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/emo/ Drama Cut, chp 4

By NHanon
Created: 2020-10-23 18:58:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >You give your bow one final tug to make sure it’s tied tight, and see that it’s holding.
  2. “Good, last thing I want is it coming loose while I teach.”
  3. >Looking at your reflection, you give your best smile.
  4. >Your mood is pretty high for once, probably helps that you’re both teaching and having Mellow come over.
  5. >It’s not like you’re going to ask him out though, just want to see where you two stand with each other.
  6. >Who knows, maybe you can finally settle both your heart and mind?
  7. “Would be nice, wouldn’t it?” You ask your reflection.
  8. >Of course it would, but you can only wait and see.
  9. >As you go finish getting ready to head out, you let yourself imagine a date him with.
  10. >Not sure how much of a romantic he is, but you’d like to think he’d be the classic gentlecolt.
  11. >He pretty much is anyways.
  12. >Always being so kind to you, and when you open up to him, he gives you his full attention.
  13. >Mellow is the only pony who gets you.
  14. >You have tried dating before in past, though each ended...Poorly.
  15. >It was always something; you’re too closed off, too needy, not outgoing enough, or your personal favorite...Your cuts.
  16. >Sighing, you put on your saddlebags and lock up as you leave.
  17. “Focus on getting through teaching and then see what happens. That’s all I have to do.”
  18. >Giving one final nod, you head off to the schoolhouse.
  19. >You’ve had Mellow over before, each time was great.
  20. >It’s not much different than when you two hang out at the park, just at your house though.
  21. >Of course you made dinner for him before as well.
  22. >Isn’t that what couples do?
  23. >…
  24. >Don’t overthink this Paper, you can’t make assumptions.
  25. “I really need advice...”
  26. >Wait, you’re already heading to the school, why not ask Cheerilee while the foals are at recess?
  27. >You don’t have to tell her everything either, just ask for advice is all.
  28. “That...That may work, it’s better than nothing.”
  30. >You realize you were talking out loud again, but thankfully no pony is around to see your blunder.
  31. >Stress makes you do that from time to time.
  32. >Makes you do a lot of things too…Oh look, the schoolhouse is just up head.
  33. >You stop just outside and take a moment to gather yourself.
  34. >While the foals make you happier, you really want to make sure you remain focused throughout the lesson.
  35. “Just relax Paper, you’ve done this hundreds of times before.”
  36. >You breath in and slowly release it, feeling more confident than you did earlier.
  37. >Thankfully, no pony didn’t see you doing this, probably think you’re weird.
  38. >You open the door and head inside.
  39. >Cheerilee is at her desk and the students are working on something.
  40. >When she sees you, she smiles and nods.
  41. >You return the gesture and approach her.
  42. “Hey there, how are things today?”
  43. >A few students peek up from the their work with excited looks on their faces.
  44. >”Quite well, they’re behaved as usual and working on book report at the moment. We’ll have you teach after they finish, they’re pretty excited.”
  45. >Figures, you remember having to do those in school, always stressed you out.
  46. >She couldn’t be more right about origami helping either.
  47. “I’m looking forward to it.” You say as you take off your bags and prepare.
  48. >Brought stacks of paper and some example pieces you made recently.
  49. >Not that you expect them to have the level of skill you have, it just helps inspire them to see what they could be capable of.
  50. >Who knows? Maybe one of them gets a cutiemark in origami like you.
  51. >You finish setting up the table and can see a few eager eyes watching you.
  52. >It’s hard not to giggle at how cute they are.
  53. >Thankfully you don’t have to wait long, as the last of them finish their work and look at you both with large smiles.
  54. >Maybe someday you’ll have foals of your own…
  55. >Focus Paper, Cheerilee is talking.
  57. >”-I’ll let Ms. Cut take over from here.” She says as she turns to you.
  58. >Might’ve missed a few things, but that’s alright.
  59. “Hello everypony, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I’m looking forward to showing the beauty of origami. I’m sure most of you have heard of it before.”
  60. >You see several of them nod, some look bored, but that’s okay.
  61. “If you don’t know already, it is the art of folding paper into a sculpture. There is more to it than that, but lets start off with something simple.” Saying as you start to give each row a stack of paper.
  62. >You show them how to make a paper flower to start, it’s one of your favorites.
  63. >Like always, some students get confused or mess up, not that you blame them.
  64. >You weren’t an expert when your first started either.
  65. “Just like this, see?” You show another student where to fold and their eyes sparkle.
  66. >>”Thank you Ms. Cut.” They say with a bright smile.
  67. “You’re very welcome.” You beam and continue to go around to see how the rest are doing.
  68. >Before long, recess has come and you watch as they scamper off outside.
  69. >Now’s your chance to ask her, hopefully she can help you.
  70. “Do you have a moment Cheerilee?” You ask her as she is about to head outside with the students.
  71. >”Sure, but I have to watch over the foals outside.” She nods.
  72. >You follow her out and hope for the best.
  73. “I need some advice about a friend of mine.”
  74. >She arches an eyebrow as she watches the students. “Oh?”
  75. “Yes, I’ve known him for a long time and I’ve wondered for a while now if he has feelings for me.”
  76. >Cheerilee blinks a few times before looking at you.
  77. >”Not the kind of question I was expecting, but alright. Has he said or done anything specific to hint it?”
  78. >You think back, and of course, you find many different occasions involving him.
  79. “He’s been there for me whenever I’ve needed him. He’s always open with me as well.”
  81. >That’s not all though.
  82. “And he has always complimented my work, no matter how bad it is.”
  83. >”Anything else? Like, complimenting your appearance? Or, giving you gifts?”
  84. “He does say I look pretty when I feel down, and he sometimes plays a song for me on his guitar. I’d consider that a gift, considering how well he plays.”
  85. >She smirks and focuses her attention on the foals, your own eyes look out towards them as well.
  86. >”Not to sound rude Paper, but it sounds like you already know the answer.”
  87. >Guess you were right to assume it, but still…
  88. “I just need to be sure, the last thing I want to do is lose him to an assumption.”
  89. >She nods. ”That’s understandable, perhaps you should indirectly ask him? That’s likely the safest option.”
  90. >That’s what you thought as well, at least somepony else has helped you confirmed it at last.
  91. “That was my plan, it’s good to know that I’m going about this right way. Thank you Cheerilee.” You smile.
  92. >”You’re welcome Paper, I hope everything goes well for you.”
  93. >You hope so too, we’ll see though.
  94. “Yeah...”
  96. >”Take care Mellow, remember tomorrow is opening day.” Cliff says as you depart.
  97. “You too, I won’t forget Cliff.” Waving as you leave the theater.
  98. >Clouds cover the skies, hiding the sun and turning the world a bit gray.
  99. >Fortunately you brought an umbrella today, and prepare to open it as you trot along.
  100. >Your heart beats hard and your mind is filled with thoughts of what will happen today.
  101. >You really don’t want to overthink this, Paper has invited you over before and each time it was to hang out.
  102. >And each time she has asked, you lost your composure like yesterday.
  103. >Doesn’t stop you from thinking this is the moment where she confesses her feelings to you.
  104. >Watching her yesterday make origami was interesting and helped you relax.
  105. >Especially since-
  106. >A rain drop lands on your muzzle, causing you to scrunch.
  108. “Figures...Least I came prepared.”
  109. >You open up your umbrella as more rain starts to come down.
  110. >Never was one for rainy days though, they made you feel low.
  111. >Fit perfectly for the books you’ve read and the plays you’ve played in.
  112. “Perfect for a tragedy, funny how that works.”
  113. >…
  114. >You’re doing it again Mellow, have to stop doing that.
  115. >Some ponies run for cover, others pull out their rain gear as well.
  116. >Ignoring them and the world again, you continue forth towards home to get your guitar.
  117. >Despite the thoughts in your head and heart, you will treat this like any other day.
  118. >That’s the right thing to do...Isn’t it?
  119. >You’re not actually sure.
  120. >It is the safe thing to do at least, so that way you don’t make a fool of yourself like you have before.
  121. >Still…
  122. >Before you overthink things again, you reach your house.
  123. “Thank Celestia...” Saying as you unlock the door and go inside.
  124. >At least here you can speak freely, though you try not to as to develop that bad habit further.
  125. >Rather than standing around, you quickly put away your bags and grab your guitar before stopping at the front door.
  126. “Just remember Mellow, treat this like any other time. Don’t overthink it and play it cool.”
  127. >Taking a breath, you release it and head back outside.
  128. >How ominous, it’s gotten darker out.
  129. >Kinda worrisome as well, you might have to stay over at Paper’s till the storm dissipates.
  130. >…
  131. >You’re already overthinking again idiot.
  132. >Shaking your head, you attempt to relax and focus on getting to Paper’s.
  133. >As you trot along the road again, you don’t see anymore ponies out, no surprise there.
  134. >Who’d actually want to be out in this? Other than you of course.
  135. >The only downside about this though, is that Paper lives pretty far from you.
  136. >But honestly, that doesn’t bother you, because at the end of the day, you’d do anything for her.
  138. >You finally arrive at Paper’s home, and are a little wet now.
  139. >As you knock, you feel yourself shiver.
  140. “Sheesh, its cold out here.”
  141. >The door unlocks and opens with Paper standing there with a large smile on her face.
  142. >You can never get enough of her smile…
  143. >”Come inside, don’t want you to get sick Mellow.”
  144. >As you step inside and set your umbrella down, she shuts the door behind you.
  145. >Before you can say anything, she quickly trots off to the bathroom.
  146. >Odd, why is she-
  147. >She comes back out with a towel and gives it to you.
  148. >Of course that’s what she was doing, you idiot.
  149. “Thanks, it’s starting to get bad out there.” You say as you dry off.
  150. >Her face gets a look of concern. “Sorry about that, didn’t realize it would. Hope you don’t get sick.”
  151. “I’m not too worried, I’m pretty healthy and I don’t get sick that easily.” You puff out your chest for emphasis.
  152. >As you finish drying off, she gives you a hug like usual, but this one lasts longer than normal.
  153. >Don’t overthink it, don’t overthink it, don’t overthink it...
  154. >She pulls back and takes the towel back into the bathroom.
  155. >Shaking out of whatever that was, you open up your case and pull out your guitar.
  156. >”I’m going to be making some coco, do you want some?” She calls out from the other room.
  157. “Yeah sure.” Replying back.
  158. >Taking a seat on the couch, you start to tune like always.
  159. >While you really don’t need to always do that, it’s better to be certain.
  160. >You keep reminding yourself to treat this like any other day.
  161. >As you start to strum out some chords, Paper returns with two cups and gives one to you.
  162. “Thanks, how was your day?” You accept the cup and ask.
  163. >She sits down and takes a sip before answering.
  164. >”It went really well, the foals were great as usual. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them gets a origami related cutiemark like myself.”
  166. >As you go to take a sip of your own, she continues on.
  167. >”Mellow, do you ever think about the future?”
  168. >You nearly spit out your coco, but barely manage to swallow it.
  169. “Y-yeah, all the time. How about you?” Your heart starts to race.
  170. >She nods. “I do too, I try to imagine who I will be with and what life would be like.”
  171. >Uh...Where is she going with this? Is she asking you what you think she is asking?
  172. >Dammit Mellow, don’t overthink it, play it cool you fool!
  173. >Refocusing, you strum out some more chords and nod.
  174. >”How about your day?”
  175. “Rehearsal went great, no mistakes today. I won’t hold my breath though, as tomorrow is opening night.”
  176. >From the corner of your eye, you can see that she watching you closely.
  177. >”I believe in you Mellow, I know the play will go off without a hitch.” She says as she touches you.
  178. >Okay, is she trying to send you a signal?
  179. >No, no she isn’t. You’re overthinking this again, she is being a supportive friend is all.
  180. >Is she really though? You’ve wanted to tell her for so long about your feelings for her.
  181. >Can’t risk it, not yet.
  182. >However, an idea comes to mind that might help ease things.
  183. “Thanks Paper, how about you come to see it? I’m sure I can get you a ticket.”
  184. >As you start to play a song, you watch her from the corner of your eye.
  185. >It’s really hard to read her though, she is really good at hiding things.
  186. >She could be a actress with that kind of poker face, kinda ironic to be honest.
  187. >Paper gives a little smile and nods. “That’d be wonderful, though are you certain you can?”
  188. >In truth, you will likely have to bend over backwards to get one, but it will be worth it for her.
  189. “Yeah of course, I’ve worked there for years and I’m sure I can.”
  190. >She looks excited and her bow bounces a little. “I’m looking forward to it.”
  191. >As the rain falls, you nod because you too are looking forward to this.

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