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BV 1.1 - A Hairy Problem

By IHeartShinzakura
Created: 2020-12-21 17:46:54
Expiry: Never

  1. ** No.22846149
  2. >"A Hairy Problem", chapter 1
  3. Apparently I'm supposed to read this (and its sequel) before I go on to book 2 of 7DSJ. It's written entirely by BlueBastard, who as far as I can tell is Shinzakura's #1 fan. Judging by the description, this is a fic about Applejack turning into a werewolf, which at least sounds like it might be okay.
  5. >“Let me guess; Lyra told you about this ‘car’ thing didn’t she?”
  6. >Apple Bloom shook her head. “Nope, it was Sandalwood.”
  7. God damn it
  9. >Sandalwood had jumped onto Lyra’s bandwagon and fully believed in those creatures known as “humans” or something.
  10. Please stop
  12. >Worse, while Lyra just believed they existed, Sandalwood went a bit further.
  13. >According to Pinkie Pie, Sandy had dreams about not only being human, but having been adopted by humans in their world and eventually becoming a famous writer.
  16. >Oh, and that Rarity was in fact her mother somehow even though Sandalwood’s real parents lived in Fairflanks.
  17. [screaming intesnsifies]
  19. ** No.22846165
  20. isnt sandalwood the main characters real name in AAG?
  22. ** No.22846620
  23. >>22846165
  24. >isnt sandalwood the main characters real name in AAG?
  25. Yes. And in AAG, Sandalwood gets adopted by humans, eventually becomes a famous writer, and Rarity is in fact her mother.
  27. ** No.22847461
  28. I think the author just wanted to add a reference to his favorite fanfic.
  30. He really, really likes dropping references, by the way.
  31. >she was one of the strongest ponies in town save for possibly her brother; the “Iron Pony” incident where she lost to Rainbow Dash did not count at all for...various reasons
  32. >venturing to that old castle where she and her friends had defeated Nightmare Moon
  33. >While the last time the purple unicorn had tried to do that “psychiatric help” thing on Rainbow Dash did not end well, Twilight wasn’t exactly herself that day either judging from how she’d made the whole town go gaga over that old doll of hers.
  34. >Ah even had one of those Wonderbolt fellows show up, Soarin’ was his name Ah think. He ended up buyin’ all of yer pies, saying somethin’ about how he’d been dyin’ to taste one of them after the Gala
  35. >industrial pet hair dryer, which AJ never could get a straight answer about how the CMC got it beyond “it wasn’t stolen”
  36. >far more scared than the normally timid Pegasus was during normal things such as Nightmare Night
  37. >ended with her nearly getting run over with a train due to not winning any blue ribbons at the Equestrian Rodeo
  38. >I was freaking out about not having a friendship report to send to Celestia. While I doubt you could cause as much damage as I did with that ‘Want It Need It’ spell, I refuse to let the same problem happen to you.
  39. >making sure they didn’t step in any Poison Joke lest they be the victims of nature’s sense of humor.
  40. >it had been salvaged from its previous home inside the golden apple cart the CMC had booby trapped to get revenge on the visiting Babs Seed.
  41. >that infernal machine those two brothers had arrived in that nearly ruined the Apples, the “Super Speedy something-or-other 9001”
  42. All this in chapter 1, which is only 3,500 words.
  45. ** No.22853831
  46. >A Hairy Problem, chapter 10
  47. For the most part, this fic is neither good enough nor bad enough to be particularly entertaining. But over the past several chapters, I collected enough little bits of stupid to fill a post.
  49. >AJ has been acting suspicious (eating meat, disappearing at night)
  50. >Big Mac thinks she's become a werewolf, just like his parents did just before they died
  51. >he sends a message to Celestia and Luna
  52. >they bring the EoH to Ponyville, in hopes that they'll cure AJ
  54. >M6 activate elements
  55. >nothing happens
  57. >C&L explain their suspicion that AJ is a werewolf
  58. >AJ denies it
  59. >she says she was acting weird because she was PMSing
  60. (Yes, really)
  62. >C&L see other signs that conclusively prove that she's a werewolf
  63. >they tell nobody
  64. >they don't want to tell AJ she's a werewolf, because if she doesn't already know, it will cause her to go crazy (???)
  65. (I seriously don't understand this logic at all)
  67. >a week later
  68. >AJ is actually on her period now
  69. >she has to try really hard to cover up the symptoms, else everyone will know she was lying
  70. >since she is part wolf now, being on her period causes dogs to think she's in heat
  71. (YES, REALLY)
  72. >she goes to the ponyville market, and every male dog in town shows up to follow her around
  73. >then every female dog shows up to attack her
  74. >she runs away, being chased by every dog in town
  75. >out of nowhere, Lyra and Sandalwood show up with their car to help AJ get away
  77. >sandalwood has mostly figured out AJ's secret
  78. >AJ transforms to show them
  79. >Lyra and Sandalwood glanced at each other nervously. They were now sworn into keeping a secret that, despite what could be presumed to be Applejack’s best intentions to keep herself on a collar, could end up destroying the town if not all of Equestria with a werewolf epidemic. But because they’d Pinkie Promised, they had no choice but to help Applejack keep her lycanthropy a secret from the entire town.
  80. "Could be the end of pony civilization... but we Pinkie Promised, so we can't say a word!"
  82. ** No.22854894
  83. >>22854686
  84. Remember, I only post the parts that are dumb enough to comment on. The overall plot so far goes something like this:
  86. Applejack got bit and is now a werewolf. She refuses to tell anybody for some reason. A lot of the conflict in the story revolves around her trying to keep this a secret from everybody she knows.
  89. [spoiler]Celestia and Luna know she's a werewolf. They are super worried about this for some reason, although Applejack's lycanthropy seems to have very few downsides most of the time. But so far they haven't really done anything about it.
  91. There's also this 1000 year old edgelord (the original werewolf, due to Sombra's dark magic) running around somewhere spouting lines like this:
  92. >“Soon, little one…soon, you will belong to me, and give me all that I want from this wretched world!”
  93. I think he wants AJ to turn evil or something - it's not entirely clear (as of chapter 15).[/spoiler]

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AAG: Kind Hearts & Coronets

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he. she. we.

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BV 1.1 - A Hairy Problem

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