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A Futa's Friend

By Oneshots
Created: 2020-12-20 18:48:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >"How come I feel like I'm walking into my surgery room every time I come over to your apartment?"
  2. >The rainbow-maned pegasus huffs as she wipes her hooves on the rug before coming inside your pristine abode.
  3. "All I ask is that you wipe your hooves off, it’s not that cosmic."
  4. >You were a little ocd about things but it wasn't that bad.
  5. >It just seemed that way to a mare who tended to toss empty snack wrappers behind the couch.
  6. >"Are you kidding? The last time I spilled my drink you wiped it clean before I could blink!"
  7. "That's because it was wine and it stains."
  8. >She finishes wiping her hooves and immediately makes a beeline for the pantry.
  9. >But not before you give her a playful spank on the rump which makes her skitter away.
  10. >"I didn't spill it because I was drunk you know."
  11. "Of course not, you were just sidetracked with proving you could do a wing flip inside."
  12. >"Heh yeah, wait...where are the--"
  13. "--I moved the granola bars to the middle shelf."
  14. >"Oh yeah, right under my nose."
  15. "You're the only one who eats them so I figured I'd put them at pony height instead of human height."
  16. >"Good call." She snickers and trots up to you.
  17. >She takes a bite and lifts a foreleg; you'd been best friends long enough that body language was enough to communicate in most cases.
  18. >And right now Rainbow Dash was asking for help out of her flying suit.
  19. >You ruffle her mane and she playfully dodges it before sitting down and leaning back to give you access to her belly zipper.
  20. >You sit down in front of her and unzip her chest down to her belly.
  21. >Wet cyan fur bursts forth from the seam along with the heavy scent of sweaty and post-workout mare.
  22. "Geez you need a bath."
  23. >"Waddya ehpec I juh gah outta pactith." She responds mid chew.
  24. >She starts wiggling her forelegs out of her suit along with your help.
  25. >In all honesty it didn't really bother you. Her body odor was a warm spiciness that complemented the natural scent of rain she gave off whenever her fur got wet.
  26. >But she didn't need to know that.
  27. "Quit squirming you're only making it harder!"
  28. >She stops and lets you tug her other foreleg free of her sweat soaked skin-tight suit.
  29. >You guide her wings through the wing holes and reach under her belly to bottom out the zipper between her thighs.
  30. >A heavy, wet heat moistens your hand as you expose the place between her teats and the opening of her sheath.
  31. >She lifts a hindleg to make sure the zipper doesn't snag any of her pubic fur and you reach your fingers in to tuck it away.
  32. >You brush against the soft skin of her sheath causing her to twitch.
  33. >"Mgh! Hurry up it itches!" She dances her hindhooves as you grab hold of her suit and tug on it, trying your best to get it unstuck from her rear end.
  34. "I'm trying but you're-ah! Rump is too fat!"
  35. >She shoots you a glare, "My rump is aerodynamic, not fat!"
  36. "Tell that to the suit!"
  37. >One more vicious tug and the neoprene wetsuit peels back with a sticky sound to reveal the matted, ripe pony butt underneath.
  38. >Before tackling her hindlegs you pull her tail out the tail hole and get a good look at the pink crevice between her cheeks.
  39. >Nudity wasn't really a taboo amongst ponies, so you did your best to get over yourself as well.
  40. >Dash was a decent bit shyer about it than most due to her 'unique' status, but it seems that your position as her 'best bud' relieved any reservations she had around you.
  41. >She'd even gotten upset once before when you'd shooed her out of the bathroom you were showering in.
  42. >It took a while to explain your cultural indoctrination to her, and even longer for her to convince you to at least try to give it up, but she eventually brought you around.
  43. >Now you only tend to wear clothes when you're cold...around her that is. You still aren't brave enough to venture out in public in your birthday suit.
  44. >You slip your fingers between her thighs and the suit and push it all the way down to her hind hooves.
  45. >It allows her to step out after a brief struggle and you get flashed by her sticky pink balls as she stumbles forward.
  46. "Geez someone's pent up."
  47. >If she hears you, she doesn't respond.
  48. >Immediately, she rolls over and jams a forehoof down to her crotch to scratch roughly at what must be a ferocious itch.
  49. >It wasn't apparent by the grimace on her face, it was just by looking at the problem area.
  50. >A tangled mess of blue fur sticks this way and that, tied in knots and glued together with half dried sweat.
  51. >The idea of trimming fur was entirely foreign to ponies but most ponies don't have to deal with fermenting in a sweat suit all day.
  52. >Maybe you should get her some clippers for her birthday?
  53. >No, she'd find that boring.
  54. >"Mgh!"
  55. >Your attention turns back to the mare on your floor--contorted to fulfill the only driving desire in her life at the moment.
  56. "Here, hold on."
  57. >You slide up to her and scratch your fingers around her damp bush with an eagerness that matches hers.
  58. >She quickly realizes that fingers can do a better job than her hooves could ever hope to and abandons her effort, leaning back to look at you appreciatively.
  59. >"Agh yeah! Mmmgh-right there! O-over a bit-ooohohoho that's it!"
  60. >You hold her hindleg out of the way to itch around the sweaty bulge of her sheath, ignoring the moist sounds coming from the little pocket every time you put pressure on it.
  61. "You really ought to start putting some powder down here or something."
  62. >"I tried that it only helps for the first few hours, then it just makes it worse."
  63. "Have you thought about trimming your fur maybe?"
  64. >You scratch around the tacky opening of her sheath and she doesn't flinch, then you comb through the fur of her inner thigh with your fingernails.
  65. >The mare plops her head back on the floor with a sigh. She seemed to approve of your ministrations.
  66. >"What and let every pony see that I'm not a regular mare?"
  67. >Dash's futanari physique was far from common. According to her it was something like one in a thousand were born that way--the vast majority of them unicorns.
  68. >That just made her extra special as far as you were concerned.
  69. >Apparently a lot of other ponies saw it as a reason to tease her.
  70. >You take a look at the plump, apple-sized pair of gonads pooled in her crotch.
  71. >You give them a gentle, affectionate pat which ends up sounding like a meaty clap.
  72. "Are you afraid you'll make them jealous?" You try to stoke her ego.
  73. >The fluid-filled pouch of skin jiggles under your touch and she looks up at you with a dopey expression.
  74. >Itching her really seemed to knock her out.
  75. >She gives you a somewhat somber look before mustering the courage for a smile.
  76. >"Heh, yeah..."
  77. >If she was down it was your job to cheer her up.
  78. >You drop her hindleg and she doesn't move, seemingly content to lay there and stain your carpet with her perspiring presence.
  79. >You lean in and blow a raspberry into her belly.
  80. >"Bawhahahahaha-stop!"
  81. >She struggles to push your head away with all of the limbs at her disposal.
  82. >But you were too close for her to get any leverage.
  83. >You surface for air, tasting her salt on your lips.
  84. "Want to read another chapter of Daring Do?" You ask, placing a calming hand on her wing as a peace offering.
  85. >"Oh uh..." She tucks her ears, "...I was wondering if you could let me borrow that playpony magazine again."
  86. >She meets your eye and gulps, "I'm kinda feeling a little pent up."
  87. >A week ago she'd found your porno magazine.
  88. >Apparently it was a good print because you only found out she'd had it when you recovered it with your favorite pages practically glued together.
  89. >Confronting her about it was a bit awkward, but that passed...and now came back full circle.
  90. "Um...yeah, sure."
  91. >Her eyes light up at that and she rises with you.
  92. >"I'll get it!"
  93. >She trots back into your room to retrieve it where she'd found it before.
  94. >You sigh and take a seat on the couch; she was going to be busy for the next few minutes so you might as well get a head start on the next chapter.
  95. >Suddenly, the sound of hoofsteps trotting excitedly back into the room surprises you.
  96. "Did you find it?"
  97. >"Yeah!"
  98. >She hops up on the couch next to you, an excited grin on her face.
  99. "So..."
  100. >"Huh?" She looks over at you as she starts flipping pages.
  101. >Your face turns a little red as she pauses on the pages you dog-eared.
  102. "So are you going to take that to the bathroom or something?"
  103. >She pauses and shuffles.
  104. >"Oh I thought you might uh...wanna look through it with me?"
  105. >The implications were obvious, but perhaps the most surprising thing to you is that you actually sort of want to.
  106. >And besides any personal reasons, she was your best friend and considering her self-image issues it would only make her upset if you turned her down.
  107. >You scratch your neck nervously.
  108. "Yeah I suppose." You try not to sound too eager.
  109. >She seems to relax at that and moves the magazine in between you, shuffling to face you as she flips the pages.
  110. >"Heheh! I think I already know which one’s your favorite!"
  111. >She flips to the dog-eared page which was already crusty and stained yellow from her previous 'accident.'
  112. "Well, it was my favorite."
  113. >You look down at the pegasus mare on the page looking back at you past a veneer of dried Dash splooge.
  114. >"Heheh! Sorry I uhh, I liked that one too."
  115. “I guess we both have a thing for pegasi huh?”
  116. >She looks up at you with inquisitive eyes and nervously licks her lips before nodding and looking back down. It starts to sink in that she is also a pegasus and her muzzle starts to warm up.
  117. >You suddenly smell something heavy and musky, only with a sharp tang of back-of-your-throat burning spice.
  118. >That's when you realize where it was coming from.
  119. >Her foreleg shifts and you catch a glimpse of a cherry red meat emerging from the cyan fur of her crotch.
  120. >Her penis slips out of her sheath--glistening and twitching as her excitement grows.
  121. >The mere sight of her blush made you distinctly aware of how vulnerable and exposed she was right now and your heart stutters a bit.
  122. >If you'd learned one thing about your outgoing and brash friend it's that intimacy of this sort wasn't something the pegasus took lightly, or participated in at all for that matter as far as you knew.
  123. >She genuinely liked you and cared about you, and more so she trusted you with seeing her more sensitive side both figuratively and literally.
  124. >The flush on her cheeks and the way her ears were pinned to her nape made it quite obvious that this was a rare peek under the confident façade she wore.
  125. >Even though Equestrian culture didn't warrant as much privacy as your own, there was still a difference between being visibly aroused and simply being naked in front of another.
  126. >Seeing such a cute little creature exposed and timid in front of you sparked a powerful protective desire deep within.
  127. >It's so strong in fact, that all of the sweat and natural stink that came with the explicit display didn't do the slightest bit to bother you.
  128. >It was all wrapped up into the precious package that was your best friend.
  129. >But all your brainstorming had given her just the opposite idea.
  130. >A forehoof bashfully covers her still growing erection and she starts to shuffle away.
  131. >"S-sorry I should really hit the shower I--"
  132. "--Hey."
  133. >You place a hand on her foreleg to keep her from leaving.
  134. "You want to know a secret?"
  135. >She gulps nervously, still a bit tense and now beet red from the fact that her meat is starting to throb behind her poor veil.
  136. >It takes the last of her courage to get her eyes to meet yours.
  137. >You blush hard knowing what you needed to say.
  138. "Even if you did smell that bad, I still wouldn't mind since you're my best bud."
  139. >She quickly glances away, her forelegs still crossed in front of her midsection.
  140. >All the attention even caused a fresh bead of sweat to break from her brow.
  141. >"I-I thought you said I needed a s-shower?"
  145. "I was just teasing, Dash."
  146. >She looks at you hopefully.
  147. >You scratch your neck, contemplating how best to handle the awkward conversation.
  148. >"Really?"
  149. "Yeah. You uh...you smell like rain and something spicy, it's…I mean it’s really strong but it’s not bad.”
  150. >A smirk grows on her face.
  151. >"Heheh! Well they don't call me Rainbow for nothing!"
  152. "Heh, yeah."
  153. >You clear your throat as the fire on your face subsides, but the momentary silence allows some of her trepidation to return.
  154. >You can't have that.
  155. >You weren't sure why but seeing her like this is heart-wrenching.
  156. "Whatcha got there?"
  157. >You gently pull back her foreleg to reveal a pink cockhead peeking out from behind her other crossed cyan leg.
  158. >She follows your eyes.
  159. >"Oh that's uhh, m-my penis." She gulps.
  160. >Her eyes dart around before finding yours.
  161. "Really?"
  162. >She nods.
  163. >You smirk.
  164. >"Heh! What you act like you never saw one before." She cracks a grin.
  165. "I totally have; that’s why I don’t believe you."
  166. >"Aheheheheheh whaddaya mean you don't believe me!" She can no longer contain her laughter at the absurdity of the whole situation.
  167. "It's red and you're blue!" Your infectious grin only feeds her confidence.
  168. >"Well duh it doesn't have any fur silly! See?"
  169. >She moves her other leg away to proudly present her erection and doesn't even blush as you soak up an eyeful of her cherry red sex.
  170. "I don't know, it could be fake."
  171. >"Ahaha! No dummy it just like, turns that color cuz its wrapped up all the time!"
  172. "Yeah but it's way too big to be real!"
  173. >Your sly complement rekindles the heat in her cheeks.
  174. >"I-it's not that big compared to other ponies..."
  175. "I don't know Dash that's at least six inches or so." You do your best to keep the ego boost going.
  176. >In reality it would be a be a stretch to get six inches from her, but it certainly didn't look small on the lithe pony.
  177. >"Yours is pretty big too ya know."
  178. >It's your turn to blush at a compliment and the feeling of her eyes on your midsection.
  179. >You weren't sure how you were already erect; you'd barely glanced at the porno.
  180. "Uh yeah, t-thanks."
  181. >"Pfft, wanna compare?" Her playful grin is proof she's over whatever self-consciousness she'd been struck with.
  182. >Your chest flutters at the thought of getting closer to her.
  183. "It's not a competition you know."
  184. >"Yeah I know!"
  185. >She grins confidently and scoots closer, spreading her legs and smearing her ballsweat on the cushion.
  186. >You lay your leg over hers and bring your throbbing erection an inch away.
  187. "Ohohohooo it looks like we have a winner and his name is--agh!"
  188. >Before you can finish boasting Dash pushes forward and presses the tips of your cocks together.
  189. >The first thing you notice is how hot and sticky she is.
  190. >You spit up a dribble of pre that runs down between your juncture and chooses to continue its path down Dash’s member instead of yours.
  191. >She noticeably throbs and flares at the sight and sensation, but she doesn’t comment on it.
  192. >"No fair! You're cheating you don't have a sheath!"
  193. >Some precum dribbles from her urethra as well and strings your tips together as she releases her grip.
  194. >Forehooves move to her crotch to pull down on her sheathmeat so she could peel back the obscuring skin and present more marecock to compare.
  195. >The air refreshes with the pungency of her sweaty member and another second goes by before she presses her length to yours once more; this time you help her by leaning into the contact.
  196. >You feel her turgid base press against yours and four balls stick to one another.
  197. >The base of her dick was a deeper shade of red and felt sticky against yours; it gave her the extra inch needed to match your length.
  198. >"Heh! I knew it, I’m just as huge as you are!"
  199. "Yeah, yeah whatever, are you gonna brag all day or look through this magazine?" You ask, suddenly returning to your senses and being overcome with embarrassment.
  200. >You pull back and sit on your side of the couch, suddenly realizing how fresh the air is without having it filtered through sweaty mare.
  201. >"What are you gonna be a sore loser?"
  202. "Hey! This whole thing was your idea you know!"
  203. >"Heheh! I know I'm just teasing ya!"
  204. >Her hoof goes to her cock and begins idly stroking as her eyes turn to the paper.
  205. >Your hand moves to your own member and after a pause you begin stroking as well.
  206. >You can't believe you're actually doing this.
  207. >At the same time it felt surprisingly good. Adrenaline sends a wave of heat over you as the sounds of rubbing skin fill the small room.
  208. >You're ashamed to admit your gaze frequently darts to the anatomy between the pegasus' legs.
  209. >With every rough jerk her balls tug away just enough that you can catch a glimpse of her swollen labia attached to the couch with its own sticky tendrils.
  210. >She was your friend and all, but she had an attractive body and you certainly took more than the required glances at her female anatomy over the course of your time together.
  211. >Your gaze is so transfixed that you don't even notice the grimace on Dash's face until she lets out an uncomfortable grunt.
  212. >"Mgh! Dangit!"
  213. "What's wrong?"
  214. >"Do you have any lotion?"
  215. "Oh...yeah, one sec."
  216. >You suddenly feel like a jerk for not thinking of that sooner.
  217. >There's no way hooves could feel good even with lotion, she must be incredibly horny to attempt it dry.
  218. >You make your way back to your room, feeling her eyes on your posterior as you leave. You don’t mind, you have your thoughts so you’ll allow her hers.
  219. >Suddenly, a thought gives you pause.
  220. >It was a bit...intimate, but it would certainly fix the problem.
  221. >You return with a bottle of lube in one hand and your veteran cocksleeve in the other.
  222. >Her eyes widen as she registers what it is.
  223. >"Oh, nice! That oughtta help ya!"
  224. "Actually, I was wondering if you wanted it?"
  225. >She looks at you surprised.
  226. "Hands are pretty good at this sorta thing so you need it more than I do, promise."
  227. >She tucks her ears and bites her lip before nodding. She didn’t do a very good job of hiding her excitement.
  228. >You squeeze a liberal amount of the clear goo inside before handing it over.
  229. >The first thing she does is sniff the opening.
  230. "I cleaned it you know! You don't have to do...that..." You blush deeply at the act, and more so at the fact she sniffs it again.
  231. >"Y-yeah..." Sweat drips from her brow and she gulps, clearly all the randier for having huffed your thoroughly marked orifice.
  232. >She moves it to her flared tip with shaky hooves, her nostrils still flaring.
  233. >What is with ponies and that sort of thing?
  234. >Maybe it was just some sort of instinct?
  235. >Either way it was clear that the fact it was well used didn't bother her in the slightest.
  236. >In fact, she looks quite eager to get inside of it...but that could just be because she's never used one before.
  237. >Lube dribbles onto her glans as it flares wildly, spurting watery pre, lurching up in uncontrolled, shaky movements as she tries to mate her slippery tip to the slippery slit.
  238. >She tries to brace her member with a hoof but when she does the silicone nearly slips from her grip entirely.
  239. "Here, hold on."
  240. >You take the sleeve from her grasp, letting her use both hands to point her tool.
  241. >Your gaze turns to her face and she bites her lip as you slowly press the sleeve over her tip.
  242. >You hesitate, waiting for her to say her thanks and take control, but instead she just gives you a look of desperation.
  243. >Screw it, you always liked her anyways.
  244. >You bring both hands to the sleeve and squeeze around the pliable material as you drive it all the way to the base of her turgid cock with a lewd squelch.
  245. >"Ngah!"
  246. >Her hips jerk and you pull it off until only her tip is swelling the entrance of the canal.
  247. >You wait a second longer than necessary to appreciate the inches of glistening mare meat, then drive it back down, this time with a distinct twisting motion.
  248. >"Oooohohoho-yeah!"
  249. >It was a good decision to share.
  250. >One hand moves to brace on her inner thigh as the other starts working the toy up and down her shaft in regular intervals.
  251. >You never thought you'd be finishing today, or any day, jacking off your best friend, but here you are.
  252. >Well, you're not sure best friend is the best way to describe this anymore.
  253. >Whatever, you'll sort it out later.
  254. >"Hnnng-t-there!"
  255. >She seemed to like it when you put extra pressure around her medial ring.
  256. >The mare donates more fresh sweat and hot breath and you donate the effort, together you were working towards your shared interest of jerking her off.
  257. >The satisfying grunts of pleasure are all the motivation you need to continuously strive to find the spots she liked.
  258. >Twisting, hilting, squeezing around the toy...your off hand even finds its way to her clammy testicles to give them a gentle tug.
  259. >"Ah! Wait!"
  260. >You stop juggling her balls and move farther under to run your fingers along the incredibly hot and slimy cleft of her marebits.
  261. >"Sto-hah! Anon hold on!"
  262. >She finally gets your attention and you relent.
  263. "What's wrong? You looked close."
  264. >For a moment you're afraid you'd overstepped your boundaries.
  265. >"Yeah, I know! I wanna get you off too you know!"
  266. "Oh."
  267. >You'd forgotten about that for a bit, honestly.
  268. >Looking down you do indeed still have an erection.
  269. >You're not sure what she had in mind but...
  270. "It'll take forever if we keep switching off."
  271. >You blush hard at the insinuation of putting your dick right where hers had been, and also because that was the only option you were willing to entertain despite the plethora of other ways to achieve the same goal.
  272. >"Well yeah,"
  273. >You feel a wave of relief; things were getting heated and it’d be difficult enough explaining what you’d already done once you get your post-horny mindsets back. She’d saved you from your own inner desires.
  274. >"I was thinking maybe, there's room for one more?"
  275. >She was already too flushed to tell if that idea made her blush any further, what you are aware of, however, is that she's pulling on the opening of the toy to reveal a tight, wet, recently warmed gap right next to her throbbing cock.
  276. >You gulp.
  277. >The heat returns sevenfold.
  278. >You'd end up using it after her anyways, as well as having to deal with the awkwardness of fapping alone after she was finished.
  279. >Besides, secondhand dick is like secondhand smoke, right?
  280. >It'd be the same thing regardless of whether or not you were rubbing against her actual cock or just where it had recently been...yeah.
  281. >That makes sense.
  282. >You swallow and nod.
  283. >She immediately shuffles closer to you and spreads her legs before leaning back a bit.
  284. >You bring your crotch to hers and lean over her, ignoring her breath inches from your face.
  285. >There was no point in delaying the inevitable so you aim your member down and immediately find the loose, slick skin of her sheath.
  286. >A bit farther up and you're gliding along her length and stretching out the elastic cavity beyond what it was designed to hold.
  287. >"Ngh! T-there!"
  290. >A painfully loud squelch echoes out as you hilt right beside her.
  291. >The toy certainly feels better than a hand, but your neighbor is who steals all your attention.
  292. >You feel every throbbing vein along her cock, and her medial ring is the only firmly textured ridge in the whole slimy environment.
  293. >You quickly find a rhythm that works--alternating shallow pumps as you work the toy down to meet both cocks as they move.
  294. >"F-feel good f-for ya too?" Dash winces as she slurps up a bit of drool that tries to escape her.
  295. "Mhmmm!"
  296. >What started off as a somewhat awkward sitting position slowly morphed into Dash laying on her back and you leaning over her.
  297. >The sweat, the smell, the embarrassing sounds coming from your middle...none of that mattered anymore.
  298. >It was just two creatures with an affinity for one another, blatantly masturbating together.
  299. >No one was trying to look good, no one was concerned about appearances, and both parties were very quickly learning that it was safe to loose their inhibitions around the other.
  300. >The more you fapped, the more your balls slapped and your cocks rubbed their pheromones into the other’s sensitive skin, the more you wanted to feel and the more you wanted to share.
  301. >Dash sees you slowing your pace, your arm getting tired of pumping for the both of you.
  302. >"Here...*huff* I got it big guy-ngh..."
  303. >Dash's free hooves move to take hold of the sleeve so you don't have to brace with only one hand. She looks you in the eye and nods at the hand off.
  304. >She works it much the same way you did, with the exception of applying more noticeable pressure on your end.
  305. “Oooah! That’s good.”
  306. >She snickers and winces as a drop of your sweat hits her nose.
  307. >A pink tongue darts out to lick your salty flavor and her beautiful magenta eyes meet yours, giving you a joyous smile as she quite obviously does her best to rub you off…with the sleeve as well as her cock.
  308. >The mare's hips thrust up and you feel her spongy urethra on the bottom of her cock press against yours.
  309. >The errant pubes her testicles tickle yours and spark an itch that you subsequently try to quell by rubbing your balls together...starting the whole process over again.
  310. >You groan and you feel your ears heat up, knowing you just affirmed any suspicions that you enjoyed the feel of her penis more than the other things going on.
  311. >Marecock-tainted lube drips from the thoroughly fucked orifice and stains her cyan crotch and in the background you can hear her clit winking out of her slick cleft in conjunction with the waves of pleasure.
  312. >Your hands brace on her erect wings.
  313. >”Aaaagh!”
  314. >A knowing look is shared between you and you rub her wings once more, kneading the joints and sifting through her feathers.
  315. >”Oh-uuuuunh-Anon keep rubbing!”
  316. >There was no excuse you could make for what you were doing anymore.
  317. >What had been a selfish endeavor had turned into a thinly veiled excuse to touch one another.
  318. >Now it was nothing short of a selfless expression of deep affection and perhaps something more.
  319. >It was incredible how good it felt to surrender the responsibility of your pleasuring to someone you trusted.
  320. >As it turned out, the mare was much better at working you up than you could ever hope to be, and the same went for your efforts towards her.
  321. >The humping and squelching pick up pace and the cocksleeve becomes little more than assistant to your frotting.
  322. >You can tell she’s growing close when she hilts in the sleeve.
  323. >The mere thought of what was coming and what she’d be squirting not only onto your sex, but staining the innards of your surely-to-be reused toy with is more than enough to put you right on the precipice.
  324. >You follow pace after her, hilting to mash the full length of your cocks together along with your plump nuts, then nudging deeper.
  325. >You lock eyes, nose-to-nose, filling each other's lungs with hot breath.
  326. >Your glans feels the ridged edge of her flare and you abandon her wing to grip the shared bulge in the tip of the silicone.
  327. >The added pressure squeezes your cockheads together and Dash desperately whimpers and jerks her hips to rub her penis against yours just a little more.
  328. >Her tongue shoots out to lick at your lips and the moment your own slick muscle emerges to touch hers she moans into your mouth.
  329. >"Ngaaaaaah-mmmmhh!"
  330. >Her wings go rigid and her tail tries to pull back against the weight of her rump on the cushion.
  331. >Your lips collapse over hers and you breathe the sensual cry directly from her throat.
  332. >You don't realize you have a deathgrip on the base of your cocks through the sleeve until you suddenly feel just your glans swimming in a turbulent rush of hot fluid.
  333. >The bottom of the silicone bubbles with her ejaculate and her living essence permeates your sensitive tip, the sheer pressure sending it back down your own urethra until the rush your urgent semen expels it.
  334. >Dash takes over the job of primary licker as pleasure paralysis hits you and your grip on the toy weakens.
  335. >The elastic bubble instantly deflates and the entire volume of your semen mix douses your sunken cocks and jets out the gaps on the side to glue your balls together and stain a foot of her tail.
  336. >The loud--
  337. --*Splrrrrppt!*
  338. >Seems a fitting end to what could only be described as a very messy and long overdue activity for the both of you.
  339. >You break the kiss with a pop and return to huffing into one another's lungs.
  340. >Only now do your eyes dare to blink--having never left hers for a moment of passion.
  341. >She smiles softly and nuzzles you affectionately.
  342. >You sigh and lay down on top of her, letting her take your weight as your cocks go limp between you.
  343. >"That was...*huff*...awesome!"
  344. >You give her rump a pat and eloquently reply.
  345. "Mhmm..."
  346. >You can't bring yourself to move right now.
  347. >The whole world was this pony, this incredible mare, and you never want that to change.
  348. >"Heheh! I guess you weren't kidding about liking my scent..."
  349. >It takes a moment to understand what caused her to bring that up.
  350. >Then you realize you have your face buried in her neck.
  351. >Well duh, how else were you going to fill your lungs with the incredible mix of petrichor and Rainbow Dash?
  352. >Silly mare.
  353. >By the time you decide on your response it's too late to really consider it a response, and you end up just kissing her cheek for the fun of it.
  354. >Her eyes find yours again.
  355. "Hey."
  356. >"Hey."
  357. >Her heart thuds in her chest--in sync with yours just a few inches away.
  358. >"I think you sorta like me." She smirks.
  359. "Like you?" You caress her cheek, "I love you Rainbow Dash."
  360. >Her eyes well up and her cheeks glow with joy.
  361. >Her grip around your middle tightens and her cock lets out one last triumphant twitch.
  362. >"I-I love you too."
  363. >Your lips meet for the second time.
  364. >The dance was far more delicate and sensual without their owners in the throes of climax, yet they were somehow just as needy.
  365. >Your members slip out of the sleeve and you break the kiss only after feeling nearly all of its content’s empty in-between your bellies.
  366. >Well it was mostly on Dash, but it serves her right since she contributed most of the volume.
  367. >You roll off the pony, her sweaty fur sticking to your skin and leaving unruly lumps spiking this way and that.
  368. >It feels like you've just run a marathon and it smells like a hundred horny mares ran it with you.
  369. >But you couldn't have been more comfortable if you tried.
  370. >Dash looks down for the first time in a few minutes and snickers at the quickly gelling puddle of her off-white jizz mixed with your pearly white streaks.
  371. >It pooled in her belly button and filled every crevice and wrinkle between her legs.
  372. >Her own limp cock was too spent to fully retreat and the last three inches of limp pink snake lay in the midst of it all like the victim of a violent, splattering crime scene.
  373. >You look over at yourself and see a webbing of murky pegasus cum doing its best to glue you together.
  374. >The mere sight of it almost makes you want to go again.
  375. >"So uh...does this mean we can do this like, everyday now?"
  376. >You look over at the mare in your arms.
  377. "I can help you move your stuff in tomorrow."
  383. >You awake to the soft sound of breathing and a penetrating warmth from the body of the pegasus sleeping against you.
  384. >A ray of sunlight peeks through the cracks in the curtains; a stuffy haze of dust and dandruff glitter as they float along unseen air currents.
  385. >You notice a spot of hot drool growing colder as it runs off your chest and down your side.
  386. >A lone cyan wing spreads across you in a gesture that was brazenly posessive.
  387. >Dash had stuck to you like glue ever since your heated encounter two days ago.
  388. >The whole rubbing dicks thing seemingly entrenched your relationship and made the normally brash mare quite tame.
  389. >She'd surprised you to say the least. It was as if she'd never had the chance to express her loving side to anyone before and now you were the sole benefactor of a bottomless well of pent up affection.
  390. >Not that you were complaining.
  391. >If there was one thing you've come to realize it's how bad you needed this in your life.
  392. >How bad you needed her.
  393. >You run your fingers through her mane and comb some locks away from her shut eyes.
  394. >She'd been your best friend for so long you'd never realized just how beautiful a creature she was.
  395. >You'd taken much of her for granted, actually.
  396. >Her cool confidence, her genuine concern, her loyalty and persistence in sticking with you even if she knew you were wrong.
  397. >She went her own way, carved her own path in life and did it with an infectious joy that brightened your day just by being around her.
  398. >She'd given so much to you that the only goal in your life right now is to make her as happy as you possibly can.
  399. >And judging by your conversations and interactions over the past few days, you'll have the rest of your life to do it.
  400. >You sigh and lay back--listeing to the sound of her breathing and the subtle thumping of her heart.
  401. >A hot, sticky penis throbs against your thigh and the scent of her feminine musk permeates the room.
  402. >Apparently morning dew came with her morning wood.
  403. >You snicker.
  404. >You would be in heaven right now if it weren't Monday.
  405. >A glance over at the alarm clock tells you there's another few minutes before the alarm sounds.
  406. >You look back down to the mare gripping your chest like it's her long lost stuffed teddy from her childhood.
  407. "Hey...good morning cutie."
  408. >She stirs a little as you comb her mane.
  409. "Time to wake up now." You whisper.
  410. >Two magenta eyes flutter open to see your soft smile and loving look.
  411. >She smiles back and licks your wrist as you stroke her mane again.
  412. "Sleep well?"
  413. >"Mhmm." She groans and yawns, buffeting your face with morning breath before returing to her default look of dopey joy.
  414. >She clambers up you, unsticking the sweaty points of contact before laying her head back down attentively on your chest, her cock noticeably on your stomach.
  415. >She'd learned that her unique anatomy wasn't something to hide, a major accomplishment that was realized yesterday after your fifth and final jerk session of the weekend.
  416. >She'd taken to using the toy on you while you used your hands on her.
  417. >Apparently she really liked that.
  418. >She was still a little timid with her mare parts, but you suspected she'd come around soon enough once she got over the excitement of being able to use her cock for once without worrying what others would think.
  419. >The mare's confidence in life didn't completely bleed over to shows of affection, though.
  420. >Often times bringing too much attention to her 'mushy' side only scared it back into hiding.
  421. >She was pretty new to the whole relationship thing so she only had her instincts and a crappy sub-plot of a Daring-Do book to go off of.
  422. >So far, however, she was doing great.
  423. >Of course you wouldn't know any better since this was the first time you've genuinely cared for another as well.
  424. >You quirk a brow at her and she matches it.
  425. "You look like you have something to tell me?" You grin.
  426. >"Can we s-smooch? Please?" She rambles as if she were waiting for the opportunity to ask.
  427. >A blush grows on her face as the smile grows on yours.
  428. "What! You want to kiss on the lips, so scandalous!"
  429. >Her face lights on fire at your teasing.
  430. >You were trying to teach her that it was ok to be more open with her wants.
  431. >Maybe this wasn't the best way to go about it, but it was entertaining.
  432. >It was also exactly what was going through her mind which is why you got the reaction you did.
  433. "You shot your cum up my nose yesterday Dash, I think I'm fine with you putting your tongue in my mouth whenever you feel like it."
  434. >She looks down and pins her ears but you hear her lick her lips.
  435. >"Yeah well, that was your fault ya know."
  436. "Just kiss me you silly pony."
  437. >You pick her face up out of her hooves and both lunge into the kiss like her mouth was an oasis in the middle of the desert.
  438. >Your hand moves under her tail to tickle her low hanging balls and you feel her cock surge.
  439. >The jarring alarm sounding off forces you apart and you slap snooze.
  440. >You give her an apologetic look.
  441. "Sorry, got to go to work."
  442. >She nuzzles into your jaw and leaves you with a parting peck.
  443. >"Better make sure you're ready to finish what you started when you get back."
  447. "You can bet on that." You wink before sharing a parting kiss then rolling out of bed to start your morning routines.
  448. >Work was long and tedious and it took even longer thinking about your partner out there in the hot sun working up a sweat and toning her incredibly attractive form even further.
  449. >To make matters worse you ended up needing to stay overtime.
  450. >It was dark by the time you left work and made the commute back home.
  451. >You sigh as you reach the front door, mentally preparing an apology.
  452. >The lights were on when you walk in, and it smelled like dinner had already been prepared.
  453. >It was kind of cute how quickly she adapted to living with you.
  454. "Hey Dash?"
  455. >No response.
  456. >You set your things down and take off your shoes, noting that her Wonderbolt's uniform isn't on the coat rack where she normally hangs it.
  457. >That's when you hear it.
  458. >A harsh whisper from your room down the hall.
  459. >"A-anon!"
  460. >It wasn't like her to be quiet.
  461. >You walk forward curiously, your socks making your steps silent on the floor.
  462. >The closer you get the more you pick up on the sounds of labored breathing and the odd wet squeak.
  463. >You swallow the lump in your throat but do nothing to fight the growing pressure in your pants.
  464. >The door to your room opens to reveal a jaw-drppping sight.
  465. >Rainbow Dash was half-undressed from her uniform with one foreleg free and her zipper completely undone, propped up on the side of the bed with her face buried in your pillow.
  466. >Her tail flails, the zipper near her nuts jingles, and her hips desperately hump into your silicone sleeve that she'd placed between the box spring and the mattress.
  467. >"Mmgh! Anon you feel so good!"
  468. >One nut hangs free from her suit--dangling some stubbornly viscous murky white slime as she hilts her turgid cock into the toy again.
  469. >Her wings stretch a bit harder from the burst of pleasure and her buttocks clench the fabric of her suit.
  470. >A mouthful of fabric is clenched between her teeth and her forelegs wrap around the pillow in a very distinct fashion
  471. >Apparently, she wasn't all that different from you when it came to certain fantasies, ones that you quite honestly hadn't considered yet.
  472. "...wow..."
  473. >You don't realize you said that out loud until she spins around.
  474. >She stumbles backwards in surprise, dropping your pillow and unhilting her cock from the drooling orifice with a violent slurp and a dazzling display of creamy splatter.
  475. >"A-Anon! Ha, y-you're home early!" Her cheeks flush and she stands like she's caught with her hoof in the cookie jar.
  476. >Her cherry red appendage throbs against her belly, stringing thick globs of pale lube from her stomach fur to the floor.
  477. >You step in and close the door.
  478. >She steps back when she sees you eye her piece.
  479. >You go a day without jerking her off and she's right back to feeling bashful about her body; you swear someday she'll learn.
  480. "I'm actually two hours late."
  481. >"Oh, y-yeah."
  482. >You examine the damage done to the toy and the wetted sheets.
  483. >The whole room was rank with the damp scent of sweat and sex, how much of it was from the weekend and how much was from the mare's recent activities you weren't sure.
  484. "And here I was worried I'd blueballed you."
  485. >You note the cum dripping from the toy.
  486. >She must've been working on at least round three judging by how much was still oozing out.
  487. >She gulps.
  488. >You approach her and lean down to kiss the top of her snout, noting her unique salty taste.
  489. >She gives you a guilty look.
  490. "Alright, spill the beans."
  491. >She looks down at her hooves.
  492. >"Sorry I didn't wait for you."
  493. >Her cheeks grow rosy as you take a knee down in front of her.
  494. "Hey there, I'm not mad." A thumb rubs her cheek and you tilt her chin up to look at you, "I'm just sorry I couldn't be here for you when you needed me."
  495. >You kiss her nose and she returns the kiss on your lips.
  496. >"You're here for me now."
  497. >She smiles.
  498. "That I am."
  499. >She leans into you, pressing her spit-slick lips into yours, her tongue lapping vigorously at your teeth.
  500. >You unbutton your shirt and pants, quickly slipping out of your clothes while fighting a giggle at the ticklish sensation of her long tongue curling across the roof of your mouth.
  501. >Finally bare under her, you feel something cool and runny hit your abdomen.
  502. >You break the kiss and take a good look at the eye candy.
  503. >A throbbing watermelon cock bobbing above a languidly hanging nut, coated in a glazing of its own ejaculate.
  504. >The same fluid that was dripping onto your belly like syrup.
  505. "Oh geez."
  506. >Dash bites her lip and sits down, rocking back until the impression of your cock sinks into the cleft between her suit-covered cheeks.
  507. >You bite your tongue and look up at her.
  508. >Even with the sweat soaked barrier, this was still a big step for you two.
  509. >You groan and hump back into her, the tip of your cock presses past the end of her zipper and into the back of loose skin of her exposed testicle.
  510. >As pleasant as the wet fabric between her cheeks was, you needed to feel her bare skin.
  511. >Your hands move to her hips and you slowly work farther up her crevice; each hump presses your glans into the back of her tacky, sparsely-pubed sack and eventually tugs her second nut free from the pocket of her suit.
  512. >"Ngh!"
  513. >You sit up and shift positions until she's on your lap with her hindlegs hooked around your hips.
  514. >Her liberated nuts carry the volume of a small orange and pool in your lap around your slicked spire.
  515. >She hooks her foreleg around your neck and smiles.
  516. >"Heh! Hold still a sec!"
  517. >She looks down and gyrates her hips to massage her sour, cum smeared nuts into your erection.
  518. >You groan and push into her crotch meat.
  519. "I've been thinking about you all day." You whisper.
  520. >She nuzzles your chin.
  521. >"Me too big guy."
  522. >She snickers and works her hips a bit more deliberately.
  523. >The air between you was scorched with her hot breath and spicy frame.
  524. >A hand slips from her sweaty fur so you relocate it firmly on her rump.
  525. "Didn't even manage to make it out of your suit before you got randy?" You tug at the hem of her undone collar.
  526. >"Heh, uhh...this thing always gives me trouble."
  527. "Well good thing it opens up enough to let you pee-ah!"
  528. >Dash fears she's hurt you and rises to her hooves, backing off and taking two of your pubic hairs with her in her crotch zipper.
  529. >Your hand moves to your nuts to console them through the stinging pain.
  530. >She puts two and two together.
  531. >"Oh I'm sorry Anon! I forgot that thing was down there!"
  532. >She rushes back to you, tentatively moving her forehoof to console your tender organs as her worried eyes search yours for forgiveness.
  533. "If you wanted me to shave there's an easier way to let me know." You tease.
  534. >She looks even more distraught.
  535. "Hey now, don't be upset. I'm fine, it was an accident."
  536. >You pull her head into your neck and plant a kiss on her ear.
  537. "Remind me to give that balljob another shot when you're naked." You whisper into a fuzzy ear that twitches at the sensation of your breath.
  538. >You don't need to see her to know that got her flustered.
  539. "Don't think I didn't hear you earlier, or know what you were thinking about either..." You finish the soft tease by playfully biting her ear.
  540. >The sound of her wet cock hitting her belly reminds you that there was a very real pent up mare underneath the calm and collective facade she was trying to keep up, and sympathy gets the better of you.
  541. >Her eyes are perfect indicators of how nervous she was about being found like that.
  542. >"S-sorry."
  543. >You frown.
  544. >Her ears tuck and it looks like a puppy being scolded.
  545. "You don't have to be sorry for anything!"
  546. >You caress her face and pull her to your chest until her forelegs give in and brace on your shoulders.
  547. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with what you were doing."
  548. >You look over to the still oozing silicone.
  549. >While that wasn't something you were ready for at the moment, there was certainly something a bit touching about the whole situation.
  550. "It only makes sense that you would want to love your favorite human."
  551. >She looks like a boiler about to blow and you don't blame her.
  552. "Now let’s finish what you started, how about that?"
  553. >You hear her gulp and you pat her mane before pulling back to look at her pretty rainbow face.
  554. >Your lips crash into hers and impart a ravishing kiss that gets the juices flowing once more.
  555. >Using your position to your advantage, you walk her over to the edge of the bed before pulling her hooves of your shoulders and placing them on the mattress.
  556. >"A-anon?"
  557. >You answer her unspoken question by firmly grasping her sticky shaft as you move to stand behind her, your other hand holds her belly to brace her as you rewet her tip on the mouth of the drooling toy.
  558. >Her mane tickles your nose as you rest your cheek on the top of her head, breathing gently and working off the feel alone.
  559. "You're really making a mess of my toy you know." You whisper as you use your hips to push hers forward.
  560. >Silicone gives way to firm flesh an she squirms underneath you at the feeling of penetration.
  561. >You reach forward, your thumb ribbing the rim of her crown to make sure she was guiding in properly.
  562. >The flat tip of her tool made things a bit more difficult to initiate.
  563. >"Anon that's messy b-be careful!" She stammers.
  564. >If she was talking about the deluge of what was at least her two previous loads running across your fingers and dripping off your wrist, her warning was a bit too late.
  565. >If she was talking about the ripe musk that perpetually clung to the very base of her shaft where it disappeared into her sheath--the part your hand was migrating to--then she would need to think of another excuse to stop you.
  566. >Fingers spider out around her slowly thickening shaft as you reach farther back.
  567. >The mare tenses under you, a drop of sweat hits your support arm and she squirms as you kiss her ear.
  568. "You're a very special pony, Rainbow."
  569. >You drift past her medial ring and hear a hindhoof reflexively kick the carpet.
  570. >But she's going nowhere in your firm hold.
  571. "You deserve all the love in the world." Your whisper coaxes a desperate whimper from her throat.
  572. >Her meat was at its thickest and you feel the rim of her loose, greasy sheath.
  573. >But your fingers don't stop.
  574. >Her spine goes rigid and her whole body shudders as your digits continue to trace the outline of her randy cock inside her sheath.
  575. >"Mmmgh...nnnngh!"
  576. >Another kiss, another whisper.
  577. "And you deserve as much pleasure as you can imagine..."
  578. >Lips nibble down to kiss her temple just as your fingers bottom out in the sweltering humidity of her sheath.
  579. >One thing was certain, she wasn't kidding about her sheath putting her at a disadvantage.
  580. >A good inch and a quarter of good usable shaft lay buried in her body...never to see the light of day except on the odd occasion she contracts a pesky human companion.
  581. >Another thing that becomes obvious is how horribly inept hooves and even washrags are at reaching this spot in the shower.
  582. >The smell didn't put you off or anything, but it was definitely a noticeable change in the air.
  583. >If anything, it was a bit thrilling to experience another intimate aspect of her life that she kept hidden from everyone else.
  584. >None of that mattered now though, her tail flicking between your things was a firm reminder that you'd interrupted her as she was getting off.
  585. >It was your duty to make it up to her.
  586. >Your pelvis pushes forward, carrying her rump with it and forcing her inches of meat to slowly hilt into the toy.
  587. >"Oooooh-hohohoo Anon!"
  588. >She groans and moves a forehoof to cling to your supporting arm as her hindhooves slip on the carpet.
  589. "That's it, get nice and deep."
  590. >You nudge her hips deeper and feel them buck on their own, gyrating them and in turn her cock, working the full circumference of her shaft against the frayed orifice.
  591. >Lewd squelches fill the room and you keep your other hand firmly grasped around the root of her penis--kneading the squishy folds of sheath like dough.
  592. >You lay off her hips and let her pull out, running your hand along a few inches of her shaft before plunging her back in to the hilt.
  593. >"Ngh!" She bites her lip and grunts.
  594. >The smell of bleachy semen was starting to be matched by the mare's working body and the pungence of her recently unexposed genital flesh.
  595. >It didn't matter what she smelled like though, or what she looked like, or whether her fur and feathers and mane were kept.
  596. >All that mattered was the amount of pleasure that was going through her precious mind.
  597. >Every nudge and shudder and throb is felt against your hands and chest, or heard in her breath, or sensed through the beat of her heart.
  598. >You were plugged into her in every way except literally and it was exhilarating enough.
  599. >Her breaths come short and ragged as you guide her masturbation; you each had a say in when and how hard to thrust.
  600. >If she moved first you would quadruple her effort with your stronger legs--absolutely planting her dick into the slimy hole and grinding it around until she relaxed and you both pulled back.
  601. >If you moved first, she would respond like lightening in an attempt to hilt before your hips hit the back of hers and forced her glans to bulge the back of the silicone.
  602. >Her sweat covered your clothes, drops of drool she was unable to slurp up run down your arm and your cock hand was absolutely slathered in old cum, new sweat and whatever other pheromonal concoction that seeped from her naked pores.
  603. >The bulge in your pants becomes soaked through with the lubricant from her mare parts after the first minute of humping into her ass.
  604. >You don't notice it until you catch a glimpse of a few clear strings connecting your clothes to somewhere under her flickering tail during one uncoordinated withdrawal.
  605. >Pause to unbutton your pants and drop them to the floor.
  606. >The sound of them hitting the ground perks Dash's ears and she looks back with excitement.
  607. >"A-are we gonna r-r-rub?"
  608. >You push back to hilt her hips again, your bulge now veiled by a thin layer of your briefs.
  609. >The heat of her buttcrack is much more apparent as is the moisture of her sex.
  610. >You feel it wet your bare skin under the fabric and you pull back again.
  611. "Do you want to rub?" You ask as calmly as you can.
  612. >She stops moving and nods without looking back.
  613. >You slide down your briefs and kick the clothing free before guiding your cock into the crevice between her pendulous ballsack and thigh.
  614. >You see your cockhead emerge against the rolling mounds of almost matching sheath meat and you reach down to lubricate it with Dash's emissions.
  615. >The naked skin on skin contact spurs her on and your shared movements become much more vigorous and driven.
  616. >Dash's cock into the makeshift pussy and your cock into the clammy pseudo orifice of her sweaty crotch.
  617. >It was more than enough to get both of your off alone, but together...it was unreal.
  618. >All you can hear is her breathing and the nasty squirts and slurps and splurts coming up from below, almost split evenly between yours and her respective actions.
  619. >"A-anon I gotta-mgh!"
  620. >You lick her salty cheek and move both hands down below to fondle her nuts as well as press her loose skin into the path of your pumping cockhead.
  621. "You gotta-*huff...what?"
  622. >Her wiry pubes were spaced perfectly to scratch your skin in just the right way.
  623. >Winking mare hood donates lubrication onto you base which slowly works into the seam.
  624. >"A-anon you're so...hot."
  625. >You hilt forcefully in her thighs forcing the air to escape in the sound of a fart.
  626. "Am I? Hnngh! Do I feel good?"
  627. >She grits her teeth and her movements get more sporadic as she almost relinquishes control to you, letting her hips ride yours into the penetration.
  628. >"You feel so good!"
  629. "Yeah?" You nibble her jawline as she grunts, "I bet you wanna cum in me don't you?"
  630. >Her only response is a pained whimper.
  631. >She may be too modest to voice it, but there was no doubt that deep down your little mare was filled with the same urge you were for passionate penetration.
  632. >She couldn't help it, no matter what your relationship dynamic she couldn't stop the desires from forming.
  633. >It only made sense considering the extra equipment and you certainly don't take offence.
  634. >In fact, for someone who always considered themselves as straight as a stripper pole, it's kind of flattering.
  635. >But more importantly the fantasy seems to really get her off.
  636. >Her hips jerk and her body writhes and deep within you feel her shaft swelling and crowning.
  637. >"I-I-It's coming out!" She warns.
  638. >The lithe pegasus mare convulses, throwing her head back into your neck and snorting like a bull moose.
  639. >Strings of slaver bubble past her drooling grimace and hind hooves threaten to rip up the carpet with how hard they were trying to bury her cock.
  640. >In theory, the smell, the sound, the unflattering visuals...it may have all amounted to something far from picturesque.
  641. >But in reality, to someone who was there with his member tucked against her nuts, actively loving the wild pegasus, it was a glimpse of heaven.
  642. >"Huuugh! Uuuuuunnh!" She groans so hard you're afraid she might puke.
  643. >But she doesn't. Not from her mouth or anywhere else.
  644. >Her urethra dilates and pulses with an empty stream, her glans is frozen in a flare at the end of a cock that refuses to relax.
  645. >At the very base of her sheath your hand clenched her root, your middle finger collapsing her urethral bulge as a secondary safety for your other hand planted firmly in the wet meat of her gooch righ behind her balls.
  646. >The pressure on her Vas Deferens was almost enough to make her feel light on her hooves, and it was more than enough to prevent her ejaculate from flowing.
  647. >You hold it until you feel the desperate pulsing at your fingertips relent and you know her window for excretion has passed.
  648. "You think I'm going to spend all day at work dreaming about you and then let you off that easy?" You ask as softly as you can.
  649. >Her eye meets yours and you could see she was shocked yet still incredibly horny for release.
  650. >Your penis pulls out from her thighs and snaps to attention before you grind it back into the two orifices under her tail.
  651. >It slides much easier than you expected.
  652. >Her anus puckers against your tip and you feel her labia fan out like a bun to your hot dog.
  653. >Her hooves move your hands to her hips.
  654. >"You owe me some cum after that." She says breathlessly.
  655. >You look at her questioningly as your cock throbs against her sticky skin and hers throbs agianst the mattress.
  656. >She answers the unspoken question by grinding her hips against you.
  657. >You feel her wink and a bead of her fluid runs down your shaft and drips off your balls.
  658. >Breathlessly, you wrap the pegasus in your arms under her legpits and crouch to mate your genitals.
  659. >Your face is buried in her neck where you nibble on the salty fur and inhale her intoxicating scent.
  660. >You feel her tail flick aginst your belly as your tip guides in between her slimy labia and tracks into the canal closer to the top.
  661. "Dash this is...oh!"
  662. >The hot, wet, hole was infinitely better than your toy. It lacked the definite texture of the molded silicone, but it was so much warmer and squishier.
  663. >It pulsed with her heartbeat and her natural lube not only stained you with her scent, but it was the perfect viscosity to smear all over your manhood.
  664. >"Nnngh!"
  665. >She rises to her hoof tips trying to shallow out the penetration.
  666. >Clearly this was a foreign sensation to her.
  667. >You treat that information with the reverence it deserves and momentarily pause to guide her slick penis back into your toy.
  668. >Her breath catches and her heartrate skyrockets.
  669. >You're both starting to sweat where you were clinging to one another, but that didn't matter. It was just more lube at this point.
  670. >Her hips jerk into the toy but she stops to clench on your tip out of fear of you leaving her.
  671. >You assuage her concern by slowly following her into the toy, keeping the inch or so of penetration in her as she slowly sinks herself into it.
  672. >When she bottoms out you dip a bit deeper--your blood pressure fighting her toned and constricting pelvic muscles.
  673. >You start to pull out and she follows suit.
  674. >Your hips act like an accordion as you develop a rhythm to your erotic movements.
  675. >Each time she hilted you worked yourself a bit deeper and each time you withdrew she grew a bit bolder in throwing her hips back with yours.
  676. >Before the minute's up your balls are clapping off one another's as you both repeatedly hilt into your respective holes.
  677. >Her body seemed confused yet incredibly pleased.
  678. >Dash's movements are staccato at first, momentary pauses to grind her cock or wink on your cock break up the otherwise fluid movements.
  679. >Soon enough that starts to fade and the only thing to interrupt the symphony of moans and pants are the occasional obnoxious queef from a slightly out of tune thrust.
  680. >You collapse on top of her, pinning her to the bed as your hips move in a blur.
  681. >She hilts and pauses to let you lay thirty seconds of solid pumps into her before she eases back into the thrusting herself.
  682. >Her teeth bite the comforter, spit bubbles pop from the corners of her mouth due to her labored breathing and uncontrollable salivation.
  683. >You nibble on the fur of her jaw, each breath you draw is forceful and deliberate as you inhale her raw scent and forcibly imprint it in your brain.
  684. >Everything about her, her rank suit clinging to her hooves, the stale sweat that you tasted in her fur, the sight of her mane and the smell of her breath--it was rewiring your brain and teaching you to associate it with the incredible sense of pleasure and belonging you were in the midst of.
  685. >Hands move to her middle only to be assaulted by a rush of slick skin and wet fur.
  686. >Dash slows and you do to, grinding your hilt around her orifice and forcing her body to secrete more cuntslime.
  687. >"Hnnng!"
  688. >Her hips come to a stop and she stands on her shaky hindlegs, allowing you to do whatever it was you were doing with her.
  689. >Fingers find the root of her steamy cock and follow it into her swampy sheath.
  690. >She jolts at the feeling and starts winking rapidly, moaning and whimpering into the bedsheets.
  691. "Shhh..."
  692. >You whisper into her ear before kissing it.
  693. >You finally get a firm grip on the slick meat and roll back her sheath with a bit of force to expose the extra inch of hidden pegasus penis.
  694. >Before she has a chance to understand your motive you thrust her hips into the toy, burying the fresh meat into the odiferous hole.
  695. >"Nngh! Ohooooh! An-Anon I-"
  696. >Your hips sandwich hers against the side of the mattress and the force of the press lets her take weight of her jittery legs for a moment.
  697. >One hand keeps her sheath folds out of the way while the other gropes around for her dripping balls.
  698. >You couldn't tell if it was sweat or her last cumshot but it makes the orbs slippery to the touch.
  699. >"I-I'm! I gotta c-cuuuh…!"
  700. >You grip them just in time to witness the inklings of orgasmic contraction.
  701. >The were so plump and full you weren't sure she'd survive any more edging.
  702. >It's a good thing you weren't even considering it at the moment.
  703. "That's it. Atta girl!"
  704. >You grunt and try to stave off the building tension in your loins while encouraging hers along.
  705. >A palm kneads her hefty balls.
  706. "Come on...mgh!...Let it all out. Mark that cock toy as your own!"
  707. >The breaths into her ear were as shaky as her lower lip and hindlegs.
  708. >You keep her hilted and squirming, her nerve-rich skin stretched taught over the underlying erectile tissue, her vagina stretched with the thickest part of your girth.
  709. >Then it happens.
  710. >"Ah!"
  711. >She draws in a sharp breath, jerks then grows as tense as a stone in your grasp.
  712. >You feel it first deep in her canal, a thundering undulation that builds in her center and ripples outwards to the entrance of her canal and up her cock.
  713. >Her urethra dilates and pulses in conjunction with her glans flaring hard enough to make the bedsprings creak.
  714. >The pulses are so intense that the sound of her actually ejaculating a moment later surprise you.
  715. >A muffled
  716. *ssssssssst sssssssssst*
  717. >Precludes a few pops and splurts of her load displacing any trapped air.
  718. >A jet of hot syrupy backwash tickles both your dangling sacks and that proves to be the last straw you needed to tip over the edge.
  719. >The uncertainly of whether or not your friend wanted to be cummed in was wiped away when you feel her wiggle her small rump back against you.
  720. >Your hands fall to her hips and you pull into her as hard as you can to squirt your DNA right against her cervix.
  721. >"Yeah!"
  722. >The enthusiastic cry drives you mad and makes you drain every ounce of juice you have available.
  723. >Only the quiet drone of the A/C and your breaths fill the afterglow.
  724. >Your sperm runs out to paste your hairy nuts together before dripping onto the floor--parallel with Dash's own dribble of semen.
  725. >You kiss the side of her neck before lifting yourself off her and pulling out of her wonderfully accepting body.
  726. >A harsh tickle from your balls sticking to hers for a few inches makes you twitch.
  727. >The moment you leave her she clenches and hops off the bed to keep your seed pooled inside as much as possible.
  728. >Her own limp dick unsheathes from the slathered toy and you meet her on a knee.
  729. >You meet in a passionate kiss before you convey your excitement with words.
  730. "That was incredible Dash!"
  731. >"Heh! You need to sex me in the rump more!"
  732. >You nod in breathless agreement and she cheerily licks a bead of sweat from the tip of your nose.
  733. >Your thoroughly inseminated toy catches your eye.
  734. >If it could even be called yours anymore.
  735. >Dash had taken a liking to it and you really have no need of it anymore so...
  736. "Well, you certainly took my words to heart." You gulp.
  737. >The billows of creamy yellow-white that pour from the gaping hole and the few strands of cyan fur and crumbs of her smeg that speckle its surface certainly masked any pony-speak, scent-mark you may have had on it before.
  738. >Dash blushes at the sight but you just pull her into your arms and kiss the side of her muzzle.
  739. "It looks like my mare's a stud, huh?"
  740. >Her ears catch fire and you kiss them.
  741. >"Y-you're the stud, big guy."
  742. >She nuzzles back and flicks her tail for emphasis.
  743. >You meet her in a brief kiss.
  744. "You better be careful miss, if you let me under that tail again, I might just find a way to put a foal in you." You smile.
  745. >She leans into your arms and throws a damp wing over your shoulders.
  746. >"Is that a promise?"

A Futa's Friend

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Berry Punch

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Celestia's Throne

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by Oneshots