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The Noniventures, Chapter 2

By BlitheAnon
Created: 2021-01-06 05:02:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >Humming a tune, Sweetie Belle laid a trio of capes on top of her desk, levitating a pair of needles on either side.
  2. >”To get a cutie mark is a really special thing,” she softly sang, placing a shield emblem with a pony embroidered in the center near a corner, “it shows your special talent, obligations it will bring.”
  3. >Lifting a roll of thread, she unwound it and threaded it through the needle’s eye.
  4. >”And if I-”
  5. >”Sweetie Belle.”
  6. >”Coming,” she shouted, running from her work and bursting through the bedroom door, only to tumble down the stairs.
  7. >Landing head first, her eyes swirled as she felt herself being picked up.
  8. >”Sweetie, you mustn’t run in the house, you’ll hurt yourself or ruin one of my dresses.”
  9. >”Sorry,” Sweetie apologized, “what’d you need me for?”
  10. >”Oh, nothing at all. I just needed you to know that I’ll be having a special guest over and I’d like you to stay in your room.”
  11. >”Is Anon coming over?”
  12. >Sighing, Rarity swiftly swept the floor with a broom.
  13. >”If you must know, yes.”
  14. >”Can I help? Please?”
  15. >’I’m gonna have to use the big guns, huh?’ Sweetie thought as Rarity glared at her.
  16. >With a quivering lip, she forced a tear from her eye, “I just wanna help you big sister.”
  17. >Groaning, Rarity pawed at the ground with a hoof as she stared at the ceiling.
  18. >”Fine, but you’ll do as I say, understood?”
  19. >”You got it,” she shouted, standing at attention and giving her a brief salute.
  20. >”Good.”
  21. >Seconds later, the shop door’s bell chimed as the door swung open revealing a lanky figure wrapped in a thin blanket.
  22. >As it bowed its head and stepped inside, the floor whined, and when it opened its mouth, it spoke with a croak.
  23. >”Morning Rarity.”
  25. >”Why good morning, Anon!”
  26. >Straightening himself out, he sniffled and tightened the blanket around his shoulders.
  27. >”Are you sick mister?”
  28. >”Sweetie,” Rarity growled through clenched teeth, “that’s very impolite.”
  29. >”It’s fine,” he said, waving her off, “tell the truth, it could be worse. I’d rather run a slight fever instead of not running at all.”
  30. >”Then why are you wearing a blanket?”
  31. >”Well it’s kinda cold outside,” he answered, scratching the back of his head.
  32. >”Really? I thought it was perfect.”
  33. >”Sweetie, Anon here doesn’t have fur like us,” Rarity chided as she approached him, “I deeply apologize for my sister’s behavior, darling.”
  34. >”Nah, she’s good. If she were acting like my niece and nephews, whew,” he smirked, “then we’d have a problem.”
  35. >”Wait, there’s more of you?” Sweetie asked, her voice cracking in surprise, “Where are they?”
  36. >Wincing, his vision dropped to the floor as he shuffled from side to side, the air gradually pressing harder on her barrel.
  37. >”I’m not sure.”
  38. >”Oh...”
  39. >”Well, darling,” Rarity piped up, nudging his waist towards the curtains, “lets get you measured now, hmm?”
  40. >”You’re the boss.”
  41. >Following in their wake, Sweetie dragged her hooves along the floor with a pout and sat in a corner behind the curtains.
  42. >”Wonderful. Now please remove the blanket if you may.”
  43. >When the blanket flew to the floor, her mouth opened wide in shock.
  44. >”You really weren’t lying when you said he didn’t have fur!”
  45. >As Rarity’s face burned to a fiery red, he laughed and rustled Sweetie’s mane.
  46. >”Yeah, that’s why I need clothes!”
  47. >”Um, excuse me darling,” Rarity interrupted, prodding at his underwear, “but what is it you’re wearing?”
  48. >”That? That’s underwear.”
  49. >”And for what purpose is this ‘underwear?’”
  51. >”It’s for, uh,” he weakly laughed with a half-smile, glancing back and forth between her and Sweetie, “it’s just something we wear.”
  52. >”But why do you wear it?”
  53. >”That’s kinda personal there, Sweetie.”
  54. >”I was just asking-”
  55. >”Sweetie Belle, if he’s uncomfortable with answering, then he doesn’t have to answer.”
  56. >”Sorry,” Sweetie mewled.
  57. >”Don’t worry about it.”
  58. >Reaching out, he scratched the area behind her ear, eliciting a hum as she closed her eyes.
  59. >”Shall we begin?”
  60. >”Sure.”
  61. >”Excellent, just let me do all the work.”
  62. >Standing up straight, he let his limbs go limp as Rarity extended his arms and flung the measuring tape against them with precision.
  63. >”Mister Anon, where do you come from?”
  64. >Before he could answer, Rarity let out a groan, dropped the tape to the floor and slapped a hoof over her eyes.
  65. >”Sweetie, if you can’t behave, then you’ll have to go to your room.”
  66. >”But I was just-”
  67. >”Leave,” she demanded, pointing her hoof to the stairwell.
  68. >Sniffling and sulking, Sweetie crawled along the floor through the curtains and towards the stairs with tears in her eyes.
  69. >”I don’t mind her asking.”
  70. >”Really?”
  71. >Darting back, she beamed up towards him as she sat before him.
  72. >”Are you sure, if she’s bothering you-”
  73. >”I’m sure.”
  74. >Clearing his throat, he grinned at the small filly as Rarity wrapped the tape around his torso.
  75. >”I came from a place very different than this one.”
  76. >”How different?”
  77. >”As I said, very. We had buildings called skyscrapers which could reach up to twenty stories tall.”
  78. >”Hey, that’s like Manehatten!”
  79. >Raising an eyebrow, he glanced towards Rarity and received a nod.
  80. >”Wow, didn’t know you ponies had that. What about cars and planes?”
  82. >Sweetie cocked her head to the side, narrowing her eyes at him.
  83. >”What’s that?”
  84. >Tapping his thigh, he thought a spell until his pursued lips relaxed.
  85. >”Hmm, well if you couldn’t tell, I can’t fly, and neither can anyone else like me. What we did to fix that was by building these machines that we’d sit in that could lift us up in the sky.”
  86. >As she nodded along and listened to him speak, his stomach loudly growled, getting the attention of both her and Rarity.
  87. >”Aha, guess I’m hungry.”
  88. >”Do you want anything to eat, darling?”
  89. >”It’s alright, I can wait until you’re finished.”
  90. >Humming in response, Rarity gracefully glided the tape along his skin, stopping for a moment before sliding it away to the next place.
  91. >Setting the tape aside, she quickly scrawled a series of numbers on a nearby notepad.
  92. >”And there we are,” she cooed, “are you okay with Sugarcube Corner?”
  93. >”Sure,” he said, snatching the blanket from the ground and wrapping it back around himself, “lead the way.”
  94. >”Mister Anon, what do you eat?”
  95. >Stopping mid-trot, Rarity twisted her head and stared at Sweetie in horror with a gaping mouth.
  96. >”I don’t eat hay if that’s what you’re asking.”
  97. >”Why not?”
  98. >”That’s just something I can’t eat.”
  99. >”Yeah right, and I’m sure you eat meat, don’t you?”
  100. >Blinking towards Sweetie, he paused to think of what to say and opened his mouth, revealing his white, pointy canines.
  101. >”Aah, he’s gonna eat me!”
  103. >Bolting out of the room, she rushed upstairs tripping over herself and sliding down a couple steps.
  104. >”He isn’t going to eat you.”
  105. >Scrambling up the steps, she ran towards her room and slammed herself against the door.
  106. >Panting, she picked herself up and turned around to see Anon and Rarity approaching from the staircase.
  107. >Harshly sucking in air, she cantered to the side of her door and kicked it closed, quickly locking it afterwards.
  108. >Sliding under her bed and watching the door, she felt her lungs burn until she forced out her breath, relearning to breathe.
  109. >”Sweetie, open your door this instant!”
  110. >”No, he’ll eat me!”
  111. >”I’m not gonna eat you.”
  112. >”And why should I believe you?”
  113. >Silence permeated the room, leaving only the sound of her heavy puffs of air, and as she focused her attention at the door, she heard soft noises emanating past it.
  114. >Leaving her hiding place, she approached the door and gingerly placed her ear against the cool wood.
  115. >”-eeply, deeply apologize about this. I never thought she’d act like this, and it’ll be a miracle to get her out.”
  116. >”I’ve dealt with this before and I can get her out, all I need is a butter knife.”
  117. >”A butter knife!” she screamed, frantically slithering away and pacing back and forth in her room, sweat beading down her face.
  118. >’What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?’
  119. >As she heard her doorknob jiggling, her eyes landed on her window.
  120. >Jumping up on her desk, she flung her window open just as her door loudly creaked behind her.
  121. >”You’re not gonna eat me.”
  122. >”Sweetie don’t!”
  124. >Bounding out of the window, her withers collided with the boutique’s railing, sending her spinning towards the ground.
  125. >Landing with a poof of dirt, she rolled over and ran throughout the town’s streets.
  126. >”He’s gonna eat me! Help!” she whined in terror.
  127. >Glancing behind her, she saw him running towards her, blanket wrapped around his waist, with Rarity hooked beneath his arm as she knocked into something hard.
  128. >”Sugarcube, what in the world are ya doin?”
  129. >”Help me, Applejack!”
  130. >Hiding behind her stall, Sweetie’s body quivered while occasionally letting out a soft whimper.
  131. >”What in the hay is goin on?”
  132. >”H-He’s gonna eat m-me.”
  133. >”Sweetie Belle, I’m not gonna eat you.”
  134. >”Ah!”
  135. >A hand reached underneath the stall, gripping her by the scruff of her neck.
  136. >Shrieking, her body was gently pulled along the ground and lifted into the air to be face to face with the monster himself.
  137. >”Let me down, let me down!”
  138. >”Sweetie.”
  139. >”Let go!”
  140. >Kicking her hooves, she wildly flailed in the air when she felt his tendrils graze her stomach.
  141. >”No, no-aha-no! S-Stop, please,” she wheezed, struggling against his tickle frenzy.
  142. >”Not until you apologize.”
  143. >”Aah, I’m sorry,” she squeaked out, giggling madly.
  144. >”Thank you.”
  145. >Released from her torment, she felt herself being lowered to the ground.
  146. >”Anon, mind explaining to me why Sweetie here thought ya were gonna eat her?”
  147. >”I dunno,” he shrugged, “but I’m guessing she saw these.”
  148. >Raising his upper lip, he revealed his canines for all of Ponyville to see.
  149. >As a collection of gasps invaded the town’s square, Applejack sighed and climbed atop her stall.
  150. >”Listen up everypony. Anon ain’t no foal eater,” she announced, pointing a hoof in his direction, “and there ain’t nothing to be worried ‘bout. He just eats fish, got it?”
  152. >A wave of nods followed suit, and as she hopped off her makeshift platform, the hustle and bustle of the market square returned in full swing.
  153. >”Didn’t I tell you ta be careful ‘bout what ya say and do sugarcube?”
  154. >Pinching the bridge of his nose, he groaned.
  155. >”Ah dammit, sorry about that.”
  156. >”Yer fine,” she whistled, returning to her station, “just don’t make it a habit.”
  157. >”Yes ma’am,” he said, a thunderous roar seeping out from his stomach.
  158. >”Shoot, seems like yer a hankering fer something filling,” she grinned, pushing an apple towards him, “on the house.”
  159. >”I can’t.”
  160. >”I don’t mind.”
  161. >”But I don’t have any bits.”
  162. >”Don’t sweat it, Anon.”
  163. >”I shouldn’t.”
  164. >”Don’t test me, Anon.”
  165. >”Why not just have him work for it?”
  166. >Together, the two stared at Sweetie Belle in shock.
  167. >”Depends,” Applejack thought, adjusting her hat, “if he can buck apples or haul ‘em back to the barn, then I reckon it’d work out fine. Whatcha think?”
  168. >”Works for me if it works for you.”
  169. >”Great, ya can start when ya feel better,” spitting on her hoof, she held it towards him for a slimy shake of solidarity, “deal?”
  170. >Rarity shivered as he spat in his hand, mixed their saliva together and pulled away from each other, a thick strand of spit connecting them until it split and hung to the ground.
  171. >”Deal.”
  172. >”That’s wonderful and everything,” she interjected, “but we really must be going.”
  173. >”Before ya go, ya wanna leave Sweetie here ‘stead of me picking her up tonight?”
  174. >”Why would I do that, darling?”
  175. >”Din’t ya have a large order of dresses that needed done tomorrow?”
  176. >Rarity’s right eye began to slowly twitch, and as Applejack gave her a look of pity, she screeched, rushing back to her boutique.
  178. >”Is she gonna be alright?”
  179. >”She’s always like this, it’s nothing unusual.”
  180. >”Really?”
  181. >”Yep.”
  182. >Another rumble shook Sweetie’s attention back to Anon.
  183. >”I guess I’ll be heading back home then.”
  184. >Untying his blanket, he unfolded and wrapped it around his shoulders.
  185. >”See ya ‘round, Anon.”
  186. >”See you soon.”
  187. >Sweetie gazed at him leaving before gasping.
  188. >”Bye Anon!” she belted out, waving towards him.
  189. >”Have a good one, Sweetie,” he hollered back, returning her wave.
  190. >Smiling, she settled down on the ground beside the stand watching as the daylight passed by.
  192. ***********************************************************************************
  194. >”That’s it?”
  195. >”Yeah.”
  196. >Plopping back on the bed, Scootaloo whistled at Sweetie’s explanation.
  197. >”So he’s coming here ta work for mah sister?” Apple Bloom questioned.
  198. >”Yep, which means you can do some recon!” Sweetie gleefully stated, grinning at her.
  199. >Standing up from the ground, she trotted towards the window and looked aimlessly at the night sky, her vision jumping from star-to-star when she spotted a glittering magnifying glass.
  200. >Turning back, she could feel her chest swelling at the possibility.
  201. >”I’ll see what I can do.”

A Rudimentary Guide to Writing Poetry

by BlitheAnon

Pony Poetry

by BlitheAnon

The Noniventures, Chapter 1

by BlitheAnon

The Noniventures, Chapter 2

by BlitheAnon

Twig Gnasher

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