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[RGRE] [Age Difference?] Mister Anonymous

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 19:56:37
Expiry: Never

  1. >"It's obvious he just gave the filly what she wanted"
  2. >"best teacher ever"
  3. >"if that hot mess moleted me as a filly i wouldn't lak a word. oh of course not i'd brag like hell"
  4. >"that 'filly' was in her last year in school, sometimes the law is just stupid"
  6. ---------------------------------------
  8. >You are Lazy Days, and you're out drinking with a few of your mare-friends.
  9. >N-no homo.
  10. >Candy Hugs is bragging about the time she was double-teamed by two stallions, and Snuggle Fluff is telling her story about how this one stallion from a few years ago lasted a whole 45 seconds.
  11. >Pfft.
  12. >You've got a trump card that beats them all.
  13. >Every single time.
  14. >You down the remainder of your cider and pound the tankard on the table to get their attention.
  15. "I can do the both you you one better."
  16. >They look at you expectedly, each nursing their own drinks.
  17. "Back when I was in Elementary School.... uh, do either of you remember Mister Anonymous? The Human?"
  18. >Both of them nod, unsure of where you're going with this.
  19. "Well, one day he told me to wait for him after class. He took me to that little room behind the classroom and he started to pet my mane and told me that I was a pretty pony."
  20. >You flag down the waiter for another cider, making sure to get a good look at his plot when he turns and walks away.
  21. "The next thing I know, he's kissing me."
  22. >"Bullshit!"
  23. >That was Candy Hugs.
  24. >>"Yeah, this never happened, Lazy. Give it up."
  25. >And there's Snuggle Fluff.
  26. >You shake your head.
  27. "I can describe to you both exactly what a human penis looks like, and you can take that to Princess Twilight to confirm it."
  28. >Your two friends are looking at each other with growing smiles.
  29. "After that, he lays me down on my back on his couch and starts licking my cunt, right?"
  30. >Snuggle Fluff is impressed.
  31. >>"But... but stallions HATE doing that."
  32. "Not Mister Anonymous, the way he was going at it. He made sure I came before he took off his human pants and showed me his cock."
  34. >You smile nostalgically.
  35. "It had this big, purple bulbous head, and the smell that came off it was so much stronger than any stallion I've fucked since then."
  36. >Your cider arrives and you thank your waiter with a quick slap on the flank.
  37. "He was smaller than most stallions, I'll admit that. But here's another thing you can double-check with the Princess of Friendship: Human Stamina. Y'all dykes were bragging about your colts lasting up to 45 seconds, but MY Anonymous lasted TEN MINUTES."
  38. >By the looks on their faces, your friends either can't believe you, or they're just in shock.
  39. "Swear on my papa's grave. I came so many times that day."
  40. >You bask in the silence that follows and enjoy your drink. Your friends need a chance to recover from getting their booty-stories BLOWN OUT OF THE FUCKING WATER.
  41. >Candy Hugs is the first to speak up.
  42. >"H-how old were you?"
  43. >You lean back in your chair and grin proudly.
  44. "Ten years old. And you know what? We kept fucking til I left for high school."
  45. >You down the remainder of your drink and consider asking for another.
  46. "Best part was, I never smelt another filly's scent on him."
  47. >You smile sadly, having not see Anonymous in almost a decade.
  48. "I was his special little filly."
  49. >He told you so every single day.

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