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Pony Poetry

By BlitheAnon
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-11 05:36:37
Expiry: Never

  1. NOTE: Below are all the poems I’ve written (both the good and the bad). Formatting is as such:
  3. *************************
  4. [Name of Poem]
  6. [Body of Poem
  7. [And More of it]
  8. -------------------------------------
  9. Post # >>XXXXXXXX
  10. [Additional Comments]
  12. *************************
  13. Scootaloo’s Flight
  15. 8 Among the winds, butterflies float
  16. 8 Across the air as I stand from
  17. 8 The ground, staring up as they dance
  18. 8 Freely in the sky. Swooping low,
  20. 8 They flit about and brush my coat,
  21. 8 Ushering me to play, to come
  22. 8 With them. I would, but there’s no chance
  23. 8 I can fly, I’ve tried and I know
  25. 8 It wasn’t meant to be. It’s fine,
  26. 8 Though, so fly and fly nearby your
  27. 8 Friends as I lie under this tree.
  28. 8 And please, say a hello for me.
  29. ------------------------------------
  30. Post # >>36079789
  31. This poem was my very first pony poem.
  33. *************************
  34. Rainbow’s Love Poem
  36. He’s tall, handsome, and makes me feel good,
  37. As what any cool stallion like Anon should!
  38. Not that I like him... or anything like that,
  39. It’s totally cool, though, if he gives me pats.
  41. And maybe scritches, behind the ears, too,
  42. But no one will know that, not even who,
  43. ESPECIALLY if it’s the most awesomest pony in all of Ponyville!!!
  44. Anyways... he’s totally cool and totally chill.
  46. He even says I’m ‘totally tubular,’ I mean, who does this?
  47. I love him so much, I just want his kiss.
  48. ------------------------------------
  49. Post # >>36241270
  50. This poem was made with the idea of how I thought Rainbow would write love poetry.
  52. *************************
  53. Amidst the Clouds
  55. 10 As I lie atop a cloud, I wonder
  56. 10 If I’m soaring or floating in the sky
  57. 10 While I watch from above as he walks by.
  59. 10 Though only I can tell, within my chest
  60. 10 My heart’s beating faster than I can fly
  61. 10 And I have no idea as to why.
  63. 10 Beneath me, he strolls along as I stare.
  64. 10 Longing for more, longing for love, I sigh.
  65. 10 He said his hello, and tells me goodbye.
  66. ------------------------------------
  67. Post # >>36241270
  68. This poem was made with the goal of writing something proper in lieu of the poem above.
  70. *************************
  71. Lonely Mayor Mare
  73. 10 Approving directives, assigning roles
  74. 10 Signing requests, bills, and wading through scrolls.
  75. 10 And throughout the night, checking the town’s tolls
  76. 10 While other ponies are home with their foals.
  78. 10 With all the days, the years that’s gone and past,
  79. 10 Oh my, how the years went by, passing fast,
  80. 10 I remember that I’m one of the last
  81. 8 Of my friends, of my family.
  83. 8 I finish the night with a grin,
  84. 8 As I think about memories
  85. 8 Of when I was a filly and
  86. 8 My parents had filled me with joy.
  87. ------------------------------------
  88. Post # >>36241387
  89. I’m not very proud of this poem primarily due to both the tonal and metrical shift at the end of stanza two to the last stanza. I was attempting to intentionally cause that shift to make it sound jarring, however, I don’t think it adds onto the quality of the poem. Oh well.
  91. ************************
  92. Fulvius Stellus Loves his Mare
  94. 5 Love, oh love of mine,
  95. 6 Oh how your eyes do shine
  96. 5 From the blazing sun
  97. 6 Of my heart. How I pine
  99. 5 After such a mare
  100. 6 As you, with chestnut hair.
  101. 5 My mind often runs
  102. 6 With thoughts of us, a pair.
  103. ------------------------------------
  104. Post # >>36241923
  105. Nothing to add other than to pay homage to the OG chad.
  107. *************************
  108. Curious Verity
  110. 8 Showered in the rays of sunlight,
  111. 8 A lone filly galloped forward.
  112. 8 Her small hooves stomped upon the ground
  113. 8 As her eyes shimmered with glee, hope.
  115. 8 She neared the end of the clearing
  116. 8 Panting, her coat glistened with sweat.
  117. 8 Leaping, she pierced the underbrush
  118. 8 And landed upon soft soil.
  120. 8 Shakily, she lowered herself
  121. 8 To the cool, grassy forest floor.
  122. 8 Her vision shook, and when it calmed,
  123. 8 Something flew onto her muzzle.
  125. 8 Her nose tickled and she sneezed,
  126. 8 Sending the butterfly up high.
  127. 8 She rubbed a hoof along her nose
  128. 8 As the monarch hovered in front.
  130. 8 “Sorry!” she yelled with a smile,
  131. 8 And the monarch landed again
  132. 8 Atop her nose, lightly flapping
  133. 8 Its wings before settling down.
  135. 8 “Oh, um, hi.” she quietly spoke,
  136. 8 “You’re really cute, do you know that?”
  137. 8 It fluttered its wings, and again,
  138. 8 She sneezed, but the monarch flew up.
  140. 8 Blinking, she wondered where it went
  141. 8 Until she felt her mane rustled.
  142. 8 “I think I’ll call you Sir Monarch!”
  143. 8 And from her mane popped Sir Monarch.
  145. 8 The two travelled forward and found
  146. 8 A patch of lilacs, bright violet.
  147. 8 A grumble came from the filly,
  148. 8 Thick drool slipping down from her mouth.
  150. 8 “Verity!” Anon had called out,
  151. 8 His voice drawing near, “It’s lunchtime!”
  152. 8 “Anon, look!” Verity shouted,
  153. 8 Pointing at her mane, “He’s my friend.”
  155. 8 Anon gazed upon Sir Monarch
  156. 8 And a smile formed on his lips.
  157. 8 “You’re both adorable, sweetie,”
  158. 8 He chuckled as he scooped them up.
  160. 8 “Now, let’s go home,” he said, whisking
  161. 8 Them away, running as she laughed.
  162. ------------------------------------
  163. Post # >>36253365
  164. I couldn’t not do a poem of /our/girl. Also, a song that I’m thinking of at the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEztui18cA8 [My Girl- The Temptations]
  166. *************************
  167. Lyra Steals Anon’s Oats
  169. 8 Plopping down in my comfy chair
  170. 8 With a glass of cider, I sat
  171. 8 Listening to the chirps, ribbits
  172. 8 And other wildlife outside
  173. 8 When a knock sounded from my door.
  175. 8 ‘For what purpose could this knock be?’
  176. 8 I thought, mulling over what could
  177. 8 Possibly warrant a visit
  178. 8 As the warmth of sweet apples filled
  179. 8 My soul, soothing me to the core.
  181. 8 From the door came a thump and thud
  182. 8 I have never heard once before
  183. 8 So I stood with my ass quite sore
  184. 8 And strode to the window as more
  185. 8 Drums, beats and raps came from my door.
  187. 8 I pulled the curtains aside and
  188. 8 Gasped at the sight of this mare for
  189. 8 I knew her, yet her purpose nor
  190. 8 Her goal I knew, but to ignore
  191. 8 Her presence is a greater chore.
  193. 8 ‘Anon,’ she called, ‘open your door
  194. 8 ‘For you’re the hyooman I adore
  195. 8 ‘The most! Oh, you make my heart soar
  196. 8 ‘And want! I beseech, no, implore
  197. 8 ‘For you to please open this door!’
  199. 8 My breathing stilled and my thoughts stopped
  200. 8 When she peeked through the glass, I dropped.
  202. 8 ‘Anon!’ she screamed, leaving the door
  203. 8 To watch as I laid on the floor.
  204. 8 ‘My love will grow forevermore
  205. 8 ‘With your head pats, belly rubs or
  206. 8 ‘Ear scritches. I swear it,’ she swore.
  208. 8 ‘Leave me be, foul wench!’ I roared,
  209. 8 ‘Begone you filthy cuddle whore!’
  210. 8 Her eyes hardened with that of war.
  211. 8 Her horn glistened and magic poured
  212. 8 Onto my fragile, feeble door.
  214. 8 Wood splintered while the hinges tore
  215. 8 From the thin frame. I was done for
  216. 8 As she left to search, to explore
  217. 8 Amidst the debris of decor.
  218. 8 My vision swirled and filled with black.
  220. 8 When I awoke, I was in bed
  221. 8 And when I checked the living room,
  222. 8 All was intact, clean and pristine.
  223. 8 I sighed heavily, ‘T’was a dream!’
  224. 8 I exclaimed when my stomach churned.
  226. 8 With the sunlight outside, breakfast
  227. 8 Was on my mind, so I went to
  228. 8 The pantry to retrieve oatmeal.
  229. 8 As I opened the door, I gasped
  230. 8 At the small note with Lyra’s name.
  232. 4 The oats were gone.
  233. 4 The oats, no more.
  234. ------------------------------------
  235. Post # >>36309517
  236. This one took some time, and I’m pretty happy with the result. Lyra truly is a devious little shid.
  238. *************************
  239. A Mailmare’s Course
  241. 8 Gliding along the lukewarm air,
  242. 7 Her feathers brushing cobble,
  243. 8 She flew and flew without a care
  244. 7 And caused a stack to topple.
  246. 9 Chocolate spheres’n’cookie tears tumbled
  247. 8 To the ground. A vanilla disc,
  248. 8 Which was amiss, against a stall
  249. 2 It wound.
  251. 9 Cracking sounds and splintered wood gave the
  252. 7 Mare a fright, but when she sighed,
  253. 7 Her flowers died, and gave her
  254. 3 Quite the sight.
  256. 8 With sweets in ruins, flowers too,
  257. 7 Sweetie Drops and Roseluck wept,
  258. 8 But when the stall had bid adieu,
  259. 7 The flowers and wood had leapt.
  261. 9 It crashed against another stall and
  262. 8 One by one, they went. One applause,
  263. 8 From Discord’s paws, encouraged their
  264. 2 Descent.
  266. 9 Chaos came’n’chaos went. Now there’s
  267. 7 Nothing left. A crowd had formed
  268. 7 Around the deformed remnants,
  269. 3 All bereft.
  271. 10 ‘Sorry’ Derpy cried, sorrow on her face,
  272. 5 And off she flew to
  273. 5 Finish her route since
  274. 6 She had to keep her pace.
  275. ------------------------------------
  276. Post # >>36481714
  277. Not much to say other than I had fun writing this one.
  279. *************************
  280. Cherry’s First Flight
  282. 10 Her basket flipped and sheets laid out, she huffed
  283. 10 And ran a hoof along her mane with glee.
  284. 10 She grabbed a tool about her side and puffed
  285. 10 Some air, and with delight, her eyes did see
  286. 10 Her masterpiece inflate that’d lead to flight.
  288. 10 She turned a valve and felt a gust of gas
  289. 10 Seep out the spout and rushed to cause a spark
  290. 10 And light a flame. With pride, she had her pass
  291. 10 Of confirmation to move on. The park
  292. 10 Was dead, no ponies near. The time was right.
  294. 10 She flipped her basket back upright and filled
  295. 10 Her parachute to full, untied the rope
  296. 10 That held her down and lifted to the sky.
  297. 11 Down beneath the clouds she saw the fields pass by
  298. 10 As pegasi flew close to shout their hi’s.
  299. ------------------------------------
  300. Post # >>36535736
  301. The original idea was for it to be focused on taking in the scenery, but I figured Cherry’s first flight would be better.

A Rudimentary Guide to Writing Poetry

by BlitheAnon

Pony Poetry

by BlitheAnon

The Noniventures, Chapter 1

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The Noniventures, Chapter 2

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Twig Gnasher

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