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A handy guy, from space.

By Guest
Created: 2020-10-28 00:01:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight glances up at the flier taped to one of the many buildings in Canterlots lower district, "Handyman from space, can do whatever job you need and more."
  3. "I guess Anon might be able to... help with this." she whispers to herself as she pulls one of the few remaining tabs from the flier.
  4. ________________
  6. Finally, you arrive at the golden oak library, fucking shitty pony trains.
  8. "Didn't expect one of the people to ask for help to be BooksaMillion but hey, bits are bits I guess" you mumble as you knock on the door
  10. "Just a moment!" you hear the voice of Twilight shout from the other side, and hear some shuffling before she finally opens the door.
  12. "Anon!" her ears go back slightly and a small blush creeps onto her face, "I-I didn't expect you to be here so soon"
  14. "Well, lets take a look at what you need help with." you say brushing passed her.
  16. "Y-You ah, you look good Anon..." twilight stammers.
  18. The comment catches you off guard a little, "Thanks... leaving the library and working on my own more or less forced me to quit being such a lazy ass so," you shrug, "But anyway, you said you needed help?"
  20. "Ah yes, uh... T-The library! I need help organizing the books." Twilight quickly says, you can practically feel how nervous she is.
  22. "Alright whats up, you love organizing the library" you say, cocking an eyebrow at her.
  24. "Um... Well you see..." she begins to sweat lightly, "I-it's not the library so much as it is a-a-"
  26. "Just tell me already!" you demand slightly more harshly than you'd like.
  28. "It's the library but it's also m-me..." she takes a deep breath, "I-I'm..."
  30. "in heat" she barely whispers.
  32. "What?" you say, not quite sure you heard her right.
  34. "I'm in heat." she says more clearly, but you can tell she's still nervous about it.
  36. "And so you decided to call me instead of going out and getting a dildo, or better, a coltfriend?" the irritation in your voice palpable.
  38. "I... I've been t-tryi-ng to..." she starts as her ears pin to the back of her head.
  40. "Seriously, you kick me out telling me to get a job, and then when I have one you call me back when you're in heat like some male prostitute?"
  42. "I... I only..." she starts softly sobbing.
  44. Suddenly the reality of your actions hits you, "Fuck" you mutter.
  46. You quickly kneel down beside her and wrap an arm around her, "Sorry, I'm sorry. I guess I'm still the same bitter asshole as before" you say softly.
  48. "N-no... It's, not y-your fault..." she manages between soft cries.
  50. "Yes, yes it is. I'm sorry." you whisper as you rock her back and forth in your arms.
  52. You stay like that for a few minutes, and then finally she manages to calm down, pulling away from you slightly.
  54. "Thanks." she says, wiping her eyes with her hooves.
  56. "Don't mention it." you reply, standing up.
  58. "So, are you still not interested in helping me?" she asks, her eyes looking at the floor.
  60. You quickly glance over her, the magic mistake that brought you here in the first place.
  62. God damn it why does she have to be pretty.
  64. As soon as you get back up you kneel back down, resting your head on her cheek as your hand snakes down her belly and in-between her hindlegs.
  66. She quickly gasps at your touch as your fingers trail over her teats. You lean in, kissing her neck softly as your other hand moves towards her forehoof, bending in back slightly, pressing her into you.
  68. You release your grip on her hoof as your hand slides up to her face, "I really am sorry about snapping at you like that, but maybe..." your hand trails lower towards her dampening marehood, "I can make it up to you."
  70. She lets out a shuddering breath, "I've never..."
  72. "I know" you whisper as you pull her into a gentle kiss.
  74. Your lips meet as your hand slide down around her body, gliding over her coat.
  76. Finally your other hand reaches its target, rolling her plump lips over and over. She lets out a long contented sigh as her body melts into yours.
  78. "I missed you," she manages through the kiss.
  80. "I missed you too," you reply, breaking the kiss as pressing your face into her neck.
  82. You can feel her body trembling slightly as you keep working your fingers. Her breath grows ragged and a low moan emanates from her throat, "Anon please... I can't last much l-longer."
  84. You slide up her body, kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear.
  86. "Then don't." you whisper.
  88. She quivers as you sink two fingers inside her, her cherry like clit pushing out against them. You begin to move your fingers, pumping them in and out of her. Her cries grow louder as your thumb rolls over her clit, the pressure building inside her.
  90. "Don't stop, please don't stop!" she begs, wrapping her forelegs around your body.
  92. You continue working her as her whole body begins to shudder. Her whole body goes tense for a moment as she lets out a cry, her fluids running out and coating your hand. She trembles again as her whole body slacks against you, her hooves barely holding on.
  94. "Twilight," you start in a lower whisper, "I don't know what books you might have read, but you should be smart enough to know that not all species last the same amount of time."
  96. She lets out another shuddering breath as your fingers keep twirling inside her, "W-What are you..."
  98. "One thing you wont find in a single on of those little books of yours..." your hands both firmly grip her plump rear, "Is just how different humans are built for sex."
  100. "We might want to go somewhere more comfortable" you chuckle.
  102. You slowly stand as you pick her up, a small yelp escaping her lips. "Bedroom still upstairs to the left right?"
  104. She only manages to nod weakly as she looks anywhere but you.
  106. "Good" you continue, slowly walking up the stairs.
  108. You reach the top of the stairs and turn left towards the bedroom, carefully balancing her body in your hands as you walk through the doorway.
  110. Her room is nicely decorated with a large plush bed right in the middle. You glance over to her nightstand, "'Sexy invaders from out of time and space' huh? I thought you had better taste than that." you stifle a laugh.
  112. She covers her face with her hooves, her cheeks burning red, "Shut up!" she manages to squeak.
  114. You can't help but laugh. You've never seen her so flustered before, "Anything else I can pick on you for?"
  116. "Put me down!" she whines as she desperately tries to wiggle out of your grasp.
  118. You gently set her down on the floor as a flurry of books thrown into a closet by her magic.
  120. "Thanks for organizing all of them in one place" you whisper, barely containing your grin.
  122. She glares at you, but her blushing smile gives her away.
  124. "You know, when you aren't nagging at me to get a job, you're actually rather pretty."
  126. She doesn't answer, instead opting to look away once more.
  128. "Come on, lets get onto the bed" you chuckle.
  130. Even though its only been a few minutes, you can already see the lust in her gaze start to return.
  132. Heat's one hell of a drug.
  134. As you sit on the bed she speaks up, "W-Wait," she stammers, "Theres always been... something I... wanted... to... do..." she slowly approaches you, her eyes locked onto the crotch of your pants.
  136. You're a little surprised yourself, but you'll never pass up an opportunity like this.
  138. "Do your thing then, bookworm."
  140. She doesn't say another word as she closes the gap between her and her target, pressing her nose up against the seem of your pants. She takes a deep breath, her eyes slowly closing as her ears go back.
  142. You watch as her muzzle slowly traces along the rapidly hardening length in your pants. Her nose rubs against the fabric, moving along with it as her tongue slips out of her mouth and lightly presses against it. She begins to shift from side to side, her tail swishes as you hear her wink.
  144. "Enjoying yourself?" you chuckle.
  146. She nods eagerly in your pants, "Yes sir," she manages to squeak out.
  148. Although you're a little taken aback by the response, you roll with it.
  150. Its always the quiet ones huh?
  152. Her careful breaths cause your member to rise even higher as the scent of her musk fills your nostrils. Your fingers gently tangle into the fur behind her ears as you guide her into a rhythm.
  154. Her tiny tongue lolls out of her mouth and onto the fabric covering your member, tracing it in long, loving strokes. She pushes the bulge in your pants into her face, rubbing it against her cheek. Her tiny tongue juts out and presses against your zipper as she begins to softly moan.
  156. She begins to paw at your thighs as she starts to become frustrated, her breathing turns into rapid breaths. She looks up at you with eyes pleading to be set free, so who are you to deny her?
  158. With one flick of your fingers you unbutton your pants, unleashing your throbbing manhood from its cotton cage. Her nostrils flare as she takes in the musky scent of your bare flesh.
  160. She glances up at you once before looking back down and focusing on the target in front of her.
  162. She presses her nose against your groin, taking in another deep breath. Her tongue pokes out and slowly licks from the base to the head of your member.
  164. Then finally, she pulls back and plants a long, loving kiss on the base as she looks up at you.
  166. "Thank you..." she whispers as she goes in for another kiss, a wet squelch coming from inbetween her legs.
  168. She presses her lips against your member and begins to slide them up the length of your manhood. She reaches the tip before sliding back down to the base. She repeats this process over and over again, her tongue licking at your flesh with each pass.
  170. "You're quite eager to please" you grunt as you feel her tongue run along the bottom of your head.
  172. "I want to make you feel good sir," she replies, a pained moan coming from her as she takes you into her mouth.
  174. She begins to bob her head up and down the tip of your cock, her eyes closed and her tongue lolling out from between her lips. Saliva dribbles down her lips and onto your flesh.
  176. She sinks down further and further with every thrust of her head, desperate to take more of you into her mouth.
  178. Tears start to well up in the corner of her eyes as she takes it deeper, coughing and gagging slightly.
  180. Quickly you place a hand on her head and gently lift her back up.
  182. She coughs as she pulls back, "I'm sorry sir. Was I doing it wrong?" she asks.
  184. "Just be careful, alright?" you say as you stroke her cheek with your thumb.
  186. Her eyes sparkle as she nods, a smile forming on her face.
  188. She quickly takes your member back in her mouth, and eagerly bobs her head up and down. Saliva strings connect her mouth to your groin as she quickly moves up and down.
  190. You place a hand on the back of her head, weaving your fingers through her hair. She eagerly accepts the dominance, increasing her speed.
  192. You gently thrust your hips forward, sliding your member in and out of her throat.
  194. Suddenly she pushes down hard, the remainder of your length sliding into her throat as she gags around it, swallowing desperately, massaging it as she looks up at you with tear stained eyes.
  196. "That's a good girl," you say.
  198. She begins to rapidly bob her head up and down, struggling to breath as she runs her tongue along your flesh.
  200. Lustily she kisses and sucks, desperate to satisfy you and please you. You place your other hand on her cheek, massaging it as you guide her head at the pace you desire.
  202. She eagerly accepts her role as she hums around your cock, the vibrations running through your member.
  204. You sigh as you slowly pull your cock from her lips with a wet pop, "w-whats wrong sir, am I not good enough" she asks.
  206. Gently you scoop her up and set her in your lap, "Twi, come back to me. You've gotten a little carried away." you chuckle as you brush a stray lock of her mane out of her eyes.
  208. She looks at you and nods, "I just really want to make you feel good," she says as she leans into your chest.
  210. You lift her chin up and plant a kiss her cheek, "You did great Twi, but if I'm being honest, I like this you far better."
  212. She blushes and looks away, "T-Thank you" she says, nestling her head into your chest.
  214. She loses her footing on the bed slightly and slips down your lap, your still hard member pressing up against her flank.
  216. You softly sigh as her slit rests against your member, her own dampness leaking and coating your manhood.
  218. She quickly notices this, and blushes fiercely.
  220. She moans as she wiggles her plump rear against you, "Why don't we take care of that heat problem now?" you whisper.
  222. She nods, "Y-Yes sir,"
  224. "Still on the whole 'sir' thing huh?" you chuckle
  226. "S-Sorry," blush creeping its way up her face and to her ears.
  228. "Whatever you want to call me you can, as long as you're still you" you say reassuringly.
  230. "T-Thank you... Anon," a small wavy smile makes its way onto her lips.
  232. With those words, you slide your hands down her soft back, passing the curve of her perfect rump to her thighs. You pause to squeeze them gently, savoring the pleasant jiggle they provide as you hold her just above your manhood.
  234. With a gentle nudge, you position her just right and slowly let her weight carry her down onto your stiff member. She winces as she tries to adjust to the size of your generous length.
  236. You give her a moment to get used to the size of you before you start to guide her hips in a gentle rhythm. Each thrust has her take a little more of your length inside her, until finally you're fully sheathed inside her velvet vice
  238. Twilight throws her head back as she lets out a low throaty moan, your tip flexing the entrance to her womb. You slowly, gently rock into her as she settles down, laying her head in the crook of your neck and wrapping her hooves around your body.
  240. You softly kiss her cheek as you gently move your hips into hers, her breathing evening out and relaxed. You slowly grind into her as she digs her face into your shoulder.
  242. You lower your head to one of her ears, "Are you alright?" you whisper.
  244. She nods slowly, "Keep going," she breathes.
  246. You pick up the pace of your thrusting, matching the pace of her grinding.
  248. Her plump rump bounces in your hands as you knead the soft flesh. With each thrust, her womb kisses the tip of your length.
  250. Her clit eagerly winks out, desperate to pull you back in as she shutters around you.
  252. You smile as thrust a little more quickly, making her moan into your shoulder.
  254. "Anon I-!" she starts to say before she's interrupted with a long moan.
  256. She wraps her hooves around your back, hugging you close as her body goes limp. She lays her head against your chest and just enjoys the aftershocks running through her body.
  258. "H-How are you..." she trails off.
  260. "One of the many perks of being human" you chuckle. The way her folds hug your length as it slides in and out of her is nothing short of amazing. Every ridge, bump, and wave of her tunnel massaging you as her orgasm subsides.
  262. You continue your thrusting, pushing a little more intensely. Her eyes start to flutter as she gets closer to her second peak.
  264. "T-To much to much..." she stutters before again stopping mid sentence to moan.
  266. You can't help but smile as her walls clamp down on you. You lower your head and kiss her shoulder and neck as you continue to thrust. She winces a bit as she tries not to scream, but ultimately can't contain herself.
  268. "Aah! Anoooooon!"
  270. You continue to thrust as she enjoys her extended climax. As she starts to finally settle down, you pick up the pace once again.
  272. She winces at first, but you can feel her getting wet again as she relaxes.
  274. "Y-You're not... finished?" she asks in between pants.
  276. "I'm more than content to solve your heat in one go" you grin.
  278. "I..." she starts to say before you pick up the pace.
  280. You vary your thrusts, speeding up, slowing down, thrusting a little deeper and varying your angle a few times. It doesn't take long before you feel her belly convulsing from an incoming climax. You continue to thrust as she tries to stop it with no luck.
  282. "A-Anon..." She winces as her horn begins to glow slightly.
  284. Seizing the golden opportunity, you plant a kiss at the base of her horn. Her body goes rigid as her eyes roll back in her head, and she lets out a moan that could easily shatter glass.
  286. Sparks fly from her horn as she convulse atop you. Her clit, so tired it can barely wink. You continue to thrust into her, now at a more steady pace as her walls suction onto you and try to milk you for everything you've got.
  288. "I'm almost there," you pant into her ear. You don't know if she hears you though.
  290. You wrap your arms around her body and begin to thrust faster and deeper. Her plump flank slapping against your thighs as you pump into her.
  292. "F-F-Faster..." she manages to utter with her eyes still not focusing on anything.
  294. You're too amped up to speak, and just comply with her wishes. The sound of your thighs slapping against her haunches is music to your ears. You watch as her eyes roll back and her nostrils flair as she tries to draw in more air.
  296. Her mouth hangs open, but no noise comes out. Her cute nose is wrinkled with her eyebrows furrowed as she stares off into nothing.
  298. You feel her body begin to clenching around you.
  300. "A-Anon I'm c-coming!" she stutters as her own climax overtakes her.
  302. With those words being said, you can't help but follow her lead. You thrust in a few more times before releasing inside of her.
  304. You continue to thrust a few more times, each time you do this she lets out another small squeak until you finally stop. You both lay there for a moment trying to catch your breath.
  306. You roll off of her and lay next to her.
  308. "That was... I can't even find the words."
  310. "Normally you have a comment for everything," you chuckle.
  312. "Next time..." she pants, "let me rest between goes."
  314. "Sorry... you weren't the only one who got carried away"
  316. "I know but... holy crap I have never gone multiple times in a row like that."
  318. Twilight groans, "walking's going to suck."
  320. "Not like you did at least." you laugh as she uses her magic to smack you with a pillow.
  322. The room grows quiet as you're both just enjoying lying in bed next to one another. You enjoy watching her stare into nothing while she tries to catch her breath. After what seems like an eternity of silence she finally speaks.
  324. "Sorry I made you leave like that"
  326. "Nah, I needed to get off my ass and work."
  328. Another moment passes before she speaks up again, "Y-You can stay if you want."
  330. "Is that a statement or are you asking?" you tease.
  332. She responds with another smack to your head with her pillow. You laugh as you roll on top of her, eyes locking.
  334. "I think I just might have to."
  336. You lean in to kiss her when the door suddenly slams open.
  338. "TWILIGHT!" a high pitched voice shouts.
  340. Fuck you forgot about spike, "Twilight I was out getting groceries and I heard you screaming on my way back is everything alright?!" the small dragon asks in a panic.
  342. "Yes! Everything is fine Spike!"
  344. "What are you and Anon doing in bed like that?"
  346. "Spike! Get out!"
  348. "Alright alright I'm going!" Spike quickly rushes out of the room blushing profusely.
  350. "Well that was embarrassing."
  352. "I can always go to the closet and read all the books you threw in there and make it worse."
  354. "Please don't."
  356. You chuckle before planting a fleeting kiss on her lips.
  358. "If you don't mind I'm going to go grab something to drink," you say as you make your way out of bed.
  360. "We should have orange juice in the fridge"
  362. You walk down the stairs and make your way to the fridge, grabbing the container of orange juice and taking a long swig.
  364. As you turn around you see spike standing in front of you, dumb founded.
  366. "I didn't know you had a tail?" he says, surprised.
  368. "Right... no pants. Maybe I should charge pay-per-view for this thing"

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