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BV 2.1 - Seven Days In Sunny June, Book I

By IHeartShinzakura
Created: 2020-12-21 17:49:25
Expiry: Never

  1. >reading "Seven Days in Sunny June"
  2. >seems like a tolerable Sunset Shimmer redemption fic (with no SS/TS shipping, thank god)
  3. >background: Sunset is friends with the Mane 5, and has been adopted by Scilight's mom. M5 know about Equestria/demon shit, Scilight's family doesn't.
  5. >get to chapter 5
  6. >Sunset and friends are volunteering at some kind of christmas event for little kids
  7. >the magician can't make it, so Sunset steps up
  8. Okay, so she's going to fake it by using real Equestrian magic, and probably get caught by her new family or something.
  9. >Sunset starts telling a story to go with her magical light show
  10. >it's about a land of magical ponies, and the faithful student of the princess of the realm
  11. Yep, for some fucking reason, she decided this is the perfect opportunity to both entertain small children AND reveal to the M5 the real story about her falling-out with sunhorse.
  12. >Sunset is interrupted by some woman screaming about her kid going missing
  13. Uh, this seems like a bit of a derail...
  14. >everyone runs off to find the kid
  15. >Sunset is the one to actually find her
  16. >Grapevine looked forlorn. “Daddy hits Mommy all the time because he says he didn’t want me,” she said, rubbing her eyes; it was clear that she’d been crying. “So if I run away, then Mommy can go back to Daddy and everything will be better.”
  17. PIC
  20. [image: train-derails-and-explodes.jpg]
  23. Should have known the good times (or at least the somewhat tolerable times) couldn't last. In case you didn't guess by the massive explosion of unnecessary drama, this is another fic by the same guy who wrote [spoiler]All-American Girl[/spoiler].
  27. >7DSJ, book 1, chapter 7
  28. Sunset has gotten things straightened out with her new family, but still dreads the possibility that she might one day have to reconcile with Princess Celestia. Apparently this isn't enough conflict and/or drama for the author, so he's decided to spin up a new subplot all about
  29. >rape
  31. Not joking. The new subplot is focused on "The Club", a group of guys who drug girls with something that makes them willing to have sex with anybody, in order to get laid and collect nudes.
  33. So, who's the unlucky main character who's going to get >raped? Answer: Trick question! The Club is going after three of them at the same time. Flash is after Twilight, Blueblood is after Rarity, and Vinyl Scratch is after Octavia.
  35. As usual, I see fun times ahead in this fic, where by "fun" I actually mean "stupid".
  39. >7DSJ, book 1, chapter 9
  40. It's rape o'clock! Twilight, Octavia, and Rarity are out on their dates with Flash, Vinyl, and Blueblood respectively, who all plan to dose the girls with mind-control drugs.
  42. >Sunset finds out about the rape plans and has to save everybody
  43. >she calls up some background character and YELLS AT HIM A LOT in ALL CAPS
  44. >he agrees to drive her to the restaurant where Twilight and Flash are having dinner (which has previously been established to be 150 miles from Twilight's house)
  45. >Sunset's phone mysteriously stops working because of plot reasons, so she can't just call Twilight and tell her to back out
  47. >Sunset arrives just in time to throw Flash through a table before he can kiss Twilight
  48. >she YELLS AT HIM a bunch, with ALL CAPS and also BOLD and ITALICS for TRIPLE EXTRA YELLING
  49. >“If you don’t answer me,” she said, whispering at him just so only he could hear before she roared the rest, “I WILL BREAK YOU LIKE A SPES MUHRINE RANSACKING ALL OF CREATION!”
  50. >the property damage is still only in the triple digits, so she punches a hole in the wall and throws Flash through a few more tables
  52. >suddenly, Blossomforth appears from nowhere!
  53. >she is obligated to defend Flash from Sunset's righteous fury, because she's just discovered that she's pregnant with his child!
  54. >The room went silent enough to hear a pin drop – that pin being any chance that Flash had of talking his way out of this.
  56. I haven't read past this little clusterfuck, but I'm sure there's more all-caps bold italic SUPER YELLING and throwing people through tables in the near future, just as soon as Sunset finishes driving 150 miles in the opposite direction to get back to the city where Octavia and Rarity are.
  58. >7DSG, book 1, chapter 9 (part 2)
  60. >Vinyl has drugged Octavia but is having doubts about the whole "mind control date rape" thing
  61. >she eventually decides to go through with it
  62. >but Sunset arrives just in time (again, somehow despite the 150 mile drive between the two cities)
  64. >Sunset explains that she knows everything about the MCDR club, including that they basically coerced Vinyl into joining them
  65. >she offers not to beat the shit out of Vinyl and to make sure she gets a good deal in the upcoming trial, as long as she lets Octavia go
  66. >“Seems to me that I’m holding all the cards here, Sunset,” Vinyl said
  67. LOGIC!
  69. Also:
  70. >“I’m not done yet,” Sunset said, lowering the second finger. “Then, there’s Option Two: If you so much as touch her, I will introduce you to the fucking wrath of a Goddamn pissed-off-as-Tartarus alicorn. Your ass is going to be Discord and I’m going to be all six fucking Elements of Harmony. I’m going to rampage on you like the Princess did against the Minotaur Invasion of 957. I WILL BREAK YOU LIKE SHE BROKE THE ENTIRE CHANGELING ARMY AT SADDLEBACK RIDGE, AND I WON’T FEEL AN OUNCE OF REMORSE DOING IT, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?” [spoiler]4chan doesn't support the proper formatting so you'll just have to imagine the bold and italics to get the proper QUADRUPLE SUPER YELLING effect[/spoiler]
  72. >Vinyl leaned back in surprise as she gasped, “What. The fuck. Are you talking about?”
  74. And in the thrilling finale:
  75. >suddenly, Cloud Kicker appears from nowhere!
  76. >she confesses her undying love for Vinyl Scratch, and swears to give up her slutty ways!
  77. >the two run off to fuck happily ever after, and Sunset takes Octavia to safety
  81. By the way, the next arc looks to be something about Spike developing a crush on Rarity. Not just because she's good looking, like in canon - that would make too much sense, I suppose - but because Rarity whooped his ass in five consecutive rounds of Super Smash Bros. Apparently Rarity's cousin is an EVO champion, and this somehow grants Rarity mad SSB skillz.
  85. >7DSJ, book 1, chapter 14-16
  86. The current arc (since chapter 13) is actually pretty good so far. There's interesting stuff going on (Scilight losing her mind due to some mysterious nightmares involving Equestriani ponies and some Kabbalistic numerology stuff), and it's serious enough that the characters are busy getting shit done instead instead of sitting around acting like idiots. In other words, the level of unnecessary drama is generally pretty low in this part of the story - well, aside from this bit:
  88. >Bon-Bon appears from nowhere to punch Sunset in the face
  89. >Sunset yells at Bon-Bon with lots of italics (but no all-caps)
  90. >Bon-Bon and Sunset are friends now
  91. >also Bon-Bon is Vietnamese because of reasons
  93. There are a few things that happen that would normally trigger my AAG-induced PTSD - Scilight attempts suicide; everyone but Sunset acts like an idiot and ignores the problem - but they're tolerable here because there's at least some explanation (currently "magic, lol", but it's better than nothing) and acknowledgement that this is kind of weird. Contrast with AAG:
  94. >Pip sorts out his love triangle in the middle of a war zone
  95. >Cadance commits a war crime and nobody notices
  96. >Celestia has the impulse control of a 14 year old
  97. And the author writes like all of this is perfectly normal.

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