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[RGRE] Anon In Pantheon

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 20:02:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, sole human of the Minotaur lands.
  2. >Pantheon, or something.
  3. >As it is, you're fresh off of the train and you're heading towards your new home.
  4. >It was pretty cheap, and they didn't even want the money up front.
  5. >Misses Nook is a swell gal.
  6. >She seemed oddly affronted when you told her that you didn't want to use the milk delivery service, though.
  7. >You don't know if you have an icebox yet, and you would HATE for all that dairy to go bad.
  8. >Anyway, you spilled your drink all over your shirt while you were on the train, so you're walking around in a wifebeater.
  9. >Minotauress' starin' at you
  10. >They mirin'
  11. >"Ayy, Papi!"
  12. >Hmm?
  13. >Some minotaur girls are leaning up against a nearby fence, and they're waving at you.
  14. >"You come with me, I bulk you up, yeah?"
  15. >Another one flexes at you.
  16. >"Eh, you see these? You see these? Come, I carry you home with me!"
  17. >The third and final one turns around and begins to flex her glutes.
  18. >"I make you feel good. You give me coconut oil, yes?"
  19. >You do not make it home that night.
  20. [spoiler]>You give lots of coconut oil.[/spoiler]
  22. >You are Anon, and you are walking away with three sexy cow-ladies.
  23. >Two steps off of the train and you're already covered in bitches.
  24. >Hmm. Might want to at least get their names if you're going to be following them to parts unknown.
  25. >Presumably for sex, but they could just as easily be drumming up business for their gym.
  26. >You just agreed to sign up for some kind of membership, didn't you?
  27. >Fuck's sake.
  28. "So, have you three got names?"
  29. >No.
  30. >"I am Valentina."
  31. >"Mine name is Anna."
  32. >"My mother named me Zhanna. Is name of brave warrior. She die fighting off many pony. Take lots magic to fell her. Is great-grandmother, yes?"
  33. >Zhanna nudges you with her elbow, which nearly knocks you off balance.
  34. >Z: "What is name, cutie?"
  35. "Anonymous. You can call me Anon, though."
  36. >Valentina "hmph"s.
  37. >V: "Is not safe to be alone on streets. You want be safe, yes?"
  38. >Anna joins in, spring-boarding on Valentina's words.
  39. >A: "We keep you safe. Live in big house, made of brick. We three, we build ourselves."
  40. >You turn the corner and find a lone house, made out of brick.
  41. >Speak of the devil.
  42. >Zhanna drapes her well-toned arm over your shoulder and points to the house.
  43. >Z: "Come, come. You see, yes? Is house of pride. Minotaur try to break and get you; they will fail. Many bricks. Many hard work. Safe."
  44. >Valentina walks ahead of you, turns, and starts walking backwards. She doesn't break eye-contact.
  45. >V: "We not ask much, yes? Not bits, not labour. Just want love. You give us love, we keep you safe."
  46. >Anna marches ahead and starts undoing the locks on the door.
  47. >Fuck your titties, are you just about to enter a rape-dungeon?
  48. >Picking up on your discomfort, Zhanna stops and pulls you into a hug. Your head is right between her enormous, naked breasts.
  49. >"Do not be scare, Anon. Not hurt bull, is bad."
  50. >She pulls you inside the house by your hand.
  51. >Seems Anna finished with those locks.
  52. >Free home, you guess.
  53. [spoiler]>You give lots of coconut oil.[/spoiler]
  55. >Day 31 in Pantheon
  56. >Minowaifus protect you from all the competition out there.
  57. >Heh
  58. >Compe-tit-ion
  59. >It's funny because these tauresses go shirtless all the time.
  60. >Christ you're tired.
  61. >It's early in the morning and you are performing your duties.
  62. >The deal was you keep the tauresses happy, and they keep you safe in their third-little-piggy-approved brick house.
  63. >So, you wake up at 4:30 in the morning to give you time to wake up and get ready.
  64. >The day starts at 5 AM, where you prepare a nutritious breakfast of eggs, cuds, grains, and hay.
  65. >Once that's done, you leave it on the stovetop over a low fire (to keep it warm) and wake up your new... herd?
  66. >Whatever those weird horses called this sort of situation.
  67. >You learned pretty quickly what was expected of you.
  68. >And frankly? You're okay with it. Maybe if you were an Equestrian-born male you'd feel intimidated and oppressed, but you grew up where YOU were the less-appreciated sex, and this gives you the HARDEST erection ever.
  69. >They really meant it when they said they wanted love in exchange for protection.
  70. >The morning starts with Anna.
  71. >She is by far the bustiest tauress in this brick house, and she makes a living selling her milk to foreign lands, black-market style.
  72. >You had such a giggle m8 when she told you that it was actually called the "white-market".
  73. >You start by gently rolling her on her side and removing her top.
  74. >Bedtime is the only time tauresses wear bras; either for support while they sleep, or to protect the goods, like Anna here.
  75. >You start by working her nipples with your mouth, slowly drawing out warm milk.
  76. >It's watery at first, so you gulp down a few mouthfuls until the good stuff starts flowing.
  77. >It's like nothing you've ever tasted. It puts the shitty plastic gallons of milk you used to buy to shame.
  78. >Doesn't stop you from gulping a few mouthfuls of that too, but Anna is forgiving.
  79. >She says she knows that no bull can resist.
  80. >The gentle sounds of milk squirting into an increasingly-full bucket rouses Anna.
  81. >She smiles fondly at you and gently strokes your hair.
  82. >Anna: "Anon, you are best at milking. Know just how Anna like, yes."
  83. >You know EXACTLY how Anna like.
  84. >Yes.
  85. >You take your time in easing your free hand down her toned, scared tummy.
  86. >Down her teats-free pelvis.
  87. >Down to her cow-sex.
  88. >She's wet already.
  89. >She'll never admit it, but half the reason Anna went into the milk business was because she loved having her tits milked.
  90. >"K-keep going, Anon. Increase milk production!"
  91. >That's the best thing about your role right here: sexual stimulation increases milk production.
  92. >That's what your tauresses tell you, anyway.
  93. >You tease her thick, meaty lips with a few thin, dexterous fingers in ways that a clumsy 3-fingered minotaur never could.
  94. >Even outside horseland, your hands are a valuable asset.
  95. >"Put erect hoof-penis array inside, Anon. Is ready time."
  96. >What?
  97. >You go ahead and start pumping your fingers inside of her.
  98. >You're pretty sure that's what she wanted.
  99. >You guess it's ready time.
  100. >"Ahn! Ooh! Is- Is ready time! Nonna, is ready time!"
  101. >Haha what the fuck.
  102. >You alternate between her mino-tits, giving each bulging milk-bag equal amounts of attention.
  103. >By the time Anna cums, the milk bucket is properly full.
  104. >Sweaty, panting Anna pulls you up into a rough, passionate kiss.
  105. >When your tongue is available again, you pull back and kiss her on the nose.
  106. "Was that good, Anna?"
  107. >"Is very good, Nonna. Mnogo moloka."
  109. >It's exercise time now.
  110. >You were technically right when you thought that you were being shanghai'd into joining a gym.
  111. >Body-building, you've been told, is apparently a big part of Minotaur culture.
  112. >After a brief rub-down, Zhanna had this to say:
  113. >"Your body is having blank slate, Anny. Not Minotaur, but Minotaur. Muscle is different and exotic; bulge where no Minotaur bulge. Will make you have muscle and be pretty, Anny. To be giving heifer sex-drool down leg."
  114. >You're pretty sure that means they're going to make you the Minotaur equivalent of a twink.
  115. >Zhanna has you working out every morning after you're done milking Anna.
  116. >It's hard work, but it's worth it in the end.
  117. >Zhanna picks you up, carries you to your room, and you cuddle for a few hours.
  118. >"Is what the tiny bull want, to be cuddle. Rest muscle, give rubdown. Zhanna like after-workout rubdown. Makes her feel tingles in vlagalishche and warmth in heart."
  119. >You rest your head on her chest, right in between her breasts, and sigh in contentment.
  120. "I like our cuddles too, Zhanna."
  121. >"When I see you on street, I look at beautiful eyes and mine heart stop. Like deepest forest green moss. Have face with good, hard edges. Is like looking at strong rock. Rock that can weather any storm."
  122. >She flips you over and looks into your eyes.
  123. >"But you so small; small like bull, but no pretty muscles. I scare for you, so sister-friends and me call you. Flex muscle, show how good providing you. You impress; you come. We do not regret."
  124. >That's the most romantic thing you've ever barely understood.

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