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There's A Changeling In My Bed

By AnalPlugAnon
Created: 2020-12-25 20:04:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and there's a changeling in your bed.
  2. >Yup, a tiny baby changeling is cuddled into your side like a widdle sweetheart.
  3. >She didn't have a name, so you name her Cuddle Wings.
  4. >You were going to go for a normal name like "Mary" or "Cocksleeve", but you wanted something that would blend in with the other ponies.
  5. >She arrived on your doorstep about three months ago, battered and bleeding.
  6. >She survived the raid on Canterlot, and when she was unable to find her Hive, she locked on to the largest source of love in the general area and headed out for it.
  7. >Turns out humans have love in spades.
  8. >Maybe it has something to do with Friendship LITERALLY being magic.
  9. >Since you have no way of doing any magic, your Friendship reserves are untouched.
  10. >Sometimes you find other regular ponies snuggled up to you when you wake up in the morning, but you never recognize any of them.
  11. >You're pretty sure they're other changelings.
  12. "Wake up, sweetheart."
  13. >Cuddle Wings tosses and turns in her sleep and lets out an adorable whine.
  14. >"Don' wanna..."
  15. >Aww.
  16. >You pick her up anyways.
  17. >Your little darling can't waste away the day now, can she?
  18. >"Daaaad! Put me down!"
  19. >Your heart climaxes ever time she calls you "dad".
  20. >You were heartbroken when you realized that, being the only human (and priding yourself as a non-horsefucker), you were unlikely to ever have children of your own.
  21. >But then Cuddle Wings came into your life, and you've never been happier.
  22. >The citizens of Ponyville reacted one of three ways:
  23. >One, they admired you for adopting a filly (you made sure her disguise was flawless when she left the house) and raising her all on your own.
  24. >Two, they pitied you for being unable to find a nice mare to support you.
  25. >Every fucking pony in this town is like a Jewish mother, swear to god.
  26. >"Oh Anon, your neighbour has a herd. Why don't you?"
  28. >Turns out the "single Dad" look gets more pity than anything else; Twilight explained to you that it implies that you weren't fit to lead a herd, and your mares dumped their/your kid(s) onto you.
  29. >That's when she tried to pity-fuck you.
  30. >Right in front of your daughter.
  31. >There's a reason you live on the edge of town, man.
  32. >You bring Cuddle Wings into the living room while you go wake up her sisters.
  33. >Again, you're pretty sure they're changelings, but you can't prove anything.
  34. >DING DONG
  35. >oh goodness who could this be
  36. >You open your door and find a tall unicorn mare, about the hight of Princess Celestia.
  37. >"Hello, human. I am... Sunny Days, and I just wanted to check up on yo-"
  38. >>"Mommy!"
  39. >Cuddle Wings, sans disguise, comes running into the room and wraps her hooves around Sunny Days' forelegs.
  40. >The other four identical bug-fillies (YOU FUCKING KNEW IT) join in and jabber on about how much they missed her and how much fun they're having with "daddy".
  41. >Long story short, the new changeling hive is situated just outside of Ponyville.
  42. >Now that you've apparently listened to the ponies and found a "herd", nopony suspects a thing.
  44. THE END
  45. Happy New Years, faggots.

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