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Negotiating Favors (Casual Sex)

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-20 22:07:40
Expiry: Never

  1. > Be Anon, reclining on the divan
  2. "It was more my parent's religion than my own, but there are a lot of teachings that still make sense to me, even after I left the church."
  3. > Cloth rustles in the background, along with some soft panting
  4. > Rarity sounds as dignified as always, though
  5. > "Go on, darling."
  6. > You sigh, trying to ignore the small intrusion
  7. "Normal things like don't steal, don't lie, but also..."
  8. > Rarity continues to float cloth around her inspiration room, searching for a spark in the folds and myriad of colors therein
  9. > "Yes?"
  10. > How to put this...
  11. "Husband's and wives are only supposed to have sex with each other. That includes oral and anal."
  12. > You can hear the bemused frown in the white mare's voice
  13. > "I can see wanting to be the father of your wife's foals, but why would you stop being polite completely?"
  14. > Behind her, you hear a small grunt, then a soft sigh
  15. > Spike climbs down from her flank, his spunk glistening in Rarity's ponut
  16. > "Thanks Rarity, that was great!"
  17. > She smiles at him
  18. > "It's the least I could do, after you helped out so much. Shall I see you tomorrow?"
  19. > Spike nods eagerly
  20. > "Of course! See you then!"
  21. > "Until then, Spikey Wikey. Pleasant dreams."
  22. > With that he scampers off, and Rarity turns back to you
  23. > "Pardon me darling, I didn't mean to interrupt our conversation."
  24. > You wave dismissively
  25. "It's fine, I think I'm getting used to it, a little. To answer your question, where I come from, sex is a very intimate thing couples do. If two people are dating, it's a major betrayal to have sex outside of the relationship."
  26. > Rarity finally drops the cloth she was levitating and turns her full attention on you
  27. > "I could see how that would be a problem here, yes. Did you, ah, date any pony before you learned how things are done here?"
  28. > You shake your head
  29. "Thankfully not. It's just, even if I do find myself romantically interested in a mare, all I have to do is see her help out a stallion. Then I feel nothing but disappointment."
  30. > And a little arousal, but you've restrained yourself for most of your life, it's not that hard to rein it in
  31. > There's always time when you get home for a little masturbation
  32. > Rarity sweeps over, cooing gently
  33. > "Oh, you poor colt, come here."
  34. > You barely manage to sit up when she wraps you up in a tight embrace, soothingly stroking your back
  35. > You hesitantly return the hug, still not used to how physically affectionate ponies are
  36. > After a few moments, you relax
  37. > It's rather nice, after all the time you spent alone and untouched on Earth
  38. > Rarity pauses, then looks up at you in worry
  39. > "I'm not being improper, am I?"
  40. > You smile, and squeeze her a bit
  41. "No, hugs are fine. It honestly feels very nice."
  42. > She smiles at that, and resumes stroking your back
  43. > The sun sets an hour or so later, and you still don't know what to do, but you do feel better for the talk and the hugging
  44. > You walk home under the stars, at peace for once
  47. > Be Rarity, at the emergency meeting you called the next day
  48. > The girls handle the news well, all things considered
  49. > Applejack shakes her head
  50. > "Ah still say he would be more reasonable after a nice, wholesome rutting session or two."
  51. > You sigh
  52. "The whole point is to get him used to polite behavior. If anypony would appreciate not accepting unsolicited aid, it ought to be you."
  53. > She blushes a bit, but you can see her just get more stubborn
  54. > "And Ah learned my lesson after y'all pestered me the whole day. Ah ain't sayin' it's the only solution, but it worked once."
  55. > Twilight chews on her lip
  56. > "We did wear you down, but only helped once you asked us to. Maybe if we got him aroused enough, he would just ask somepony for help?"
  57. > Fluttershy swallows nervously
  58. > "But, um, what of he regrets it? Does the mare he asks have to stop helping out other ponies and humanmarry Anon? Or does she just leave him, and he feels betrayed and disappointed?"
  59. > Oh
  60. > That would be terrible, absolutely terrible
  61. > Even Pinkie Pie's mane is losing volume
  62. > Then it bounces back as she gets an idea
  63. > "We should set him up with mares that are rude, and don't help stallions!"
  64. > Rainbow doesn't look too convinced, and you can't blame her
  65. > "Pinkie, we want Anon to be happy, not stuck with a bad mare."
  66. > Twilight sighs
  67. > "So, what we need is a mare he can get along with, but one who is rude to stallions in general."
  68. > That's a better plan than nothing, you suppose
  71. > Be Anon, walking around town, pulling a cart of milk bottles
  72. > You wish the cows wouldn't flirt with you so much when you milk them
  73. > You already feel weird about grabbing what is essentially their nipples, you don't need all the sounds and casual offers to milk you
  74. > Still, a job's a job, and you get to recite Fiddler on the Roof as you go around leaving bottles on ponies' doorsteps
  75. > You pull up to Ms. Cheerilee's house, where she waits leaning against the doorway, mane slightly mussed
  76. "Morning, Ms. Cheerilee. Long night?"
  77. > She gives you a tired smile
  78. > "Good morning, Anonymous. I really shouldn't have stayed up so late reading, but the new Daring Do book came out yesterday."
  79. > You chuckle, fondly recalling the last time you really got into a book
  80. "Real page turner, I take it? Oh, and would you like some cheese? I got some nice new pepperjack, if you like it spicy."
  81. > As you talk, you pull a bottle of milk out of the cart and hand it to her
  82. > She accepts it, and hesitates
  83. > "No cheese for me, I'm still working on the cheddar wheel from last week. I know you have to get going, but would you mind sucking my clit for a little? I just need to wake up a bit, you know how it is."
  84. > You sigh through your nose, a little weary, but still conflicted
  85. "Sorry, I just don't feel comfortable doing that sort of stuff with ponies. Nothing personal."
  86. > Cheerilee tilts her head, then sighs too
  87. > "Still getting used to living here, I guess. Well, I don't want to pressure you..."
  88. > She chews her lip, shifting her weight slightly
  89. > "Maybe just pulling on my mane? Just for a bit?"
  90. > Then she looks at you with big, pleading eyes
  91. > Well, it's not as bad as the other thing, but still...
  92. > In your minds eye, you point both fingers at the sky and yell
  93. > 'Tradition!'
  94. > You look into her eyes
  95. > She's tired
  96. > She needs this
  97. > You huff
  98. "So, do I just grab a handful, or what?"
  99. > Cheerilee beams at you, and quickly trots around to face away
  100. > "If you could gather it all up, and just pull steadily, I can do the rest."
  101. > Right
  102. > You scoop all the silky strands up and haul back on them until her mane is taught
  103. > She hums happily, turning her head from side to side, a shiver stating at her neck travels all the way to her tail
  104. > It's a little cute, if you ignore the way her tail is rising
  105. > You pull back and down, forcing her head to tilt up and her neck to arch
  106. > In for a penny, you suppose
  107. > "Oh my!"
  108. > Then you gently let her mane go
  109. > She shakes her hair back and forth, before turning to face you with a smile on her face and a blush on her cheeks
  110. > "Thank you, Anonymous, that was quite nice. Good luck with the rest of your route, and safe travels!"
  111. > You nod in acknowledgement
  112. "Good luck to you too. Until tomorrow, Ms. Cheerilee."
  113. > As you walk away, you have the sinking feeling you may be getting corrupted
  114. > Then you think of the teacher's innocent, smiling face
  115. > Well, just a little corruption is probably fine
  117. > It's about an hour before noon when you return to the dairy
  118. > You pull the cart around the back, where Bo Vine, your employer, waits for you
  119. > He's an older stallion, 47 years old if you had to guess by the grey in his mane
  120. > He waves
  121. > "Come inside when you get finished up, there's something I want to talk to you about."
  122. > He smiles and disappears back into the house
  123. > You wonder what it could be about
  124. > You can't think of thing you've done wrong, but your talk with Rarity makes you wonder
  125. > Are you being too rude, by pony standards?
  126. > You set the wagon spars on their blocks and haul the milk cannisters to the hose
  127. > Anxiety gnaws at you as you wash them out, and you finish your duties on autopilot
  128. > You enter the house by the back porch door, scuffing your shoes on the mat
  129. > Pail Complexion perks up at the sight of you, a maternal smile on her face
  130. > She is about five years younger than her husband, and her mane is still a silky black, probably with the help of some dye
  131. > "Make yourself comfortable dear, would you like some water, or a blow job?"
  132. > You hesitantly sit in the rocking chair across from the couch, smiling politely, if a bit stiffly
  133. "Water will be fine, Mrs. Complexion."
  134. > Bo trots out from his study, a pipe in his mouth
  135. > "You should take her up on it, son. My Milky Pail has the best mouth this side of Canterlot."
  136. > She blushes, batting at him playfully
  137. > "You flatterer. I'll be right back, Anon."
  138. > You just nod silently
  139. > Bo plops onto the couch with a sigh
  140. > "I'm getting too old for this, Anon, I don't mind telling you. Nearly sprained a hoof when a cheese wheel tried to get away."
  141. > Well, this doesn't sound like they are going to chew you out about anything
  142. > In fact,
  143. "Are you thinking about retirement then?"
  144. > Bo smiles, nodding
  145. > "You've always been keen, Anon. I reckon I have a few years left, but it's time I start thinking about my health."
  146. > Pail comes back from the kitchen, a tall glass of water in her hoof
  147. > "There you go, dear."
  148. > You accept it gladly, both for the cool water, and for the time it gives you to process the news
  149. > You're going to have to start looking for another job, looks like
  150. > Bo eyes his wife speculatively
  151. > "Sweetteats, would you mind..."
  152. > He gestures at his stiffening member
  153. > She giggles
  154. > "Of course, dearest."
  155. > You take another sip water, trying desperately not to stare at the mare as she gets to work
  156. "So, is that what you wanted to talk about?"
  157. > Please let you leave
  158. > Please
  159. > Bo pets Pail's mane, and takes a breath
  160. > "Part of it. I want to say, you're a good worker, diligent and professional. What do you say to this: Tomorrow I start showing you the ropes of cheese making, and so on, and when I do retire..."
  161. > He bucks his hips, thrusting repeatedly into Pail's mouth
  162. > You ignore the way her hips sway as she drinks it down
  163. > "Hnnnng, sorry. When I do retire, you can take over the business. How's about it, Anon?"
  164. > You blink
  165. "The whole thing?"
  166. > It's enticing, the idea of a steady income with a familiar, not unpleasant job
  167. > But you've only been working here for five months
  168. "What about your kids, shouldn't they get a share?"
  169. > Bo snorts
  170. > "Have you seen any of my foals here? No, they have their own lives, and I'm right proud of what they have accomplished on their own. I want to leave the dairy in capable hooves, that know the business. That's you, Anon."
  171. > You feel oddly flattered, and you suspect all those times he's called you 'son', he was being sincere
  172. > You nod firmly
  173. "I'll be proud to take over for you, Bo."
  174. > "Glad to hear that, son. Oh, and Pail has something she wants to say too."
  175. > She lifts her head from Bo's softening member, licking her lips
  176. > Pail turns a look on you that is equal parts maternal pride, and maternal pity
  177. > "If, in five years or whenever, you haven't found a mare, Bo and I have talked about it, and we would be happy to let you try to make a child with me."
  178. > You choke on your water, coughing and spluttering
  179. > She giggles
  180. > "I might not be as young as I used to be, but I still have quite the childbearing hips. Just think on it, dear, you don't have to decide right now."
  181. > You set the cup down on a side table, your hand trembling
  182. "Right, well, I should get going, still have to buy groceries and things. See you all tomorrow!"
  183. > You speedwalk right out of there, followed by their knowing laughter
  187. > You walk through the market, soothed by the normalcy you see there
  188. > The murmur of the crowd, the sunny sky, the cutie mark crusaders clambering over and around Big Mac's erection, the blue unicorn approaching you...
  189. > Wait
  190. > How young do they even start?
  191. > Or is this the butt tattoo pilgrims trying to be precocious again?
  192. > "Excuse me, the great and doubtful Trixie has been instructed to seek out the tall and musky Anon. You are he, correct?"
  193. > You turn to look at a rather arrogant pony, feeling the need to be silly
  194. "I am indeed, the grossly incandescent Anon. What is thy quest?"
  195. > She scrunches
  196. > "I can now see why they tell me to stop talking like that. Regardless, Twilight seems to think we will get along, or something."
  197. > Twilight? Why would she-
  198. > Dammit Rarity
  199. "This isn't related to not sucking cock, is it?"
  200. > Trixie huffs
  201. > "For the last time, I am too important and too pretty to be bothered with some stallions needs. I do not need to suck cock!"
  202. > There are a more than a few ponies looking at her now, with some whispering going on
  203. > Big Mac walks into the center of attention, Sweetie Belle still gamely clinging on to his stallionhood
  204. > He glares at the crowd
  205. > "Eyup!"
  206. > After a moment, the ponies disperse, muttering
  207. > Trixie smiles at Big Mac
  208. > "Thank you."
  209. > Then she looks him up and down, her legs shifting slightly
  210. > "The moist and humble Trixie would ask you for one more favor..."
  211. > Big Mac chuckles, and good-naturedly noses under her tail
  212. > You sigh
  213. > Ponies will be weird
  214. "Well, you can tell Twilight she is probably wrong. Now, if you don't mind, I have some shopping to do."
  215. > Trixie looks conflicted, looking up at you, then over her shoulder at Big Mac as he eats her out
  216. > "If you're sure...?"
  217. > You nod
  218. "Very. Good day, Trixie, Big Mac, Sweetie Belle."
  219. > Trixie shrugs and leans back into the Apple stallion's ministrations
  220. > Sweetie Belle drops off of his length, sighing in disappointment
  221. > "Looks like my cutie mark isn't being polite to stallions."
  222. > You pat her head
  223. "You'll figure it out one day, kid. Just keep trying."
  224. > She pouts, but you move on
  225. > You'll never get anything done if this keeps up
  227. > You're making good progress getting food
  228. > Grains, veggies, now for some fruit
  229. > When you first decided to settle in horsetown, you were worried you'd have to go vegetarian
  230. > Instead, Fluttershy brings you some of her critter friends when they die of natural causes
  231. > You've gotten pretty good at cooking squirrel
  232. > But that's neither here nor there, Applejack is here
  233. > She tips her hat as you approach
  234. > "Howdy, Anon. What can Ah do you for?"
  235. > You nod at here pleasantly
  236. "Six Golden Delicious, please. And by the way,"
  237. > She tilts her head as she hoofs over the apples
  238. "You wouldn't know anything about some pony setting Trixie and I up?"
  239. > She grimaces
  240. > "Ah told them she's too selfish to be a good match. Ah hope she wasn't too rude..."
  241. > You shake your head as you pay her three bits
  242. "Big Mac took care of her before things got our of hand, or hoof, I guess."
  243. > Applejack smiles fondly
  244. > "Ah'll have to thank him when he gets home. Anyhow, to answer your question, it's exactly who you think is behind the whole fiasco. Ah reckon you just need a good rut or two, but you already heard mah opinion."
  245. > You sigh
  246. > You liked the girls, but sometimes it gets to be ridiculous
  247. > Something still bothers you, though
  248. "Tell me, how young do ponies start learning about, let's call it 'manners'."
  249. > Applejack squints, remembering
  250. > "Ah reckon ah was about, what, eight years old? Some folk start earlier or later, but that's about the middle of it. Is that what you're worried about? If'n you like, Ah can send Apple Bloom round to keep you company."
  251. > You cough, not entirely surprised, but still a little shaken
  252. "So, let's just say she and her friends were ganging up on Big Mac's big mac, that's normal?"
  253. > She chuckles
  254. > "Big Mac's big mac, Ah like that. And it's about time those little devils did something nice for him, for all the trouble they cause."
  255. > You give up
  256. > Ponies just aren't normal
  257. "Well, it's been nice talking to you, but I gotta get this food home. See you around, Applejack."
  258. > She grins good-naturedly
  259. > "Anytime, sugarcube. An' let me know when you do loosen up, Ah'll show you a time like you ain't never had."
  260. > ...
  261. > Is it bad that you are tempted?
  262. > You turn away, hoping that you can make home before some overly helpful mare offers to help "take down your tent"
  263. > After that, you are going to have a talk with a certain book horse
  264. > You want to at least know about a blind date before a mare is sprung on you
  267. > Be Twilight Sparkle, debating whether or not to bring Cadance into this
  268. > It really is more of a matter under her domain, but you don't want to bother her with every little problem you come across
  269. > Will it become a love emergency?
  270. > Probably not, Anon seems pretty even-tempered
  271. > ...
  272. > You make a note for yourself a week from now
  273. > The sound of the door opening and closing echoes from down the hall
  274. > Moments later Trixie limps into the room, a satisfied smile on her face
  275. > That's a good sign, right?
  276. "I take it you had a good time with Anon?"
  277. > She shakes her head
  278. > "No, but the sore and stuffed Trixie believes she shall have to call upon Sweet Apple Acres more often."
  279. > You sigh
  280. > It probably wasn't the most well thought out plan, sending her, but at least she found somepony she did like
  281. "Did Anon say anything? Does he just not like ponies, or..."
  282. > Trixie frowns, concentrating
  283. > "He said something about you being wrong. Honestly, it's all a blur once Big Mac got to work."
  284. > You sigh
  285. "Thanks anyway, Trixie. Good luck with Big Mac, he's a nice stallion."
  286. > Trixie smiles and nods
  287. > "The gre- that is, thank you. Until later, Twilight."
  288. > You flip through some romance novels as she leaves, hoping to find some inspiration
  289. > You are still searching when Spike digs his claws into your flanks, smelling slightly dusty
  290. > You giggle as he slides into your marehood, taking full advantage of your safe day
  291. "Worked up after all that cleaning, Spike?"
  292. > He thrusts jerkily, humming in agreement
  293. > "I wouldn't be, but with Celestia coming to stay, I wanted the place to look nice."
  294. > You bend your forelegs slightly and lift your rump, letting him rest his weight on you as he ruts
  295. "I really appreciate it, Spike. I know I can get a bit... crazy with preparations, and now I have one less thing to worry about."
  296. > He pats your flank fondly, swelling slightly inside you
  297. > "That's why I'm your number one assistant."
  298. > You smile as he twitches, once, twice, three times inside of you
  299. "That you are, Spike. That you are."
  302. > Be Princess Celestia, officially on vacation
  303. > After the trouble with the sky gremlin consortiate and the sea pony fishing grounds negotiation, you are beyond tired
  304. > What you need is a good rut on a soft bed, but you do have an image to maintain
  305. > And so it is that you are as regal and stately as ever when the sky chariot lands and Twilight comes out to greet you
  306. > "Princess Celestia! I'm so glad you came, we have so much to catch up on!"
  307. > You smile at her enthusiasm, even though more talking is the last thing you want to do
  308. "Twilight, it's good to see you again. I'd love to hear all about how you and your friends have been, but-"
  309. > You yawn, covering your mouth with your hoof
  310. "excuse me, but I would much rather hear about it after a nice nap. That way I can give you my full attention."
  311. > Twilight blushes slightly, tail flicking nervously
  312. > "Of course, Celestia, right this way."
  313. > She leads you to a spacious bedroom, reminiscent of crystal kingdom architecture, with a certain Canterlot touch
  314. > The wide bed calls to you
  315. > You leap onto the covers, rolling and moaning as you can finally relax far from the prying eyes of your subjects
  316. > Twilight giggles at your antics
  317. > "If I didn't know better, I'd say that bed has become your special somepony."
  318. > You lay on your back, wings spread wide
  319. > You can already feel the knots in your flight muscles loosen
  320. "Mmmm, it very nearly has."
  321. > Your most faithful student begins to leave, before hesitating
  322. > "Is there anything I can get you? Warm milk or something?"
  323. > You wriggle slightly, settling into the mattress
  324. "A hard stallionhood would be nice. Other than that, I am quite content."
  325. > She sighs
  326. > "I really should retain a sleeping aide sometime, but there aren't many in this small a town. I'll see what I can find. Sweet dreams, Celestia."
  327. > You hum in reply, your breathing slowing and deepening as you fall into Luna's domain
  330. > Be Anon, at the door of the slightly absurd crystal castle
  331. > No one answered when you knocked, but that's hardly unusual
  332. > After waiting a few more moments you let yourself in
  333. "Twilight! You got some 'splaining to do!"
  334. > Your voice echoes down the halls as you make your way up the stairs
  335. > Maybe she isn't home?
  336. > You check the library
  337. > Empty
  338. > Google friendship map room?
  339. > Empty
  340. > Kitchen?
  341. > Spike is tuckered out, napping by the oven
  342. > You stand there, debating whether or not to wake the little guy, but it's not like you are going to chase after little miss matchmaker if he did tell you where she is
  343. > You're pretty sure Twilight does useful and/or important things sometimes, and you wouldn't want to get in the way of that
  344. > It's actually a little flattering that your love troubles fall in that category for her
  345. > Your musing is interrupted by the sound of a yawn
  346. > You turn to see Celestia walk into the kitchen, mane oddly mussed, eyes sleepily half-closed
  347. "Ah, good afternoon Princess."
  348. > Her eyes open fully and she offers you a pleasant smile
  349. > "Good afternoon, Anonymous. I appreciate you waiting until I wake up. Now..."
  350. > What does she mean by tha-
  351. > She turns her back on you, lifting her tail and spreading her back legs
  352. > Dat bountiful booty
  353. > The barest shimmer of gold light spreading the lips of her glistening horsepussy
  354. > You feel a little woozy as Anon Jr. monopolizes as much blood flow to become diamond
  355. > Celestia sends a sultry gaze at you over her shoulder, wings at full mast
  356. > "I've been hot and bothered for days with no relief. Would you help an old mare out? It's a safe day."
  357. > You sway under the force of your arousal, clutching at the kitchen table for support
  358. > You have to say something
  359. > Do something other than stare at her ass
  360. "Do you have a husband?"
  361. > Celestia tilts her head
  362. > "I do not. If you're worried about foals, I don't mind taking responsibility for them."
  363. > You lick your lips
  364. "Did Twilight tell you about how I..."
  365. > She widens her stance, flanks jostling slightly
  366. > You swallow
  367. "How I want a wife who will only do sexual things with me, and vice versa?"
  368. > She folds her wings and the turns to face you fully, frowning in confusion
  369. > "She didn't say anything about that. Ah. Just so we are clear, did Twilight hire you to be my sleeping aide?"
  370. > You feel, well, not better exactly, but calmer now that you aren't faced with...
  371. > Glory
  372. > Some part of you still notices that Celestia's tail is till flagging tall
  373. "No, I actually came to talk to Twilight about her matchmaking attempt."
  374. > Celestia blushes, ears folded back, her tail dropping and tucking between her legs
  375. > "I'm very sorry, for so blatantly propositioning you. It's just... been a few days, you understand?"
  376. > You smile politely
  377. "Don't worry about it, Princess. I've sort of gotten used to mares being more up front about their desires than women are where I come from."
  378. > She smiles a small smile at you
  379. > "Thank you."
  380. > You give her a friendly nod
  381. > Silence stretches on in the kitchen
  382. > Celestia ruffles her wings restlessly, looking down, then at you
  383. > You feel oddly obligated to stick around
  384. > It's so rare to see this side of the princess, and it's not like you really have anything else you need to do for the evening
  385. > Finally Celestia takes a small step towards you
  386. > "I don't know if you're used to helping out mares yet, but would you please bring me to release?"
  387. > You lick your lips, heart beat rising
  388. "I told you about the wife thing, right? Sexual fidelity, that sort of thing?"
  389. > She nods
  390. > "I heard you. However, neither of us are married, so it shouldn't be a problem. Is there something else? Are you... repulsed by me?"
  391. > You shake your head, letting out a nervous chuckle
  392. "Noooo, you are easily the sexiest person I have seen. It's just that sex is a serious commitment for me. I want to only have it with someone I can dedicate my life to, and who will dedicate their life to me."
  393. > Celestia smiles wistfully
  394. > "That sounds very sweet, Anonymous. Odd, but very sweet."
  395. > You sigh in relief
  396. > It looks like you have successfully defended your virtue once again
  397. > She smirks and raises an eyebrow at you
  398. > "So I'm the sexiest you've ever seen?"
  399. > You swallow
  400. "You have an incredible body, Celestia."
  401. > She giggles, hiding her mouth behind a wing
  402. > "You are so sweet, Anonymous. I'm tempted to just eat you. All. Up."
  403. > You wipe at the sweat that suddenly broke out on your forehead
  404. "Please don't."
  405. > She laughs then, wiping a tear from her eye with a pinion feather
  406. > "Don't worry, Anonymous. I won't take advantage of you. Now, do you happen to know when Twilight will return?"
  407. > You shrug
  408. "I was hoping you knew. Mind if I sit down somewhere?"
  409. > Celestia nods graciously
  410. > "By all means."
  411. > You wander back into the Google map throne room
  412. > After a brief moment of indecision, you sit in Rarity's chair
  413. > Celestia struts over to Twilight's seat, and tries to sit down
  414. > You can see her flank bulge against the arm rests, but descending no further
  415. > She immediately stands back up, blushing slightly
  416. > "The floor will have to do, I suppose."
  417. > You smile, but mercifully refrain from teasing her about it
  418. > It is only a few minutes after the two of you are settled that you hear the doors open
  419. > Twilight enters the room, looking back at her saddlebags
  420. > "Celestia, I'm afraid I couldn't find anypony on such short notice. I do have some spells I'd like to try out tho-"
  421. > Twilight looks up and sees you
  422. > Her ears fold back, and she smiles nervously
  423. > "Anonymous, how can I help you?"
  424. > You glance at Celestia, who nods for you to go first
  425. > You clear your throat, and begin
  426. "Look, Twilight. I appreciate you trying to help me find someone to love, but I would prefer it if you didn't just arrange things without asking me."
  427. > She lowers her head sadly
  428. > "I'm sorry, I didn't really think things through. Is there anything I can do to help you though? I don't want you to be so lonely if you don't have to be."
  429. > You sigh with a smile
  430. "I'm not sure there is anything you could really do, aside from keeping an eye out for someone who feels the same way I do about sex."
  431. > Celestia tilts her head at you, then looks at Twilight
  432. > "Why don't you ask Cadance if she can do anything?"
  433. > Twilight blushes
  434. > "I was planning on doing that if my friends and I can't figure something out in the next week or so."
  435. > You raise your eyebrows
  436. "Who is this Cadance?"
  437. > Celestia smiles at you reassuringly
  438. > "The princess of love. If anypony can help you, it would be her."
  439. > Huh
  440. > You shrug
  441. "Worth a try. Well, that's all I wanted to say, so I'll see you two around."
  442. > Twilight dips her head at you
  443. > "Good night, Anon!"
  444. > Celestia winks at you
  445. > "Pleasant dreams."
  446. > These damn horses
  447. > These damn, sexy horses are going to be responsible for testicular detonation someday, you just know it
  449. > Be Anon once again, rubbing one out at home
  450. > You imagine that glorious moment when the Princess offered herself to you
  451. > What if you had accepted?
  452. > To touch that perfect flank, to bury yourself in her eager flesh
  453. > You groan, cumming harder than you ever have before
  454. > But there is one thing left to do
  455. > You imagine Celestia thanking you, your seed dripping from her slit
  456. > And then she walks away, leaving you cold and alone
  457. > In a day or two, some stallion pumps her full, just like you did
  458. > And now you sit in your home, spent and hating yourself a little
  459. > Hating this world a little
  460. > In some ways, it would be easier if the ponies weren't so nice, so understanding
  461. > It would be easier to reject them, to despise them for being ugly animals
  462. > But no, they are cute and nice and affectionate
  463. > You sigh
  464. > You need to sleep, to get you out of this funk
  465. > You wash your hands, brush your teeth, and fall into your bed
  466. > You don't pray, but you do silently hope that things will get better
  467. > Sleep comes at last, mercifully
  469. > Be Celestia, belly down on your bed
  470. > Thinking back, there have been others who have feared and desired you
  471. > But they always feared your power, not your seductiveness
  472. > It is a curious feeling, remembering Anonymous' reactions
  473. > That feeling lead you to politely decline your faithful student's offer
  474. > Well, that and you learned your lesson about experimental spellwork for personal relief long ago
  475. > As you begin rubbing your marehood with a hoof, you allow yourself a strange fantasy
  476. > Tempting the lonely human
  477. > Presenting yourself even more boldly
  478. > Watching his will crumble as he takes you like a wild animal
  479. > Your magic mimics your fantasy, golden fingers grasping at your flanks, a golden plow parting your fields
  480. > You imagine him groaning in pleasure, worshipping your body with his
  481. > But that isn't quite right, you feel
  482. > What is missing?
  483. > You play through the fantasy once more, panting at the stimulation
  484. > Your subconscious answers your question
  485. > In your mind's eye, you see Anon filling you with his semen, tears falling from his eyes
  486. > Oh
  487. > You dismiss your magic, falling to your side on the bed
  488. > You honestly don't know how to feel
  489. > At the very least, you are glad you did not pressure him for your release
  490. > You wonder if this is how he feels all the time
  491. > You sincerely hope not
  493. > Be Rarity, doing something you should have done long ago
  494. > Spike's eyes shimmer with unshed tears
  495. > "What do you mean, I can't help you anymore?"
  496. > You smile sadly at him
  497. "Spike, you are too young for me. You are a good friend, and very helpful, but I can't return your romantic feelings."
  498. > Tears fall from his eyes
  499. > "Why? Is it because of Anon?"
  500. > You sigh
  501. > You had been expecting this
  502. "It's because of how you treat me when he's around."
  503. > Spike is visibly confused, the poor dear
  504. "You are very helpful, but you always ask for your satisfaction right before Anon drops by. You're trying to claim me in front of him, and you have no right to."
  505. > He shakes his head
  506. > "That's not... "
  507. "It is. I thought it was a coincidence at first, but well,"
  508. > You lift him gently in your magic and set him down outside the beautique
  509. "We could be friends, I think. But only when you are older, and learn some self-control."
  510. > You close the door, and steel your heart against the sound of his weeping
  511. > It is hard to be young and in love, but you must be firm
  514. > Be Anon, milking the cows
  515. > "Mmmmnnnggg I looove your hands, dontcha know!"
  516. > It helps a little that they sound like middle-aged women from Wisconsin, but still
  517. > Delores wears a conspiratorial grin
  518. > "Don't be telling Bo, but we all like your touch better."
  519. > You roll your eyes
  520. "Funny, I remember you telling Bo the opposite thing last week."
  521. > Delores shrugs shamelessly
  522. > "Weeeell, I just like whoever's squeezin' my udder."
  523. > You chuckle, and keep pulling on her teats
  524. > Before long, the last drop falls into the pail
  525. > You set it aside and give her rump a swat
  526. "Go on and get, I don't have all morning."
  527. > She giggles and trots off
  528. > "Oooh yeah, I've been a bad cow and I need to be punished~"
  529. > You ignore her and grab an empty milk pail
  530. > The morning air is a little cool, just enough to keep you awake in the first hours of light in the morning
  531. > Betsy pauses in front of you, staring at you with sultry eyes
  532. > "Why don't I try milking you first? I'll be real gentle aboot it~"
  533. > Betsy weaned her first calf off milk last month, and so this is the first time she's been on the milking schedule
  534. > These are always the most difficult, particularly for Bo
  535. > For you, well, you have your ways
  536. > You move to crouch in front of her
  537. > She tilts her head
  538. > With a surge of motion, you brace your shoulder against her chest, your hands pressed against her soft hide
  539. > You push with your legs, grunting from the exertion
  540. > Betsy moos in surprise, flailing her forelegs as you push her upright
  541. > You bare your teeth in a grin at the panicked expression on her face
  542. "Let's get something straight, Betsy. I'm the predator here, and I will take whatever I like from you. Got it?"
  543. > She stares at your canines in fascination
  544. > You can see her fear slowly transmute into something else
  545. > "I uh, understand, Anoon"
  546. > You take a step to the side and let her fall back onto her forelegs
  547. > You sit down on your stool and move the pail under her udder
  548. "Now be a good girl, and I'll take your milk."
  549. > Betsy shudders, her cum trickling down her hind leg
  550. > You ignore that as best as you can
  551. > In some ways, milking these cows is good practice
  552. > Just about the only attractive thing about the cows is their voice and maybe personality, so it's easy to turn down their advances
  553. > By the time you actually load up the milk cart, you are heavily desensitized to most lewd propositions
  554. > You get lost in the task, and begin humming to yourself
  555. > Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match...
  558. > Be Rarity, in your inspiration room
  559. > Or perhaps your inspiration and counseling room
  560. > At first, Anon just took a nap on your divan
  561. > The poor darling was completely worn out by his new job on the dairy farm
  562. > As days passed, he started telling you stories about how silly and flirtatious the cows were
  563. > Then you noticed he didn't think the cows were being silly
  564. > You started getting hints that Anon came from a cold, unfriendly place
  565. > You tried to help him as best you could, and he does seem to be adjusting as well as could be expected
  566. > But you can tell it's difficult for him
  567. > You have gotten to know him over the months, and he is a sweet human for all that he lacks manners
  568. > "The other day, I sorta helped out a mare."
  569. > Or so you thought
  570. > You smile and turn towards him
  571. "That's wonderful, darling, I'm gl-"
  572. > He looks troubled
  573. > Oh
  574. "Did you get, oh what was the word? Clucked?"
  575. > He chuckles
  576. > "It's cucked, but no, I did not. I mean, I've seen her help out stallions before, but I was never romantically interested in her."
  577. > You feel odd
  578. "Are you interested in her now, or did you find you didn't mind the sex as much as you thought you would?"
  579. > You surely hope it's not the first, you would hate to see his heart broken like that
  580. >Anon stares at the ceiling, shaking his head
  581. > "I just pulled her mane, that's all. I'm just conflicted because I knew it was her kink, but I didn't feel... guilty about doing it."
  582. > You shudder
  583. "Such a messy kink. Getting somepony's saliva in your mane just for a moment of relief."
  584. > Anon shudders too
  585. > "Okay, that is gross. It's a good thing I can use my hands instead."
  586. > You pause
  587. > That is true, he can do that
  588. > It makes you rather curious, what would that feel like?
  589. > Well, you should probably address the other thing first
  590. "Darling, you said you didn't feel guilty about it. Could it be that pulling a mane is something like giving a hug, and so you don't really see it as essentially sexual?"
  591. > Anon's brow furrows as he thinks about what you said
  592. > It's rather cute
  593. > "Even where I'm from, hair pulling is mostly a kink. You might be right, though. It felt like massaging a friend's shoulders; a little intimate, but not inherently sexual."
  594. > You watch him carefully, you may be crossing a line you can't see with what you are about to ask
  595. "How would you feel about pulling my mane?"
  596. > He looks at you in surprise
  597. > Then he tilts his head, considering
  598. > "I'm not sure. Are you asking, or is this just a what-if?"
  599. > You blush slightly
  600. "I must admit, I am curious about how it feels. It's perfectly fine if you don't want to, Darling, but it may help clarify things for you too."
  601. > He slowly stands up
  602. > "Well, I'm willing to try. I'll stop if things get weird, alright?"
  603. > You nod solemnly
  604. "By all means. Shall we begin?"
  605. > "Yeah."
  606. > He walks behind you, his presence strange and looming, yet oddly comforting
  607. > You wait patiently, not really focusing on anything
  608. > Then you feel his fingers snarl in your carefully styled mane
  609. > You get the immediate urge to get a brush and fix the mess, but then he starts tugging
  610. "Oh!"
  611. > You feel strange, your heart beating oddly fast
  612. > He stops as soon as you spoke, and for a moment you are disappointed that it's over
  613. > "Did that hurt?"
  614. "Don't worry darling, I was just surprised, that's all. Pray do continue."
  615. > "Alright."
  616. > He tugs your mane this way and that, your head turning with each pull
  617. > It's truly strange, but you find yourself enjoying it
  618. > It's like you are trusting him with some part of you, letting him play with your head and mane like this
  619. > It's not quite sexual for you, you think
  620. > It is certainly novel, and not unpleasant
  621. > Anon tugs your mane back, steady and firm
  622. > Your neck arches and strains as you try to move with the pull
  623. > Even when he pulls a little harder, you feel relaxed, taking deep breathes
  624. > He gently lessens his grip until he finally lets go
  625. > Once his hands are out of your mane, you immediately shake your head
  626. > Your mane falls back into a small semblance of order, but you still fetch your brush with an absentminded spell
  627. > You turn around to smile at Anon
  628. "That was nice, Darling. I am somewhat reminded of letting a beautician style my mane."
  629. > He nods slowly
  630. > "It is about as intimate as getting a haircut, now that I think about it. Did it, um. 'Do' anything for you?"
  631. > You shake your head, then start brushing your mane
  632. "No, not as such. I think the kink comes from having the stallion bite your mane while he mounts you, which is simply out of the question for me."
  633. > Anon smiles wryly
  634. > "One mystery solved, I guess."
  635. > You smile back
  636. "Indeed. At any rate, how do you feel about doing this for mares in general?"
  637. > He sits down on your divan and shrugs
  638. > "It might feel different when they are noticably getting off on it, but for now... I can live with helping mares like this. Not that I expect too many to ask for it."
  639. > You feel better as you brush your mane back into it's pristine state
  640. "If you like, I could put the word out that this is what you are comfortable doing."
  641. > Anon frowns
  642. > "I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I know these talks are kind of informal, but I thought you knew they were... personal. Not the sort of thing to tell the girls."
  643. > Ah
  644. > You fold your ears back, understanding exactly what he was referring to
  645. "I am sorry, darling. I thought it would help if they knew why you are so standoffish, but it completely got out of hoof. I promise not to say anything you tell me in confidence unless I have your permission."
  646. > He nods
  647. > "Thank you. That said, maybe tell your friends about the hair pulling thing, and see if any of them are into it. If I end up weirded out about it, then it will be easier to let a small group of ponies know than if you told the whole town."
  648. > You smile
  649. "That does seem prudent. Very well, I shall let them know."
  650. > Anon gets up with a small grunt
  651. > "Thanks again, and for taking the time to listen to my problems. You're a good friend, Rarity."
  652. > You beam at him
  653. "I'm glad you feel that way, Anon. For what it's worth, I've enjoyed getting to know you as well. You're always welcome here."
  654. > You walk him to the door
  655. > He hesitates, then kneels before you
  656. > "Mind if I hug you?"
  657. > Once again, you wonder what strange, cold place he comes from
  658. > Then again, perhaps you would be happier not knowing
  659. > You spread your forehooves invitingly
  660. "Darling, you don't even have to ask."
  661. > He chuckles a bit ruefully, but wraps you in his arms nevertheless
  662. > You sigh as you melt into his warmth
  663. > Mmm, and firm muscles
  664. > All too quickly, he lets go and stands back up
  665. > "See you later, Rarity."
  666. "Until then, Anon."
  667. > He opens the door and walks off, giving you a wave and a smile
  668. > You respond in kind, and watch him walk away
  669. > A tree down the street rustles, and you see Sweetie Bell's magic pull Spike from the branches
  670. > You smile to yourself as the girls hustle him away
  671. > Perhaps they can get his mind off of you
  675. > Be Cadance, approaching Ponyville in a sky chariot
  676. > You are definitely here for a consultation, and not because Celestia going on vacation sets a precedent you are taking advantage of
  677. > Admittedly, you are not uninterested in this Anonymous' love problem
  678. > It's the first you've heard of such a thing
  679. > As the crystal castle draws closer, you spot Twilight and Celestia waiting on a balcony
  680. > It's only as you land that you notice Celestia is completely without her regalia
  681. > It makes her look more...intimate, almost motherly
  682. > Twilight steps forward as you and your husband set hoof on the balcony
  683. > "Welcome to the Castle Friendship. It's so good to see both of you again!"
  684. > Shining gives her a quick, one-forelegged hug as the charioteers take off for the nearby garrison
  685. > "It's good to see you too, Twily. And you too, Celestia."
  686. > Celestia smiles serenely at you and Shining, a mischievous gleam in her eye
  687. > "Indeed. We appreciate how quickly you flew out, far away from your paperwork and noisy foal, all to help a poor milk farmer find love."
  688. > She truly means every word, but...
  689. > No matter what, she always sees through you
  690. > It would be incredibly intimidating if she didn't genuinely love all her "little ponies"
  691. > As is, you just shrug, and notice her tail twitch upward slightly
  692. "It's not as though I could ignore such a special case that requires my expertise. How have you been, Auntie?"
  693. > She knows you know
  694. > You grin
  695. > Celestia clears her throat, her ears folding back
  696. > "I hate to trouble you after your long flight, but I, ah... we haven't been able to find a suitable sleeping aide. It's been four days. Cadance, could I borrow your husband?"
  697. > It's more than a little gratifying to have the eternal princess ask a favor of you
  698. > Not to mention having a husband that can deliver military grade sex
  699. > You quirk an eyebrow at Shining
  700. "I don't mind if you don't, dear."
  701. > He rolls his eyes
  702. > "Mares."
  703. > Twilight giggles
  704. > Shining trots by Celestia, slapping her flank with his tail
  705. > "Come along, Princess. Let's see where you're staying and get you settled."
  706. > She strides after him, her effortless grace marred by a high flagging tail
  707. > You wrap Twilight in a quick winghug, pulling her close
  708. "Hey Twilight, how's it been?"
  709. > She leans into the hug for a moment, then nudges you toward the castle interior
  710. > "It's been pretty peaceful, all things considered. I've finally gotten all the books in a sensible order in the library, and..."
  711. > The two of you make your way through the castle, catching up
  712. > "...And the crusaders have done a pretty good job of keeping Spike occupied whenever he loiters near the Carrousel Beautique."
  713. > You raise an eyebrow
  714. "Rarity finally put her hoof down?"
  715. > Twilight nods, opening the door to her room
  716. > "He was getting extra territorial when Anon was around, and it got to be too much."
  717. > You nod approvingly
  718. "You have to be firm about crushes like that. Are Anon and Rarity dating, then?"
  719. > Twilight hesitantly shakes her head
  720. > "She's his confidante, but it seems to be pretty platonic."
  721. > You shrug
  722. > You can work with that, if it's necessary
  723. "Celestia will probably be another hour or so. Why don't you introduce me to him, just to get things started?"
  724. > The younger princess approaches a nearby potted plant
  725. > "Hmm, that would be an efficient use of time. Here, let me find out where he is."
  726. > You watch in bemusement as she levitates the plant out of the pot and yells inside
  727. > "Pinkie! Where is Anon right now?"
  728. > Twilight then lets the plant fall back into its container
  729. > ...
  730. "Is that a magic pot, or..."
  731. > She shakes her head
  732. > "It's just a good way to get Pinkie Pie to hear you. Give her a minute."
  733. > Sometimes you forget Ponyville is the weirdness capitol of Equestria, then it does something like this to remind you
  734. > Eventually, you hear hoofsteps clatter from around the corner, and the Element of Laughter slides into view, hooves skittering across the crystal floor
  735. > She slides to a stop in front of Twilight, hoof raised in a crisp solute
  736. > "Target sighted heading north from the market, hauling grass! ETA to Red Bo Dairy is 42 minutes!"
  737. > Twilight salutes back
  738. > "Thank you, Private Pinkie Pie. As you were."
  739. > The pink mare relaxes and gives you a wave
  740. > "Hi Cadance! Bye Cadance!"
  741. "Likewise, Pinkie Pie."
  742. > With that, she dives into the dirt of the potted plant, vanishing completely
  743. > You turn to Twilight, the beginning of a headache forming
  744. "Please tell me you know how she does that."
  745. > Twilight sighs
  746. > "It's like she's using chaos magic, but without using any personal or ambient magic. It's not like I've given up, but..."
  747. > You are immediately reminded of many evenings, when Shining would rant about trying to ward Canterlot against Discord
  748. "Chaos magic."
  749. > She nods
  750. > "Chaos magic."
  751. > She snorts, then primes her horn
  752. > "Anyways, shall I teleport us to the market?"
  753. > You bow your head slightly to her
  754. "It's your town, please take the lead."
  755. > Twilight doesn't answer, but her horn does pulse and then-
  756. > You are standing in the market, without even stirring your mane
  757. > It makes you a little proud that your little Twilight has that much power and control
  758. > You follow her as she starts to trot
  759. > It isn't hard to find your quarry, head and shoulders taller than anypony else
  760. > Anonymous gives you a polite nod as you pass his hoofcart full of hay, then raises an eyebrow as you match his pace
  761. > Your nose twitches, filling with a strange, yet familiar scent
  762. > Twilight clears her throat
  763. > "Hi Anon, this is Princess Cadance. Cadance, Anonymous."
  764. > He smiles briefly, and you can't help but notice his taut muscles as he pulls the cart
  765. > "Nice to meet you, Cadance. I hear you might be able to help me with my problem."
  766. > At last you figure out what you are smelling
  767. > It's like the pheromones put out by stallions who have been lost in the wilderness for weeks
  768. > But stronger, far stronger
  769. > "Uh, Cadance?"
  770. > You blink, and find Twilight and Anon staring at you
  771. > You blush and laugh nervously
  772. "Sorry, I was just... well, nice to meet you as well, Anonymous. I'll certainly do my best to help. I heard a bit about your problem from Twilight's letter, but do you mind if I do an empathic dowsing?"
  773. > Anonymous shrugs
  774. > "Fine by me, whatever that is."
  775. > You prime your horn
  776. "Try to remember the last time you lost interest in a mare, and the spell should help me see your deeper desires and conflicts."
  777. > He frowns, then nods
  778. > You push your magic through the spellform, feeling it wash over his heart
  779. > The echo returns immediately, carrying his imprint
  780. > The first thing that hits you is his roiling storm of suppressed lust
  781. > You stumble, barely catching yourself
  782. > It's almost overwhelming, like a foal's first awakening to physical desire, but far stronger
  783. > Despite your expertise, you feel yourself moisten
  784. > You ignore it for the moment
  785. > A complex knot of fear, longing, and pain resounds against your heart
  786. > This is far more familiar, often found in ponies pining after well-liked others
  787. > Finally, you feel the impact of the root echo
  788. > A dark and warped mirror on a distant island, surrounded by churning waves
  789. > You let the spell fade, shaking your head to clear it
  790. > It's not the worst you've ever felt, but Twilight was definitely right to tell you before things got too far
  791. > You certainly have your work cut out for you
  792. "Thank you, Anonymous. I'll need some time to think about how to go forward, but I am confident that if we work together, you will be able to find and accept love."
  793. > Twilight smiles in relief
  794. > Anon just shrugs, and continues pulling his wagon
  795. > "That would be nice."
  796. > Twilight is a little unsettled by his lack of enthusiasm, but you subtly shake your head at her
  797. > After all, she has much more reason to believe in your words than he does
  798. "I'd like to start tomorrow, what time would be best for you?"
  799. > He tilts his head in thought
  800. > "Four in the afternoon should be good."
  801. > You smile
  802. "Then I shall visit your home then. It was nice meeting you, Anonymous."
  803. > He smiles politely at you
  804. > "And you as well, Princess."
  805. > Twilight says her farewells, and joins you as you head back into town
  806. > Truth be told, you could definitely use some assistance
  807. > Twilight asks a few questions, and you answer absently
  808. > Mostly, you are looking out for a stallion who is to your tastes, and isn't busy
  809. > Your eye catches on a middling young colt
  810. > You have a thing for white coats, and the brown spots are aesthetically intriguing
  811. > You turn your attention fully to Twilight
  812. "I'm going to get some relief, which may take some time. You don't have to wait up for me if you have things you need to do."
  813. > She chews her lip
  814. > "Are you sure? I don't want to abandon you when you just got here."
  815. > You laugh
  816. "It's fine. It's not like your castle is hard to find in this town."
  817. > Twilight chuckles a little
  818. > "That is true. I'll see you at the castle!"
  819. > She disappears in a flash of purple light
  820. > You approach the colt as he walks down the road
  821. "Hey there young stallion, what is your name?"
  822. > He stops and looks up at you with polite attention
  823. > "My name is Pip, mam. Can I help you with something?"
  824. > It's always nice to see a colt with manners
  825. "Hi Pip, my name is Cadance. I was hoping you could have sex with me. Can you do that for me?"
  826. > He puffs up with pride
  827. > "Sure thing, mam. I once tended to Princess Luna, I did, and she said I did very good."
  828. > You raise your eyebrows
  829. "Is that so? Then I shall leave myself in your capable hooves."
  830. > You turn your back on him and lay down on the ground, flicking your tail out of the way
  831. > Pip sniffs at your marehood, growing aroused at your scent
  832. > Then he hooks his forehooves over your hips, just barely big enough to reach over your haunch
  833. > You think it's pretty cute
  834. > "Miss Cadance, did you want it in the bum or in your flower?"
  835. "Whichever you like."
  836. > What a nice little gentlecolt
  837. > He shifts his hips, and you feel his rod slide into your pussy, pushing up against the top of your passage
  838. > You moan, tingling pleasure cascading from just that little stimulus
  839. > Pip starts moving back and forth, scraping his cock against the wall of your marehood
  840. > You pant happily, losing yourself in the sensation
  841. > You love how he earnestly clings to you, his young body flexing and surging against yours
  842. > The way he plows through your soft flesh, making you squirm beneath him
  843. > You could definitely get used to having a cute little colt tend to you like this
  844. > You make a mental note to talk to Shining about trying for a son next time you're ovulating
  845. > He pulls out completely, and you are momentarily disappointed
  846. > Did he get tired?
  847. > Then you feel his dick prodding at your anus, slick with your juices
  848. > You relax, letting his cock fill your tighter passage
  849. > You moan as you finally feel every part of his erection inside you, hot and firm
  850. > He makes little whimpering noises, small grunts that let you know he's reaching his limit
  851. > You press up against him, wrapping your tail around his body
  852. "Just a little more, Pip! A little more!"
  853. > You feel yourself teeter on the edge of orgasm, your hooves scrabbling in the dirt
  854. > Pip pulls back slowly, his breath shuddering
  855. > You tremble in anticipation
  856. > He pauses, only the tip still buried in your ass
  857. > Then in one stroke, he thrusts his length into you, sparking lightning up your spine
  858. > You cry out in pleasure, clamping around him, hips twitching and bucking
  859. > He lets out a long moan, humping your flanks and spurting inside you
  860. > You spend a moment just breathing, clenching and unclenching around the dick in your ass
  861. > Pip slowly disengages himself, making you shudder as he slides out
  862. > "Anything else I can do for you, mam?"
  863. > You shakily get to your hooves and beam at the young colt
  864. "Aren't you the sweetest little gentlecolt? Thank you Pip, I feel a lot better now."
  865. > He blushes at the compliment
  866. > "Just being polite, that's all. Um. You felt very nice, if you don't mind me saying."
  867. > You give him a peck on the cheek
  868. "I'm glad to hear that. I have to go now, but if things ever get hard, I'll be happy to return the favor."
  869. > He nods eagerly
  870. > "Thank you, Miss Cadance. Have a nice day!"
  871. "You too, Pip."
  872. > You make your way back to the castle, mind refreshingly clear of lustful interference
  873. > You start planning out how you want to deal with Anonymous as you walk
  874. > Before long, Pip's semen leaks out between your butt cheeks, dripping down your thighs
  875. > You don't really notice it, other than a mild sense that you should probably bathe soon
  876. > So many things to do, so little time
  878. > Be Anon, hauling a canister of milk to the cellar
  879. > You're looking forward to the chilly room, after a hot afternoon milking cows
  880. > As you make your slow way down the ramp, you spy Pail having some trouble reaching the top of a stack of cheese wheels
  881. > Now that you think about it, she's been moving oddly the entire morning
  882. > You glance at the inside of her plump thighs, glistening in the dim light
  883. > You set the canister by the wall and approach
  884. "Want me to get that cheese for you so you can find Bo?"
  885. > Pail Complexion smiles up at you
  886. > "If you would just put it on my back, dear, that would be fine."
  887. > You comply and follow her as she leaves the cellar
  888. "Is he off on a special delivery or something?
  889. > Pail shakes her head
  890. > "It's actually our anniversary, so I've been edging all morning. Going to Bo now would just be wasteful."
  891. > You blink
  892. "Uh, congratulations?"
  893. > She wiggles happily, the cheese wheel tottering dangerously
  894. > You instinctively set your hand on the wheel to steady it
  895. > "Thank you, dear. Oh, but you might want to avoid the kitchen tonight, since you probably don't want to watch."
  896. > You nod
  897. "Good to know. I think I'll be having dinner on my own anyways, I have some meat to use before it goes bad."
  898. > Pail scrunches, shaking her head
  899. > "That's probably for the best, dear. Mind getting the door?"
  901. > Be Spike, feeling...loose?
  902. > Certainly more relaxed than you have ever been
  903. > Your heart still aches, but it's hard to get too worked up
  904. > Every time you think about your Rarity alone wi-
  905. > Soft lips wrap around your member, making your hips jolt at the stimulation
  906. > Sweetie Belle giggles to your left as Apple Bloom starts licking
  907. > You groan, wisps of emerald flame escaping from your mouth
  908. > "Don't worry, Spike! We'll suck the sadness right out of you!"
  909. > You have to admit, all the attention they are giving you, and how long they've stuck with you...
  910. > Feels nice
  912. > Be Rarity, relaxing at the spa
  913. > You have all the urgent orders finished and shipped, and quite frankly deserve a break
  914. > You hum as skilled hooves knead at your withers, reducing you to a fabulous puddle of ponyflesh
  915. > Delicate magic flows around your horn, wicking away build up around its irregularities
  916. > You've had countless massages, and like all before, you find yourself moistening
  917. > Unlike before, you focus on the feeling
  918. > It's a mild arousal, something easily fixed with a few minutes of rutting
  919. > Lotus wipes her oiled hooves on a nearby towel
  920. > "Shall I send for an aide?"
  921. > You wonder
  922. "No thank you, that shall be all."
  923. > Lotus' expression remains professionally pleasant, but you think you can sense some confusion behind it
  924. > "In that case, thank you for coming, and we hope to see you again soon."
  925. > You slide off the massage table and nod politely to the mare
  926. "Until then, Lotus."
  927. > Outside, you set off for home
  928. > Every step reminds you of the slick heat in your flower
  929. > You pass by friendly mares and stallions, absently greeting them and exchanging brief pleasantries
  930. > You notice some stallions' nostrils flare, no doubt reacting to your scent
  931. > And yet, you don't ask them for a favor
  932. > It's so strange, and your arousal only grows, distracting yet intriguing you
  933. > When you get home, you stand in the parlor, uncertain
  934. > Do you take care of it yourself, or see if you can go for longer?
  935. > You feel restless, the idea of working on anything fills you with a mild dissatisfaction
  936. > There is simply no helping it, you absolutely must tend to yourself if you wish to get anything done
  937. > As you fetch your favorite dildo, you wonder how Anonymous functions at all
  938. > Perhaps it's a matter of practice?
  940. > Be Anon, tidying up your home
  941. > Even after all these years, mom still influences you
  942. > You might be living in a simple house on the edge of the Red Bo dairy, and you aren't even that messy
  943. > But company is coming, therefore last minute cleaning is taking place
  944. > You just barely finish sweeping the dirt onto the dustpan when there comes a knocking at the door
  945. "One moment!"
  946. > You dump the load into the trash can, scuff your foot over the remnants on the floor, and lean your broom in a corner
  947. > You hurry over to the door and open it
  948. "Come on in."
  949. > Princess Cadance nods her head pleasantly
  950. > "Thank you. This is a nice home you have, with good family nearby."
  951. > You tilt your head at the odd wording, but motion for her to enter
  952. "That's good to hear."
  953. > As she closes the door behind her, you settle in your comfy chair
  954. > You lean your elbows on your knees and clasp your hands together
  955. "So, how do we do this?"
  956. > The princess hops up onto the couch across from you and gives you a mild smile
  957. > "Talking, mostly. There are obstacles inside and outside of you, so it will take some time to truly overcome them."
  958. > You frown
  959. "Inside? If you're just going to try and convince me it's all okay-"
  960. > Princess Cadance shakes her head
  961. > "No, though that certainly is the shortest path. It is also the most difficult one to take, in your circumstances. No, I want to help you correct some misconceptions you have about yourself and others."
  962. > You relax slightly
  963. "Such as?"
  964. > She tilts her head
  965. > "Do you know why mares ask you for aid?"
  966. > You aren't terribly impressed with what is supposed to be an insightful princess
  967. "Because they got horny at some point."
  968. > Cadance giggles
  969. > "Yes, that is why they look for aid. But do you know why they come to you, specifically?"
  970. > You sit back, considering
  971. > Is there some sort of pattern?
  972. > Are you doing anything special before?
  973. > You honestly can't remember
  974. "Because I'm exotic?"
  975. > Cadance giggles again
  976. > "There is that, but mostly it's because you are attractive and considerate."
  977. > You cough
  978. "I'm not really that-"
  979. > "Stop."
  980. > Princess Cadance stares at you, almost scowling
  981. > "I know you don't believe me. You have been caught in a spiral of rejecting yourself and reading any lack of interest as rejection. There are doubtless any number of mares and female humans who are and were not interested in you, but there are far more than you realise that are attracted to you."
  982. > You rub your face tiredly
  983. "I... it's not like I don't know that, but I still find it hard to believe."
  984. > Cadance smiles
  985. > "Even after being propositioned so many times?"
  986. > You grimace
  987. "It would be one thing if they meant anything by it, but when it can just as easily be the next stallion down the street..."
  988. > Cadance nods solemnly
  989. > "You're getting mixed signals. You think it's supposed to be intimate, and they just treat your feelings like they are replaceable."
  990. > You rock back in your chair
  991. "Yeah, that's it exactly. Do you also..."
  992. > She shakes her head
  993. > "No, I just got a sense of how you feel yesterday. I don't know if it's any comfort, but there are ponies who get interested in popular ponies, and get twisted up in the same way. They try to express their feelings in some subtle way, but that tends to get lost in the shuffle."
  994. > You shake your head
  995. "Poor guys."
  996. > "And girls, just as often."
  997. > You shrug, acknowledging the point
  998. "Not sure what to say about that."
  999. > She shifts on the couch, laying on her side and supporting her head with a forehoof
  1000. > "The solution is actually fairly simple. Become better friends with more ponies, and send stronger signals when you are romantically interested."
  1001. > You frown
  1002. "Are we just ignoring the whole sex problem?"
  1003. > Cadance shakes her head
  1004. > "No, but you realistically won't find a mare who hasn't had sex before you met her, and she will almost certainly have sex after you get interested. What you need to do is get close enough to a mare that she will stop having sex for your sake."
  1005. "That-!"
  1006. > You cut yourself off, reining in your frustration
  1007. > You close your eyes and take a deep breath
  1008. "That doesn't help."
  1009. > Princess Cadance sighs
  1010. > "Barring meeting some mare in the alone in the wilderness, that's what will happen. Do humans ever marry again after their partner dies?"
  1011. > You look away
  1012. "Yes."
  1013. > "Would you marry someone like that?"
  1014. > Your jaw trembles
  1015. "It's not the same, I didn't have to see-"
  1016. > You hear some rustling
  1017. > A warm wing drapes across your shoulders
  1018. > "I know. I'm sorry that the way things are hurts you, but I promise you that you will find a love that will heal the pain."
  1019. > You feel your tense muscles slowly relax, melted by Cadance's gentle warmth and concern
  1020. > You lean on her shoulder
  1021. > Suddenly she shifts from under you with a squack, flapping wildly
  1022. > You pull back in surprise, just in time to see her hit the floor with a thump
  1023. "Are you alright?"
  1024. > Cadance giggles, laying on her side
  1025. > "I'm fine, just recovering my dignity."
  1026. > You smile
  1027. "I don't know, I'm sure it was a very dignified swan dive you just took. Sorry about that, by the way."
  1028. > She rolls onto her hooves and stands, ruffling her wings
  1029. > "It's fine, now we know that a chair arm is not the most stable of perches."
  1030. > You nod with mock solemnity
  1031. "Words of wisdom."
  1032. > Cadance rolls her eyes with a smirk
  1033. > "You bet they are. Speaking of which, I think I have one last piece of advice for you today."
  1034. > You clasp your hands in your lap
  1035. "Yes?"
  1036. > She nods
  1037. > "You are sending mixed signals yourself. It's a friendly thing to 'help' somepony when they ask. Given your point of view, you need to do something else friendly so as not to appear standoffish."
  1038. > You furrow your brow
  1039. "Such as?"
  1040. > Cadance shrugs
  1041. > "Hugs are always nice, maybe a peck on the cheek? You could also have a sleepover with your friends, and cuddle. I'm sure Twilight has a list of friendly activities you can pick from."
  1042. > You rub your chin
  1043. "That's not a bad idea. Thanks, Princess."
  1044. > She smiles
  1045. > "You're welcome, and call me Cadance. I won't have my friends stand on ceremony."
  1046. > You feel a little warmth bloom in your chest
  1047. "I'll remember that."

A Dazzling Christmas

by Uh-hmmm

A Dream Proposition

by Uh-hmmm

A Morning Ride

by Uh-hmmm

Adagio's Lullaby

by Uh-hmmm

An Acquired Taste (Scat)

by Uh-hmmm