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Berry Punch

By Oneshots
Created: 2020-12-20 18:51:51
Expiry: Never

  1. “So how’d you find out about this place?”
  2. >You try your best to focus on the purple mare next to you, “Berry” something or other.
  3. >It was fitting, she looked like a berry.
  4. >Her ass was so plump like a fresh fruit and…oh, right, her question.
  5. >”Y-yeah! Totally!” You yell over the din of the room.
  6. >That response doesn’t seem to jive with her quite right.
  7. >She was asking if you wanted another right?
  8. >Or was that the bartender?
  9. >Either way the smile doesn’t leave her face and in no time at all another drink appears next to your elbow.
  10. >Just like telekinesis…no telephone—telepathy. That one.
  11. >You down your sixth drink as the purple mare next to you watches.
  12. >”Thissstuff’s bretty gud fer the price!”
  13. >She seems to just smile some more.
  14. >It was nice to see a smile on her.
  15. >She wasn’t particularly pretty for a mare, nor did she have the most attractive lines, but she could drink like the Irish and you couldn’t leave that unchallenged.
  16. >You eventually won the competition, you don’t remember when, but it must’ve been a lot of drinks ago.
  17. >She says something and you clearly don’t register.
  18. >She leans in and puts a hoof on your thigh.
  19. >You lean your ear down to her muzzle to hear her better.
  20. “I said, do you want to get out of here it’s getting kinda loud!”
  21. >You look around at the bar jam packed with partying ponies in various states of inebriation.
  22. >You shrug.
  23. >”Where?”
  24. >She motions with her head before hopping off the bench and disappearing into the crowd.
  25. >In your drunken state she appears to vanish into thin air and you simply stay seated looking for her.
  26. >Suddenly she reappears with an annoyed look on her face.
  27. >She motions you down and you lean into her muzzle a second time.
  28. “Grab my tail so we don’t lose each other!”
  29. >You nod.
  30. >She spins around and flashes her bushy tail at you.
  31. >It was dark, but you could just make out the mounds of hairless skin between her cheeks.
  32. >Just briefly, but it was enough to get your mind on the topic.
  33. >It’d been quite a while since you’d gotten laid, and you were starting to realize that the mare pulling you through the crowd was a possible new partner.
  34. >Strange how you never thought of that earlier.
  35. >It was apparent now that she’d been hitting on you.
  36. >She leads you through the crowd and you eventually make it to the doors.
  37. >The bouncer watches you with passive interest as the mare leads you out into the street.
  38. >It was dark outside and there was no one walking the streets.
  39. >The tail still tugs you along and you numbly follow.
  40. >You end up stopping farther up the street on the stairs of a retail shop.
  41. >She sits down and you stumble and sit next to her.
  42. “Hehe, you can let go of my tail now Anon.”
  43. >Oh right.
  44. >You release it and it flicks a few times before landing on the wood floor next to her.
  45. >”I can defiantly hearyoou better.”
  46. >You lean into her for balance and she leans back for support.
  47. “I think you’re a bit looped Anon.”
  48. >”Ya thinnk?”
  49. >She smells kinda nice, there was the cheap perfume smell, but also something else.
  50. >She smelled like a mare…and it made you want more of her.
  51. >Suddenly you feel a fuzzy nose in your neck.
  52. >”Hmm? Berry?”
  53. >She responds by licking your neck up to your jawline.
  54. >You could smell the alcohol and mare-breath from here.
  55. >As gross as it was you had to admit it felt kinda nice.
  56. >It was a mixture between tickling and scratching an itch.
  57. >So you let her do it some more.
  58. >Lick after lick after lick until most of your neck and one side of your face was covered in mare slobber.
  59. >With each swipe of her tongue you feel the bulge in your pants grow.
  60. >But you don’t act on it.
  61. >After all, its not like she’d try to get frisky on the side of the street.
  62. “You taste good.”
  63. >You look at her and see a bit of a hazy look in her eyes.
  64. >She suddenly meets your mouth in a slobbery kiss.
  65. >You try to contain her enthusiasm as she unabashedly licks at your mouth to try and get her tongue inside.
  66. >It was so messy!
  67. >But as much as the feeling of wet pony mouth on yours was off-putting, another part of you welcomed it.
  68. >It was the most affection you’d gotten in forever
  69. >And you weren’t about to turn it down.
  70. >She senses your hesitation and pulls away—half a dozen sticky strings connecting your maws int the moonlight.
  71. “Anon, relax a bit will ya? Kissing’s got some health benefits you know.”
  72. >Before you can respond she pushes you over and lays on top as she starts back with the kiss.
  73. >”Lik-mmpf what?” You quip between sloppy attempts.
  74. >She huffs into your face.
  75. “I don’t know, like, immune system or something.”
  76. >That’s a good reason you guess.
  77. >You both get to strengthen your immune systems for free.
  78. >She goes back to your mouth and you open up for her.
  79. >She unceremoniously shoves her tongue down your throat.
  80. >“Gaack! *cough-wait? Howda know that?”
  81. “I rutted a doctor.”
  82. >Fair enough.
  83. >You start making out in earnest, generously sharing the slippery contents of your mouths.
  84. >Something prods at your belly but you pay no mind.
  85. >The mixture of her moans and the smacking of your mouths and the smell of her body reboots the boner in your pants.
  86. >She pulls away and sits up on your hips.
  87. >You suddenly become distinctly aware of her erection sticking up in midair.
  88. >You look questioningly at her.
  89. >”Here?”
  90. “Take them off.”
  91. >Yeah it’s happening here.
  92. >With some help from Berry you get your pants down to your knees before she gets busy.
  93. >She plants her hips back on your and starts humping her balls into your erection.
  94. “You’re a lot smoother than a stallion.”
  95. >Your cock fits between her testes and her ball sweat lubricates your movement.
  96. >You’re well aware of where this is going so you take the initiative and start lubing her up.
  97. >You angle her hard shaft towards you and start licking its length.
  98. “You seem to know your way around a mare.” She says with a smile.
  99. >Wet tongue slicks her flaring head in response.
  100. >That’s funny, you taste wine and don’t remember drinking any.
  101. >”You taste kinda like punch…Berry.”
  102. >Berry Punch that’s her name!
  103. >Your humor catches up at the irony.
  104. >”Hehehe!”
  105. “I’m sorry to say it’s not natural, some unicorn mare was licking me off this morning…her flavor must’ve lingered.”
  106. >Oh shit that’s…kinda hot.
  107. >You lick up all the flavoring.
  108. >You feel some wetness from her mare hole start to lather your crotch.
  109. >But once you finish lubing her length, her humping comes to a stop.
  110. “Roll over.”
  111. >You weren’t sure how you’d feel about this when sober, but right now you wanted to feel this mare all over you.
  112. >You comply and she throws her body over yours—mounting you.
  113. >Her warm chest fur feels nice against your back and you feel her warm-blooded shaft slap your thighs.
  114. >You clench them against the solid member and she instinctively bucks into your thighs.
  115. “H-hey! Lemme mount first dummy!”
  116. >With a snort she brings her tip to your butt and shoves it.
  117. >”Gah!”
  118. “Just, relax.”
  119. >You relax for her and she manages her head inside you.
  120. >You cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as she penetrates you, moving farther up on your back as she does.
  121. >She bites into the back of your neck where your hair tapered off to get some purchase.
  122. >”Ow!”
  123. >She lightens her grasp but keeps it as she starts rutting you as nature commanded her.
  124. >She wasn’t particularly big, but her flare and medial ring made her presence known.
  125. >Furry hips brush over yours as she fucks you.
  126. >You reach back with a hand and grasp for her undulating testes.
  127. >They were the size of tennis balls and enormous for her frame.
  128. >For any frame really.
  129. >You pull them down gently over your gouch and even past your own retreated sack.
  130. >After only a few seconds of solid humping she hilts and her breathing deepens.
  131. >She wasn’t flaring so you knew she wasn’t cumming yet.
  132. >That means if you reach far enough you could rub her slit before she came.
  133. >You’d always wondered what would happen if you hit both a mare’s spots at once.
  134. >But in the process of reaching your drunk ass falls over—taking your partner with you.
  135. “Ooof!”
  136. >She falls farther than you and her glistening cock pulls out into the cool night air.
  137. “D-dammit!”
  138. >Oh shit she was flaring.
  139. >In an effort to save her a ruined orgasm you reach down and pull her hips into yours by her erect shaft.
  140. >You come to sit on the base of her shaft and begin an hurried and un-coordinated hump as you vigorously jack her off.
  141. >The simple genital to genital contact seems to restore most of her pleasure and you snake a free hand down to caress her smooth eggs for good measure.
  142. >Suddenly you feel her silently cum.
  143. >It starts with a grotesque head flare, then her gonads pulse and shrink into her body, finally her shaft swells and her urethra bulges from her underside as it fills with high-pressure fluid.
  144. >In your sprawled position, you watch in seemingly slow-motion as unbelievably thick stream of sperm arcs gracefully over your body.
  145. >The first spurt clears your head but by the time you start tracking her second one…it hits you in the eye.
  146. >”Ah!”
  147. >It didn’t sting, or burn, but the sheer impact velocity made it an uncomfortable sensation to be sure.
  148. >You feel the last few spurts paint your body through squinted eyes.
  149. >Then it stops, and all you can hear is the rushed breathing of Berry on the floor next to you.
  150. >You try your best to find your hands, but forget that they’re firmly affixed to the mare’s penis.
  151. >Berry rustles next to you and her limp member gets yanked from your grasp.
  152. >Oh, that’s where your hands were!
  153. >But before you can bring them up to wipe your eyes, you feel the familiar sensation of her tongue on your face.
  154. >Your hands collide with her face.
  155. “Ow! Watch it Anon I’m trying to do you a favor!”
  156. >As uncomfortable as it was, you resign yourself to letting the mare clean her own jizz off your face.
  157. >Her velvet tongue clears your squinted eye—replacing her foal juice with her spit.
  158. >This was her way of thanking you for the effort you put in to making her orgasm pleasureful.
  159. >She confirms her intentions with a surprisingly affectionate kiss on your lips.
  160. >As she pulls away a string of something spans the gap of your mouth.
  161. >”Thissisn’t very sanitary Berry…”
  162. >Heh, that rhymed.
  163. >But as you say that you become distinctly aware of the cool elastic string connecting your lips.
  164. >Your tongue swipes up to clear it just as Berry does the same.
  165. >Part of you irrationally hoped that it was grape jelly or chocolate pudding—anything to contrast the stifling and unwashed musk of this mare.
  166. >But it was her stringy, dehydrated jizz. A product of her drinking habit.
  167. >It wasn’t runny at all and felt more like jello than a liquid.
  168. >Before you can palate the foreign material, you become a victim of another one of Berry’s oral assaults.
  169. >What is it with this alcoholic mare and making out?
  170. >She must still taste the beer in your mouth or something.
  171. >She pulls away and leave a strong bitter aftertaste of jizz and jack.
  172. >You really need a nut right about now.
  173. “You’re clean, now eat me out.”
  174. >She lays towards your legs and moves her hips towards your face—spreading her legs for your attention.
  175. >”B-Berry come on! I haven’t even—ooh! N-nevermind.”
  176. >Her muzzle starts slobbering over your crotch and you feel your entire member enter a warm, wet, cavern.
  177. >You could easily fall asleep to this.
  178. >The lethargic movements of her head, the incredible slickness of her drooling maw, the slight suction that made it easy to for your head to flare against her tongue.
  179. >You were back far enough on her tongue to hit the bigger tastebuds at the rear…the added texture was incredible.
  180. >She readjusts and taps your forehead with her teats.
  181. >Right…you needed to fuck her too.
  182. >You pull yourself up by her butt and sloppily plant your face in her ass crack.
  183. >You weren’t sure where exactly you were so you start lapping at everything.
  184. >After a solid minute of noisy affection you still have no idea where her orifices are.
  185. >You finally bring up a hand into the mix and sift through the wet flesh with careful fingers.
  186. >You pull a against a mound of skin and see some pink pop out.
  187. >Gotcha.
  188. >You dive in and trap her clit with your lips.
  189. >Your mind completes the mental map and your free fingers dig in farther up her canal.
  190. >Surprisingly, her vaginal lubrication was a pleasant break from her salty and bitter tastes elsewhere.
  191. >It made you content in your position as her hind legs go limp around your head, their heavy dead weight trapping you there.
  192. >You keep doing your job and realize that Berry’s not moving her lips anymore, in fact, she’s broken the seal of suction too.
  193. >Your brain immediately jumps to the most implausible scenario and your hand moves to her chest in a panic to feel for a heartbeat.
  194. >Is it alcohol poisoning?
  195. *th-thump th-thump
  196. >Nope, still alive and breathing hot air on your wet crotch.
  197. >The damn mare fell asleep.
  198. >Of course.
  199. >But you were close enough that you weren’t stopping now.
  200. >You grab the limp rump at begin tongue fucking her hard as you hump your tortured member against her limp tongue.
  201. >The attention to her privates was more for your own pleasure at this point, the mare was so out of it she wouldn’t feel her own orgasm if she had one.
  202. >”Ah!”
  203. >You accidentally rub against her teeth.
  204. >Every few thrusts you hit the rough edges of her enamel—completely killing the vibe.
  205. >With the willpower of a horny drunk you pull yourself up and switch positions.
  206. >You prod her rear until you find her wet hole and plunge in.
  207. >The change of texture makes you cum immediately.
  208. >You hold your hilt in Berry until you finish emptying out your testicles, then you collapse into the sleeping mare.
  209. >You plant a kiss on her upper lip out of a sense of appreciation and promptly lose all your remaining energy.
  210. >You snuggle up into her warm fur and wiry mane.
  211. >Her breath stunk of jizz and alcohol, and her fur stunk of old perfume under new sweat…but she was warm and alive and she’d been willing to get off with you which was more than you could say about most mares.
  212. >The last bit that is.
  213. >And for that you were incredibly grateful. That was what kept you content and happy in the cool night air.
  214. >The thought crossed your mind that you were naked and covered in cum on some store’s patio, but you’ll cross that bridge in the morning.
  215. >Right now you were in for some sweet dreams.

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