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[RGRE] Dumb Christmas Thin

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 20:03:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >You and your five friend nervously stand in front of Anon's front door.
  2. >The cold north wind brings with it sheets of ice, but you can barely feel it through your warm coat.
  3. "I hope Anon remembers to wear the jacket that Rarity made for him."
  4. >Your friends nod in silent agreement.
  5. >You still can't believe that Anon went out into last week's blizzard to fetch a bundle of firewood from town.
  6. >If you had known that he was low, you and the mares would have gone out and gotten him some.
  7. >R: "I just hope that Anon doesn't use it as an excuse to go outside and risk getting ill."
  8. >Just then, the door opens, and Anon stands before you in all his pajama'd glory.
  9. >Anon: "What're you gals doin' here? S'late."
  10. >Rarity sighs dramatically and pushes past the human.
  11. >R: "Typical colt. You can worry about getting your beauty sleep later, Anon. Right now, we need to talk."
  12. >Anon: " 'bout what?"
  13. >You can't contain yourself any more and point a hoof at the bundle of bio-hazardous material he has hanging above his front door.
  14. "That!"
  15. >Anon follows your hoof while the mares shuffle uneasily.
  16. >Who knows what state Anon has to be in for him to think hanging POISON around his house was a good idea.
  17. >Anon: "That's mistletoe."
  18. >My god.
  19. >He KNOWS it's poison.
  20. >And he STILL hangs it up?!
  21. "Anon, aren't you worried? It's poison! What were you thinking?"
  22. >R: "What if it fell into your food? You colts can be so air-headed sometimes; I doubt you'd even notice that the mistletoe was there until it was too late."
  23. >Instead of concerned, scared, or grateful, Anon looks... amused?
  24. >Anon: "Is that what you came all the way over to talk to me about? Mistletoe?"
  25. "Anon, this is serious. Drastic, unexplained change in home decor suggests a shift in your mental well-being."
  26. >Anon just laughs and invites you into his sitting room and crouches down to your level.
  27. >Anon: "Girls, hanging mistletoe is part of a human holiday tradition. And you know what tradition dictates when people meet under the mistletoe?
  28. "No, wh-"
  29. >Urist McSparkle cancels work orders: interrupted by human.
  31. >The six of you lie huddled around your human, sipping hot chocolate and eating cookies.
  32. >You try and snuggle deeper into his warm chest, and succeed only in tickling his chin with your mane.
  33. "You know, this 'Christmas Tree' thing is actually quite charming, Anon."
  34. >AJ: "He can bake, and he's a real good kisser. Ah tell y'all, Twahlahght, this one's a keeper."
  35. >Anon just chuckles and kisses you both on the head.

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