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[RGRE] [cancelled] Yandere Twilight ch1-3

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 19:23:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Anon injures himself, and Twilight takes it upon herself to nurse him back to health. Her paranoia over how he hurt himself, however, makes her VERY protective of him....
  4. ---
  5. ch 1:
  6. ---
  7. >Day You Fucked Up in Equestria
  9. >You are Anon and you are in a great deal of considerable pain.
  10. >You're laying on something hard, and lots of sharp things are digging into your back.
  11. >"My coffee table! What did you-Anon! Oh Celestia, are you okay!?"
  12. >Aw fuck, that thing was made of glass. Like, one-hundred percent made of glass. It was very post-modern, and Rarity fell in love with it the moment she saw it.
  13. >It was advertised that it was charmed to hold almost any weight, but you guess magic never factored in your fat ass.
  14. >You just HAD to try to be the big-dickingest manly man in front of Rarity and try and carry one of her bigass spools of cloth.
  15. >You groan and try to sit up, but all you end up doing is grinding more broken glass into your back.
  16. >"Oh, I just KNEW I never should have let you carry my cloth spools!"
  17. >How were you supposed to know they weighed something like eighty fucking pounds?
  18. >"I don't know HOW you managed to convince me. Now look what happened!"
  19. >Once you started lifting it, you knew that you couldn't back down. No matter what.
  20. >"Oh, you poor colt, let me help you up."
  21. >It took you nearly five months working as Rarity's assistance to convince her to let you do some heavy lifting, and you weren't about to throw that away.
  22. >Suddenly, pain explodes across your back.
  23. "NO NO NO LET ME GO"
  24. >Rarity gasps, and you fall back down to the floor with a wet SMACK.
  25. >You are Anon and you are in an even GREATER deal of considerable pain.
  26. >You've got tunnel vision and everything.
  27. >>"Hey, Rarity, what was that noi-Anon!"
  28. >Oh hey it's Twilight.
  31. >>"What did you do to him?!"
  32. >"I-I-nothing! He was carrying something and he fell onto my table!"
  33. >>"Well why did you let him do that?!"
  34. >"He kept bugging me to help! I gave him the biggest spool of cloth I had to lift, and he was supposed to give up when it was too heavy for him!"
  35. >Oh, that bitch.
  36. >>"You said you would take care of him! For Celestia's sake, Rarity, he's just a colt!"
  37. >Rarity just started sputtering.
  38. >Noticing the wet warmth on your back, you moan pitifully to get their attention.
  39. >>"Go get a doctor, right now!"
  40. >"B-but darling-"
  41. >>"Just go!"
  42. >You hear the sounds of Rarity sprinting out the door.
  43. >A few seconds later, Twilight's hot breath tickles your ear.
  44. >>"It's going to be okay, Anon, help is on the way. Y-you keep being br-brave for me, okay?"
  45. >Aw jeez, she's starting to cry.
  46. >>"I'll keep you safe from n-now on, okay? You w-won't have to see Rarity ever again."
  47. >You would object that this entire incident was your own fault, but right now breathing hurts like a MOTHERFUCKER.
  48. >>"Oooh, Anon, I KNEW I never sh-should have let you out of my library.... If I had just kept my eye on you, you wouldn't be here, bleeding all over the ground...."
  49. >Yeesh. You remember your first few days here in Equestria. You were half an inch away from having to deal with yandere-Twilight, before Rarity offered you a job/living quarters.
  50. >>"But it's going to be okay, sweetie..."
  51. >Sweetie?
  52. >Wha-she's stroking your head, now.
  53. >You're both flattered and a bit uneasy.
  54. >>"I'll treat you like a mare should treat a stallion. I won't work you to death like RARITY."
  55. >She hissed out her friend's name like venom.
  56. >>"I'll make sure Rarity won't ever go near you again."
  57. >Her grip on your head tightens noticeably.
  58. >>"I promise."
  59. >welp
  60. ---
  61. ch 2:
  62. ---
  63. >Day beep.... beep.... beep.... in Equestria
  65. >You are Anon and you are slowly regaining consciousness.
  66. >"....non?"
  67. >"...ctor, I thi.... king up!"
  68. >Awareness returns to you with all the speed and grace of molasses on a summer Sunday.
  69. >Your drug-addled brain eventually tells you that you're in a hospital.
  70. >You can tell because of the hospital bed you're lying on;
  71. >The hospital gown you're wearing;
  72. >The nearby beeps from hospital machines;
  73. >And the fact that you remember being carried away to the hospital and prepared for surgery.
  74. >Good job, brain. Ten-oudda-ten, hundred percent, game of the year.
  75. >>"Anon, can you hear me? Do you understand me?"
  76. >Aww, it's a doctor pony! And she's got a widdle labcoat and eye-gwasses!
  77. "Yea'."
  78. >You've never felt more eloquent. This drug-induced coma is doing wonders for your charisma.
  79. >Jesus, it feels like they dosed you up with horse tranq.....
  80. >Oh.
  81. >Right.
  82. >Doctor-pony says doctor things, but you are too busy trying not to throw up to really listen.
  83. >But it's okay. You can hear another voice talking too, so you guess the doctor was talking to her instead.
  84. >A sniffle from your right brings to your attention the presence of a pony by your side.
  85. >Hecks and dang, it's Twilight! She's got your hand if her hooves and she looks like she was just told that you've got horsecancer.
  87. >She looks awful.
  88. >"Th-they couldn't g-get your back to he-heal with magic."
  89. >Oh, she sounds so distraught. You give her your best smile.
  90. >"Th-they had to c-cut your back open to get all of the gl-glass out... They say it had b-been their first instance of non-magical invasive suh-surgery in nearly a decade..."
  91. >She crawls onto your bed and buries her face into your armpit, using her magic to wrap your arm around her.
  92. >Oh gosh she's trembling.
  93. >"There was so mu-huch blood! They t-told me over and over that you cuh-couldn't feel an-anything, but it was so hard to wa-ha-ha-hatch!"
  94. >And now she's crying. You pull her onto your chest and wrap her in a hug. Yandere behaviour or not, >Twilight's still your friend.
  95. >You stay like this for a few minutes; she really needs a hug.
  96. >Maybe Twilight's not so bad aftera-
  97. CREEK
  98. >And like a flash, Twilight's returned to her chair.
  99. >Just in time for the door to open and a few of your other friends to come in.
  100. >Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.
  102. >They're all looking down at you, and you can tell they were very worried.
  103. >Except for Rainbow Dash.
  104. >The first thing that catches her attention is Twilight trying to wipe away all evidence of her crying.
  105. >RD: "...Twilight, were you seriously crying just now?"
  106. >TS: "N-no, of course not! Anon's just fine, why would I be upset?"
  107. >Rainbow Dash is taking WAY too much pleasure out of ribbing Twilight.
  108. >RD: "Haha, whatever, Twilight. Don't be such a bucking filly-fooler."
  109. >AJ: "Rainbow Dash, that's enough. T'aint nothin' wrong wit' cryin' when yer friend is in the hospital."
  110. >TS: "Y-yeah, Dash, I'm confident enough in my maresculinity that I can express how distraught I felt when the doctors told me that healing magic doesn't work on Anon and they had to DIG though his FLESH with KNIVES to get everything out."
  111. >Woah, Twilight sure worked up a real head full of steam there.
  112. >Rainbow Dash's blue face is starting to take on a shade of green. She looks over at you and you can see a mixture of shock, remorse, and concern.
  113. >RD: "I-I didn't know. Oh gosh, Anon, are you alright now?"
  114. >She looks like she wants to get closer to you, but after a glance at Twilight, stays where she is.
  115. "I told you, humans are durable. It takes more than a little bit of broken glass to keep one of us down."
  116. >Sure is easy to say that when you aren't bleeding to death on the floor of Rarity's boutique.
  117. >Pinkie Pie's been awfully quiet this whole time.
  118. >Where did she ge-Oh.
  119. >She's on the bed next to you and she's eating your hospital lunch.
  120. >Whatever, the green J-ello probably used pulverized hay as a gelatinizing agent, and you're pretty sure that would either give you the runs, or poison you.
  122. >Speaking of ponies not contributing to the conversation...
  123. "Hey guys, where's Rarity?"
  124. >Everyone looks a little bit uncomfortable now.
  125. >Applejack opens her mouth to speak, but Twilight gets there first.
  126. >TS: "Oh, silly me! I guess I forgot to invite her."
  127. >She tries to giggle dismissively, but it sounds more like she's cackling madly.
  128. >And it looks like Applejack's trying to say something again.
  129. >AJ: "Anawn.... Ah know this might no' be the best time ter be askin' this.... and ah know this might make you feel uncomfortable, but the mares and ah really, REALLY, need to know...."
  130. >Twilight's crawled back onto your bed and is nuzzling your face.
  131. >She's muttering words of comfort in your ear.
  132. >AJ: "Did yuh really fall onto the table, or did....."
  133. >She glances to the door, looking nervous, and her voice drops to a whisper.
  134. >AJ: "...or did somep0ny.... contribute to yer accident?"
  135. >You don't really know what she's trying to get at. You're like twice the size of these ponies. How could they hurt you?
  136. "What do you mean, Applejack? The only other pony there was..... Rarity...."
  137. >Oh shit now you know what they mean. Why would they think that she'd try and hurt you?
  138. >The look of realization on your face must have been enough for Applejack. She's nodding to herself and the look in her eyes promises pain.
  139. >You have to stop this.
  140. "W-wait, Rarity didn't do this to me. It was an accident, really!"
  141. >TS: "So you're saying that you just HAPPENED to fall just as you passed a glass table...."
  142. >TS: "Which just HAPPENS to be enchanted to hold almost any weight...."
  143. >Was that a crack about your weight?
  144. >TS: "And out of ALL the possible directions you could have fallen, you just HAPPEN to fall in the direction of the glass table."
  145. >You're trying to think of something to say, but these accusations are coming too hot and fast for your drug-addled brain to really process.
  146. >RD: "Wait wait wait. Are you implying that Rarity.... HURT.... Anon? A colt?"
  148. Applejack sighs from beside you. She sounds.... defeated.
  149. >AJ: "Rainbow, sometimes you think you know a pony, an' then they turn'round an' y'all find out they were a mannicore in a pony's clothin'."
  150. >AJ: "Ah used to have an aunt down in Appleloosa, and when we went to visit she was the kahndest, most generous ol' mare y'all ever done seen."
  151. >AJ: "Then we found out from the neighbors that she would hit mah uncle 'cause of the smallest thangs. Dinner wasn't made on time... the house wasn't clean.... she was drunk..."
  152. >AJ: "Dashie, looks can be deceivin'. It's always the last pony y'all expect it to be."
  153. >Wow. You had no idea that Applejack was carrying that weight around. No wonder she's one of the sweetest ponies you know; she doesn't want to make anypony feel the same way her aunt made her uncle feel.
  155. >AJ: "Anon, nunnuh this is yer fault. You have no reason to feel 'shamed over this. Please, jus' tell us: Is Rarity hurtin' you?"
  156. >Oh god what do you even say? This is so fucked up. Ponyland was supposed to be happy and sunshine and shit!
  157. >You're saved having to answer by Rarity herself bursting in the room.
  158. >R: "Goodness me! I had to hear from one of my customers that the five of you had gone to visit Anonymous in the hospital. I was so worried! How could you not tell me?"
  159. ---
  160. ch 3:
  161. ---
  162. >Day Tomorrow in Equestria.
  164. >You are Anon and this isn't your house.
  165. >Rarity left not long after checking up on you. Said that she didn't want to leave Sweetie Belle alone in the boutique.
  166. >After that, you and your five pony friends had a long discussion.
  167. >You did your best to explain to Twilight and her friends what had happened.
  168. >You said that you were trying to prove a point by lifting heavy shit for Rarity.
  169. >After giving you a steady income and a place to sleep, you weren't about to throw Rarity to the dogs.
  170. >Why were they so eager to believe the worst of their friend, anyway?
  171. >At least they agreed not to confront Rarity about it.
  172. >You wanted to be mad about their behaviour, but then before they left, they hugged you one-by-one and told you that you were always welcome to go to them if you ever have any more "accidents".
  173. >Stupid, caring ponies....
  174. >You were discharged the next morning, and left in Twilight's care.
  175. >The doctors didn't know how you would react to non-magical recovery, so they wanted somepony to keep an eye on you for a bit.
  176. >AJ looked like she wanted to volunteer to aid in your recovery, but Twilight wasn't letting ANYPONY else near those release forms.
  177. >And so here you are, laying on a couch in Golden Oaks Library.
  178. >"I hope you don't mind too much, Anon, but I took the liberty of bringing your things into my spare bedroom."
  179. >Excuse you?
  180. >Yes, actually, you DO mind.
  181. >You were just staying here for like a week. All you needed were about two pairs of undies, a couple of shirts, and a pair of pants.
  182. >.....
  183. >You've lived alone for far too long.
  184. >Flipping your underwear inside out to keep them "fresh" used to be a joke for you.
  185. >The look on your face must have been enough, because Twilight begins to panic and apologise.
  186. >"D-dont give me that look, Anon! It isn't like I went through your clothes or anything!" [spoiler]b-baka![/spoiler]
  188. >Wait, what?
  189. >That... had never actually crossed your mind.
  190. >Aww, look at her. She's all flustered now.
  191. >"I mean, I wouldn't even know what half of your clothes were even FOR. I'm not some creeper who stalks the colt's underwear section."
  192. >Well this conversation has taken a strange turn.
  193. >Smile and nod, Anon.
  194. >Smile and nod.
  195. "It's fine, Twilight. Don't worry about it, okay? I'll go through it later."
  196. >An awkward silence fills the room.
  197. >"So.... are you hungry?"
  198. >You bet your biscuits you were! Pinkie Pie was merciless with your hospital meals.
  199. "I could eat, yeah."
  200. >Twilight is up like a shot before you even finish your sentence.
  201. >"I'll get you something!"
  202. >Something turned out to be Celesti-os.
  203. >The fuck are Celesti-os anyway?
  204. >You normally wouldn't really mind eating a bowl full of Celestia's chocolate frosted ponut, but Twilight insisted on feeding you.
  205. >Which, again, wouldn't be so bad under normal circumstances. Hell, you would think that it was really CUTE of Twilight to be doing this, but.....
  206. >"Open wide for the royal chariot! Vrooooom...!"
  207. >Fucking Twilight.
  209. >"I spent all night looking over our research notes to see what you could eat, Anon."
  210. >Oh jeez.
  211. >You remember this.
  212. >Your first few days in horseland were WEIRD.
  213. >"And maybe.... since the doctor said you should be resting.... I could ask you a few more questions about humans?"
  214. >This mare right here.
  215. >Well, she IS letting you stay in her house for free.
  216. >And you still haven't forgotten what happened right after you woke up in the hospital.
  217. >......
  218. >Fuck it.
  219. "Sure thing, Twilight. Go ahead."
  220. >The questions she asked and the answers you've given could FILL a STORY all by themselves.
  222. >You skip over to the tail-end of your Q&A session, where Twilight's been discussing humans and their magic (or lack-thereof) for the last 45 minutes.
  223. >"Anon..... I worry about you."
  224. >Aww. That's sweet of her.
  225. "Twilight, this is the first time I hurt myself since I arrived here."
  226. >Twilight scrunches up her face when you say that. She STILL isn't convinced that Rarity had nothing to do with your accident.
  227. >"Anon, a unicorn would have instinctively used her magic to catch herself before she fell. She wouldn't even have to think about it."
  228. >"Even an earth pony's magic would kick in and prevent any sort of serious injury. How else do you think Applejack kicks trees every day without shattering her hooves?"
  229. >You've never actually thought about that before.
  230. >You had mentally shrugged and said 'magic', but now you know..... that it really WAS magic.
  231. >"If I hadn't been there when you got hurt, you probably would have bled to death."
  233. >Oh no, she's upset again.
  234. >You hate to see her cry.
  235. >Wordlessly, you hold open your arms, and Twilight crawls onto your lap and wraps her hooves around your neck.
  236. >"Oh Celestia, l-look at me. You're the one wuh-who's injured, and I'm crying like a little cuh-colt."
  237. >"Sorry you have to see this, Ah-anon. I'm supposed to be the strong one h-here."
  238. >You pat her back and don't say anything.
  239. >"I can't let you get hurt any more, Anon. You're t-too precious."
  240. >Aww.
  241. >"You're the only one of your kind, and I can't risk you dying!"
  242. >And here you almost thought she cared about you.
  243. >You sigh.
  244. "Twilight, I can take care of myself. This accident was a one-time thing."
  245. >Twilight stops crying and stares into your eyes. They still shine with tears, but now she looks angry instead of sad.
  246. >"It's NEVER a one-time thing, Anon!"
  247. >Oh wow why are we suddenly shouting?
  248. >"Weren't you listening to Applejack?!"
  249. >Not this shit again.
  250. >Twilight closes her eyes and breathes hard, trying to calm herself down.
  251. >"Anon, I know that you're a strong independant stallion [spoiler]who don't need no mare.[/spoiler]"
  252. >Why is she so quiet all of the sudden? Is she so angry that she looped back around to calm?
  253. >Has she achieved Rage Nirvana?
  254. >"And I know you like to do things on your own., but sometimes you just CAN'T. Didn't you hear me when I was talking about how magic protects ponies? Anon, you don't HAVE that protection. Even if you ARE bigger than we are, you're still more vulnerable than a foal."
  255. >fite me irl
  256. >"What kind of mare would I be if I just let that happen?"
  257. >She's stroking your head again.
  258. >Oh god you're getting creepy yandere flashbacks
  259. >"Anon, this is your home now."
  260. >You don't even know how to appropriately respond to something like that.

[RGRE] Courting Anon ch. 1-4

by AnalPlugAnon

[RGRE] [cancelled] Yandere Twilight ch1-3

by AnalPlugAnon

[RGRE] One-Shots

by AnalPlugAnon

[RGRE] [cancelled] The Green Horsefucker

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[RGRE] Anon the Cakeslut

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