate as Mellow deals with his donations and guitar.
  171. >>”You’re lucky to have him Missy.”
  172. >Turning your head, you see an elderly mare looking at you with a smile.
  173. “He is great, isn’t he?”
  174. >She nods, continuing on.
  175. >>”I’d be jealous if I was younger, not often you find good stallions like that.”
  176. >Immediately you blush and stammer out a response.
  177. “I-He...We...Uh?”
  178. >She laughs and shakes her head.
  180. >>”No need to be embarrassed deary, just an old mare hassling you. Take care.”
  181. >As she leaves, you cool your head.
  182. >You and Mellow are friends, not together.
  183. >Though that doesn’t stop you from thinking about it from time to time.
  184. >Not the first time that somepony has brought it up either, won’t be the last.
  185. >Shaking your head, you turn back to Mellow, who has just finished putting his things away.
  186. >He does a light stretch and readjusts his bandanna before turning his attention to you.
  187. >”This was great Paper, same time tomorrow?”
  188. “Yeah of course.”
  189. >Mellow picks up his case and starts to trot off.
  190. >As you see him disappear into the distance, you let out a sigh and hunch a little.
  191. “It’s getting later, so I should get going as well.”
  192. >Picking up your own things, you start to trot home.
  193. >Along the way, you start to sing a old song you heard when you were little.
  194. “The sun will come out...Tomorrow...”

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