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T:EM/P/O Guides

By Rhorse
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2022-11-16 08:08:31
Expiry: Never

Guides Link(s)
>Music Related
Maestro Oak and MisterMoopers' Music Theory Doc
Anon's A horse fucker cheat guide to scales and basic chords [WIP]
Practice and Principles of Modern Music Recording and Production
Anon's A horse fucker cheat guide to music fagging basics
MLP:FiM Music Sheet Archive
Tabs you can play along with
Effortless Mastery by Kenny Werner
For Sheet Writing For Sheet Writing
Audio Files PPP BGM audio for S1-6 and S9
Woot's no BGM Episodes
Woot's Pony Fandom Classics Remix Pack
FL Studio 20.8 Patch
Writefag Related
Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories
Bolding's Writing Guide
Navarone's Writing Rules
Anomalous' writing tips
Ezn’s Guide to writing Fanfiction
Writing Book for beginners
Help for creating OC characters
Rhorse's Horse Behavior Notes [WIP]
Vhatug’s tips for anatomically correct clop and squash soup
Erotic Synonyms
Nebulus' Character Analysis Guide
Poetry Related
BlytheAnon's Rudimentary Guide to Writing Poetry [WIP]
Drawfag related
/mlp/ Drawfag Improvement Doc
Pony Guides imgur
Human Guides /ic/ Training Tutorials
Human Anatomy Fundamentals
/ic/ Drawing Guide
/ic/ Resources
Rhorse's Book Collection
DVD set of Animator's Survival Kit
Scott Robertson's Basics Drawing Gnomon video
Photoshop CS4
CC 2020
4 Basic photoshop brushes for beginners
Inking and Coloring in Photoshop
Term 1 of FZD School of Design Assignments
Digital Painting with Craig Mullins Part 1
Part 2
Elemental Magic: The Art of Special Effects Animation Part 1
Part 2
Ponies Crash Course (animation)
3-D Related
LunarLunatik's 3DCG Piracy
Game Dev Related
Game Design Resources
Nodev's guide to game engines
Level Design: In Pursuit of Better Levels
Visual Guide: Multiplayer Level Design
Roguelike Tutorial
Language Cheat Sheet
general C#
MLP games and mods
Video Editing Related
Show transcript search
Full Episode Downloads Yayponies
Plushie Related
Mare Pattern
Step by Step instructions
Lewd Instructions
Mane & Tail Tutorial
How to clean your plushie & remove mayo Minky Plush Washing Guide
Removing Mayonnaise
Sculpting Related
alt Clayfag Anon's Pony Sculpting Tutorial: Armature Frame

Ponepaste Catalogue

by Rhorse

Horse Behavioral Notes [WIP]

by Rhorse

Pre Equestria Pony lore for a tabletop setting

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Art Links

by Rhorse

Lyra Thread: Story Archive

by Rhorse