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Flower Sisters

By SpeedBoostBlaziken
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-21 22:00:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hurry up, Anon! You don't want to be late for your first day as a sophomore, do you?"
  2. >That was Rose, one of your three older sisters
  3. >She was a set of triplets, the other two being Lilly Valley and Daisy
  4. >Your parents, for some ungodly reason, brought it upon themselves to have another child just about as soon as biologically possible
  5. >Because new parents raising a set of triplets wasn't enough
  6. >Oh well, it's the future they chose
  7. >You're making your way downstairs, backpack already on your back, with all of the getting ready for a school day done
  8. >Rose did have a point, even though the four of you were running early, enough dawdling could make you late
  9. >It's not your fault you wanted to look as sharp as possible
  10. >Your first year was dedicated to surviving, getting good grades started early, and generally getting used to high school
  11. >But now that that's out of the way, this year is the year you're gonna score yourself a girlfriend
  12. >Sure there are plenty of handsomer, more athletic guys than you at the school
  13. >But with a male-to-female ratio like CHS has, there's gonna be plenty of uncaught fish in the sea
  14. >As long as your standards aren't too high, or too low, you'll do just fine
  15. >You've spent all summer trying to build your confidence, and with the help of your sisters, you've gained quite a bit of self-esteem
  16. >The four of you start making your way down to the school, the three girls chatting away about what junior year will be like
  17. >Rose, the youngest of the triplets; even among the three of them she was the best botanist
  18. >She's been reading books about plants since she could read, and her knowledge of all things plant life was almost uncanny
  19. >In fact she's already been accepted to Canterlot University after her paper on biochemical altering of plants floored the judges
  20. >She's a bit shy and twitchy, but also kind, and can be pretty social with people she's opened up to
  21. >Pinkie Pie in particular has become fairly close friends with her for someone not in the Technicolor Anime Magical Girl Group
  22. >She was the first person to tell her that her paper was good (based on Twilight Sparkle's assessment), and that she should send it to CU
  23. >Lilly Valley is the middle child of them, though that's not saying much
  24. >She's a traditional romantic, always dreaming of marrying her prince charming and having a big family in a big house
  25. >When asked why she doesn't aim for more, like being a doctor or CEO, she shrugs and says 'I don't wanna'
  26. >She loves writing, and though high fantasy and romance are her things, she's been branching out to other genres to broaden her abilities
  27. >Based on what you've read, she could probably make it as a professional writer if she can build the right connections
  28. >Her collection of youth writer awards is nothing to scoff at either, with state level wins and national runner up prizes on her shelf
  29. >Then there's Daisy, the oldest of your sisters, and the most outgoing and sociable
  30. >She's on the CHS soccer team as a wing forward and offensive midfielder, and she's trained a lot at it
  31. >Her grades clock in at a C+ average; she's by no means dumb but not really a bookworm either
  32. >She hopes to also go to Canterlot U but as a member of the Canterlot Cavaliers
  33. >And with her rivaling Rainbow Dash as best player in the high school league, it'd be surprising if she DIDN'T get an acceptance letter sometime soon
  34. >Then there's you, Anonymous
  35. >Not much in the way of unique and special talents, you mostly play video games and do amateur programming
  36. >You let out a sigh as you continue to walk with your sisters
  37. >Daisy turns to you and asks you what's wrong
  38. "Oh nothing. I was just thinking about how amazing all of you are, and how you'll eventually be off to college without me."
  39. >"Oh, Anon," she says as she reaches up to ruffle your hair, "you're plenty amazing too."
  40. "Good one Daisy, I've got B average grades, no athletic teams, no national titles, and no University acceptance letters."
  41. >Lily puts a hand around your back and side hugs you
  42. >"Didn't you write some code for that GNU core thingy you're always talking about? That's a pretty big deal."
  43. "They were mostly minor edits. The biggest thing I did was modify the decompression script to make installing new software packages a bit faster"
  44. >Lilly looks at you with a blank face, clearly not understanding the intricacies of what you've said
  45. >"I don't know what that means, but I know a lot of computers like mine use Linux."
  46. "I'd like to-"
  47. >"Oh I'm sorry," she says as she gives you a playful elbow jab in the ribs, "I mean GUHNOO PLUS LINUX."
  48. >You can't deny you kinda deserved that for being such an autist about it
  49. >"Besides, that means that thousands and thousands of computers are going to be using code that YOU wrote."
  50. >Rose gives you a comforting smile and folds her hands, as if in prayer
  51. >It's something she always does when she's about to give words of encouragement
  52. >"She has a point, Anon. If you apply yourself, you could probably get a degree from Equestria State in Computer Science."
  53. "Huh, I didn't even think about that."
  54. >As you ponder it in your mind, it does seem like a logical option
  55. >Might as well try to cultivate your only useful hobby and try to put it to use
  56. "It'd suck to have to attend a different college than you guys, but they're not that long of a bus ride away"
  57. >Daisy gives you a thumbs up
  58. >"Yeah, plus you won't have to worry about that for a few more years"
  59. >"And on top of that," says Lilly, "we'll still be in the same general area while you're finishing up high school, albeit the other side of the city."
  60. >It wouldn't exactly be an easy journey to make all the time, but you'll get to see them on more than just holidays, which is nice
  61. "I'll have to think about it, but I think you girls are right."
  62. >This time it's your turn to smile and show a thumbs up
  63. "I didn't think I'd be able to have a goal this soon like you, but once again you come through for me."
  64. >As the three of you stop in front of the school building, you pulls your sisters in for a group hug
  65. >Being able to hug all three at once is a nice bonus of being a big guy
  66. >For them
  67. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys. I just wish there was some way I could repay you for all you do for me."
  68. >Daisy turns to you fully, and gives you the tender, motherly look that only she among your sisters can do so well
  69. >"Just achieve your dreams in life and be happy, Anon. That's all we want from you."
  70. >A bit of tears start to form in the corner of your eyes, so you wipe them away and embrace her
  71. "Thanks, Daisy"
  72. >"Don't mention it"
  73. >Suddenly you feel a slap on your back, causing you to reel back
  74. >You look to the side and discover that the source of the violence was your friend Norman
  75. >"Anon, dude, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."
  76. "Fuck off Norman, you know she's my sister."
  77. >And as if there was any doubt, his shit-eating grin tells you he does indeed know this
  78. >"Like that'll stop a desperate virgin like you. Now come on, we've gotta get going."
  79. >Before he can turn and walk away, however, you give him a jab in the rib with your fist
  80. >Not hard enough to hurt him badly, but definitely harder than playful ribbing
  81. "Dude, that's not cool. I know we joke about a lot of stuff but that's different."
  82. >He looks at Daisy, who's giving him a very disapproving look
  83. >Realizing his mistake, his goofy grin turns to a guilty frown
  84. >"Yeah, you're right. Sorry Daisy, sorry anon."
  85. >Daisy's expression softens, and she playfully flicks Norman on the nose
  86. >"I forgive you. Now run along, underclassmen like you can't afford to be late."
  87. >"Psh, underclassmen? Sure thing, Deiji-senpai. C'mon, Anon. I hate to say it but she's got a point."
  88. >So you bid farewell to your sisters and part ways with them, making your way to the gym for freshman/sophomore orientation
  89. >A new school year will bring new opportunities for you to grow as a person, and now that you've got a goal in mind for the future you're feeling even more confident than before
  90. ***
  91. >The first period of the day
  92. >English
  93. >Freshmen and Sophomores such as yourself have Mr. Doodle, while the older students have Ms. Cheerilee
  94. >You almost can't wait for next year just to see her when she turns around to write on the board
  95. >speaking of board, or rather bored, Mr. Doodle continues to drone on and on about not much really
  96. >Most of what he's covering are things you learned from Lily last year
  97. >You still take notes so you can pass the quizzes
  98. >But you're not Lily, and literature analysis isn't something you'll be using any time soon
  99. >Eventually the bell rings, you're given your homework and sent on your way
  100. >Nothing too bad, just reading a short story and answering 5 basic questions about the plot
  101. >Last year you didn't get any homework on the first day, but at least it won't take more than 5 minutes
  102. >Meeting back up with Norman, you begin to head to the cafeteria
  103. >"Y'know, dude, sometimes I think the brocode is BS"
  104. "Por que, Normano?"
  105. >"Firstly, cut it with the fake Spanish BS, that shit ain't funny."
  106. "Pinche mojado!"
  107. >"Secondly, the reason is the whole sister thing."
  108. "Pshh, even if you had half the balls to even talk to my sisters, I'm sure they have dates lined up already."
  109. >"Aww, really? They said that?"
  110. >Stopping for a moment, you realize that they never actually mentioned anything about dates
  111. "Well, no, technically not, but knowing the three of them, they could have their pick of any of the guys in school."
  112. >"Except you, right?"
  113. "Yeah, I might be a bit out of their league."
  114. >Norman jabs your arm and scoffs
  115. >"Yeah, too low of a league for pros like them to be allowed."
  116. "Pinche mayate!"
  117. >"But if you're so sure you're good enough for them and I'm not, then let's both ask one to next month's homecoming dance."
  118. >You sputter at the proposition
  119. >"Then we'll see who's league everyone is in."
  120. >Meeting his gaze, you decide to call his bluff
  121. >Knowing your sisters, whichever one you ask will play along with it to tease Norman
  122. >It's a foolproof plan
  123. "Sure thing. I'll even let you pick first."
  124. >"Hah, I knew i-, WAIT WHAT?!"
  125. >Congratulations, Norman, you've played yourself
  126. >Entering the cafeteria, you see your sisters sitting with a few friends of theirs
  127. >Your own friends are at a table nearby, and they start to wave you over
  128. >You tap your wrist like a watch, signaling "in a minute, I've got to do something"
  129. >"Dude, you can't be serious, what's gotten into you? You can't just ask your sister to homecoming!"
  130. >You make two finger guns at him, risking expulsion for the purity of the memes, and say
  131. "That's where you're wrong, kiddo."
  132. >You and Norman make your way to the girls' table, and sit down across from them in the two empty seats
  133. >Rose is the first to notice the two of you
  134. >"Oh hey, Anon. Hello, Norman"
  135. "Hey Rosie, we've got something to tell you guys."
  136. >This gets all the girls' attention, and they're watching and listening to you now
  137. >Norman is frozen in place, not saying anything
  138. "Okay, I'll go first then."
  139. >Norman gulps, clearly wondering when the prank comes in
  140. >After a second, you take a deep breathe, acting like you're really nervous
  141. "Lily, will you be my date to homecoming?"
  142. >Around you, you hear the sounds of eating stop
  143. >Lily just giggles and takes a sip of her drink
  144. >"Oh, Nonny, you know you could get a real date to homecoming," she says as she ruffles your hair
  145. >"You don't have to ask your sister."
  146. >You grab her hand and clasp it in your own
  147. "No, Lily, you don't understand. I want YOU to be my 'real' date to homecoming. The truth is, I've felt this way for a while now, and it'd make me the happiest guy ever if you said yes."
  148. >As Lily's jaw continues its slow path to the floor, you turn to the side and wink in a way that everyone at the table except Norman can see it
  149. >When Lily sees this, her expression changes from one of bewilderment to excitement
  150. >She smiles at you, and takes your two hands in he own
  151. >"Oh, Anonymous, I'm so happy to hear that! The truth is I've fantasized about this moment for a while, but I didn't think it would actually happen."
  152. >Norman is visibly and somehow audibly sweating, clearly unable to process what is going on right now
  153. >Lily, meanwhile, is practically dancing in her seat and giggling
  154. >Damn, she's really selling it, isn't she?
  155. >"I'm surprised you made your declaration so publicly, though. Aren't you afraid of what people might think?"
  156. >You chuckle and look at the rest of the group, who stand by trying not to smile at the show
  157. "Well, it seems our sisters and your friends are all okay with it already, right? So I think we'll be fine."
  158. >Everyone at the table nods their heads in agreement, Rose and Daisy especially are looking like they're barely able to contain themselves
  159. >Everyone can clearly see Norman coming close to inventing a new way of shitting himself
  160. "Well, I'm certainly glad everything went so smoothly. Norman, isn't there something you wanted to say too? Or rather, something you wanted to ask someone?"
  161. >Norman, after a few moments, without saying a word, fat rolls out of the seat and crawls out the door of the cafeteria
  162. >At this point, the only thing stopping the six of you at the table from bursting out laughing is your concern that there might be a genuine problem with Norman now
  163. >You just wanted to mess with the guy, not make him retarded
  164. >"Well, that just happened," says Lily, as she stands up
  165. >She moves around to your side of the table and wraps her arms around you for a sisterly hug
  166. >"Thanks for coming to see us at lunch, Nonny."
  167. "Oh no proble-"
  168. >But before you can finish, you freeze up when she plants a very hard kiss on your cheek
  169. >Popping off with a loud "mwah", she lets go of you and grabs her tray, heading off for the rest of the day
  170. >You gingerly touch the spot on your cheek where she kissed you, and it's ever so slightly wet
  171. >"Well geez," says Daisy, "I didn't think she'd take it that far."
  172. "Meh, I don't have an issue with it. It's not like cheek kisses are that weird for siblings, right?"
  173. >They all generally agree with what you're saying, thought they do make a good point that that was no ordinary sibling kiss
  174. "I'm sure she was just trying to get a rise out of me, you know?"
  175. >Cloud kicker, one of the girls seated at the table, giggle and grins at you
  176. >"I bet she got a different kind of rise out of you, huh Anonymous?"
  177. "Oi fock off cunt fore I fockin sock ya shite."
  178. >The gaggle of girls giggle even more greatly
  179. "Swear on me mum I'll hook you in the gabber."
  180. >Before they can react further, the bell rings, signifying that it's time to GTFO and get ready for class
  181. >Good thing you've been tactically eating your burger without anyone (including you) noticing
  182. >Otherwise you'd end up starving later
  183. >You head out of the cafeteria to attend the rest of you classes
  184. >All in all not a lot happens
  185. >Norman isn't in your classes past lunch, and you don't see him after school lets out
  186. >So you opt to find your sisters and walk home with them instead
  187. >"So, what ever happened to Norman?"
  188. "I don't know, Rose. he just up and vanished. Probably puked in the bathroom and went to the nurse's office."
  189. >"Eww," says Lily, "I don't even wanna think about that."
  190. "Well, I'll give you something else to think about. Have you made any progress on your new novel?"
  191. >At this, her eyes light up, and she's instantly in writer mode
  192. >"Yes! I was hitting serious block over a detail that I realized I created earlier in the story that caused a huge plot hole many chapter's down the line. I couldn't just go back and change it though because that same detail was crucial for an entire chapter's worth of content, and that chapter was needed for the whole plot, and so on and so forth."
  193. >You knew she would be at this for a while, so you decide to take her hand and set a slower pace for the two of you
  194. >As soon as you grab her hand, something unexpected happens
  195. >She actually stops ranting about her writing, and merely looks at you, clearly surprised at the gesture
  196. >You smile at her, and she does the same
  197. >You feel her squeeze your hand tighter, and she's back into storytelling mode in no time
  198. >"So I finally figured out a way to not only fix the plot hole, but have the details from earlier come back to tie everything together. Sorry if I'm sounding vague, but you know how it is."
  199. >You laugh and lean yourself close to her, enjoying the proximity to your sister
  200. "Yeah, I know. Can't spoil anything til the full thing comes out, right?"
  201. >"You know me so well."
  202. >The two of you chat and laugh it up all the way home, not realizing Rose and Daisy have pulled far, far ahead of you
  203. >When you finally make it home, Lily take both of your hands and leans herself close to you
  204. >"Thanks for walking me home, Nonny. It feels good to spend time with you like that again."
  205. >She starts spinning you around the room, the two of you doing a ballroom dance while trying not to trip on any of the living room furniture
  206. >Finally, she stops, pulls you in, and softly, so softly you'd almost miss it, kisses you on the lips
  207. >After what seems like a fleeting moment, she pulls away, looking deeply and longingly into your eyes
  208. >"I love you, Anon."
  209. >You pull her close to you, your foreheads touching, eyes closed, and her body pressed up against yours
  210. "I love you too."
  211. >You lean her over the back of the couch, and kiss her
  212. >Unlike her own, this one is rough, lustful, and deep
  213. >You prod her lips with your tongue, and feel her part her lips
  214. >Not soon enough to be easy, but not late enough to be a tease
  215. >A your tongues dance on each other, you taste mint
  216. >No doubt the same mints she always has in her mouth after school
  217. >You finally pull away, both of you panting
  218. >You can feel your own heart beating, and through your body to body contact, you can feel Lily's too
  219. >The small strand of saliva connecting your mouths finally breaks, and Lily, blushing deeply, caresses your cheeks and, barely above a whisper, says
  220. >"Take me, Anonymous."
  221. "I-"
  222. >Wait
  223. >NANI?!
  224. >Faster than a speeding Ford 1500 (literally), you jump backward
  225. >So fast, in fact, that you end up backpedalling into the wall and bump your head
  226. "Ow! Shit!"
  227. >Lily rushes to your side
  228. >"Oh God, Anon, are you okay?"
  229. "I, uh, yeah. Lily, the thing is, what we just did, it was, uh"
  230. >She backs up from you, just a little bit
  231. >But it hurts internally
  232. >"Was I going to fast? I didn't mean to! I just, I don't want to ruin our new relationship, I, I-"
  233. >She's starting to well up with tears now, and seeing it nearly breaks your heart in two
  234. >"Please tell me this didn't ruin it."
  235. >What
  236. >It's become pretty obvious now that Lily thought this whole thing was real
  237. >Of course you had to pick the girl that's so wrapped up in her fantasies she doesn't notice the direct and impending problem of actually dating her own brother
  238. "Lily, listen, the truth is, this whole thing, it was just-"
  239. >But before you finish the thought, you notice Lily's tears flowing faster
  240. >She covers her mouth with her hand and is taking shallow, sharp breaths
  241. >She's definitely the most emotional girl you know
  242. >"Just what, Anon?"
  243. >What do you tell her?
  244. >That the whole this was JUST A PRANK, BRO?
  245. >No, not like this
  246. "It was, uh, so sudden. And so, out of the blue. I mean, I know I'm the one who asked you out but I didn't really plan ahead for if you said yes."
  247. >She's buying it, and her expression softens a bit, though you're not quite in the clear yet
  248. "And then when we came home and we, you know. Believe me, I enjoyed it! Honest I did, I just, uh, I wasn't really prepared for it, you know. But it's not your fault! I shouldn't have been so unprepared, you know?"
  249. >Lily looks slightly doubtful, her eyes sizing you up, looking for some kind of tell
  250. >Usually you're a bad liar, but when the chips are down your A-game cometh
  251. >It doesn't help that you can tell, deep down, that you want this as much as she does
  252. >Sure, she's your sister, but your heart wants what it wants
  253. >It's always been the damn brain getting in the way
  254. "So, what do you say, Lily? DO you think we can take things a little slower from here on out? I mean, we should at least date for a while before any, uh."
  255. >And like that, her worry returns in full force
  256. >"Oh, OH MY GOD, Anon I- I didn't mean it! I really-, what I said was just, really,uh"
  257. >Normally, she's the most eloquent speaker ever, this is weird
  258. >"It was like, the heat of the moment and stuff and I, I like, I mean my books and are all like, and you know? I didn't. I swear I wasn't thinking when I said that. I don't want anything like that!"
  259. >Her eyes are wide and she's looking at you like you're going to murder her
  260. >"At least, not yet. Maybe someday, but, I uh, oh no."
  261. >Slowly you step toward her, and she back-peddles away from you
  262. >Eventually she reaches the couch, and has nowhere else to go
  263. >You continue your advancement, and finally stop just in front of her
  264. >You place your hands on her shoulders and lean in
  265. >You give her a simple, loving kiss
  266. >Not as soft and fleeting as the one she initiated with earlier, nor as primal and violent as the one you responded with
  267. >This one merely says 'I love you, everything will be okay'
  268. >So there's no need for words
  269. >You disengage and look her right in the eyes as you deliver the truth
  270. "I love you, Lily Valley, and nothing you did or will do is gonna change that."
  271. >At this, she finally smiles once again and lays her head upon your shoulder
  272. >Suddenly, you hear audible squeeing from behind you
  273. >You slowly and horrifyedly turn around to see Rose and Daisy standing in the doorway of the kitchen, each holding a soda and Rose with a bag of chips
  274. >"Wowee, I had no idea this was gonna happen," says Rose, through a mouthful of chips
  275. >"No kidding, but you can't deny, these two are really cute together."
  276. >"Yeah, I'm kinda jealous though. I thought for sure Anon would ask me out, but Lily deserves him, don't you think"?
  277. >"I know what you mean. Oh well, better leave these lovebirds to it then, huh?"
  278. >And with that, the youngest and oldest of your sisters leave the room, you and Lily standing there, both unable to accept what's going on
  279. >You turn to fact each other, and once you make eye contact, the absurdity of the situation hits you both
  280. >All the two of you can do is laugh
  282. >Friday
  283. >2 days after you officially started dating your older sister Lily
  284. >Norman seems to be back to normal after you explained the whole thing was a prank on him
  285. >He even came to school yesterday
  286. >But eventually he'll need the truth, so today's the day
  287. >You're making your way outside to head home for the day, Norman by your side as usual
  288. "So, Norman, about the whole thing where I'm 'dating' Lily," you say with air quotes
  289. >"I still think it was pretty fucked up. I thought you went full Appleloosa on me"
  290. "Hehe if you think that's fucked up you're gonna freak out wheb you find out it's not a joke any more and we're really dating now."
  291. >"Haha, yeah."
  292. >The two of you continue to walk down the hallway toward the doors for about ten seconds
  293. >As you come to about 20 feet from the door, Norman suddenly grabs your arm and stops dead in his tracks
  294. >"DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK?!"
  295. >You push him off and continue to walk casually toward the door, Norman scrambling to catch up with you
  296. "Dude, keep it down. I'm trying not to attract any attention."
  297. >"ATTEN-, *ahem*, attention? Bruh I think attention from our classmates is the least of your worries. What if the police find out? What if your PARENTS find out?"
  298. "Chill, my dude, I'll burn those bridges when I come to them."
  299. >"No shit, you're just gonna go with the flow and hope your life isn't ruined?"
  300. >You come to a stop in front of your trio of sisters
  301. "Yeah," you say as you smile at Lily, "it's worth it."
  302. >Suddenly, your other friend Lyra Heartstrings wraps her arms around you from behind
  303. >You can tell it's her because Lily is standing in front of you and no other girl would do such a thing to you, the biggest geek of CHS
  304. >"Hey, Anon. I'm back from the hospital and ready to get it on."
  305. >She starts to rub her hands up and down your chest, leaning her head near to your shoulder
  306. >"Want to have lots of unprotected vaginal sex with me and ejaculate into my cervix over and over until I get pregnant? Im ovulating RIGHT NOW."
  307. >"LYRA!"
  308. >Lily is staring right at the two of you, looking the most horrified she's ever been
  309. >Mostly because the way you're smiling at Lyra's autistic memery makes it look to anyone not in the loop that you like what she's saying
  310. >You twist your face into a somehow uglier version of itself and, loudly enough for everyone to hear, say
  311. "No way, fag."
  312. >Lyra falls off of you and all the way to the ground laughing
  313. "That shit's only funny on the internet, by the way."
  314. >"If you say so," she replies as she rubs her head
  315. >You give her a hand to help herself up, and she starts pulling you down the stairs by your hand
  316. >"C'mon, Anon, I gotta show you something!"
  317. "Whoa, Lyra, wait up, there's something you should know."
  318. >She freezes, and turns to you
  319. >"Uh, dude, what's up?"
  320. >She obviously could tell by the tone of your voice that it's something serious
  321. "I, um, I want you to meet my new girlfriend."
  322. >You look awat from Lyra awkwardly, kicking the ground with your foot
  323. >It's no secret that Lyra has had a bit of a crush on you for a while
  324. >Unfortunately you don't feel the same way, so the two of you have been just friends since middle school
  325. >"Your, girlfriend?"
  326. >Lyra yet again falls all the way to the ground laughing, this time harder than before
  327. >She's rolling around right on the concrete in front of the school stairs, drawing many stares
  328. "CУКA БЛЯTЬ! Lyra, this is no joke!"
  329. >She immediately freezes, picks herself up, dusts herself off, and looks you straight in the eyes
  330. >"You're serious."
  331. "Yes."
  332. >She looks at you, and you look at her
  333. >And she looks at you, and you look at her
  334. >"Well, get on with it then."
  335. "Oh, right, presenting to you, Lyra, my new girlfriend."
  336. >As you say this, you gesture to Lilly, as though you were showing off a new car
  337. >Lyra stares at her for a second, before waving her hand to the side
  338. >"Lilly, you're standing in front of Anon's girlfriend."
  339. >You facepalm, and Lilly crosses her arms indignantly
  340. >"I AM his girlfriend!"
  341. >Lyra look at you, and then looks at Lily
  342. >And then looks at you, and then looks at Lily
  343. >And then at you again
  344. >"Am I supposed to start laughing now?"
  345. >You shake your head, and Lily sighs
  346. >Lyra takes in a huge breath, and you think she's gonna scream for the cops
  347. >But instead she squees much like Rose and Daisy did
  348. >"Oh, my, GOD! It's JUST like my Japanese animes!"
  349. >You and all your sisters sigh
  350. "At least it's better than her being against it."
  352. >Sunday
  353. >4 days into your relationship with Lilly
  354. >Your romantic relationship, anyway
  355. >Your sibling and friendly relationship has been going strong for years
  356. >The two of you are sitting on the couch, enjoying each other's company
  357. >Your arm is draped over her shoulder, and on your own rests her head
  358. >"HEY CHAMP!"
  359. >You and Lyra nearly jump out of your skin, and the two of you cling to each other for dear life
  360. >Of course it's only your dad, but that doesn't make being snuck up on and shouted at any less startling
  361. >"Your mother and I are going to the movies in a bit, take care of your sisters for us, alright?"
  362. >As the man of the house, your dad expects it to fall on you to protect your sisters, even though Daisy is still the one in charge
  363. "Uh, sure thing, dad. But would you mind turning down the volume relative to your distance to me?"
  364. >"Hehe, okay kiddo. By the way, you sure are hugging your sister pretty tight. Make sure I don't have any 12-toed grandkids, alright?"
  365. "I duh buh huh WHAT?!"
  366. >"Dad, what the Hell?!"
  367. >Lily jumps off of you to the other end of the couch
  368. >"Are you joking?! I mean, even if you are that's not cool!"
  369. >He simply laughs and shakes his head
  370. >"I'm just playin'," he says as he walks toward the door
  371. >"I'm sure you two will use a condom, right?"
  372. >And with that and another laugh, he's gone
  373. >You and Lily exchange looks and sigh
  374. >"He's right, though"
  375. "Uh, he is?"
  376. >"Yeah, I mean, eventually we are gonna have to worry about, using protection, right?"
  377. >Your palms are sweaty
  378. >Your throat is suddenly dry, and you find speaking to be becoming difficult
  379. "Uh, I didn't really think about that. I mean we'd only need that if we, uh, you know."
  380. >"Oh."
  381. >That's all she says as she hangs her head down and hugs the pillow
  382. >"Yeah, I knew we wouldn't need it soon, but I guess it was stupid of me to think we'd ever do that, right?"
  383. "No!"
  384. >She jumps again and glares at you
  385. "Sorry, it's just, it's not stupid to think that but, why now? I mean we've been dating for what, four days?"
  386. >Her eyes turn to the floor, a thousand yard stare piercing the carpet
  387. >"I guess I thought all the time we knew each other before then would count for something, like we could skip ahead a bit, but, I guess I was really dumb for thinking that, huh?"
  388. >You scoot closer to Lily, and start reaching over like you intend to hug her
  389. "Yeah, it was pretty dumb," you say as you start prodding her ribs with your fingertips
  390. >"Ah, Anon, stop", says Lily as she tries to block your attacks
  391. "Dummy dum-dum thinkin' like a dummy dum-dum."
  392. >As you continue your tickle assault on your sister, she tries to overthrow you and stop laughing, both to no avail
  393. >As it happens, however, your leaning over to maximize your reach caused your center of gravity to shift and no longer be above the couch, but above the floor below
  394. >In other words: you falling, nigga
  395. >As you go down, so you take Lily with you
  396. >She lands on top of you, knocking a bit of breath out of you, but not much because she's light and it wasn't a very large fall
  397. >When the two of you make eye contact again, you both laugh
  398. >Your laughter fills the room and possibly the whole house, with neither of you really remembering why you were so worked up
  399. >Of course you do remember, but it's not in the front of your minds
  400. >As you gaze into each other's eyes, Lily leans down for a kiss, and you gladly reciprocate
  401. >As the two of you lock tongues for what has to be the 20th time in two days, you find your hands drifting lower on your sister's sides
  402. >As they approach her supple hips, you raise them up
  403. >Lily stops and lifts her head up for a moment
  404. >"What's goi-AH!"
  405. >With a loud smack, you grabbed two heaping handfuls of asscheek
  406. >You begin to knead and squeeze them, rolling them around in your hands
  407. >"Oh, that is NICE, keep going."
  408. >"Or, maybe, don't do that"
  409. >Oh fuck
  410. >That's your dad's voice
  411. >You and Lily slowly look to the left and see your father standing behind the couch, clearly seeing you grabbing your sister's ass
  412. >"Meet me in the kitchen, both of you."
  413. >And then he turns 180 degrees and walks away normally like a fucking casual
  414. >"Uh, guess we better head to the kitchen, don't wanna make this worse."
  415. >Lily lifts herself off of you and walks away, which you follow
  416. >The two of you are shambling like death row inmates
  417. >Which you might as well be
  418. >The two of you enter the kitchen, and you can hear muffled talking coming from the upstairs hallway
  419. >You hear your dad, mom, and Daisy in what sounds like a heated argument
  420. >"normal... inseparable... incest..."
  421. >From the sound of it, Daisy is sticking up for you
  422. >You honestly wish she wouldn't, no need for her to drag herself into this
  423. >Eventually you hear multiple sets of footsteps down the stairs
  424. >Entering the kitchen are your father, mother, Rose, and Daisy
  425. >Your dad, Sequoia Grant, sits tall and imposing at the table, his size and stoic demeanor projecting an aura of pure intimidation
  426. >Your mother, Blossom Valley, is small and distant by contrast, but on its own her presence is also forthright
  427. >Daisy and Rose sit flanking your parents
  428. >Rose looks meek and remorseful, while Daisy appears anxious and uncomfortable
  429. >Finally, your dad uncrosses his arms and sets his hands on the table
  430. >"So, the two of you have decided this is the type of relationship you want with each other?"
  431. >The two of you meekly nod, you barely able to maintain eye contact with him, while Lily can't manage to do so herself
  432. >"I think it goes without saying that neither your mother nor I am happy about this."
  433. >More nodding, same as before
  434. >"That said, despite what you may think, we know our children, and we care about them too."
  435. >Lily perks up just a but at this, finally making eye contact with him
  436. >"We know what it would do to you two to separate you, despite knowing that that's exactly what we should do."
  437. >He sighs, and wipes his face with his huge hands
  438. >"Look, you kids aren't dumb, I'm sure you've at least thought of this, AND you're aware of the consequences, yes?"
  439. >You nod vigorously, making sure to get the point across and loud and clear as possible
  440. >"I figured as much. There's really not much we can do to stop this after all, at least not without sending you two into a downward spiral of depression, knowing the two of you."
  441. >Your heart is racing, pulse pounding
  442. >Are you about to hear what you think you're about to hear?
  443. >"So don't think you have our blessing, but, we'll make a deal: your mother and I don't know anything about this, and if we 'find out' because you did something stupid like get pregnant, there'll be a lot worse than Hell to pay."
  444. >"Indeed," your mom chimes in, "so just keep this whole thing under wraps, and everything will be just fine, at least for now."
  445. >No way
  446. >No WAY this is happening!
  447. >"Now," says your dad, clearing his throat,
  448. >"I want the two of you to go to your respective rooms, separately. Your mom and I had to cancel our movie date because traffic would make us miss all the showings. So we're just gonna stay home and drink together."
  449. >He stands up from the table, procures a flask from his pocket and takes a swig from it
  450. >"A lot."
  451. >Your mother stands as well
  452. >"Dismissed." she says
  453. >You and Lily march to your rooms, and you flop down on your bed
  454. >Almost immediately, you get a text
  455. >It's from Lily
  456. >It reads: "See you tomorrow, I love you."
  457. >You reply: "I love you too."
  458. >It's not as nice as hearing and saying it face to face
  459. >Bur for now, it'll have to do
  460. >The next day, you spring oit of bed early in the morning
  461. >Partly because of school, and partly because you want to see Lily as much as possible before the two of you split for classes
  462. >After the usual routine, you make your way downstairs to see your three sisters eating breakfast together
  463. >Your mom and dad won't be up for a while as their work schedule starts and ends later than most people's
  464. >A chorus of "Good morning, Anon!" from three beautiful and cheerful girls puts a good mood on your day from the start
  465. "Good morning sisses," you reply, "lovely day, isn't it?"
  466. >"You give Lily a kiss on the lips to greet her
  467. >Nothing crazy, just a quick peck
  468. >"Hey," says Daisy, feigning indignity, "where's our kisses?"
  469. "Of course!" you say in mock suprise, "how could I forget!"
  470. >You walk around to the other side of the table, and kiss Daisy on the cheek and Rose on the forehead
  471. >Lily, of course, bears no mind to this
  472. >Kissing one's family members this way is not only normal and common in your society, it's also how you've always greeted your sisters
  473. >Going for the lips with Lily is the only thing out of the ordinary
  474. >You grab yourself a helping of bacon and eggs from the stove (bless Daisy and her motherly kindness) and join your sisters in eating
  475. >As you chat about upcoming assignments, et cetera, Lily flicks a bit of bacon off her fork at you and laughs
  476. >Before it can hit you however, you're ready, and you catch it in your mouth
  477. >As you chew it, you think about how great it is that your new status as a "couple" isn't ruining your normal sibling relationship
  478. >But of course, the pit of your stomach falls as you realize this can't go on forever
  479. >There's no such thing as a perfect situation, and you can't help but think that, like any time things are going this well, something's going to HAVE to ruin it to some extent
  480. >But that's something you'll worry about when it comes time
  481. >For now, all you want to do is enjoy yoir time with your girlfriend and your other sisters
  482. >Along the way to School, you and Lily walk hand in hand, laughing and chatting the way you usually do
  483. >Man, having a girlfriend isn't really all that different than having a sister, is it?
  484. >Oh wait
  485. >Eventually you do reach the school, and the four of you gather together in a group hug
  486. >In your class, you receive some homework, turn in some homework, and take notes
  487. >Yet another standard, boring day at school
  488. >Lunch does eventually roll around and you head into the cafeteria
  489. >After grabbing your tray, you feel someone lightly bump your hip with theirs
  490. >You turn to the side, expecting Lyra, but instead it's Lily
  491. >She smiles at you and starts walking toward the table where your sisters and their friends sit
  492. >You start to follow her, but you're interrupted by Lily coughing and gesturing with her head
  493. >Looking to where she was pointing, you see Lyra Norman sitting at a table
  494. >"We'll have plenty of time together at home later," says Lily as you look back to her, "you shouldn't quit spending time with your friends just because of me."
  495. >You look back at Lyra and Norman, who're looking at you expectantly
  496. "You know, you're right. See you after school."
  497. >She waves at you and continues on her way to her table, and you to yours
  498. >Sitting down with your friends, you're greeted by a shit-eating grin from Lyra and a Vietnam Vet stare from Norman
  499. "So, uh, 'sup guys?"
  500. >"Dude," says Norman, "I really really don't wanna know, but I gotta know. You and Lily aren't gonna, like, y'know?"
  501. >You cough on your salad and drink some water in a desperate attempt to get it to go down the right pipe
  502. >Eventually you get yourself under control enough to speak
  503. "Well, we, uh," you say between coughs, "hadn't really thought about that."
  504. >"Cause I mean like, I don't want to judge or pry into your business but, it's just, I don't know how I'd live knowing that's going on."
  505. >Lyra, meanwhile, looks like she's trying not to burst out squeeing at the thought of her doujins becoming true
  506. "Well I tell you what Norman, if that did happen and Lily and I for SOME reason decided to make it known to you, you can think about child sex slaves in South Equestria, people being burned alive in Zebrica, and the dozens of fatal bombings in Trottigham instead."
  507. >You take a swig of water and look him in the eye
  508. "Would that take your mind off of one guy having consensual relations with his sister? Would that be easier to live with?"
  509. >Norman and Lyra are both slack jawed, staring at you like you just shot someone
  510. >You sigh heavily and look just below Norman's eye level
  511. "I'm sorry, okay? I just, I thought, naively, that everything would be peachy and you'd have totally understood. And you know how I take things the wrong way sometimes, and, it just seemed like you were making me out to be this horrible person because of one thing I haven't even done that wouldn't have hurt anyone anyway."
  512. >You put your face in your hands and stare a hole through the table
  513. "I guess I just took it too seriously, huh?"
  514. >"Yeah," says Norman, as he too sighs somberly, "but you have a point. I shouldn't have made such a big deal out of it."
  515. >He extends his fist out to you
  516. >"Still bros?"
  517. >You smile and bump his fist back
  518. "If we let some stupid shit like this get between us we'd be mortal enemies right now."
  519. >"Damn straight."
  520. >You both shake hands and lean across the table for a platonic back pat
  521. >You then see Lyra with a smug expression on her face as she watches on
  522. "I want you to get all disgusting yaoi thoughts out of your head right now."
  523. >"Yaoi is not disgusting, there is nothing more pure than love between two boys."
  524. "Firstly, it's yaoi, not yowee, secondly, get that stupid look off your face. You're not a 2D anime girl, regardless of how much you want to be one."
  525. >She crosses her arms indignantly, at which you roll your eyes and look at Norman
  526. >He rolls his eyes too, and the two of you can't help but chuckle at her antics
  527. >Overall, today's a pretty good day so far
  528. >Lyra's expression quickly changes to her normal pervy smile as leans across the table
  529. >She puts one hand on yours and gives you what she thinks are cute puppydog eyes
  530. >"So, Anon, when you and Lily do decide to 'Do the Dew' with each other, you're gonna let me watch, right?"
  531. >You sigh heavily, already approaching maximum doneness with her
  532. >Lyra's been a great friend to you for as long as you've known her, but shit like this is why you could never take things further with her
  533. "Lyra, I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart, as sincere as I can be, please cut it out with this, okay?"
  534. >Her expression drops, her face showing something you rarely see on her: genuine remorse
  535. "I knpw you like to see the joke or humor in everything, but this thing with Lily, it's something I'm really serious about, okay?"
  536. >Suddenly Lyra leans back and crosses her arms
  537. >This is different from her usual playful pouting, she seems kinda hurt
  538. >"I was being serious too, you know," she mumbles
  539. >You rest your face in your hands, before bringing your head up again, inhaling deeply
  540. "I honestly can't tell if that's better or worse, and that scares me."
  541. >After finishing your food, the three of you decide to go your separate ways until school lets out
  542. >On the way to your next class, after stopping to use the bathroom, you see Lily walking away from the girls bathroom with a couple friends of hers in the hallway
  543. >Hearing you approaching they turn to see who it is, and Lily smiles when she notices it's you
  544. >She stops and spins around to greet you
  545. >When you make it to her location she takes your hand and leans in to kiss you
  546. >Whioe you're not sure if it's safe right now, you trust Lily, and return it in kind
  547. >Her friends gasp and start giggling when they see this
  548. >"Whoa!"
  549. >"No way!"
  550. >"I knew she HAD to be joking!"
  551. >"But it's TRUE!"
  552. >You give them a little wave and give Lily a pat on the head
  553. "Well, I gotta get to class, see you later."
  554. >"Same here, I'll see you after school, Nonny."
  555. >And with that, she walks away toward the stairs with her friends while you take a right down the hall
  556. >You're really looking forward to after school
  557. >Not only for the end of another school day, but to see your sisters
  558. >Before you know it, dreams of Lily carry you through the day
  559. >Since today is Monday, your friends will all be busy, as are Lily and Daisy
  560. >Fuck Monday
  561. >"Hey Anon!"
  562. >Hey, that's Rose's voice!
  563. >You look over your shoulder and see your youngest, yet still older, sister catching up to you
  564. >"Let's go to the mall today!"
  565. "...uhhh, okay?"
  566. >Well that was unexpected
  567. >She looks away coyly and brushes her hair out of her face
  568. >"I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine."
  569. >Oh no
  570. >Not only are you not protecting that smile, you're the one offending it
  571. "Whoa, it's not that! I was just, surprised is all. I mean, you don't often come up and invite me to hang out one on one at someplace like the mall."
  572. >"Well, I thought since you were gonna be a bored and lonely today, you could spend some time with your third favorite sister."
  573. >You reach over and ruffle her hair
  574. "There's no such thing as my first, second, or third favorite sisters."
  575. >As the two of you are waiting for the traffic jam at the door to clear up, you wrap and arm around her and pull her tight
  576. "You're all my favorites."
  577. >Rose cranes her head back to look you in the eyes from directly below, smiling and blushing like you told her she was the prettiest girl in the world
  578. >She leans her head into your chest and wraps her hands around yours
  579. >"Okay, but which one of us is the prettiest?"
  580. >BOI
  581. "Are you really asking me to choose? C'mon, Rosie, you know there's no way I could do that."
  582. >"Ahem"
  583. >Uh oh
  584. >You turn around
  585. >Lily is making her way from one end of the foyer to the other
  586. >"And here I thought that would be easy to answer, all things considered"
  587. >She crosses her arms and pouts
  588. >"I mean really, you don't think I'm the prettiest?!"
  589. >She stomps toward you, and you try to take a step back but bump into Rose
  590. >She raises a hand up, and you prepare for an incoming smack
  591. >But instead she smiles and taps you on the nose with one finger
  592. >"Hmm, just kidding!"
  593. >Your face turns from shock, to confusion, to annoyance
  594. "Well, I'm not laughing. You had me thinking I really pissed you off."
  595. >"Oh come on," she says, swaying her hips side to side with a smug grin on her face
  596. >"You know me better than that."
  597. "I guess," you say, rubbing the back of your head, "I'm just not use to this whole, new, well, you know."
  598. >"Yeah," she sighs, "I know."
  599. >Then she perks up again, looking around you at Rose, who's still shying away behind your back
  600. >"So, what are the two of you up to?"
  601. "Oh, uh, well, since everyone's busy today, we were gonna go kill time at the mall together."
  602. >Lily's smug grin turns into an ever smugger smirk, as she puts a hand to her chin and laughs
  603. >Despite being a head shorter than you, she's still somehow looking down at you
  604. >"So you still haven't taken me on a proper date, but here you are taking Rose to the mall?"
  605. "Yeah. Yeah I'm taking my sister to the mall, to hang out."
  606. >You step to the side and put an arm around Rose, who "eep"s meekly at your touch
  607. "I'm taking her there and we're going to have a great time, just a guy and his darling sister. Nothing wrong with that, right?"
  608. >Then, you use Lily's own weapon of smugness against her, made even more powerful by the fact that your face is actually above hers
  609. "Unless... no, don't tell me, you're... jealous?" you say chuckling just like she did
  610. >"Hmph! Well, I never!"
  611. >She points a finger into your chest, pouting harder than before
  612. >"Go ahead, but you owe me a real date!"
  613. "Of course."
  614. >Then, you both break down in laughter
  615. >The sea of students near the door has long since subsided
  616. >You take Rose by the hand and lead her out the door, where Lyra is standing there waiting for you
  617. "Lyra? Aren't you supposed to be working at Weebs R Us today?" you say as you pass her
  618. >She lightheartedly flips you off before joining you on your walk to the mall
  619. >"My shift starts late today because the store opened late. And it's called Otaku Hobbies, bur you knew that."
  620. >She gives you a light punch for your insult to her weeb domain
  621. >"What about you? You finally gonna stop in and peruse the wares?"
  622. "Nah, if I actually wanted to reveal my power level I'd order online. I'm on my way to the same mall to hang out with Rose."
  623. >As you say this, you hold up the hand that's currently holding Rose's
  624. >"Oh-ho-ho, one wasn't enough, so you decided to go full VN and build a sister harem, huh?"
  625. >You not-so-lightly punch her back
  626. "Fuck off, I'm just spending some quality time with one of my sisters."
  627. >"It's true," says Rose, speaking for the first time in a while
  628. >"Anon isn't the kind of guy to cheat. That's one of the things I like about him."
  629. >Lyra just smirks at her, before pointing a thumb at you
  630. >"How would you know that? This loser hasn't had anyone to cheat on until recently."
  631. >Ooh, low blow Lyra
  632. >Rose simply smiles sweetly at her, and wraps her arm around yours
  633. >"Well sweetie, some people like to stay pure instead of being used goods, but you wouldn't know about that would you?"
  634. >As soon as you hear this, you stop dead and choke on your own saliva
  635. >"Well, miss pure flower, something tells me your 'purity' isn't ever going to go away, even if you wanted. Given your obsession with plants, I wouldn't be surprised if a cucumber took it."
  636. >Holy shit, what the fuck is going on
  637. >You look from Rose, back to Lyra, and back again
  638. "GIRLS! What the hell is going on? An insult-filled argument is not what I was looking for today!"
  639. >Hearing this, the girls smirk at each other, then at you
  640. >Their smirks turned to grins, and then to smiles as they laughed at, well, something you weren't getting
  641. >Geez, there's been a lot of laughter lately, hasn't there?
  642. "Uh, what is going on exactly?"
  643. >After leaving you dumbfounded for a moment, Lyra finally calms down enough to speak
  644. >"Oh Anon," she snorts, "we're girls. If we couldn't argue and insult each other, we'd have no method of communication."
  645. >"Yeah," says Rose, "haven't you ever noticed me, Lily, and Daisy doing the same thing?"
  646. "Yeah, but I always thought that was just a sibling thing. I guess I've never really hung out with a group of multiple girls that I'm not related to before."
  647. >"Yeah," says Lyra, "I mean how many girls would want to hang out with you anyway? I mean, 3D girls at least."
  648. "Now listen here, you little shit. I'll have you know I've had plenty of opportunities to hang out with a group of hot girls."
  649. >"Oh yeah, you mean Pinkie and her gang? Thos girls'll befriend anyone."
  650. "Pssh, you're just jealous I got invited to ALL of Pinkie's parties."
  651. >"Yeah, and it says a lot that you'd rather play video games and shitpost than be around those cuties. Got a serious balls deficiency, huh?"
  652. >Ouch
  653. "Yeah, I guess you got a point."
  654. >Sighing sadly and with head hung low, you start walking hurriedly toward the mall again with your hands in your pockets
  655. >"Anon, wait!" you hear from two voices behind you
  656. >Lyra quickly runs up to you and places a hand on your shoulder
  657. >"Dude, I'm, uh, I'm sorry. I know I took it too far, and I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
  658. >Looking up at her expression, you can tell this is a rare sighting of a wild Lyra being totally genuine
  659. "It's alright, I forgive you."
  660. >Come to think of it, with what happened with Norman today, taking it too far seems to be a recurring theme lately, just like all the laughing
  661. >Things seem to be more different now than they were before
  662. >It's a little chilling
  663. >After a while of walking and talking, you arrive at Canterlot Mall
  664. >Entering through the doors, you see a man wearing a black trenchcoat and fedora in the middle of the show floor
  665. >He's shooting what appears to be a beam of shadow at Twilight Sparkle and her friends
  666. >The six of them are surrounded by a glow of white energy, and a beam of rainbow light is meeting the beam of darkness from Tips McEdgelord
  669. "Meh."
  670. >You take Lyra and Rose by the hand and lead them down a hallway that leads around this debacle
  671. >You find stairs to the second floor and hope there's not too much debris around to make getting to your destination difficult
  672. >On the second floor, you escort Lyra to the Den of Degeneracy
  673. >Approaching the store, you dodge neckbeards the size of minivans who unfortunately spotted the female appoaching their domain
  674. >Once she's safely behind the katana-proof glass, you wave goodbye to her and head toward the food court with Rose in tow
  675. "So, what are you feeling?"
  676. >"Hmm," she says, putting a finger to her lips, "I'm thinking Chinese today."
  677. "Alright, I'm gonna grab me some pizza and meet up with you"
  678. >You part ways with Rose temporarily and head toward Sbarro while she snakes her way to Panda Express
  679. >"Welcome to Sbarro," says the bored as hell cashier, "what can I get you?"
  680. "Uh, I'll have a stromboli roll, with garlic sauce and a large Coke."
  681. >You pay for your meal and watch the cashier take it out of the hotbox
  682. >After receiving your order, you head back to Rose, who's sitting down at a table nearby
  683. >Sitting across from her, you see she's already started digging into her mound of noodles, rice, and chicken
  684. >You're not sure how a girl so small can eat so much food, but she's certainly hungry
  685. >"So," she says after swallowing a mouthful of Chinese cock,
  686. >"What have you been up to over the weekend?"
  687. "Not much," you say in between bites of sweet pepperoni and cheese, "I was looking into Equestria State, but I haven't made any concrete decisions yet."
  688. >She sets her fork down and places her hand on yours, smiling sweetly
  689. >"I'm glad you decided to look into it. We all want you to succeed and be happy."
  690. "Yeah, I'm really glad to have you guys looking out for me, it really means a lot to me."
  691. >"Hmm, and we're happy to have our big, strong brother looking out for us."
  692. "Oh come of it, Rose, I don't do jack for you guys."
  693. >"Oh really, who was it that ran 4 blocks to save Daisy's cat when it got outside?"
  694. "...Me."
  695. >"And who was it who stuck up to those guys who knocked Lily's book to the ground in 8th grade?"
  696. "Me."
  697. >"And who was it that kissed Lily when she revealed that she loved you like she did, instead of brushing it off and leaving her heartbroken?"
  698. "...It was me."
  699. >As you think of Lily, you can't help but smile and blush
  700. >"And who was it that-"
  701. "Okay, okay! I get it!" you shout, grinning and waving your hands in front of her
  702. "No more! No mas, por favor!"
  703. >Rose giggles and picks up her fork, grabbing a bite of rice, but then she sets it down and her gaze falls to her plate
  704. >"There is one thing though, Anon, that you do sometimes, and it really hurts us to see it happen."
  705. >Your hands freeze on their way to your mouth, your stromboli slipping from your grasp and falling to your plate
  706. >You look up at Rose with a horrified expression
  707. "What... what is it?"
  708. >Rose sighs and looks back up at you again
  709. >"It's when you're so hard on yourself. You're a great guy, Anon, and you do great things. You have so much potential, and talent, and intelligence. You're amazing, Anon."
  710. >She brings a hand up to her face to wipe a stray tear from her eye
  711. >"I just wish you could see that like we do."
  712. >You sit in silence for what feels like an eternity, though you're vaguely aware that it's less than a minute
  713. >Eventually, tears start to flow from your eyes
  714. "Dammit."
  715. >You slam your fists on the table, elicited a yelp from Rose
  716. "Dammit! I hate this!"
  717. >You're staring down at your plate, unable to look Rose in the eyes
  718. >"Hate what?"
  719. "This! People worrying about me, caring about how I feel. I don't deserve any of this."
  720. >You swipe your plate of food to the side and place your elbows on the table, slamming your face into the palms of your hands
  721. "I'm sick of people wasting their time and effort on me. It makes me feel horrible."
  722. >A moments later, you finally chance a glance up at Rose
  723. >She looks shocked, like she's unable to process what you're saying
  724. >"Anon, how long... how long have you felt like this?"
  725. "Tch, I don't know, I guess since the middle of freshman year."
  726. >"Oh God, Anonymous, that's, how, why? Why do you think any of these things? Why didn't you tell us?"
  727. "Tell you?!"
  728. >She recoils back, her hand leaving yours and her chair scooting back an inch
  729. "Didn't I tell you? I don't want you guys worrying about me. The last thing I want is for you all to waste your time trying to fix me. Is that how you'd want to spend the last year?"
  730. >"Anon, this isn't-"
  731. >She looks away and begins sobbing, before turning again to you with soaking wet eyes and a mixture of fury and pain on her face
  732. >"Anon this isn't normal! You've got to stop this, somehow! We care about you. We LOVE you Anon. You're our brother! You care about us. You stick by us. You love us and you never hurt us or let anyone else hurt us!"
  733. >She grabs your arms and pulls you toward her until you're leaning over the table
  734. >She grabs your shoulders and looks you in the eyes, desperation written in her own
  735. >"Doesn't that count for something?!"
  736. >In your peripheral vision, you see a crowd of people staring at the two of you, watching your heated conversation like a flaming car crash
  737. >But you don't care about them
  738. >You don't care about their judgmental eyes, or annoyed glares
  739. >Right now, you only care about what's in front of you
  740. >You slink back into your chair, and look at Rose blankly
  741. >After an eternally long minute, you finally speak
  742. "I'm sorry, Rose. I'm sorry for making a scene, I'm sorry for keeping this from you. I'm sorry I can't be as strong as you thought I am. Most of all, I'm sorry for making you cry."
  743. >You stand up from the table and pull Rose into a tight embrace
  744. >She holds her head tight to your chest, and you stroke the top of her head
  745. "You were right, I hate seeing you guys hurt."
  746. >You sit back down and place your head in a hand
  747. "I just want you guys to be happy."
  748. >"Well Anon, we want you to be happy, so to make us happy, start with that."
  749. >She places her hand back on yours, and you see a tender smile make its way back onto her face
  750. >"Anon, I don't want to sound like I'm looking down on you, so don't take this the wrong way but, I think you should get some professional help with this."
  751. >You give it a moment of thought, before coming to a conclusion
  752. "You're right. You're completely right. I mean, it can't hurt, right? What's the worst that could happen?"
  753. >Her tears long dried, Rose looks happy once again, and really, that's all you could ask for
  754. >"Thank you Anon. I'd recommend you start with the school counselor. If she can't help you herself she'll refer you to a real professional."
  755. "Geez, you guys really do know what's best for me all the time, don't you?"
  756. >She gives you her usual warm sisterly smile
  757. >"Of course, it's what big sisters are for."
  758. >You see the sky turning red and orange outside through the large windows of the food court
  759. "Guess we should be heading hom, huh?"
  760. >"Yeah," she says with a sigh, "it is getting kinda late. I enjoyed my time with you today, though."
  761. >You can't help but snort and crack a smile
  762. "You enjoyed me sperging out and yelling at you?"
  763. >"Well, maybe not that part, but the part where you spent time with me and talked to me about yourself, well, I'm glad we talked it out."
  764. "Yeah, it made me feel a lot better just to get it all out too."
  766. >Your travel home passes by in a blur
  767. >You and Rose continue to talk about school, life, and Rose tells you about her upcoming college plans
  768. >Once inside, you find Lily and Daisy greeting you in the foyer
  769. >"How was your day, guys?" says Lily as Daisy gives you and Rose hugs and kisses in turn
  770. "It was alright. Magical girl shit happened at the mall but we just ignored it for the most part"
  771. >"Yeah, and Anon and I had a very, interesting discussion."
  772. >"Oh?" says Daisy as she looks between the two of you
  773. >"About what?"
  774. >You sigh and kick off your shoes before heading into the living room to sit down
  775. "This is gonna be a bit of a story, so have a seat and I'll tell you all about it."
  776. >Your two eldest sisters sit on the couch while rose takes one of the recliners, and you in the other
  777. >You recount to them the tale of your conversation with Rose, going more in depth as to your condition
  778. >Daisy and Lily both look equally hurt, but in different ways
  779. >Daisy, being the mother of the group, appears penitent, as though she's blaming herself for not recognizing this sooner so she could help
  780. >Lily shows a confused sort of horror, like her mind is having trouble comprehending that such an atrocity could even exist
  781. >Even Rose, upon hearing the new details, seems upset by what you couldn't go into before
  782. >The lazy days of sleeping in on the weekends were because you couldn't think of a reason to get out of bed without an obligation like school
  783. >Especially with your three sisters all gone for the day at their own extracurricular activities
  784. >The reason you play so many video games is so you can escape into a world where you don't have to be you
  785. >The reason you're so good at keeping up with homework is that it still provides you with a distraction from the reality that you are who you are
  786. >On top of that, it lets you pretend you're useful and productive like the three of them
  787. >With all of this laid bare, your three sisters sit in stunned silence
  788. >Finally, Daisy speaks up
  789. >"Anon, I hate to say it like this, but, I think you're too dependent on us."
  790. >She looks to Rose and Lily, who seem to want to disagree for your ake but can't
  791. >Then, she turns back to you
  792. >"It's great that you look up to us and care for us, but you have to learn to love yourself before your relationships with anyone can be complete and healthy. That goes for, friendships, romance, and family relationships. And especially for all three at once."
  793. >As she says this she ruffles Lily's hair, stands up, and walks over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder
  794. >"I'm glad you've taken the initiative to seek help for this. I now know that you won't want to hear this, but..."
  795. >She pauses, before throwing herself into your embrace, causing you to yell a bit less manly than you'd like
  796. >Your eldest sister, who despite being very tall and well-grown is still small in your arms, picks her face up out of your chest and looks you in the eyes
  797. >"We love you, Anon."
  798. >From the corner of your yet again tearful eyes, you see Rose get up as she prepares to jump on your side
  799. >When she does, Daisy rolls to your left, and Lily hops up onto your lap in the middle, her knees and shins resting on your thighs
  800. >All three of them look up at you, with beaming smiles on their faces and say in unison
  801. >"WE LOVE YOU, ANON!"
  802. >You can't help but smile back, and laugh a bit
  803. "I love you too, girls."
  804. >Their smiles turn into full ear-to-ear grins of pure happiness, and all three of them start to lean up toward you
  805. "WAH!"
  806. >You feel Daisy's lips on your left cheek, Rose's on your right, and Lily's on your own
  807. >They all hold this for quite a while, before all three of them pop off with a loud smack, Lily being the last by a couple seconds
  808. "You know, girls, I think I'm starting to love myself a bit too."
  809. >Daisy starts to say something, but Rose cuts her off
  810. >"Well, with Lily around, you won't have to 'love yourself' much any more."
  811. >For this, Rose receives a flick on the head from Lily
  812. >This causes her balance to shift, which causes her hand to slip off your chest, which cause it to land on your crotch
  813. >And you're at more than half-mast
  814. >Rose freezes in place, her face matching her name perfectly
  815. >Her hand squeezes a couple times, which makes your tower even taller, or at least tighter under your jeans
  816. >Lily and Daisy simply look on, unable to process, as Rose finally shoots her hand away from your bulge
  817. >You slowly and reluctantly look up at Lily, who's got her cheeks puffed out indignantly and arms crossed defensively, just barely avoiding looking you in the eye
  818. >"So, getting pretty excited from having all three of us on your lap, huh? I guess you just wanna be shared, is that right?"
  819. "Wha-, nonono, it's just, the friction of my jeans, and that kiss you gave me, it's enough to make a man erect."
  820. >”Mmhmm, and I bet you were just waiting for something like this to happen, weren't you?”
  821. >She turns aside and places a hand upon her face, acting like a melodramatic romance novel character
  822. >”I'm sorry I wasn't able to satisfy you physically. While my body may be ready for such things, my heart is not. I'm not ready to give you my all just yet, Anonymous.”
  823. >You can't help but stare at her with an eyebrow cocked
  824. “Well that was fucking cheesy. Also, no one said you had to 'give me your all'. No one said you had to 'give me' anything. And besides, we wouldn't have to go all in right away. We could, you know, ease our way into it, do a little here and there without going all the way until we're ready.”
  825. >”Hmm, but what if, what if we can't control ourselves? What if our hormones take over and we can't contain our lust? What will we do then if our bodies scream louder than our minds and we listen?”
  826. >You reach up to stroke her cheek with one hand
  827. “We'll just have to trust ourselves and each other. We're strong, or, at least you are. We'll make sure that doesn't happen. And, as a backup, just in case it does, we'll at least make sure we're protected.”
  828. >”...Yeah, that sounds good to me.”
  829. >You and Lily get lost in each others eyes for a bit as you both smile and sigh happily
  830. >But then something happens that breaks both of you out of your trance, and sends chills down your spines
  831. >You hear a voice from your left, Lily's right
  832. >”Oh my, look at our little Anon and his girlfriend being so mature and open with each other.”
  833. >”I know,” says Rose from your right, “it makes me jealous that these two get each other all to themselves."
  834. >”Oh, I know what you mean. If only there were more guys out there like Anon here, I'd be more than happy with any of them.”
  835. >You finally break eye contact to look at Daisy, and then Rose, then back to Daisy
  836. >They're viewing you with what could be described as predatory, primal, hungry expressions
  837. >As you sit there, frozen in fear, you see Daisy finally break away from staring at you and look to Lily with her usual motherly smile
  838. >”Anon's right, Lily. The two of you should ease into physical intimacy, take it slow but don't be afraid to try new things.”
  839. >As she says this, she grabs Lily by the wrists, forcing her hands down onto the somehow still erect mound in the front of your jeans
  840. >”And I think now's a great time to start.”
  841. >Lily's expression shifts to a completely shocked and horrified one, like a person facing their death at the hands of a chainsaw-wielding killer
  842. >”Wha-, ah, HAAAAAAH?!”
  843. >”Shh,” say Daisy in that doting, soothing motherly tone, “it's okay, there's nothing to worry about.”
  844. >Hearing her talk like that, about THIS, it's just uncanny
  845. >”Maybe you're just not properly in the mood yet,” says Rose, as she starts rubbing up and down Lily's body
  846. >Her hands linger on Lily's breasts and butt, caressing her face, and exploring her legs fully
  847. >The tent you pitched has grown and hardened into a bunker, the combination of sexual contact and scared adrenaline giving it more blood than it ever had access to before
  848. >This, is the fearboner, and you are experiencing it for the first time in 3D
  849. >Though she's otherwise too scared to move, her hands are already unbuttoning your pants on their own
  850. >She pulls your zipper down, and your jeans with them
  851. >Without even really meaning to, you raise your hips up to allow Lily to tug your pants down just low enough to clear your junk
  852. >Then, she undoes the button on the fly of your boxers, and the moment of truth happens
  853. >Out pops your dick, harder than you've ever felt it before, exposed to the cool air of your house
  854. >A combination of shock, awe, and lust appears on the faces of all three girls in front of you
  855. >Lily reaches out slowly, and wraps her hand gently around your shaft
  856. >She lightly strokes it up and down, occasionally rubbing circles on your tip with her palm
  857. >Rose has her hands under Lily's shirt now, passionately kissing her neck
  858. >Daisy is doing the same to you, and has your hand wrapped over her shoulder and resting on her own supple chest
  859. >She squeezes her hand, which in turn squeezes your hand, which in turn makes her moan deeply into your ear
  860. >You lock eyes with Lily, who seems to be enjoying herself, until she looks down at her own hands, then to Rose, and Daisy, and finally back to you
  861. >She recoils back, nearly losing her balance and falling, but she's rescued by you and Rose grabbing her arms before she does
  862. >She stutters, pants, and finally gasps one large breath before shouting out
  863. >”WHAT AM I DOING?! What are WE doing? Why am I doing this, with you guys here?!”
  864. >She starts to hyperventilate, and Daisy hugs her tightly
  865. >”Shh, it's okay. We know what you have with Anon is special, and we're not going to take that away from you.”
  866. >”Yeah,” moans Rose, and she brings one hand down to the front of her own leggings and begins massaging herself,
  867. >“We won't get between the two of you, promise. Just think of us as your, siblings with benefits.”
  868. >”I-I don't know, I'm not really keen on sharing Anon that way,”
  869. >Rose simply chuckles, before taking the hand that was at work on herself, and forcing it down the front of Lily's own skirt, shorts, and panties
  870. >She bends her wrist, turning her palm upward and curling her fingers
  871. >A deep and sultry moan escapes Lily's lips, her panting returning as she gives in to the pleasure
  872. >”O-, okay, alright. But I decide how far you can go with him, and no one can go farther than me, got it?”
  873. >”Of course, sweetie,” says Daisy as she caresses her face lovingly, “that's more than fair.”
  874. >”Remember,” says Rose, “you're Anon's girlfriend, we're just here for you guy's pleasure.”
  875. >Lily stops to think for a moment, though you're not really sure just how straight she could be thinking right now
  876. >Not that you're in any position to judge
  877. >”Right, I'M his girlfriend.”
  878. >Slowly she reaches down again and grabs your dick, more forcefully this time, and begins stroking you as before
  879. >But then she stops
  880. >She looks you in the eye again and gives you a sultry smile, blushing profusely
  881. >She starts to climb down from her perch on the chair, ending up with her face level with your pelvis
  882. >Oh hell no
  883. >She brings her face toward you, eying your erection with a bit of intimidation on her face, before giving it a few tentative licks
  884. >Both Daisy and Lily gasp at the sight, smiling lewdly at the display
  885. >Lily begins to take you into her mouth, slowly at first, trying to gauge her own limits
  886. >You've been containing it so far, but you can't resist giving a guttural groan as she works her tongue around the bottom of your head, suckling gently on the few inches she has in her mouth
  887. >Rose takes this opportunity to give you a deep French kiss, moaning into your mouth as she continues to work on herself with her free hand
  888. >She, too, dismounts the chair and moves down behind Lily
  889. >She grabs the hem of Lily's skirt and panties and yanks them down in one movement
  890. >The shock sends Lily reeling forward, causing her to gag and pull off of you with a pop
  891. >Before she can protest, however, Rose gives a long, forceful lick along her slit from behind, causuing Lily to gasp and moan, words failing to form
  892. >”Ah, ah, Rose, you know I'm not into girls this way, but, AH! Keep going, it feels too good to care.”
  893. >Rose simply gives her a “mhmm” without releasing her mouth's grasp on her ladyhood
  894. >Lily, after taking a moment to catch her breath and recover, resumes her own oral treatment of you, diving deeper and deeper as she adjusts
  895. >Daisy is now masturbating as well
  896. >She must be feeling left out
  897. >Better fix that
  898. >You grab Daisy with one arm and guide her upward, and she follows, climbing up until her chest is by your head
  899. >You lift up her shirt and begin to lick her breast, drawing little circles around her nipple
  900. >She gasps at the new sensation, and you take it as a sign to keep going
  901. >You give her nip a little flick with your tongue and take her breast into your mouth, suckling gently
  902. >”Ah, Anon! You're-, I-, oh this feels good. Oh, just like that!”
  903. >You pop off and smile at her, happy to be making her feel good
  904. >You chance a look at Lily, who doesn't look all too happy at this
  905. >You reach down and stroke her cheek with a finger, and give her your most genuine smile
  906. “Don't worry, honey, after this is all over, we'll go to my room and have some quality one-on-one time, okay?”
  907. >She pops off and smiles back at you
  908. >”Of course!”
  909. >And then her glare comes back
  910. >”You better.”
  911. >Then her smile returns and she goes back to blowing you with even more vigor than before
  912. >You yourself return to Daisy, slipping a hand down her panties and playing with her folds
  913. >You're not really paying attention or going for anything specific, your mind taken over by the pleasure Lily's giving you
  914. >You do make sure to give plenty of attention to her clit, and you chance to slip a couple fingers inside
  915. >You decide that fingering your sister and sucking her tit while you get a blowjob from your other sister is something that every guy should try given the chance
  916. >You reach down with your other hand and pet Lily on the head
  917. >She hums happily at the contact, and the vibrations send a new surge of pleasure through you, reaching all the way up your spine
  918. >You pop off of Daisy's tit and throw your head back groaning
  919. “Oh fuck, Lily, I'm getting close.”
  920. >When she hears this, she pops off your tip, giving it one last suck on the way
  921. >She starts pumping you vigorously, looking eager to see your ejaculation spring forth
  922. >Rose, seeing this, pulls back from the cunnilingus and runs over to kneel next to Lily
  923. >”Hey! If you're not gonna swallow his load, let me do it!”
  924. >”No fair,” says Daisy, “I wanna taste it too!”
  925. >”Well I guess I'm the only one not eager to get some of it, so you two decide amongst yourselves, and I'd say you might wanna hurry up.”
  926. >Daisy looks at Lily pleadingly, but Rose shakes her head and reaches down to take Lily's place on your cock
  927. >”Let me get it, and then I'll share it with you.”
  928. >Daisy sighs, but smiles like she always does and say “fine.”
  929. >Giving her an appreciative smile, Rose dives down on your shaft and starts trying to suck the cum right out of you
  930. >You can't hold on anymore, and with one final groan, you bust so hard you feel like you almost pass out
  931. >As you come to, you see Rose making out with Daisy from above, spilling some of your cum into her mouth
  932. >The two swap it back and forth for a bit, before both swallowing
  933. >You gulp, feeling like your boner could return any moment seeing this
  934. >Rose climbs back up to you, and sits herself on your knee and getting her face real close
  935. >She opens her mouth and shows you she still has a bit left
  936. >”Wanna taste, Anon?”
  937. “Nah I'm think I'm go-”
  938. >But you're cut off by Rose slamming her mouth into yours, jamming her tongue against your own
  939. >You sit stunned, visions of Charles Barkley dancing in your head
  940. >It's… not as bad as you were expecting, but still not pleasant
  941. >You swallow hard, and try to get the taste out of your mouth, but it's not happening easily
  942. “Wow Rose, that was pretty fucking mean of you.”
  943. >”Oh come on, it wasn't that bad, was it?”
  944. “Fuck off, that shit's gay and I'm not having it.”
  945. >”Oh well.”
  946. >”Ahem,” you hear from in front of you
  947. >You look down and see Lily giving you a devious smile
  948. >”I believe you promised me something?”
  949. “Oh, right, yeah.”
  950. >You sit up and put your pants back on, as the girls all do the same
  951. >Taking Lily by the hand, you lead her upstairs where unknown adventures await
  952. ***
  953. >When you get to Lily's room, she practically throws herself down onto her bed
  954. >A heavy sigh tells you she's not feeling particularly well
  955. >She rolls over onto her side and motions for you to come over
  956. >"Hold me," she says
  957. >You comply, laying next to her, her back resting on your chest
  958. >Your feet dangle off of her relatively short bed (for you), but you don't care
  959. >All that matters is holding Lily, just the two of you
  960. >"I seriously don't understand what just happened."
  961. "Me neither, it was so..."
  962. >You try for a moment to find the right words
  963. "...Out of place"
  964. >"Yeah, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. I mean, it felt good I guess, but, it felt wrong too."
  965. >Big talk coming from someone who just gave her brother a blowjob
  966. >And is also dating said brother
  967. >But you hold your tongue
  968. >"I guess it's a matter of perspective right? But I would have liked to at least have a chance to say no."
  969. "Yeah, you got a point there."
  970. >You lay with Lily for a while, enjoying being the big spoon, when you hear a few knocks on her door
  971. >"Come in," she says tiredly
  972. >Rose and Daisy peak around the door before entering the room
  973. >"Not done with him yet, huh?" says Lily, giving them the stinky eye
  974. >"Actually," says Daisy, "we have some explaining to do."
  975. >"Hmph, I'll say you do."
  976. >"So, uh, where to begin. You remember that time we all black out at the school and when we woke up we were somewhere else? And they told us Sunset Shimmer had mind controlled us and turned us into her zombie armie?"
  977. >Lily, now propped up on her arms, glares at Daisy as she meekly recounts the tale of the "Equestria Girls", as they came to be known
  978. >"Let me guess, you were turned into sex zombies and that's why you decided to molest me and Anon?"
  979. >"Uh, heheh, well sort of," she says, grimacing and rubbing rubbing the back of her head,
  980. >"It wasn't completely like that, we were still aware of what was happening, we felt everything, and could still think for ourselves, but, uh, it was like, we weren't the ones making the actual decisions, you know?"
  981. >Hearing this, Lily simply sighs and shakes her head at them
  982. >"You know what I think, dear sisters? I think you two are just making up and excuse so you don't have to admit to what you did."
  983. >The two sisters hang their heads and lean on each other for support
  984. >"It's not like that Lily, believe me, we never wanted to do something like that. I mean, yeah it was fun, but you know we'd never want to hurt you like that."
  985. >After what feels like an eternity, Lily growls at them, flips them off, and lays right back down where she was, facing the wall
  986. >You spring up from the bed and grab Lily's hand, pulling her up to face you
  987. "Now hang on Lily, I know it sounds far-fetched, and normally it'd be completely unbelievable. But now, not so much."
  988. >As Lily slowly rolls over to look at you, what you see pains you
  989. >It's not anger, not even sadness, but resentment
  990. >The look of someone who's been betrayed
  991. >"Et tu, Anon?"
  992. >You can't help but crack a wide smile at this
  993. >Classic Lily, always some literary reference or phrase at hand
  994. >Lily herself can't even help a slight grin escaping onto her face as she sees you chuckling at her melodrama
  995. "Look, I'm not saying you can't be mad, or that you should just let them off Scot free, but you have to admit, after all the magical anime-tier bullcrap that's happened over the last year, what they're saying is at least plausible."
  996. >She cocks her head to the side and looks at Daisy and Rose, who are trying their best to appear honest and truthful
  997. >"Okay, you have a point there, BUT, there's one hole in their story."
  998. "Huh? What's that?"
  999. >"That doesn't explain why we weren't affected. I mean, you weren't were you?"
  1000. >You think for a moment, but you don't remember feeling anything resembling mind control
  1001. "I hate to admit it, but I wasn't. I was in control of my decisions."
  1002. >Suddenly a thought struck you
  1003. "Say, you said WE weren't, which means you made the decision to give me a BJ, am I right?"
  1004. >"Wha-, I, huh, HEY! Don't change the subject. We're dealing with these two," she says, pointing a thumb at Daisy and Rose,
  1005. >"Their story doesn't hold up much if we weren't affected does it?"
  1006. "Yeah, that's a fair point too, this magic BS doesn't have a history of targeting specific people as far as we know, but that's the problem; there's so much we don't know about this stuff since it's not a part of our world and only started happening recently. We can't really make a judgment either way without someone who knows all the facts."
  1007. >"I do have a hypothesis," says Rose, speaking up for the first time since she entered Lily's room
  1008. >"Rumor has it that friendship and family love are one kind of magic, and romantic love is another kind entirely. So maybe your love for each other is what shielded you from whatever is happening?"
  1009. "Hmm," you say, putting a finger and thumb to your chin, "that could be possible, but like I said, without working knowledge of any of this, we can't make a real judgment either way."
  1010. >Behind you, you hear Lily huff, and turn to see her flop back down onto her bed
  1011. >"Well all I want right now is to be alone."
  1012. >You turn and start to follow Daisy and Rose out the door
  1013. >"Wait," says Lily, "I meant alone with you, Anon."
  1014. "Oh, gotcha, coming."
  1015. >You close the door behind you as you reenter and get back into your position with Lily
  1016. >She cranes her head up and plants a delicate kiss on your cheek before she settling all the way down as the little spoon once again
  1017. ***
  1018. >You lay there for what feels like an eternity, only to find that Lily has seemingly fallen asleep
  1019. >Her breathing is slow and steady, and her eyes are fluttering slightly
  1020. >"I'm still thinking about earlier, you know."
  1021. >Well, guess she's not asleep after all
  1022. >"I think you made a promise to me. Remember?"
  1023. >You try to think hard on what she's talking about and-
  1024. >Oh
  1025. >She grabs your hand and slowly uses it to start rubbing between her thighs outside of her thin shorts
  1026. >She takes her hand away and you continue the motions yourself
  1027. >You decide to push the envelope, and slip your hand inside her short, rubbing her through her panties
  1028. >They've become fairly damp, and the panting and moaning you hear from the girl in your arms increases as you increase the pressure you apply
  1029. >Deciding that it's time to move further, you slide your hand underneath her panties as well
  1030. >The dampness from them on the back of your hand is nothing compared to the slippery wetness greeting your fingers as you rub them up and down her slit
  1031. >Her panting turn to a few quiet moans that she mostly holds in, for now
  1032. >As you drag your fingers back up, you find a small nub at the top of her lower lips, and you know you've found what you're looking for
  1033. >You trace small circles around your target, and Lily's gasps and moans increase in volume, pitch, and frequency
  1034. >You slowly pull your hand out and roll over to give her a deep, deep kiss
  1035. >Your tongues dance on each other's as the two of you hold each other tight
  1036. >"Anon," she says after finally breaking off from you
  1037. >"I'm sorry, but, I'm still not ready to go all the way yet. I-"
  1038. >You place a finger on her lips to silence her, and a peck on the forehead reassures her that everything's alright
  1039. "It's fine, you don't have to rush anything. We've got our whole lives ahead of us."
  1040. >"Our whole lives? You mean, you really want to spend your live with me?"
  1041. "Of course," you say with a smile, "why wouldn't I? You're the most beautiful girl I know, and there's no one in the world I love quite the way I love you."
  1042. >A few moments later, she lightly elbows your arm and rolls away again, grinning and blushing beet red
  1043. >"Psh, don't think being all romantic like that is gonna win you any favors."
  1044. "Of course not."
  1045. >You wrap your arm around her again and slide your other hand back into her panties
  1046. "I say these things cause I mean them."
  1047. >Lily grabs your hand and loves it back out of her clothing
  1048. "Is something wrong?"
  1049. >"No, it's just there's something I want to try."
  1050. >She slips her skirt, shorts, and panties down, and crawls over you until her legs are resting on either side of your head
  1051. >You take a moment to take in the sight of her glistening slit, her red button poking out from the top, and her little tuft of yellow hair neatly trimmed above it all
  1052. >She slowly lowers her snatch down onto your face, and you give it a few licks from bottom to top
  1053. >She moans lower than ever when you give her clit a few flicks with your tongue
  1054. >Seeing how this much gets her going, you continue to use your tongue, lips, and jaw to stimulate her
  1055. >She inhales a giant gulp of breath, her hands rocketing forward to grasp the bedpost to keep from falling over
  1056. >She starts rocking her hips back and forth, grinding herself into your face
  1057. >You decide to take it like a man and try to give her as much pleasure as you can
  1058. >Your face is starting to become drenched, and even your shirt isn't being spared
  1059. >"Ah, oh, oh my god, Anon, how are you so good at this?"
  1060. >You lift her hips up for a moment to catch a breath and respond
  1061. "Years of research."
  1062. >"Oh, man, that research definitely lead to some development, huh?"
  1063. >You snort at her out of place joke, and start to lower her back onto you
  1064. >However, she herself lifts up and climbs off of you
  1065. "Done already?"
  1066. >"Oh not by a long shot, buuuuut, I don't wanna be selfish and leave you out of it."
  1067. >After she says this she gracefully spins around and lands back on your chest, straddling you again, butt this time with her ass facing you
  1068. >She starts to slowly lick around your crown, waving her rear at you enticingly
  1069. >"Come on, Anon, don't leave me hanging now."
  1070. >You reach your tongue out to try and resume your cunnilingus, but man's oldest dilemma falls upon you:
  1071. >The ass is out of reach
  1072. >You contemplate this contrived conundrum, and for the first time you curse your blessing of massive height
  1073. >But then an idea strikes you
  1074. "Hang on a sec."
  1075. >You grab Lily by the midsection and scoot both of you back until you're now propped up against her headboard
  1076. >With you bent over , you are now able to reach your prize once again
  1077. >Diving back into her folds, you bury your tongue deep inside her, nuzzling her clit with your chin
  1078. >You pull out and turn your attention back to her love button, stroking, flicking, and rubbing it with your tongue
  1079. >Suckling on it, kissing it, even giving it a VERY light nibble with your teeth
  1080. >Lily's moans send your own member buzzing, adding onto the pleasure from her warm wet mouth and skillful tongue
  1081. >She's really got her rhythm down, and you start to feel the familiar tinglings JUST start to bubble up within your loins
  1082. >It won't be too long now, but you wish there was a way to know how close Lily is
  1083. >You pull off for breath yet again, and while you're there you take in the sight of the amazing display in front of you
  1084. >Her dark pink folds and scarlet red button contrast perfectly with her pink skin, the little tuft of blonde hair beneath looking like a golden buttercup
  1085. >Lily too comes up for breath, stroking and nuzzling your erection like she's in love with it, purring and panting from the pleasure and exertion
  1086. >Your eyes wander around her round and amazing ass, stopping on her /other/ hole
  1087. >Hmmm
  1088. >Lily's a very effeminate and prim girl
  1089. >Surely she keeps herself clean everywhere, right?
  1090. >You lean forward again, tracing from her clit, up her lips to the bottom, and back down again a few times
  1091. >Lily, in turn, licks up and down your length as well
  1092. >But then you keep going past her vulva and start tracing circles around her pink starfish
  1093. >"Ah, AH! Anon! What are you, not there, that's, I, OH! Oh yes, right there! Keep going!"
  1094. >You chance a venture inside a bit, and are thankful to find that it tastes like absolutely nothing
  1095. >Basically just the taste of skin here
  1096. >You keep up the pace, eating her ass like a man possessed
  1097. >Possessed by a demon of hunger, that is
  1098. >Lily starts to shake and convulse, her slit leaking more and more juices as her muscles contract around your tongue
  1099. >Overtaken by lust and pleasure, she dives back down on you, taking your whole length in and working it like a part-time job
  1100. >You feel your seed start to rise up, but with your mouth too busy at the moment, you can't warn her in time
  1101. >You moan and groan as wave after wave of pleasure courses through you, sending ropes of your cum into her mouth
  1102. >Lily doesn't protest, but instead swallows it all without stopping
  1103. >She pulls off of you, panting like she's run a marathon
  1104. >You exhume your tongue from her depths and give her clit one last pull with your lips, sending her over the edge as well
  1105. >She cries out as torrents of various fluids wash over your jaw, until there's naught but a faint whimper caught in her throat
  1106. >She collapses onto you, and the two of your lay there, stiff as boards
  1107. >Eventually, she manages to raise herself up onto her hands and crawls back into position next to you
  1108. >You both lie on her bed, content to bask in both the afterglow and in each other's embrace
  1109. >"Anon, that was amazing. How did you even get an idea like that?"
  1110. "Memes, Lily. Memes."
  1111. >"Wha-"
  1112. >"Never mind, not even gonna question it."
  1113. >And so, the two of you fell back into each other's arms, and then into sleep, as the exhaustion of your efforts take you away to the land of dreams
  1114. ***
  1115. >It's been a little over one week since you started dating your older sister, Lily Valley
  1116. >The two of you have already started fooling around as well, though you haven't gone all the way
  1117. >It's Saturday, and that means that your sisters are all busy with activities until evening
  1118. >So you're hanging out with Norman and Lyra at the park, catching up on events
  1119. >"You know, dude," says Norman, "things actually don't seem all that different these days."
  1120. "I told you, Lily and I are the same Lily and Anon we've always been."
  1121. >"The siscon is new, though." says Lyra
  1122. "Fuck off."
  1123. >The three of you continue soaking up sun and arguing who has the best waifu
  1124. "You're not even into girls, Lyra, you exclaim exasperatedly, "why are you in this conversation?"
  1125. >"I'm into 2D no matter what. It's not lez if the pussy isn't real." she says with a shrug
  1126. "You're just a bulldyke in denial." you fire back
  1127. >"Then why have I been trying to get you inside me for years?" she retorts
  1128. >"Are you saying you're really a girl with a feminine penis?"
  1129. >"There's no such thing as feminine penis, Lyra," says Norman absentmindedly, "traps are gay, get over it."
  1130. >"Oh, so you wanna do this now?"
  1131. "Look," you interject before they can get into an argument about catboys, "Lyra, isn't there anyone else you've been interested in?"
  1132. >"In the 3D world? Meh, not really. Everyone's just too much of a normie for me, except you."
  1133. >"I'm not a normie," says Norman with a shrug, "and you've never made a move on me."
  1134. >"You're worse than a normie, you're a casual. Someone who acts like they're on the inside, but they're just a poseur."
  1135. >"Hey, listen, Naruto is a fine anime and Super Smash Bros is the best Japanese game series, alright? Those are just my opinions."
  1136. "But they're wrong opinions," you offer, "you have to remember that factor."
  1137. >As the sun moves across the sky, you get ready to head back home to meet your Sisters, when suddenly, you run into a girl you vaguely remember
  1138. >As in, literally run into her
  1139. >"Oh gosh," she says while picking herself off the ground, "I'm sorry, are you okay?"
  1140. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." you reply while rubbing the back of your head penitently
  1141. "You're the one that took a spill. You alright?"
  1142. >"I'm okay," she replies with a sheepish grin, "I'm Wallflower Blush. Nice to see you again."
  1143. "Uhhh, you too?" you reply confused, and a little happy that that happens to actuall be an appropriate response for once
  1144. "So, what are you up to?"
  1145. >"I came over because I saw you here and wanted to invite you to a party I'm throwing at my parents' house tonight. It's short notice but they were called out of town."
  1146. >She starts to play with her hair as she says this
  1147. >"There will be cool party things, like snacks, drinks, and music. I'd love it if you could come."
  1148. "Uh, sure, I'll ask my sisters if they're in too, if that's okay."
  1149. >"Oh of course, the more the merrier. Here's the address."
  1150. >She hands you a piece of card stock that looks like a handwritten business card
  1151. >It simply has an address from just out of town and the text 'Please come to my party' on it
  1152. "Alright, I'll be there."
  1153. >You turn back to Lyra and Norman
  1154. "So, you guys wanna go to the party? I think I'm going to it either way. You in?"
  1155. >"What party?" asks Norman
  1156. >"Yeah, what're you talking about?" echoes Lyra
  1157. "You know, the party-"
  1158. >As you speak you turn to gesture to Wallflower, but she's nowhere to be found
  1159. >"OH, yeah, the Party," says Norman as though nothing weird were going on, "you got the address?"
  1160. "Yeah, I'll uh, text it to you guys."
  1161. >"Great," says Lyra, "we'll be there."
  1162. "Yeah, I'll catch you guys there."
  1163. >As you head home you ponder what exactly the McFuck just happened
  1164. >Your thoughts carry you all the way home, and soon you're recounting the strange events to your sisters
  1165. ***
  1166. >"It sounds like this Wallflower girl doesn't have many friends." says Daisy
  1167. >"Yeah," says Rose, "but at least your friends will be there to cheer her up."
  1168. "Actually, I was wondering if any of you wanted to come with?"
  1169. >"Oh, I, uh, have work to do on my dual credit classes" says Rose
  1170. >"Well I'm free, Sweetheart."
  1171. >Glad you can count on Lily being there
  1172. >"As am I little Nonny. After all, someone's gotta watch you rambunctious kids and make sure you don't get into too much trouble."
  1173. >Lily looks up at Daisy with an indignant look
  1174. >"I'm onky 37 minutes younger than you, and Anon makes you look like a halfling."
  1175. >"Halfling?" asks Rose
  1176. "Yeah, you know, from The Halfling, or its more popular sequel The Local Lord of Jewelry?"
  1177. >"In any case, I'd be happy to tag along. It's nice to get a chance to spend time with family after all."
  1178. >"Yeah, I'd love to go too but I'm swamped with homework."
  1179. "Well, that's what you get for being a tryhard," you say, chuckling as you bop Rose on the forehead with a finger
  1180. "But in all seriousness, it's good that you're putting your responsibilities first. Lord knows I wouldn't do that."
  1181. >"Anon..." says Daisy in a chastising tone as she crosses her arms
  1182. "Hey, that's not self-deprecation, that's just a fair observation."
  1183. >Daisy raises a finger and opens her mouth like she's going to say something, but decides against it
  1184. >"Alright, fair enough."
  1185. >"So what time's the party?" asks Lily
  1186. "Uh, good question"
  1187. >You pull out the business card and examine it
  1188. "Seven. I'll let Norm and Lyra know the time and address."
  1189. >You shoot a quick text to the two and see your phone down
  1190. "Well guess we'll kill time til then. You girls down for some Ultra Slam Siblings?"
  1191. >"Hell yeah!" shout Daisy snd Lily in unison
  1192. >"You have fun with that." says Rose as she trudges up the stairs
  1193. >A few hours pass before you race off to the bathroom to get ready before Lily or Daisy can claim it
  1194. >You would have lost the race to Daisy if you hadn't dropped your controller and ran off without notice
  1195. >After stepping out of the shower and into some casual clothes, you nod to Lily and Daisy, who only huff at you in response
  1196. >"Well, since Anon too so long, I guess we'll have to shower together." said Daisy in a fake exasperated time
  1197. >"Yeah, it's too bad he was so impatient, or we could have ALL showered together." Says Lily in a sing song voice
  1198. >You turn and give them the smug anime look
  1199. "As it the shower would fit all the of us, and besides if I had waited one of you could have showered in the mean time.*
  1200. >"True," says Daisy, "but you could have been the one sharing a shower with Lily."
  1201. >As she days this she rubs Lily's sides seductively while Lily slightly poses
  1202. "No thanks, I'd rather not freeze my nuts off."
  1203. >At this, you head downstairs to wait for Daisy and Lily
  1204. ***
  1205. >Daisy pulls up to the house at the given address with you and Lily in the car at around 7:15
  1206. >The first thing you notice is how large the house is
  1207. >It's by no means a mansion, but it's very impressive, putting even your house made for a family of 8 in its place
  1208. >It also has a spacious driveway and in its isolation has plenty of street parking as well
  1209. >The second thing you notice is how many cars are parked here
  1210. >It seems Wallflower's party has generated quite the buzz
  1211. >You hop out of the car and wait for Daisy and Lily to catch up with you
  1212. >As you do, you see Norman and Lyra pull up in Norman's van
  1213. >Looks like they too decided to be fashionably late
  1214. >"Woah, dude," says Norman "you didn't tell me it was going to be such a big party."
  1215. "I would have if I knew, bro. C'mon, let's head inside."
  1216. >You lead the way up to the door and knock thrice
  1217. >Wallflower open the door, and Norman nearly walks into her
  1218. >You grab him by the collar and yank him back
  1219. "What the fuck, dude? You almost trampled Wallflower!"
  1220. >"Who? Uh, OH!" he says, looking at Wallflower as though she just popped into existence
  1221. >"Oh, sorry, didn't see you there."
  1222. >"Oh, that's alright. Most people don't. Anyway, come in."
  1223. >You make your way inside with the posse and hear some popular normie music thumping from speakers in the living room
  1224. >All around you, high schoolers and what looks like college kids are drinking, laughing, and dancing to the beat
  1225. >Yep, this is a house party, and a pretty uppity one at that
  1226. >After the two of you look around for a minute, you shrug at Lily
  1227. >She takes your hand and looks to you for guidance
  1228. >You lead her to the kitchen where you see Lyra wiping liquid off the shirt of a somewhat buff looking Hisponic guy
  1229. >"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." she says frantically
  1230. >"Está bien," he says with a chuckle, "I should have looked where I was walking, but, I'm kind of glad I didn't."
  1231. >You notice him making a kind of seductive face toward Lyra and, to your surprise, you start to feel a little jealous
  1232. >"I'm Cuerpo," he says, extending his hand to Lyra, "Cuerpo Capaz."
  1233. >"Lyra Heartstrings." she replies as she shakes his hand
  1234. >Norman and Daisy also enter the room at this point and start pouring drinks
  1235. >Daisy slaps Norman's hand when he reaches for the vodka, vut he just steels his gaze and snatches it anyway
  1236. >"And, oh," says Lyra as she notices you, "this is my friend Anonymous and his, eh-"
  1237. "Girlfriend, Lily Valley." you say as you size up Cuerpo
  1238. >"Nice to meet you," says Lily as she nods to him
  1239. "So, Señor Capaz, eres de Méxipotro?"
  1240. >He gives a surprised nod and smile to you
  1241. >"Hablas espoñol?"
  1242. >"Un poco, solamente ecuestre con fluidez."
  1243. >"Interesante. Y sí, soy de Tepic, Nayarit. Asistí a la eacuela 'Grupo Educativo Mercurio'."
  1244. "Are you, by any chance, an exchange student?"
  1245. >"A transfer, actually. My family and I recently obtained citizenship, and I'll be attending CHS starting Monday."
  1246. >Norman comes over to you, wide eyed
  1247. >"Whoa, wait, you actually speak Cabellan?"
  1248. "Not fluently, by far, but I've paid attention in class." you say as you turn back to Cuerpo
  1249. >He gives you an approving nod and turns back to Lyra
  1250. >"Y tu, Señora?"
  1251. >"Oh, no, I only speak Japonyse, and not that well either."
  1252. >"Well, being multilingual is a noble goal for those who grew up speaking only one language. I was fortunate enough to have an aunt from Equestria who taught me Equestrian as a child so I didn't have to rely only on the schools."
  1253. >He sighs and looks to the floor before perking back up and looking past you to Lily
  1254. >"But those who master their own language deserve praise as well, Ms. Valley. Your essay 'On The Exchange of Culture' is one of my favorites."
  1255. >You, Norman, Lyra, Daisy, and Lily all go wide-eyed at this.
  1256. >"You've read my essay?"
  1257. >"Oh, many from my school have. The Equestrian professors there love using it as a study piece for Equestrian culture. It's become sort of an unofficial part of the curriculum. You didn't know?"
  1258. >"I... I had no idea." she says, bewildered
  1259. "Wow, sweetie, you're even more famous than you realized."
  1260. >You give Lily a pat on the head and move to pour yourself a drink
  1261. >You skip over all the alcohols at first, but decide to add a splash of whiskey to your cola while Daisy is enamored with stories of Lily's unknown literary exposure
  1262. >You head into the living room and see some guys from the football team crowded around two girls kissing on the couch
  1263. >Thirsty meatheads are probably hoping they'll start stripping
  1264. >You meet eyes with Bulk Biceps, one of the few cool guys on the team, and he waves to you
  1265. >The rest of the team gives you a nod when they see you
  1266. >Though you were never athletic enough to play, you've helped move things and set up for practice so they all like you enough
  1267. >"Bro!" Screams bulk a couple notches too loud, "I heard you got a girlfriend now? Nice going!"
  1268. >"Oh shit," says Freight Train, "you finally smashing that girl you been hanging around? I didn't think you had it in you."
  1269. >"Wait," says an unknown guy, "I thought she was your sister."
  1270. "Oh, no," you say, "the other two, Rose and Daisy, are my sisters."
  1271. >"But, Daisy is Lily's Sister."
  1272. "Uh,"
  1273. >Shit, find a way out, Anon."
  1274. "Well, yes, they're all my sisters I guess, but, um, I'm adopted?"
  1275. >...
  1276. "Aw shit, son," says Freight, "stepsister action? I like it."
  1277. >The guys all give you pats on the back before one of them takes a sip of your drink
  1278. >"Uh, I can tell you're trying, dude, and I appreciate it, but this shit's weaker than Mug's man coverage."
  1279. >"Hey!" says the previously unknown guy, "my safety game is top tier and you know it!"
  1280. >"You couldn't cover a receiver with a blanket. Stick to the line."
  1281. >As the two get into an argument, another player hands you a new drink
  1282. >Oh, it looks like juice
  1283. >You take a big swig and are hit with what feels like liquid dryness and tastes like ethanol
  1284. >You avoid choking on it and swallow down, but damn was that rough
  1285. >"Damn, a player and a drinker." says Mug, "You're alright, Anon."
  1286. "Oh, thanks," you cough out, "anyway imma catch ya later, gotta get back to the crew, y'know?"
  1287. >"Peace."
  1288. >You find Lyra, Cuerpo, Daisy, and Norman on a couch in the den, Lyra seemingly enamored with something Cuerpo is singing in espoñol
  1289. >From what you can catch it sounds like a school spirit song
  1290. >Daisy, meanwhile, is debating Equestrian soccer players with Norman
  1291. >Makes sense that with all his normie hobbies he'd know enough about any major sport to hold a conversation
  1292. >Lily, meanwhile, is is a corner in a hallway being seemingly hit on by a tan guy with green dreadlocks
  1293. >Lily looks kind of uncomfortable with how close he is
  1294. >Time for big bro boyfriend to come to the rescue
  1295. >You saunter over and wordlessly put an arm around Lily
  1296. >She leans into you for comfort as Dreadlocks looks surprised
  1297. >"Oh, my bad, bro, she with you?"
  1298. >He leans back, and puts one hand up and the other across his stomach
  1299. >"didn't mean to try to swipe your girl. She didn't say nothing about having a man."
  1300. >I could hardly get a word in edgewise." says Lily indignantly
  1301. >"I'll leave you guys alone now. Again, my b."
  1302. >He turns and heads toward the front of the house
  1303. "Well at least he was diplomatic about it. Could have been worse."
  1304. >Lily nuzzles up against you and smiles
  1305. >"Yeah, that's true."
  1306. >The two of you head once again back to the den to find Cuerpo now has his arm around Lily, who is cuddling up to his chest
  1307. >You take a deep breath in, and exhale
  1308. 'No sense being jealous,' you think to yourself, 'you were the one who rejected her, after all.'
  1309. >Daisy seems to actually be getting along quite well with Norman, even laughing at his jokes
  1310. >He must've put the corn away and busted out the big guns, because Daisy NEVER laughs at Norman's jokes
  1311. >You're starting to wonder if she's been drinking
  1312. >"Yeah, I want to visit Japone, but maybe I'd like to visit Mexicolt instead."
  1313. >"Well, a vacation to San Blas is always fun. My brothers used to surf there when I was little. I never took it up myself. I just played fútbol with the neighborhood boys."
  1314. >Daisy whips around to look at Cuerpo
  1315. >"You play soccer?!" she asks very excitedly
  1316. >"Not in a league, no, just pick up games with the amigos, you know?"
  1317. >Norman leans forward and pipes up
  1318. >"I remember playing fútbol in middle school. What position did you play?"
  1319. >Daisy looks surprised to hear that Norman even played. Clearly he's trying win her back and impress the new guy
  1320. >"I was always on defense. Full back."
  1321. >"Midfield for me. And you know, Daisy is one of the best Strikers in the state. She plays paired striker with Rainbow Dash."
  1322. >"Ah, and where is this 'Rainbow Dash'?" asks Cuerpo
  1323. "She's not here, as far as I know. She's not part of our group. She has her own squad of friends."
  1324. >"Yeah," says Daisy, "she's good, but she's a bit of a ball hog. Still better than she used to be, though."
  1325. >Lily tugs on your hand and nods toward the hallway where a bedroom door stands open
  1326. >You feel a warmth start to overtake you, though you chalk it up to the alcohol
  1327. >Lily takes you into the bedroom and closes the door behind you before locking it
  1328. >Her face is flushed, she's breathing heavily and giving you a hardcore stare
  1329. >"Anon, I want you to fuck me."
  1330. >You're taken aback by how blunt and crass she's being
  1331. "Lily? How much did you drink exactly?"
  1332. >"Does it matter? I want you, to FUCK me!"
  1333. "Okay, okay, geez. Just, promise me you're not too drunk to consent"
  1334. >She begins to advance toward you, backing you up to the bed
  1335. >"Nonny, I hardly drank anything. But seeing all these people here getting intimate made me want you inside me, now."
  1336. "Alright, if you're sure."
  1337. >You begin to slowly undo the buckle on your pants
  1338. >But Lily is having none of that
  1339. >She undoes your buckle and rips your pants off
  1340. >"Hurry, Anon. I can't wait." she says in an uncharacteristically sultry tone
  1341. >She starts shedding her own clothes at breakneck pace, starting with her shirt and bra
  1342. >You swipe your shirt left and shimmy out of your boxers while Lily yanks her own pants and panties down, only bothering to step out with one foot
  1343. >She jumps onto the bed with you and lays spread eagle on her back
  1344. >"Take one of those, and then take me. For real this time."
  1345. >You see her point to what appears to be a conveniently placed punch bowl filled with condoms of various types and sizes
  1346. >Did Wallflower plan for it to be this kind of party or was it just a contingency?
  1347. >Eh, doesn't really matter
  1348. >You grab a [spoiler]medium[/spoiler] sized condom from the bowl and apply it as directed
  1349. >Lily lift her knees up, giving you a fully unrestricted view of her body
  1350. >It's beautiful, picturesque even, and presented just to you
  1351. >You lean down over Lily and plants a soft kiss on her forehead
  1352. >With the help of her hand, you guide yourself to her entrance
  1353. "Are you ready, Lily?"
  1354. >"I've been ready, Nonny."
  1355. >You apply some pressure to her hole, and due to the wetness, practice with her toys, or some combination, you slide inside easily
  1356. >It's so warm, and tight
  1357. >You start to move back and forth, and Lily reaches up to grab the back of your head
  1358. >She pulls you into a deep, passionate kiss
  1359. >"I love you, Anon."
  1360. "And I love you, Lily."
  1361. >You start to pick up the pace
  1362. >You moan, Lily moans, the girl in the corner moans...
  1363. >THE
  1364. >WHAT
  1365. >You freeze in place as you and Lily snap your vision to the corner
  1366. >There you see a stark naked Wallflower Blush playing with herself
  1367. >She looks surprised to see you looking at her
  1368. >Almost as surprised as you too are to see her
  1369. >"O-oh! Sorry, I forgot you guys can notice me."
  1370. "Wallflower? What the fuck? Do you just watch people fuck?"
  1371. >"I mean, yeah. It's the closest I'll ever get to the real thing."
  1372. >Oh geez, your heart
  1373. >You look at Lily, who seems to somehow look even hornier than before
  1374. >"I don't mind, Nonny." she says as she wiggles her hips under you
  1375. >You turn and make eye contact with Wallflower and continue your motions into Lily
  1376. >Wall gives a quiet moan and gasp as she redoubles her efforts on herself with a longing look on her face
  1377. >You look back to Lily, who's panting at this point
  1378. >The feeling of her warmth around you combined with your audience is driving you toward the edge
  1379. >Thankfully Lily is squirming and moaning underneath you, hopefully she's close
  1380. >"Ah, Anon, I'm gonna."
  1381. >"Yes, please," begs Wallflower from her spot on the floor, "let me see it."
  1382. "Cum for me, sweetie, cum for big bro Nonny."
  1383. >Lily thrashes and moans for a moment before seizing up and letting out a high pitched squeal
  1384. >Then she arches her back up, thrusting her stomach against you and lets out a long, low, drawn out moan
  1385. >She falls back to the bed, but you're relentless
  1386. >You continue pounding away at her until you feel yourself building up
  1387. "Lily, I'm getting so close."
  1388. >"Do it, Nonny! Come inside your big sister!"
  1389. "Hey, I'm the bigger one here." you reply smartly
  1390. >"Ooooh, you don't have to tell me twice." she replies as she begins thrashing about again
  1391. "Oh, fuck, oh Lily, LILY!"
  1392. >You wrap your arms around her and hold her tight as you release shot after shot of your jizz into her
  1393. >Each contraction of your manhood sends a ripple of familiar yet nearly forgotten pleasure coursing through your body
  1394. >AS you ride the wave down, you collapse onto the bed next to Lily
  1395. >The three of you pant from the exertion of your respective orgasms
  1396. >"So, Wallflower," says Lily, "you're a virgin then?"
  1397. >"Uh, yeah. I've tried asking guys out or even just to sleep with me before, but it's like I don't exist."
  1398. "Well, I bet if you walked out there like that, or even with some underwear on, that would garner attention."
  1399. >"Doubtful," she replies, "I accidentally went to school in my underwear one day and no one noticed."
  1400. >She goes back to absentmindedly playing with herself as she recounts her story
  1401. >The thought of a girl just going about her school day half-naked makes you laugh at first
  1402. >But then it starts to arouse you a little
  1403. >"At least we got to take each other's virginity, right, Nonny?"
  1404. >...
  1405. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
  1406. >"Anonymous?" asks Lily, "Were you not a virgin?"
  1407. "Um, not exactly. I mean, I kinda did the whole penis-in-vagina thing once but I mean, what's that all about, you know?"
  1408. >"Wha- with whom?"
  1409. >You inhale sharply through your teeth
  1410. "You're not going to like the answer to that."
  1411. >She falls silent for a moment
  1412. >"It was Lyra, wasn't it?"
  1413. >You sigh, before nodding your head in agreement
  1414. >"How long?"
  1415. "It was just once, and it was over a year ago. We were both barely fourteen."
  1416. >Lily sighs and lays back down next to you on your right
  1417. >Then she leans over and pats the bed on the left side of you
  1418. >"C'mon, Wallflower, hop up. You deserve some company."
  1419. >She looks apprehensive, but then Blush joins you on the bed
  1420. >You now have TWO naked girls cuddling up to you
  1421. >Gee, Bill
  1422. >You, Lily and Wallflower start talking about school life for a while
  1423. >Eventually, you decide to reach around Lily's shoulder and start playing with her tit
  1424. >You also start to snake a hand down toward Wall's flowerpot
  1425. "You don't mind, do you Blush?"
  1426. >"Not at all." she replies shyly
  1427. "You, Lily?"
  1428. >"Go right ahead."
  1429. >You reach down for Blush's wetness and begin to massage it
  1430. >Lily takes your cock in her hand again and massages your half chub into a full chub, and then eventually full mast
  1431. >But the she scoots away from you
  1432. >She gets and arm underneath your shoulder and rolls you over toward Wallflower
  1433. >"So, you want to lose your virginity, Blush?" she asks her coyly
  1434. >"Um, I mean, I'd like to."
  1435. >"Well, we already know I like being watched, let's see how I like watching. What do you say, Nonny?"
  1436. "Uh, are you sure about this, Lily?"
  1437. >"Absolutely. I'm horny, I'm exploring sex to its fullest for the first time, and I want to try it all."
  1438. >She grabs a fresh condom and starts to roll it onto you
  1439. >"Blush seems to like this whole voyeurism thing, so maybe I will too. And if not, no hard feelings."
  1440. >You look to Wallflower for a sign to continue
  1441. "Are you okay with this? I mean, I barely know you, and it's not like we're in a relationship."
  1442. >You pat her on the head to comfort her
  1443. "Once you do this, there's no going back."
  1444. >Wallflower begins to tear up, but wipes then away and gives you a warm smile
  1445. >"You're the first guy to ever notice me, let alone be nice to me. Whatever happens down the line, I won't mind remembering you as my first."
  1446. >"Hear that sweet pea?" asks Lily
  1447. >"You get to take two girls' virginity back to back. Doesn't that sound hot?"
  1448. >She grabs your gloved grouter and, much like with her own, guides it to Wallflower's waiting, leaking, steaming entrance
  1449. >You take it very slowly at first, barely pushing the head in
  1450. >Wallflower gasps, making you afraid you hurt her, but then she blushes deeply and lets out a tiny squeak
  1451. >"You can keep going," she says as she grabs your shoulder and brings her knees up to your sides
  1452. >"It doesn't >hurt."
  1453. >You slowly push more and more of yourself into her, stopping once when she winces but continuing when she nods you along
  1454. >"It doesn't >hurt," she says, "but I wasn't expecting this kind of pressure."
  1455. >"I know, right?" says Lily as she traces circles around one of Wall's nipples
  1456. >"It's like, pressing on you from all angles, but from the inside, right?"
  1457. >"Exactly." the girl beneath you replies as she stays playing with Lily's hair
  1458. >You start to slowly rock yourself in and out of her, not withdrawing all the way, and gently lowering in
  1459. >Wallflower moans and wiggles underneath you in much the way Lily did, though now subtly and less violently
  1460. >She rocks her hips into you, causing a wave of pleasure to crash into you as the walls of her flower put pressure on the underside of your garden spade
  1461. >You throw your head back and moan out, unable to contain it
  1462. >"Ooh, ooh!" says Lily excitedly, "what's she doing to make you feel good? I want to know."
  1463. "She's pushing her hips into me and grinding on the underside of my prick."
  1464. >"Fascinating..." she says as she looks like she's taking mental notes
  1465. >Wallflower, meanwhile, is squirming and moaning even more now
  1466. >Her moans increase in pitch and tempo as she wraps her legs around you and starts bucking her hips into you
  1467. >Eventually her moans turn into whimpers and gasps and you feel something wet start to run out into the base of the shaft, and your balls
  1468. >You only increase the pace, however, and her whimpering turns into whining
  1469. "How you holding up, Blush?" you ask in an aggressive tone
  1470. >"Ooaah, it feels so good but it's too much! Oh it's too much, I can't take it!"
  1471. "You want me to stop?" you ask in a threatening tone
  1472. >"No, oh God no, don't stop, aaahahaah it's so good, it's so bad but it's so good!"
  1473. >Lily seems absolutely enthralled, playing with herself with one hand and gently petting Wallflower with the other
  1474. >"I didn't know sex could be so different for different girls." she says curiously
  1475. >Wallflower's whining has turned into crying by this point
  1476. "Just let me know if you want me to stop." you say to her, this time in a more gentle and consoling manner
  1477. >"No, no, don't stop." she says in between sobs, "I love it so much, you can't stop!"
  1478. >You one again feel a tingling in your loins and a pressure build up in your pelvis
  1479. "Alright, Blush, I hate to cut a good thing short, but I'm about to bust off inside you now."
  1480. >"Yes, please! I've never made a guy cum before," she says, hey sobbing subsiding for the most part,
  1481. >"I want to make you cum!"
  1482. "Well here it goes," you say through gritted teeth as you bottom out inside her
  1483. >Wallflower grinding her hips into you not only leads to you being deeper inside her when you break off, but n the pressure on the base of your shaft makes everything for feel that much more intense
  1484. >With a final low roar you finish, and unceremoniously fall into the bed between Lily and Wallflower
  1485. >"Wow sweetie," says Lily in a sultry tone, "you really know how to put on a show, don't you?"
  1486. "What the fuck just happened?" You ask in a moment of post-nut clarity
  1487. "Are you okay, Wallflower?"
  1488. >"Ooooooh," she coos back to you in between panting, "I'm more than okay. That was the best I've ever felt, like, ever!"
  1489. "Oh good. I was worried I'd messed up there, y'know with all the crying and everything."
  1490. >"Oh I-"
  1491. >"Oh, I'll say you messed up, Nonny." says Lily, cutting Wallflower off,
  1492. >"You did just cheat on your girlfriend after all."
  1493. >You bolt upright and glare Lily in the eye
  1494. "Cheated?! This whole thing was your idea!"
  1495. >Lily just laughs at you in response
  1496. >"Oh calm down, hothead, I'm just teasing you."
  1497. >You lay back down and sigh, reflecting on whatever the fuck just happened
  1498. >"But yeah, I gotta know," Lily says as she leans over you toward Wallflower,
  1499. >"what was with the whining and crying, if you really enjoyed it that much?"
  1500. >"Well, you know how some people laugh when they don't mean to, like a nervous laugh?"
  1501. >You and Lily nod your heads in agreement
  1502. >"I have kind of the opposite. Whenever I'm feeling a lot of emotion, regardless of what it is, I start whimpering, and, eventually, crying."
  1503. >Wallflower looks at the ceiling in contemplation
  1504. >"I guess I spent so long just feeling sad and lonely, my mind and body don't know what to do with other emotions."
  1505. >You sit up, wrap an arm under Wallflower Blush and pick her up bridal style, only to set her down on the other side of you between you and Lily
  1506. >You nod to your sister and the two of you know what to do
  1507. >You lie back down, wrap an arm around the shy green girl and pull yourself close to her
  1508. >Lily does the same, making a Wallflower sandwich
  1509. >The girl closes her eyes and sighs contently, but you pop her face back up to yours
  1510. >You push your lips into hers, and the two of you begin a slow, passionate make-out session
  1511. >After you're done, Lily pecks get in the cheek and giggles coyly
  1512. "I know we're not in a relationship, like I said, but what's a first time without some loving kisses?"
  1513. >"Thank you, Anonymous," she whispers before turning to Lily
  1514. >"And thank you, Ms. Valley, for letting this happen."
  1515. >"Oh, pssh, don't mention it, I honestly kind of enjoyed it. I mean, I'm saying it'll necessarily be a regular thing, but it was kind of exciting."
  1516. >Lily looks away from you in a curiously shy way, and turns back to you with a sheepish and, dare you say, guilty expression
  1517. >"Say, Anon, you know, Flash Sentry is really cute, and I hear he's been kind of lonely these days..."
  1518. >You cross your arms indignantly and look down at hey the way a chastising patent would
  1519. "Need I remind you that me fucking Blush was YOUR idea, and I was just going along with it?"
  1520. >"Okay, okay, I get it. If you're against it, I won't hold it against you."
  1521. >"I don't know about you guys," Wall pipes in, "but I'm kinda thirsty."
  1522. "Yeah, I agree. We should get dressed and head back out."
  1523. >The three of you start to get dressed when you put a hand on Wallfower's shoulder
  1524. "You know," you say in a sing song voice, "if you really want guys to notice you, maybe you should go out there topless."
  1525. >Wall gasps, her eyes go wide
  1526. >"That's a GREAT idea!"
  1527. She makes for the door with only her bottom half clothed and reaches for the handle
  1528. "Wait, I was-"
  1529. >But it's too late. Wallflower has already opened the door and sprung into the hallway
  1530. >She nearly runs into a group of the football players standing in the hallway drinking, but stops herself just in time
  1531. >She traces a finger up and down the chest of Freight Train, who then suddenly notices her and his eyes also go wide
  1532. >"Well, hello there cutie." he says suavely
  1533. >"Hi," she replies, "I'm Wallflower, and this is actually my party but nobody noticed up until now."
  1534. >"More importantly," she says she draws herself close to him, pressing her bare breasts up against his chest,
  1535. >"How would you and your friends like to run a, heh, train on me?" She says with a very Sultry and suggestive tone
  1536. >Freight looks at a couple of the other players, who all shrug and nod their heads
  1537. >He looks back past her at you and asks,
  1538. >"You guys using this room?"
  1539. "It's all yours, bro." you reply
  1540. >You and Lily head back to the kitchen and pour yourselves a pair of stiff drinks
  1541. >The two of you both get an understanding look on your faces, and the feeling of siblinghood takes over again as the two of you share a fist bump
  1542. ***
  1543. >It's been two days since the party at Wallflowers's house, and you're waiting outside the school for your friends and girlfriend to show
  1544. >Soon enough, Lyra and Norman walk out, with Daisy of all people chatting to the two of them
  1545. >Norman seems to be in the middle of telling a story to the two of them
  1546. >"So then I says to him, '¿que paso, piso mojado?'. And then he starts looking pissed. I mean he was fuckmad, you know?"
  1547. >"And then what happened?"
  1548. >"So he- oh hey, Anon. 'sup?"
  1549. "Hey. You talking about Cuerpo?"
  1550. >"Yeah, I ran into him yesterday. Anyway, you heard that part where I said '¿que paso, piso mojado?', right?"
  1551. "Fuck, man, I can see where this is going."
  1552. >"So he steps up to me, and he goes 'what did you just call me?'"
  1553. "I imagine he would be."
  1554. >" So I was like, 'uh, ¿piso mojado?'. And then he goes from 'I'm about to tear this guy a new asshole', to laughing his own ass off."
  1555. "And did he explain the misunderstanding to you?"
  1556. >"He sure did. I felt bad too."
  1557. >"So what happened?" asks Daisy
  1558. >"He explained that he thought I said 'pinche mojado'. See, 'piso mojado' means 'wet floor'. 'Pinche modajo' on the other hand, well, there's not much worse you could call a Mexipótrano."
  1559. "Yeah, you're lucky to be alive after that one, chief."
  1560. >"No kidding. So what're you up to today?"
  1561. "Eh, jus chillin'. Got some homework, gonna play some games. The usual."
  1562. >"Did you tell Avon the exciting news?" asks Lyra
  1563. "What news?"
  1564. >"Oh yeah, well for one thing Cuerpo is officially starting tomorrow. He was supposed to start today but there was an administrative error. He's got a few classes in common with us, too."
  1565. "Nice. And for the other thing?"
  1566. >"I'm gonna be trying out for the open second string spots on the soccer team this weekend."
  1567. "Damn, they must be desperate if they're holding tryouts in the middle of the season."
  1568. >"Well," says Daisy, "if two players get injured in the same game, even temporarily, we'll be short a player for the rest of the game."
  1569. "Oh, the graduations hit us that hard, huh?"
  1570. >"Yeah, and until now we didn't have any underclassmen interested in trying out. We're gonna try to convince Cuerpo to try out too."
  1571. "Not a bad idea. Maybe I'll try it too. Hell, even my ass is better than nothing, right?"
  1572. >"I guess." Daisy says dismissively
  1573. "Pfft. Fine then, be that way. Not like we got a stockpile of Daisys and Rainbow Dashes lying around."
  1574. >"I was only kidding..."
  1575. "I know"
  1576. >You say as you reach down and ruffle her hair
  1577. "Speaking of which, since Wednesday is a free day and homework is slowing down, we should head to the park for a pick up game. 2v2, or more if Cuerpo and others are interested."
  1578. >"Sweet, we can ask him tomorrow."
  1579. "Right. Catch ya later, scrubs. I got an essay to write.'
  1580. >TUESDAY
  1581. >"A pick up game at the park? I suppose. It will be nice to get back into playing."
  1582. >"Hell yeah. We'll see you tomorrow then?"
  1583. >"Sí, señor. I'll be there."
  1584. "Cuerpo."
  1585. >you say as he starts to walk away
  1586. >"Sí?"
  1587. "Notaba que has estado usando palabras en Cabellano cuando hablas Equestriàn. Pero, puedes hablar Equestriàn con fluidez. ¿Por que?"
  1588. >Cuerpo chuckles and nods at you
  1589. >"It adds to the exotic charm, *amigo*. Makes me irresistible to *las chicas*."
  1590. >"If 'las chicas' means 'the ladies', you're not wrong."
  1591. >The way Lyra leans into him when he says that, well
  1592. >You wish you could say it doesn't make you even a bit jealous
  1593. >But you'd be lying
  1594. >Just a bit though
  1595. >'Cause you've got yourself a girlfriend now
  1596. >One whom you've known your whole life, and the two of you love each other unconditionally, unfathomably, and irrevocably
  1597. >But with Lyra, you could have a girlfriend you eventually marry and have kids with
  1598. >If only you could have rewired your brain to be normal and not incestuous
  1599. >Oh well
  1600. >The wheels are in motion
  1601. >Time to see how far they can roll
  1602. ***
  1603. >WEDNESDAY
  1604. >The sun is shining, burds are chirping, and you are sweating your ass off
  1605. >It's taking the combined might of you and Lyra to stave off Daisy, and you can tell she's going easy
  1606. >Lyra manages to grab the ball just before it enters the goal, and she tosses it to you
  1607. >You manage to pass it to Rainbow Dash, who is making her way downfield already
  1608. >She deftly dodges Cuerpo and sends the ball careening to the goal
  1609. >Although it wasn't the greatest kick ever, and she was obviously holding back too, Norman fails to catch it before it can ring inside the basket corner
  1610. >Daisy blows a whistle and calls out
  1611. >"Alright, Rotate!"
  1612. >You're now on the front line, Rainbow and Daisy are the goalies, and Lyra and Norman are defending
  1613. "This'll be easy."
  1614. >You tell him as you look past him to one half of Canterlot's Dynamic Duo, who made up the vanguard of what was, until recently, the nation's highschool soccer champion team
  1615. >"For one of us, my friend."
  1616. "You're on."
  1617. >Of course you know how this is going to go
  1618. >Cuerpo blazes past you as soon as the ball is dropped (and Lily has scurried to the side for safety)
  1619. >You do your best to keep up, but it's not quite there
  1620. >Fortunately, Lyra and Daisy manage to stop him, and Daisy's pass goes all the way to the middle line, where you run right behind it barely avoiding an offside
  1621. >Taking it to the goal, you barely get around Norman this time and send it through air mail addressed to one Rainbow Dash
  1622. >Who, of course, catches it easily, and prepares to send it back to Cuerpo
  1623. >Hey, she may have been going easy on you, but it was a bad kick nonetheless
  1624. >The game goes back and forth (literally) until you and your fellow geeks are too winded to continue
  1625. >You're sitting in the shade panting and sipping water when Rainbow trots up to you
  1626. >"I gotta say, I'm impressed. You three lasted longer than I expected."
  1627. "Thanks."
  1628. >You cough out in between breaths
  1629. "We try."
  1630. >"You never struck me as the athletic types, but you got some pretty good stamina for a rookie, especially you, Lyra."
  1631. >"Well, I have a lot of practice speed walking through anime cons. Sometimes I'll do 25 miles a day for 3 days straight."
  1632. >"Woah. Not bad."
  1633. "So. Think any of us have a shot on the team?"
  1634. >"Well, it definitely couldn't hurt to go to tryouts."
  1635. >She looks behind herself to where Cuerpo is taking with Daisy about ball control, showing some techniques he presumably picked up in Mexipotro
  1636. >"Cuerpo's technique needs polish, but I think with the right training he could end up turning our dynamic duo into a triumphant triad."
  1637. "Big words for an athlete."
  1638. >Dash gives you a light punch in the arm and smiles
  1639. >"I'm no egghead, but I'm not a meathead either. In any case, I think you all could be valuable additions to the team. Maybe not at our peak if I'm being honest, but as we are now, we could use the help."
  1640. >"You think? Say,"
  1641. >Lyra looks at Rainbow sideways, seeming a bit hesitant
  1642. >"Is there any rule against members of the team dating each other?"
  1643. >"You're talking about Cuerpo aren't you?"
  1644. >"That obvious?"
  1645. >"Well, there's no rule strictly barring it, but if you both try out and do make it, make sure it doesn't lead to any favoritism or affect your performance. If it does, it could have dire consequences for both of you."
  1646. "What was that about not being an egghead?"
  1647. >Another slug connects with your arm, but in a different spot
  1648. >How considerate, that Rainbow Dash
  1649. >"You pick up a thing or two when you hang out with brainy girls like Twilight."
  1650. >She turns away toward Daisy and Cuerpo, and starts walking away
  1651. >"I'm gonna go talk to those two about the team. Oh, and, good hustle out there guys. Hope to see you at tryouts."
  1652. >The three of you sit back and stretch, basking in the rays of sunshine peeking through the tree cover
  1653. "So, you and Cuerpo are officially an item then?"
  1654. >"Well, not exactly. I mean, neither of us has actually asked the other out, but after what Rainbow just told me, I'm planning on bringing it up to him."
  1655. "So, basically yeah then?"
  1656. >"Pretty much. Why, you jealous?"
  1657. >You lean your head back against the tree with your eyes closed and soak up a few ribbons of sunshine
  1658. "Honestly, I wish I could say I wasn't."
  1659. >"Hmm?"
  1660. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you and everything, it's just. Maybe I really did like you this whole time, and when we kinda rushed into, well, you know, it just made it to awkward for me to accept it."
  1661. >"I get what you're saying. For me it was kinda the same way at first, but then it did a 180 and turned into an obsession. Like, we HAD to be together. I finally calmed down about it, and then, well, everything that happened recently did."
  1662. "Yeah. We both found someone after all."
  1663. >"We did."
  1664. "I'm still a little jealous of you though."
  1665. >"Why's that?"
  1666. "Cause you get to have a normal relationship."
  1667. >"What about you and your 'stepsister'?"
  1668. "The truth'll come out eventually. Fact is, we've already thrown our futures out the window and we know it. Now we're just trying to live as best we can together for now."
  1669. >"Hey, there's always hope, man. Look on the bright side. You have each other, and that's what matters, right? Even if the whole world shuns you, you can lean on each other."
  1670. "I guess you've got a point."
  1671. >"And it won't be just the two of you. You'll always have support from some people, like me, and Norman, and your other sisters, right?"
  1672. "You're right. Things will be fine. We should quit stressing over nothing."
  1673. >You enjoy the silence with your friends for another moment before a long shadow is cast over you
  1674. >You open your eyes to see Cuerpo, Daisy, and Rainbow Dash standing over the three of you
  1675. "'Sup?"
  1676. >"You ready to head back out there? If you plan on doing tryouts you'll need to work until you can go longer than that. You were impressive for newbies, but you've got a ways to go."
  1677. >You sweat with your friends for a while longer, enjoying the feeling of moving in the sun
  1678. >In the end, it was shown that you were the bottom of the barrel when it came to soccer out here,lthough Lyra wasn't too far ahead of you
  1679. >Cuerpo and, somewhat surprisingly, Norman, were much closer to Dash and Daisy in terms of ability
  1680. >Though Norman did say he played in junior high, so it makes sense to an extent
  1681. >He's still leagues below the stars, and Cuerpo has more endurance and skill than him by far, but out of your group of three, he likely has the best shot at the team
  1682. >In any case, you're way too hot and tired to care much at this point, so you cool off again for a bit before heading home
  1683. >The park isn't that far from your house, so you elect to just walk
  1684. >On the way home, Lily still chats with you, but, she neglects to hold your hand and keeps a bit of distance
  1685. >Can't really blame her, though, given your current state
  1686. >Once you're home, you decide to hit the shower
  1687. >Stepping out with a fresh set of loungewear, you go to join your family for dinner
  1688. >Nothing is particularly out of the ordinary, except you now sit between Daisy and Rose rather than Rose and Lily
  1689. >Just a subtle thing you both eased into without any direct order from your parents
  1690. >Daisy tells them about your pickup game at the park
  1691. >"So this new guy, definitely a shoe in for the team. And I was surprised to learn that Anon's buddy Norman played for his own middle school."
  1692. "So was I. He never mentioned it before."
  1693. >"Maybe it's a sore spot for him," says Lily, "like, maybe he had a falling out with his old teammates?"
  1694. >"Or the opposite. Maybe he misses them and just wanted to move on." Rose adds
  1695. >"I don't know. Either way, he seems pretty enthusiastic to join the team. We could probably find a use for him if he trains hard enough."
  1696. >Daisy tosses back a glass of water and serves herself another from the pitcher
  1697. >"What do you think, Anon? You know him best, after all."
  1698. "Well, to be honest, I think at least part of his motivation is that he has a thing for you and wants to impress you. That, and he wants to look cool for the new kid."
  1699. >"Wait, you think Norman is into me?"
  1700. "Well, he did mention something to that effect the other day, but it wasn't explicitly clear that he was talking about you. That said, he's suddenly taken an interest in hanging out with you lately, hasn't he?"
  1701. >"Uh, yeah, but, I mean, he mostly talks about the soccer team so I just assumed it was because I'm vice captain."
  1702. "Fair enough, but that conversation about his run-in with Cuerpo the other day wasn't about soccer, was it?"
  1703. >Daisy puts a finger to her chin and looks deep in thought
  1704. >"Norman, huh?..."
  1705. >"Well, what do you think of this boy?" your mom asks her
  1706. >"Uh, he's alright. I mean, he always seemed way too normal to be hanging around with Anon and friends, he's pretty good at soccer, and from what I can tell he doesn't get into any trouble worth gossiping about."
  1707. >She shrugs and looks over to you
  1708. >"I'd say if you're right, and he mans up and asks me out, I'd give him a shot."
  1709. "Really? Well, we'll see if something makes him decide to bring it up after school tomorrow."
  1710. >"And I assume you'll extend me the courtesy you failed him and keep this talk confidential?"
  1711. "Hey, normally I'm not one to go relaying stuff like this behind someone's back, but I think the ends will justify the means."
  1712. >Daisy winks at you slyly
  1713. >"We'll see."
  1714. ***THURSDAY**
  1715. >The morning half of school goes by as usual, and you go to see your friends at lunch, as usual
  1716. >"So tryouts are Saturday, huh? I've been practicing a lot. Hopefully I can bring up those old skills from junior high in time."
  1717. "I'm sure you'll do fine, dude. Same to you, Lyra."
  1718. >"Thanks, though I'm not sure if I'm doing it after all. To be honest, my main goal was getting close to, well, you know."
  1719. "Yep."
  1720. >"But getting out and exercising feels pretty good. Even if I don't make the cut, I can still feel good about trying."
  1721. "I hate to say it, Lyra, but you're becoming a total normalfag."
  1722. >"I know, right?! First I catch the hots for a 3D guy, then I try out for SPORTS?!
  1723. "I take it then, you'll probably ask him to homecoming?"
  1724. >"Oh, for sure. If he doesn't ask me first, that is."
  1725. "Speaking of which, Norman, you have some unfinished business. You're supposed to ask one of my sisters out?"
  1726. >"Uh, yeah, fat chance. They know I'm a loser. I mean, I hang out with you, don't I."
  1727. "Fuck you too, assbitch. But seriously, go ahead. Give it a shot. You've been hanging around Daisy, haven't you?"
  1728. >"Meh, she only talks to me about soccer and soccer related things, like how the next star player is getting along. You really think I have anything resembling a shot with Daisy?"
  1729. "Hey, I've known my sisters for a long time. I can promise you that if you give it a chance, you'll come out no worse than an easy let down."
  1730. >Of course, in reality, you know for a fact he'll get a date if he actually asks her out, but you can't mention that
  1731. >"Alright, here goes nothing."
  1732. >"Good luck dude."
  1733. >Lyra holds her fist out to Norman for a bump
  1734. >"Thanks," he responds meekly
  1735. "You want me to come with? Hold your hand?"
  1736. >"Alright, never mind."
  1737. "Woah, woah, dude I was kidding. You got this. But, uh, I was planning on going and seeing Lily since we have a long lunch today."
  1738. >"Alright, alright, let's go."
  1739. >You and Norman make your ways over to the girls' table, where Daisy, the team, and your other sisters are chatting away
  1740. >When they see you coming, they make room for you to sit by your sisfriend
  1741. "Hi girls."
  1742. >"Hi Anon."
  1743. "Mind if we chill for a bit?"
  1744. >"Of course not sweetie." Lily says as she wraps her arms around you
  1745. >You sit down, and Norm sits next to you
  1746. "So, what're you guys' plans for homecoming?"
  1747. >Norman nudges you with his arm, but you don't budge
  1748. >"Well, I have a date, obviously, sweetie," says Lily "but a lot of people seem to be putting it off this year."
  1749. "Ah, well, it's a dance, not like it's the ultimate commitment. Plus, there's a decent amount of time left.”
  1750. >You subtly nudge Norman's arm back
  1751. "How 'bout you, Daisy, you got a date yet."
  1752. >"No, I don't yet, if you can believe it. Seems no one's jumping at the chance to ask me out either."
  1753. “Ahhh, most guys are probably too intimidated to ask the best player on the soccer team out.”
  1754. >You give Norm one good rap on the knuckles with yours and sit back to watch
  1755. >”So, uh, Daisy,” he says shakily, “I don’t exactly have a date for homecoming either, so…”
  1756. >”Sooooooo?”
  1757. >”So… do you want to go to homecoming with me?”
  1758. >Thick silence fills the air for a brief moment
  1759. >”Yeah, sure. I’ll go with you.”
  1760. >”Yeah, I figured you- wait what?!”
  1761. >”I said I’d be your date to homecoming.”
  1762. >”I, oh. Cool. Say, while we’re on the subject, you maybe wanna grab a bite to eat and see a movie this weekend?”
  1763. >Daisy looks a bit surprised, as do you
  1764. >You expected Daisy accepting Norman’s request for a homecoming date to give him a confidence boost, but not that it would kick in this hard and fast
  1765. >Heh, 'hard and fast'
  1766. >"Ssssssure, sounds good. I'll text you later when I'm available after I take a look at my schedule."
  1767. >"Great," says Norman as he hands her his phone, "I'll need your number then."
  1768. >Daisy hesitates for a moment, but gives him her digits nonetheless
  1769. >"Thanks. Alright, and, let me know if it went through."
  1770. >"Yeah, it did."
  1771. >"Great."
  1772. >Right on cue, the lunch bell rings
  1773. >"See you this weekend?"
  1774. >"Oh, uh, yeah, sure thing Norman."
  1775. >First Norman was the one struggling with words, now Daisy is?
  1776. >She must have been caught off guard
  1777. >As you walk back toward classes you overhear Daisy's friends talking to her
  1778. >"So why did you say 'yes', anyway. Aren't you way outta that guy's league?"
  1779. >Daisy shrugs and continues on
  1780. >"Eh, he may not have much going on for him, but he's the first guy with the balls to ask me out, so I figured I'd at least give him a shot."
  1781. >"I guess when you put it that way, it makes sense."
  1782. >You split off and continue another boring day of classes
  1783. >Afterward...
  1784. "So, you've got a date with a star athlete this weekend. How's it feel?"
  1785. >"Dude I still cannot friggin' believe it. Like, you didn't have anything to do with this, did you?"
  1786. "What? Like sway her decision? Nope. That was all you."
  1787. >"No way."
  1788. "I maaaaaay have known the outcome ahead of time, but it all came down to whether or not you asked her."
  1789. >Norman stops dead in his tracks
  1790. >"Wait, you knew she'd say yes?!"
  1791. "Yep."
  1792. >"Why the hell didn't you tell me? I was sweating bullets, man!"
  1793. "Because then she wouldn't have said yes."
  1794. >...
  1795. >"I don't follow."
  1796. "Daisy only agreed because you nutted up and asked her out all on your own. If you knew the outcome already off time, that would negate that. And trust me, she would have been able to tell."
  1797. >"No shit, huh?"
  1798. "Straight up."
  1799. >"Well I'm glad it worked out. I was sweating bullets there."
  1800. "I can imagine."
  1801. >"Alright, see you later. I gotta practice for Saturday."
  1802. "Keep at it, man."
  1803. >Before leaving the school grounds, you meet up with Lyra to head back inside for one of her after-school clubs
  1804. >As you walk and talk, you notice Cuerpo being accosted by several girks
  1805. >Only, he doesn't seem all that off-put by it
  1806. >In fact, he seems to be quite enjoying it
  1807. >Lyra stares at the scene for a moment, the starts to scurry off
  1808. >You grab her wrist to slow her down, and walk alongside her
  1809. "Mind telling me what's up?"
  1810. >"I was stupid, that's what's up."
  1811. "How so?"
  1812. >"For thinking I had a shot with him."
  1813. >She, too, stops dead in her tracks, and looks at you with tears forming in her eyes
  1814. >"You saw that, didn't you? He could have his pick of any girl from the school."
  1815. "Lyra, listen, Norman asked Daisy out."
  1816. >"Wha? What does that have to do with-"
  1817. "No, Lyra, listen to me. NORMAN... asked DAISY out. On a date."
  1818. >Her eyes shoot open, and you could swear she loses a bit of color from her face
  1819. >"He did?"
  1820. "Yep, and get this: she said yes."
  1821. >Lyra shakes her head and looks at you more confused than ever, trying to find some tell of a lie, or joke, or jab
  1822. "That's right. Now if that vanilla onions latte on legs can ask out a state champion athlete, you can march right up to CC and at least ask him out to homecoming."
  1823. >Lyra can't help but crack a smile, despite the circumstances
  1824. >"Vanilla, onions, latte" she chokes out in between sobs and chuckles
  1825. >"You always know how to cheer me up."
  1826. >You respond the only way you know how
  1827. >In a gravelly, British voice, half muffled by your own hand
  1828. "OF COURSE!"
  1829. >Lyra is in full blown tears at this point, half from crying, and half from laughter
  1830. >"Okay, okay, big guy. I'll go talk to him."
  1831. "And then what? What's the next step of your master plan."
  1832. >"Crashing this dance. With no survivors."
  1833. >She reaches out her fist for a bump, which you gladly reciprocate
  1834. >"Alright, I'm going to ask him out now. See ya around."
  1835. "See ya."
  1836. >"Oh and, Anon... thanks."
  1837. "Any time."
  1838. >As Lyra walls away, you feel a sudden shock running through your body
  1839. >A pain in your heart: not a literal one, but metaphorical
  1840. >You don't want her to ask him out
  1841. >You want her to ask YOU out
  1842. >Again
  1843. >You want to say yes this time
  1844. >But WHY‽
  1845. >You have a girlfriend, one you love so much
  1846. >So why does it hurt so much to see her walk away?
  1847. >In your heart, you know
  1848. >It's because you really did like her too
  1849. >She could have been your normal girlfriend
  1850. >The one you didn't have to hide away, or lie about the circumstances
  1851. >It's almost too much to bear
  1852. >Luckily, there's one thing that makes it more than bearable, makes it all okay
  1853. >Lily Valley
  1854. >You close your eyes and focus on her
  1855. >Your love for her
  1856. >As a sibling, and as a boyfriend
  1857. >As someone who wants to spend their whole life with her
  1858. >But, ehhhhh
  1859. >Is it real?
  1860. ***
  1861. ***
  1862. ********&^%$%^&*(*&^%$%^&$#@!@#%^%#@!@#%^&*()_+)(*&^%$#@@#$%^&*()
  1863. >Your eyes shoot open
  1864. >Your palms are getting sweaty
  1865. >Knees weak, arms are NO
  1868. >you're dying
  1869. >There's no air
  1870. >There's no AIR
  1871. >you feel faint
  1872. >You feel dizzy? Maybe?
  1873. >There's no way
  1874. >Was that thought real?
  1875. >Did you REALLY think that?
  1876. >Did your mind, even for a moment, question whether you love Lily that way?
  1877. >There's no AIR IN HERE
  1878. >Of course you do
  1879. >of COURSE you do
  1880. >Right?
  1881. >RIGHT?
  1882. >Everything is black
  1883. >Right?
  1884. >What?
  1885. >What were you thinking about again?
  1886. >You look around and see Nurse Redheart standing over you with Lyra and Daisy by her side
  1887. >You're sitting reclined in a bed in the nurse's office
  1888. >What happened?
  1889. >"Are you okay? Anonymous? Anonymous listen to me, are you alright?"
  1890. "What? Huh? How did I get here? What's going on?"
  1891. >"A student found you in the hallway. You were sitting on the floor, leaned against a locker, hyperventilating. She said you wouldn't respond to her so she got help, and Bulk Biceps carried you here."
  1892. "He, he carried me?" you say worriedly
  1893. >"Honestly, the fact that THAT'S what you're most worried about concerns me. But for the record, it was more like he walked you here on his shoulder."
  1894. "Oh. I see."
  1895. >"Now, mind telling me why you were unresponsive and hyperventilating in the hallway? If you hadn't stopped and calmed down as soon as you got here I'd have called an ambulance."
  1896. "Well, I, um?"
  1897. >Daisy breaks the silence between herself and Lyra
  1898. >"Do you want us to step out, Nonny? "
  1899. "I hate to say it but, yeah, I'd rather you did."
  1900. >"Alright."
  1901. >She gives you her signature comforting smile and walks away with Lyra
  1902. >Once the door closes, you turn to Nurse Redheart
  1903. "This is going to sound really stupid."
  1904. >"There's no judgment here. Whatever helps me medically assess the situation, I just want to hear it so I can make sure you're okay."
  1905. "Alright. So, the thing is, the reason I hyperventilated and sorta passed out? Well, it was, um, I was thinking about, relationship stuff."
  1906. >"You merely thought about it?"
  1907. "Y-yeah. See, there's this girl I really like, well, I'm actually in a relationship with her. And, there's this other girl I also like. But she likes someone else"
  1908. >"I think I see where this is going."
  1909. "I mean, I like them both a lot, platonically and romantically. And really, the second girl is, well, let's just say she's the one who's pragmatically better for me to be in a relationship with."
  1910. >"But you're already in a relationship with the first girl."
  1911. "Yeah, and then suddenly, a thought popped in my head asking me if my romantic feelings for my current girlfriend were even real."
  1912. >"Was it like a voice in your head?"
  1913. "No, not like that, just. It was my own internal monologue, but it's like one of those situations where you think about doing something, and then remember some fact that would make that course of action stupid, but the thought was still your own. Basically, just a really bad thought you wish you didn't have."
  1914. >"So this thought popped in your head, asking if you really do like the first girl romantically."
  1915. "Exactly."
  1916. >"And your response was to start hyperventilating and pass out."
  1917. "Right. Well, it's like, I got so overwhelmed I felt like I couldn't breathe, and then I blinked a few times, and next thing I knew I was here."
  1918. >The nurse blinks twice, her expression unchanging
  1919. >"Uh-huh. Sounds like a typical case of anxiety disorder to me. But, then again, I'm no psychiatrist. That said, I highly recommend you see one."
  1920. "I... I will. I've been kinda thinking about it lately, but I was putting it off."
  1921. >"Well, the longer you put it off, the more chances you have of something like this."
  1922. "I.. yeah. That's pretty bad. I'll make an appointment when I can."
  1923. >"Good. Now, your sister has already contacted your parents. They'll be here to pick you up shortly."
  1924. "Shit."
  1925. >"Yeah, it sucks, but this isn't the kind of thing we at the school can just hide from them."
  1926. "Yeah nah, I get it. Still sucks though."
  1927. >"In the meantime, just relax and rest, alright?"
  1928. "I'll try, but honestly, knowing my parents are on their way is pretty stressful. Honestly I'm having to use my willpower to avoid another panic attack."
  1929. >"Are things, not going well at home?"
  1930. "I mean, you could say that. There's no abuse or anything, but my folks are NOT gonna take kindly to hearing about this."
  1931. >"I see. Well, I'm confident they care about you, and are going to want you taken care of."
  1932. >You sigh and turn away
  1933. "Yeah, you're right. They'll still be upset with me though."
  1934. >"Well, like I said, just relax, and enjoy your parent-free time in here until then."
  1935. "Alright."
  1936. >You sit back, relax as much as you can, and wait for your folks to arrive
  1937. ***
  1938. >"So, I heard you had a panic attack at school."
  1939. "Yes sir."
  1940. >Your father turns to look at you for a moment, but then returns his eyes to the road
  1941. >"Has this been going on for a while?"
  1942. "No sir."
  1943. >Your dad sighs, not disappointedly, but defeatedly, and speaks to you in probably the gentlest voice you've heard from him in a long time
  1944. >"Anonymous, I'm your father. I love you, and I care about you. I know every parent says this to their kids at some point, and it often goes ignored, by no one's fault, but I'll say it anyway: you can talk to me. Okay?"
  1945. >You exhale a sigh of your own and turn your eyes out the window
  1946. >...
  1947. "I've been feeling really hard on myself for a while. I don't want to self-diagnose, but ask anyone and they'll say it sounds like depression."
  1948. >Your father simply nods and waits patiently for you to continue
  1949. "I guess, ever since I started dating L-, a girl from school, I felt a lot more upbeat. But then the depressed feelings got replaced with anxiety. Like, the anxiety was always there, but I was too depressed to have the energy to be anxious."
  1950. >"And now that you're happy, the anxiety and self-doubt had a chance to show?"
  1951. "Yeah, pretty much. I'm… I want to see a professional about this."
  1952. >It's hard to see fully from the backseat, but your dad smiles a bittersweet smile, and you see a bit of a tear form in his eye
  1953. >"That's a very tough and mature decision to make, Anonymous. I'm proud of you for taking the initiative. You, me, and your mother will call around to schedule an appointment when we get home, alright?"
  1954. "Yeah. I'd like that."
  1955. >"Thank you, Anon."
  1956. "For what?"
  1957. >"For talking about this to me, and for caring about yourself."
  1958. "Yeah… any time."
  1959. >The rest of the drive home was quiet, your dad didn’t even turn on the radio
  1960. >But you made him a promise to quit beating around the bush and seek some help for whatever it was going on in your fucked up head
  1961. >And so you did just that, looking for psychiatrists in the area with your parents
  1962. >Eventually, it was decided that you would see Dr. Mare Uki on Monday after school
  1963. >Her office wasn't far away from your house, and she had rave reviews apparently
  1964. >Well, at least things are moving forward
  1965. >You know it won't be a magic instant fix, but it'll do something, right?
  1966. >Right?
  1967. >Yeah, yeah it will
  1968. >Time to stop worrying so much and trust the system
  1969. ***


by SpeedBoostBlaziken


by SpeedBoostBlaziken

An'on'ymous in Witch School

by SpeedBoostBlaziken


by SpeedBoostBlaziken

Manatee and Anin [joke, short, non-lewd]

by SpeedBoostBlaziken